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[繁榮] fánróng prosperous
booming (economy)

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Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        pínfán, [頻繁], frequently/often
        fánzhí, to breed/to reproduce/to propagate
        fánmáng, busy/bustling
        fánróng, [繁榮], prosperous/booming (economy)
        fányǎn, to multiply/to reproduce/to increase gradually in number or quantity
        fánxīng, many stars/a vast sky full of stars
        fánhuá, [繁華], flourishing/bustling
        fánzhòng, heavy/burdensome/heavy-duty/arduous/onerous
        fánwénrùjié, [繁文縟節], convoluted and overelaborate (document)/unnecessarily elaborate writing/mumbo-ju...
        fánsuǒ, [繁瑣], many and complicated/mired in minor details
        fán, [緐], old variant of 繁[fán], complicated/many/in great numbers/abbr. for 繁體|繁体[fán tǐ]...
        fánfù, [繁複], complicated
        fánzá, [繁雜], many/diverse
        fánróngchāngshèng, [繁榮昌盛], glorious and flourishing (idiom); thriving
        fánduō, many and varied/of many different kinds
        fēnfán, [紛繁], numerous and complicated
        fánmào, exuberant/luxuriant/lush and flourishing (vegetation)/rank growth
        fántǐ, [繁體], traditional form of Chinese, as opposed to simplified form 簡體|简体[jiǎn tǐ]
        fányù, to breed
        fánshèng, prosperous/thriving/(of vegetation) luxuriant
        míngmùfánduō, names of many kinds (idiom); items of every description
        fánmì, numerous and close together/(of hair) luxuriant/(of woods) dense/(of gunfire) in...

        róngxìng, [榮幸], honored (to have the privilege of ...)
        róngyù, [榮譽], honor/credit/glory/(honorable) reputation/honorary
        Róng/róng, [榮], surname Rong, glory/honor/thriving
耀         róngyào, [榮耀], honor/glory
        guāngróng, [光榮], honor and glory/glorious
        fánróng, [繁榮], prosperous/booming (economy)
        xūróng, [虛榮], vanity
        róngguāng, [榮光], glory
        xūróngxīn, [虛榮心], vanity
        shūróng, [殊榮], special glory/distinction/rare honor/one's laurels/it's a privilege (to meet you...
        yǐnyǐwéiróng, [引以為榮], to regard it as an honor (idiom)
        rónghuò, [榮獲], be honored with
        rónghuá, [榮華], glory and splendor
        Rónggé, [榮格], Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), Swiss psychiatrist
        róngdēng, [榮登], (of a list, music chart etc) to reach the top
        xīnxīnxiàngróng, [欣欣向榮], (idiom) flourishing/thriving
        fánróngchāngshèng, [繁榮昌盛], glorious and flourishing (idiom); thriving
        rónghuáfùguì, [榮華富貴], glory, splendor, wealth and rank (idiom); high position and great wealth
        róngguī, [榮歸], to return home with honor
        guāngróngbǎng, [光榮榜], honor roll
        róngrǔyǔgòng, [榮辱與共], (of friends or partners) to share both the honor and the disgrace (idiom)
        zūnróng, [尊榮], honor and glory
        Déróng, [得榮], Dêrong county (Tibetan: sde rong rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture ...
        TiánzhōngJiǎoróng, [田中角榮], Tanaka Kakuei (1918-1993), Japanese politician, prime minister 1972-1974
        róngrǔ, [榮辱], honor and disgrace/reputation

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