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[約定] yuēdìng to agree on sth (after discussion)
to conclude a bargain
to arrange
to promise
to stipulate
to make an appointment
stipulated (time, amount, quality etc)
an arrangement
a deal

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        yuēhuì, [約會], appointment/engagement/date/CL:次[cì],個|个[gè]/to arrange to meet
        Niǔyuē, [紐約], New York
        yāo/yuē, [約], to weigh in a balance or on a scale, to make an appointment/to invite/approximat...
        Yuēhàn, [約翰], John (name)/Johan (name)/Johann (name)
        dàyuē, [大約], approximately/probably
        yùyuē, [預約], booking/reservation/to book/to make an appointment
        yuēdìng, [約定], to agree on sth (after discussion)/to conclude a bargain/to arrange/to promise/t...
        héyuē, [合約], treaty/contract
        qìyuē, [契約], agreement/contract
        Yuēsèfū, [約瑟夫], Joseph (name)
        qiānyuē, [簽約], to sign a contract or agreement
        Yuēhànxùn, [約翰遜], Johnson or Johnston (name)
        yuēshù, [約束], to restrict/to limit to/to constrain/restriction/constraint
        tiáoyuē, [條約], treaty/pact/CL:個|个[gè]
        Yuēsè, [約瑟], Joseph (name)
        Niǔyuēzhōu, [紐約州], New York state
        Yuēkè, [約克], York
        jiéyuē, [節約], to economize/to conserve (resources)/economy/frugal
        hūnyuē, [婚約], engagement/wedding contract
        zūyuē, [租約], lease
        Běiyuē, [北約], NATO/abbr. for 北大西洋公約組織|北大西洋公约组织[Běi Dà xī Yáng Gōng yuē Zǔ zhī], North Atlantic...
        fùyuē, [赴約], to keep an appointment
        Jiùyuē/jiùyuē, [舊約], Old Testament, former agreement/former contract
        Lǐyuērènèilú, [里約熱內盧], Rio de Janeiro
        shuǎngyuē, [爽約], to miss an appointment
        xiāngyuē, [相約], to agree (on a meeting place, date etc)/to reach agreement/to make an appointmen...
        shìyuē, [誓約], oath/vow/pledge/promise
        kuòyuējī, [括約肌], sphincter
        Yuēdàn, [約旦], Jordan
        gōngyuē, [公約], convention (i.e. international agreement)
        wéiyuē, [違約], to break a promise/to violate an agreement/to default (on a loan or contract)
        yǐnyuē, [隱約], vague/faint/indistinct
        Xīnyuē, [新約], New Testament
        jiǎnyuē, [簡約], sketchy/concise/abbreviated
        tèyuē, [特約], specially engaged/employed or commissioned for a special task
        zhìyuē, [制約], to restrict/condition
        héyuē, [和約], peace treaty
        huǐyuē, [毀約], to break a promise/breach of contract
        shīyuē, [失約], to miss an appointment
        méngyuē, [盟約], contract of alliance/oath or treaty between allies
        yāoyuè, [要約], to restrict/to agree to a contract/offer/bid
        Yuēhànnèisībǎo, [約翰內斯堡], Johannesburg, South Africa
        yuējiàn, [約見], to arrange an interview/an appointment (with the foreign ambassador)
        jiěyuē, [解約], to terminate an agreement/to cancel a contract
        ShèngYuēhàn, [聖約翰], Saint John
        yǒuyuēzàixiān, [有約在先], to have a prior engagement
        yuēshùlì, [約束力], (of a contract) binding (law)
        shǒuyuē, [守約], to keep an appointment/to keep one's word
        yuēfǎsānzhāng, [約法三章], to agree on three laws (idiom)/three-point covenant/(fig.) preliminary agreement...
        wéiyuējīn, [違約金], penalty (fee)
        Yuēbó, [約伯], Job (name)/Book of Job in the Old Testament
        Yuēhànsīdùn, [約翰斯頓], Johnston, Johnson, Johnstone etc, name
        yuēshù, [約數], divisor (of a number)/approximate number
        YuēdànHé, [約旦河], Jordan River
·         Yuēsèfū·Sīdàlín, [約瑟夫·斯大林], Joseph Stalin (1879-1953), Soviet dictator
·         Yuēhàn·Lābèi, [約翰·拉貝], John Rabe (1882-1950), German who helped protect Chinese during the Nanking mass...
        xiéyuē, [協約], entente/pact/agreement/negotiated settlement
        yǐnyǐnyuēyuē, [隱隱約約], faint/distant/barely audible
        mìyuē, [密約], secret appointment
        bùyuēértóng, [不約而同], to agree by chance (idiom); taking the same action without prior consultation
        yuēmo, [約莫], about/around/approximately
        lǚyuē, [履約], to keep a promise/to honor an agreement
        ShèngYuēsèfū, [聖約瑟夫], Saint Joseph
        shèngyuē, [聖約], covenant
        yuēdìngsúchéng, [約定俗成], established by popular usage (idiom); common usage agreement/customary conventio...
        qínjiǎnjiéyuē, [勤儉節約], diligent and thrifty (idiom)
·         Sāimiùěr·Yuēhànxùn, [塞繆爾·約翰遜], Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) or Dr Johnson, English writer and lexicographer
        Yāowéikè, [約維克], Gjøvik (city in Oppland, Norway)
        shāngyuē, [商約], trade treaty
        xiéyuēguó, [協約國], Allies/entente (i.e. Western powers allied to China in WW)
        yuēhé, [約合], approximately/about (some numerical value)
        Yuētǎn, [約坦], Jotham (son of Uzziah)
        yuēmo, [約摸], about/around/approximately/also written 約莫|约莫
        chuòyuē, [綽約], graceful/charming
        guīyuē, [規約], terms (of an agreement)
        yuēfǎ, [約法], temporary law/provisional constitution

        yīdìng, surely/certainly/necessarily/fixed/a certain (extent etc)/given/particular/must
        kěndìng, to be certain/to be positive/assuredly/definitely/to give recognition/to affirm/...
        juédìng, [決定], to decide (to do something)/to resolve/decision/CL:個|个[gè],項|项[xiàng]/certainly
        quèdìng, [確定], definite/certain/fixed/to fix (on sth)/to determine/to be sure/to ensure/to make...
        dìng, to set/to fix/to determine/to decide/to order
        guīdìng, [規定], provision/to fix/to set/to formulate/to stipulate/to provide/regulation/rule/CL:...
        wěndìng, [穩定], steady/stable/stability/to stabilize/to pacify
        shuōbudìng, [說不定], can't say for sure/maybe
        zhùdìng, [註定], to foreordain/to be bound to/to be destined to/to be doomed to/inevitably
        dìngwèi, to orientate/to position/to categorize (as)/to characterize (as)/positioning/pos...
        gùdìng, to fix/to fasten/to set rigidly in place/fixed/set/regular
        suǒdìng, [鎖定], to lock (a door)/to close with a latch/to lock into place/a lock/a latch/to lock...
        yuēdìng, [約定], to agree on sth (after discussion)/to conclude a bargain/to arrange/to promise/t...
        dìngyì, [定義], definition/to define
        yùdìng, [預定], to schedule in advance
        rèndìng, [認定], to maintain (that sth is true)/to determine (a fact)/determination (of an amount...
        zhèndìng, [鎮定], calm/unperturbed/cool
        zhǐdìng, to appoint/to assign/to indicate clearly and with certainty/designated
        jiàndìng, [鑑定], to appraise/to identify/to evaluate
        zhìdìng, to draw up/to formulate
        jiāndìng, [堅定], firm/steady/staunch/resolute
        dìngzuì, to convict (sb of a crime)
        tèdìng, special/specific/designated/particular
        shèdìng, [設定], to set/to set up/to install/setting/preferences
        Āndìng/āndìng, Anting township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tái nán xiàn], Taiwan, stable/quiet/set...
        fǒudìng, to negate/to deny/to reject/negative (answer)/negation
        xiédìng, [協定], agreement/accord/to reach an agreement
        jiǎdìng, to assume/to suppose/supposed/so-called/assumption/hypothesis
        xiàdìngjuéxīn, [下定決心], to make a firm resolution
        bìdìng, to be bound to/to be sure to
        fǎdìng, legal/statutory/rightful
        dìnglǜ, scientific law (e.g. law of conservation of energy)/(in human affairs) a general...
        cáidìng, ruling
        dìngqī, at set dates/at regular intervals/periodic/limited to a fixed period of time/fix...
        duàndìng, [斷定], to conclude/to determine/to come to a judgment
        dìnglùn, [定論], final conclusion/accepted argument
        pàndìng, to judge/to decide/judgment/determination
        dìngjū, to settle (in some city, country etc)/to take up residence
        dìngzuò, to have something made to order
        juédìngxìng, [決定性], decisive/conclusive
        dìngzhì, [定製], custom-made/made-to-order/to have something custom made
        dìngjīn, down payment/advance payment
        xuǎndìng, [選定], to select/to choose/to settle on
        dìngshí, [定時], to fix a time/fixed time/timed (of explosive etc)
        dìngshízhàdàn, [定時炸彈], time bomb
        yáobǎibùdìng, [搖擺不定], indecisive/wavering
        dìngdiǎn, [定點], to determine a location/designated/appointed/specific/fixed (time)/fixed point (...
        dìngxíng, to finalize (a design etc)/stereotype/permanent wave or perm (hairdressing)
        dìnggé, to fix/to confine to/freeze frame/stop motion (filmmaking)
        dàidìng, to await a decision/to be pending
        jìdìng, already fixed/set/established
        dìngjú, foregone conclusion/to be settled conclusively
        dìngduó, [定奪], to make a decision/to determine
        cèdìng, [測定], to survey and evaluate
        yuándìng, originally planned/originally determined
        dìnglǐ, established theory/theorem (math.)
        dìngxiàng, to orientate/directional/directed/orienteering
        xiàndìng, to restrict to/to limit
        píngdìng, [評定], to evaluate/to make one's judgment
        dìngjià, [定價], to set a price/to fix a price
        jiāndìngbùyí, [堅定不移], unswerving/unflinching
        Chénāiluòdìng/chénāiluòdìng, [塵埃落定], "Red Poppies", novel by 阿來|阿来[Ā lái], lit. the dust has settled (idiom)/fig. to ...
        quèdìngxìng, [確定性], determinacy
        jièdìng, definition/to delimit
        bùdìng, indefinite/indeterminate/(botany) adventitious
        dìngxìng, to determine the nature (usually of error or crime)/to determine chemical compos...
        nǐdìng, [擬定], to draw up/to draft/to formulate
        wěndìngxìng, [穩定性], stability
        qiāodìng, to come to a decision/to fix on (a date etc)/to determine/to finalize/to nail do...
        Píngdìng/píngdìng, Pingding county in Yangquan 陽泉|阳泉[Yáng quán], Shanxi, to pacify
        nèidìng, [內定], to select sb for a position without announcing the decision until later/to decid...
        dìngjūdiǎn, [定居點], settlement
        dìnggòu, [定購], to order goods/to place an order
        dìngàn, to reach a verdict/to conclude a judgment
        qiāndìng, [簽定], to sign (a contract, treaty etc)
        dìngé, [定額], fixed amount/quota
        wèidìng, undecided/indeterminate/still in doubt
        diàndìng, to establish/to fix/to settle
        dǔdìng, [篤定], certain/confident (of some outcome)/calm and unhurried
        huàdìng, [劃定], to demarcate/to delimit
        dìngdān, [定單], variant of 訂單|订单[dìng dān]
        shāngdìng, to agree/to decide after consultation/to come to a compromise
        zàndìng, [暫定], temporary arrangement/provisional/tentative
        shuōdìng, [說定], to agree on/to settle on
        míngwénguīdìng, [明文規定], expressly stipulated (in writing)
        jǔqíbùdìng, [舉棋不定], to hesitate over what move to make (idiom); to waver/to shilly-shally
        dìnghūn, variant of 訂婚|订婚[dìng hūn]
        dìngshén, to compose oneself/to concentrate one's attention
        rùdìng, (Buddhism) to enter a meditative state
        yǎodìng, to assert/to insist that
        dìngliàng, quantity/fixed amount/ration
        dìngyú, [定於], set at/scheduled at
        yīkǒuyǎodìng, to arbitrarily assert/to allege/to stick to one's statement/to cling to one's vi...
        gěidìng, [給定], to state in advance/preset/given
        yīchuídìngyīn, [一錘定音], lit. to fix the tone with a single hammer blow/fig. to make the final decision
        zuòdìng, to be seated
        yìdìngshū, [議定書], protocol/treaty
        dìngxīnwán, tranquilizer/sth that sets one's mind at ease
        gōugǔdìnglǐ, Pythagorean theorem
        shěndìng, [審定], to examine sth and make a decision/to screen/to evaluate/to approve
        dìngdiào, [定調], to set the tone
        dìngshì, [定勢], attitude/mindset/prejudice
        dìngrán, certainly/of course
        tiědìng, [鐵定], unalterable/certainly/definitely
        héngdìng, [恆定], constant
        páidìng, to schedule
        édìng, [額定], specified (capacity, output etc)/rated (capacity, output etc)
        Kāngdìng, Dartsendo, Dardo or Kangding county (Tibetan: dar mdo rdzong) in Garze Tibetan a...
        dìngqian, [定錢], security deposit/earnest money (real estate)/good-faith deposit
        juédìnglùn, [決定論], determinism
        yìdìng, [議定], to reach an agreement/to agree upon
        biāodìng, [標定], to stake out (the boundaries of a property etc)/to demarcate/(engineering etc) t...
        Bǎodìng, Baoding prefecture-level city in Hebei
        dìngyīngǔ, timpani
        dìnghuò, [定貨], variant of 訂貨|订货[dìng huò]
        tòngdìngsītòng, to think of the pain when the pain is gone (idiom)/to ponder about a painful exp...
        dìnglì, usual practice/routine
        dìngjīng, to stare at
        bùdìngshì, infinitive (grammar)
        yuēdìngsúchéng, [約定俗成], established by popular usage (idiom); common usage agreement/customary conventio...
        gùdìngzīchǎn, [固定資產], fixed assets
        gàiguānlùndìng, [蓋棺論定], don't pass judgment on a person's life until the lid is on the coffin (idiom)
        bùdìngguàncí, [不定冠詞], indefinite article (e.g. English a, an)
        jiāndìngxìng, [堅定性], firmness/steadfastness
        dìngguī, [定規], to decide/to determine/established practice/(dialect) firmly resolved (to do sth...
        dìngyǐng, to fix a photographic image
        shǒuhéngdìnglǜ, [守恆定律], conservation law (physics)
        kāndìng, to demarcate/to survey and determine
        réndìngshèngtiān, [人定勝天], man can conquer nature (idiom); human wisdom can prevail over nature
        dìngshízhōng, [定時鐘], timer/timing clock/alarm clock
        fǎdìngrénshù, [法定人數], quorum
        yīchuídìngyīn, variant of 一錘定音|一锤定音[yī chuí dìng yīn]

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