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[窺視] kuīshì to peep at
to spy on
to peek

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        tōukuī, [偷窺], to peep/to peek/to act as voyeur
        kuītàn, [窺探], to pry into or spy on/to snoop/to peep/to poke one's nose into/to peer/to get a ...
        kuīshì, [窺視], to peep at/to spy on/to peek
        kuī, [窺]/[闚], to peep/to pry into, variant of 窺|窥[kuī]
        nèikuījìng, [內窺鏡], endoscope
        kuīwàng, [窺望], to peep/to spy on
        guǎnzhōngkuībào, [管中窺豹], lit. to see a leopard through a narrow tube (idiom); fig. to miss the big pictur...
        kuīsì, [窺伺], to spy upon/to lie in wait for (an opportunity)

        diànshì, [電視], television/TV/CL:臺|台[tái],個|个[gè]
        jiānshì, [監視], to monitor/to keep a close watch over/surveillance
        shìpín, [視頻], video
        diànshìtái, [電視臺], television station/CL:個|个[gè]
        shì, [眎]/[眡]/[視], variant of 視|视[shì]/variant of 示[shì], old variant of 視|视[shì], to look at/to re...
线         shìxiàn, [視線], line of sight
        diànshìjù, [電視劇], TV play/soap opera/CL:部[bù]
        wúshì, [無視], to ignore/to disregard
        hūshì, [忽視], to neglect/to ignore
        diànshìjī, [電視機], television set/CL:臺|台[tái]
        qíshì, [歧視], to discriminate against/discrimination
        zhòngshì, [重視], to attach importance to sth/to value
        jiānshìqì, [監視器], security camera/surveillance monitor
        zhùshì, [注視], to watch attentively/to gaze at
        shōushìlǜ, [收視率], ratings (of a TV show)
        shìjué, [視覺], sight/vision/visual
        shìwéi, [視為], to view as/to see as/to consider to be/to deem
        shìlì, [視力], vision/eyesight
        shìyě, [視野], field of view/horizon
        bǐshì, [鄙視], to despise/to disdain/to look down upon
线         yǒuxiàndiànshì, [有線電視], cable television
        shìérbùjiàn, [視而不見], to turn a blind eye to/to ignore
        miǎoshì, [藐視], to despise/to look down on
        tànshì, [探視], to visit (a patient, prisoner etc)/to look inquiringly
        shìjiǎo, [視角], viewpoint/angle on sth/perspective
        zhíshì, [直視], to look straight at
        shěnshì, [審視], to look closely at/to examine
        zhǒngzúqíshì, [種族歧視], racial discrimination/racism
        mièshì, [蔑視], to loathe/to despise/contempt
        níngshì, [凝視], to gaze at/to fix one's eyes on
        zhèngshì, [正視], to face squarely/to meet head on/to face up to
        qīngshì, [輕視], contempt/contemptuous/to despise/to scorn/scornful
        xúnshì, [巡視], to patrol/to make a tour/to inspect/to scan with one's eyes
        tòushì, [透視], to see through/perspective/to examine by fluoroscopy (i.e. X-ray)
        shìwǎngmó, [視網膜], retina
        bìlùdiànshì, [閉路電視], closed-circuit television
        kuīshì, [窺視], to peep at/to spy on/to peek
        hòushìjìng, [後視鏡], rearview mirror
        shìchá, [視察], to inspect/an investigation
        chóushì, [仇視], to view sb as an enemy/to be hateful towards
        duìshì, [對視], to look face to face
        hǔshìdāndān, [虎視眈眈], to glare like a tiger watching his prey (idiom)/to eye covetously
        shìzuò, [視作], to regard as/to treat as
        fǔshì, [俯視], to overlook/to look down at
        zhēnshì, [珍視], to place great importance on/to treasure
        yǐngshì, [影視], movies and television
        yīshìtóngrén, [一視同仁], to treat everyone equally favorably (idiom); not to discriminate between people
        mòshì, [漠視], to ignore/to neglect/to treat with contempt
        díshì, [敵視], hostile/malevolence/antagonism/to view as enemy/to stand against
        shìjiè, [視界], field of vision
        jìnshì, [近視], shortsighted/nearsighted/myopia
        shúshìwúdǔ, [熟視無睹], to pay no attention to a familiar sight/to ignore
        xiéshì, [斜視], a squint/sideways glance/to look askance
        mùshì, [目視], visual
        shìruòwúdǔ, [視若無睹], to turn a blind eye to
        kěshìdiànhuà, [可視電話], videophone
        duǎnshì, [短視], to lack foresight
        shìshénjīng, [視神經], optic nerve
        ruòshì, [弱視], amblyopia
        xiǎoshì, [小視], to belittle/to look down upon/to despise
        shìsǐrúguī, [視死如歸], to view death as a return home/to not be afraid of dying/to face death with equa...
        yǎngshì, [仰視], to tilt one's head back to see (sth)/to look up at
        diànshìtǎ, [電視塔], TV tower
        yuǎnshì, [遠視], farsighted/hyperopia or hypermetropia (farsightedness)
        hùnxiáoshìtīng, [混淆視聽], to obscure the facts (idiom); to mislead the public with prevarication and delib...
        sǎoshì, [掃視], to run one's eyes over/to sweep one's eyes over
        nùshì, [怒視], to glower (at sb)/to cast an angry look
        àoshì, [傲視], to turn up one's nose/to show disdain for/to regard superciliously
        Shìchuāng/shìchuāng, [視窗], Windows (the Microsoft operating system), a window (on a computer screen)
        wèishì, [衛視], satellite TV (abbr. for 衛星電視|卫星电视[wèi xīng diàn shì])
        tòushìtú, [透視圖], perspective drawing
        shìlìbiǎo, [視力表], eye chart (used by optician)
        xǐngshì, [省視], to call upon/to inspect

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