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[紅軍] Hóngjūn Red Army (1928-1937), predecessor of the PLA
(Soviet) Red Army (1917-1946)

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        Hóng/hóng, [紅], surname Hong, red/popular/revolutionary/bonus
        hóngsè, [紅色], red (color)/revolutionary
        fěnhóng, [粉紅], pink
        kǒuhóng, [口紅], lipstick
        hóngdēng, [紅燈], red light
        fěnhóngsè, [粉紅色], pink
        liǎnhóng, [臉紅], to blush/to redden (with shame, indignation etc)
西         xīhóngshì, [西紅柿], tomato/CL:隻|只[zhī]
线         hóngwàixiàn, [紅外線], infrared ray
        hóngbǎoshí, [紅寶石], ruby
        hóngxīn, [紅心], heart ♥ (in card games)/red, heart-shaped symbol/bullseye
        zǒuhóng, [走紅], to be popular/to be in luck/to have good luck/to develop smoothly
        hóngwài, [紅外], infrared (ray)
        dàhóng, [大紅], crimson
        HóngNiú, [紅牛], Red Bull (energy drink)
        fēnhóng, [分紅], dividend/to award a bonus
        hóngyīzhǔjiào, [紅衣主教], Catholic Cardinal
        hóngyǎnbìng, [紅眼病], pinkeye/envy/jealousy
        hónglì, [紅利], bonus/dividend
        hónghuā, [紅花], safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)
绿         hónglǜdēng, [紅綠燈], traffic light/traffic signal
        hóngyán, [紅顏], a beautiful woman/young beauties/youths/rosy cheeks
        zǐhóngsè, [紫紅色], red-purple/mauve/prune (color)/claret
        hóngxìbāo, [紅細胞], erythrocyte/red blood cell
        tōnghóng, [通紅], very red/red through and through/to blush (deep red)
        yǎnhóng, [眼紅], to covet/envious/jealous/green with envy/infuriated/furious
线         hóngxiàn, [紅線], red line
        hóngchá, [紅茶], black tea/CL:杯[bēi],壺|壶[hú]
        hóngpái, [紅牌], red card (sports)
        dàhóngdàzǐ, [大紅大紫], to hit the big time
        Hóngjūn, [紅軍], Red Army (1928-1937), predecessor of the PLA/(Soviet) Red Army (1917-1946)
        hónghuǒ, [紅火], prosperous
        hóngmù, [紅木], red wood/mahogany/rosewood/padauk
        hóngliǎn, [紅臉], to blush/to turn red
        zànghónghuā, [藏紅花], saffron (Crocus sativus)
        hóngzhǒng, [紅腫], inflamed/red and swollen
        Hóngshízì, [紅十字], Red Cross
        huǒhóng, [火紅], fiery/blazing
        hóngbāo, [紅包], money wrapped in red as a gift/bonus payment/kickback/bribe
        hóngchén, [紅塵], the world of mortals (Buddhism)/human society/worldly affairs
        fāhóng, [發紅], to turn red/to blush/to flush
        hóngrén, [紅人], a favorite of sb in power/a celebrity/American Indian
        hóngrùn, [紅潤], ruddy/rosy/florid
        hóngdòu, [紅豆], azuki bean/red bean
        chànghóngliǎn, [唱紅臉], to play the role of the hero (idiom)/to play the good cop
        Hóngqí/hóngqí, [紅旗], Red flag city district/Hongqi district of Xinxiang city 新鄉市|新乡市[Xīn xiāng shì], ...
        hóngshāo, [紅燒], simmer-fried (dish)
        hóngtáo, [紅桃], heart ♥ (in card games)
        HóngHǎi, [紅海], Red Sea
        xiānhóng, [鮮紅], scarlet/bright red
        hóngniáng, [紅娘], matchmaker
        hóngjíyīshí, [紅極一時], tremendously popular for a while
        hóngxuèqiú, [紅血球], erythrocyte/red blood cell
        táohóng, [桃紅], pink
        kāiménhóng, [開門紅], a good beginning
        hóngtǔ, [紅土], red soil/laterite
        hóngfěn, [紅粉], rouge and powder/(fig.) the fair sex
        Hóngxīng/hóngxīng, [紅星], Hongxing district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yī chūn shì], Heilongjiang, red star/five p...
        hóngshǔ, [紅薯], sweet potato
        xuèhóngsù, [血紅素], hemoglobin
        hóngshùlín, [紅樹林], mangrove forest or swamp
绿         dēnghóngjiǔlǜ, [燈紅酒綠], lanterns red, wine green (idiom); feasting and pleasure-seeking/debauched and co...
        hóngméisù, [紅霉素]/[紅黴素], erythromycin, erythromycin
        chénghóngsè, [橙紅色], red-orange color/dark orange
        hóngcháo, [紅潮], to blush/flush/red tide (algal bloom)/menstruation
        hóngyùn, [紅暈], to blush/to flush red
        xīnghóngrè, [猩紅熱], scarlet fever
        hóngluóbo, [紅蘿蔔], carrot/radish
        huāhóng, [花紅], flowers on red silk (a traditional gift to celebrate weddings etc)/a bonus/crab ...
        miànhóngěrchì, [面紅耳赤], flushed with anger (or excitement)
        pǐnhóng, [品紅], pink/light red
        Hóngchǎng, [紅場], Red Square (in Moscow)
        xīnghóng, [猩紅], scarlet
        Hóngshān, [紅山], Hongshan district of Chifeng city 赤峰市, Inner Mongolia
        hóngtáng, [紅糖], dark brown sugar/molasses
        qīnghóngzàobái, [青紅皂白], the rights and wrongs of a matter (idiom)
        hóngtóuwénjiàn, [紅頭文件], red-letterhead document, an official document with the name of the issuing gover...
        hóngyè, [紅葉], red autumnal leaves
        yīpǐnhóng, [一品紅], poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)
        hóngyàoshuǐ, [紅藥水], mercurochrome (antiseptic solution)
绿         hóngnánlǜnǚ, [紅男綠女], young people decked out in gorgeous clothes (idiom)
        zhūhóng, [朱紅], vermilion
        fēihóng, [緋紅], crimson/scarlet
        hóngpūpū, [紅撲撲], red/rosy/flushed
        Hónghé, [紅河], Honghe county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/Red River in C...
        zōnghóng, [棕紅], reddish brown
        Hóngwèibīng, [紅衛兵], Red Guards (Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976)
        wànzǐqiānhóng, [萬紫千紅], thousands of purples and reds (idiom); a blaze of color/fig. a profusion of flou...
        Hóngbǎoshū, [紅寶書], the "Little Red Book" of selected writings of Mao Zedong (refers to 毛主席語錄|毛主席语录[...
        yānhóng, [殷紅], dark red
        tàohóng, [套紅], printing portions of a page (e.g. a banner headline) in red (or other color)
        dǎnhóngsù, [膽紅素], bilirubin
        hóngshāoròu, [紅燒肉], red braised pork
        hónglín, [紅磷], red phosphorus
        hóngshù, [紅樹], red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle)/CL:棵[kē]
        júhóng, [橘紅], orange (color)/orange peel (used in TCM)
        hónglǐngjīn, [紅領巾], red neckscarf/by extension, a member of the Young Pioneers
        hóngtōngtōng, [紅彤彤], bright red

        Jiāngjūn/jiāngjūn, [將軍], Chiangchun township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tái nán xiàn], Taiwan, general/high...
        guànjūn, [冠軍], champion/CL:個|个[gè]
        jūnduì, [軍隊], army/troops/CL:支[zhī],個|个[gè]
        hǎijūn, [海軍], navy
        jūn, [軍], army/military/arms/CL:個|个[gè]
        jūnshì, [軍事], military affairs/military matters/military
        jūnrén, [軍人], serviceman/soldier/military personnel
        kōngjūn, [空軍], air force
        jūnguān, [軍官], officer (military)
        Tóngzǐjūn/tóngzǐjūn, [童子軍], Scout (youth organization), child soldiers/juvenile militia
        jūnfāng, [軍方], military
        jūnshì, [軍士], soldier/noncommssioned officer (NCO)
        jūntuán, [軍團], corps/legion
        lùjūn, [陸軍], army/ground forces
        Měijūn, [美軍], US army/US armed forces
        jūnhuǒ, [軍火], weapons and ammunition/munitions/arms
        cānjūn, [參軍], to join the army
        jūnyòng, [軍用], (for) military use/military application
        pànjūn, [叛軍], rebel army
        díjūn, [敵軍], enemy troops/hostile forces/CL:股[gǔ]
        jìnjūn, [進軍], to march/to advance
        jūnqíng, [軍情], military situation/military intelligence
        jūnxiào, [軍校], military school/military academy
        dàjūn, [大軍], army/main forces
        jūnshìjīdì, [軍事基地], military base
        jūnyíng, [軍營], barracks/army camp
        xíngjūn, [行軍], a march (army)/to march
        jūnzhuāng, [軍裝], military uniform
退         tuìwǔjūnrén, [退伍軍人], veteran
        jūnshìfǎtíng, [軍事法庭], court-martial/military tribunal
        guànjūnsài, [冠軍賽], championship
        shízìjūn, [十字軍], crusaders/army of crusaders/the Crusades
        tóngméngjūn, [同盟軍], ally/allied forces
        méngjūn, [盟軍], allied forces
        Rìjūn, [日軍], Japanese army/Japanese troops
        chèjūn, [撤軍], to withdraw troops/to retreat
        gūjūnfènzhàn, [孤軍奮戰], lit. lone army putting up a brave fight (idiom)/fig. (of a person or group of pe...
        jūnjiàn, [軍艦], warship/military naval vessel/CL:艘[sōu]
        yàjūn, [亞軍], second place (in a sports contest)/runner-up
        jūnxián, [軍銜], army rank/military rank
        yǒujūn, [友軍], friendly forces/allies
        Yīngjūn, [英軍], British army
        jūnyī, [軍醫], military doctor
        cóngjūn, [從軍], to enlist/to serve in the army
        jūnhuǒkù, [軍火庫], arsenal
        jūnfá, [軍閥], military clique/junta/warlord
        jūnlǚ, [軍旅], army
        jūnxū, [軍需], military supplies
        jūnbèi, [軍備], (military) arms/armaments
        Jiěfàngjūn, [解放軍], People's Liberation Army (PRC armed forces)
        Hóngjūn, [紅軍], Red Army (1928-1937), predecessor of the PLA/(Soviet) Red Army (1917-1946)
        jūndāo, [軍刀], military knife/saber
        quánjūnfùmò, [全軍覆沒], total defeat of an army (idiom); fig. a complete wipeout
        quánjūn, [全軍], all-army/all-military
        sānjūn, [三軍], (in former times) upper, middle and lower army/army of right, center and left/(i...
        zhèngfǔjūn, [政府軍], government army
        jūnfǎ, [軍法], martial law
        liánjūn, [聯軍], allied armies
        zhùjūn, [駐軍], to station or garrison troops/garrison
        jítuánjūn, [集團軍], army grouping/collective army
        jūnyuèduì, [軍樂隊], brass band
        jūnlì, [軍力], military power
        hǎijūnlán, [海軍藍], navy blue
        jūnhào, [軍號], bugle
        yuǎnzhēngjūn, [遠征軍], expeditionary force/army on a distant expedition
        jūnxiǎng, [軍餉], funds and provisions for the troops/(soldier's) pay
        jìnjūn, [禁軍], imperial guard
        zhèngguījūn, [正規軍], regular army/standing army
        zhìyuànjūn, [志願軍], volunteer army
        jūnxùn, [軍訓], military practice, esp. for reservists or new recruits/military training as a (s...
        dàjiāngjūn, [大將軍], important general/generalissimo
        jūnjī, [軍機], military aircraft/secret plan/Privy Council during the Qing dynasty
        jūnshìxué, [軍事學], military science
        jūnfèi, [軍費], military expenditure
        shuǐjūn, [水軍], navy (archaic)/person employed to post messages on the Internet (abbr. for 網絡水軍|...
        jūngōngzhāng, [軍功章], military medal
        Éjūn, [俄軍], Russian army
        jūnsǎo, [軍嫂], serviceman's wife/wives of military personnel
        jūnliáng, [軍糧], army provisions
        jūnshìhuà, [軍事化], militarization
        huángjūn, [皇軍], imperial army (esp. Japanese)
        Tóngjūn, [童軍], Scout (youth organization)/see also 童子軍|童子军[Tóng zǐ jūn]
        shǒujūn, [守軍], defenders
        hòubèijūn, [後備軍], rearguard
        jūnqū, [軍區], geographical area of command/(PLA) military district
        cáijūn, [裁軍], disarmament
        xíngjūnchuáng, [行軍床], camp bed/bivouac
        yìjūn, [義軍], volunteer army
        jūnzhèngfǔ, [軍政府], military government
        jìjūn, [季軍], third in a race/bronze medalist
        qīnlüèjūn, [侵略軍], invading army
        jūnchē, [軍車], military vehicle
        yǐjūn, [以軍], Israeli soldiers
        jíxíngjūn, [急行軍], rapid advance/forced march
        yìyǒngjūn, [義勇軍], volunteer army
        jūnmín, [軍民], army-civilian/military-masses/military-civilian
        jūnguózhǔyì, [軍國主義], militarism
        dūjūn, [督軍], provincial military governor during the early Republic of China era (1911-1949 A...
        qiānjūnwànmǎ, [千軍萬馬], magnificent army with thousands of men and horses (idiom); impressive display of...
        jūnwù, [軍務], military affairs
        jūngǎng, [軍港], naval port/naval base
        jūnlìngzhuàng, [軍令狀], military order
        Fǎjūn, [法軍], French army
        jūnshī, [軍師], (old) military counselor/(coll.) trusted adviser
        Xīnjūn, [新軍], New Armies (modernized Qing armies, trained and equipped according to Western st...
        BāguóLiánjūn, [八國聯軍], Eight-Nation Alliance, involved in a military intervention in northern China in ...
        ZhōngguóRénmínJiěfàngjūn, [中國人民解放軍], Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)
        jūnshìkēxué, [軍事科學], military science
        jūntǐ, [軍體], military sports/military fitness (curriculum etc)/abbr. for 軍事體育|军事体育
        jiāngjūndù, [將軍肚], potbelly
        jūnshìjiā, [軍事家], military expert/general
        jūnzhèng, [軍政], army and government
        chōngjūn, [充軍], to banish (to an army post, as a punishment)
        héngsǎoqiānjūn, [橫掃千軍], total annihilation

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