篇 ⇒
篇 piān, sheet/piece of writing/bound set of bamboo slips used for record keeping (old)/c...
长篇大论 篇章 piānzhāng, writing/sections and chapters
千篇一律 qiānpiānyīlǜ, thousand articles, same rule (idiom); stereotyped and repetitive/once you've see...
长篇 chángpiān, [長篇], lengthy (report or speech)
短篇小说 duǎnpiānxiǎoshuō, [短篇小說], short story
短篇 诗篇 shīpiān, [詩篇], a poem/a composition in verse/fig. epic (compared with historical epic)/the bibl...
开篇 kāipiān, [開篇], start of literary work/opening song of ballad in Tanci style 彈詞|弹词[tán cí]
篇幅 piānfu, length (of a piece of writing)/space occupied on a printed page
新篇章 通篇 满篇 全篇 长篇小说 chángpiānxiǎoshuō, [長篇小說], novel
中篇小说 zhōngpiānxiǎoshuō, [中篇小說], novella
连篇累牍 liánpiānlěidú, [連篇累牘], (of a piece of writing) long and tedious (idiom)/verbose
下篇 中篇 续篇 xùpiān, [續篇], sequel/continuation (of a story)
幅 ⇒
幅 fú, width/roll/classifier for textiles or pictures
大幅 dàfú, a big margin/substantially
幅度 fúdù, width/extent/range/scope
横幅 héngfú, [橫幅], horizontal scroll/banner/streamer
那幅 大幅度 dàfúdù, by a wide margin/substantial
条幅 tiáofú, [條幅], wall scroll (for painting or calligraphy)/banner
不修边幅 bùxiūbiānfú, [不修邊幅], not care about one's appearance (idiom)/slovenly in dress and manner
篇幅 piānfu, length (of a piece of writing)/space occupied on a printed page
步幅 画幅 huàfú, [畫幅], painting/picture/dimension of a painting
巨幅 jùfú, extremely large (of paintings, photographs etc)
单幅 增幅 zēngfú, growth rate/amplification
振幅 zhènfú, amplitude
小幅 调幅 tiáofú, [調幅], amplitude modulation (AM)/size of an adjustment
涨幅 zhǎngfú, [漲幅], extent of a rise (in prices etc)/amount of increase/growth (typically expressed ...
幅员辽阔 升幅 shēngfú, extent of an increase/percentage rise