统 ⇒
总统 zǒngtǒng, [總統], president (of a country)/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng],屆|届[jiè]
系统 xìtǒng, [系統], system/CL:個|个[gè]
传统 chuántǒng, [傳統], tradition/traditional/convention/conventional/CL:個|个[gè]
统治 tǒngzhì, [統治], to rule (a country)/to govern/rule/regime
血统 xuètǒng, [血統], blood relationship/lineage/parentage
统一 tǒngyī, [統一], to unify/to unite/to integrate
统计 tǒngjì, [統計], statistics/to count/to add up
统统 tǒngtǒng, [統統], totally
统治者 tǒngzhìzhě, [統治者], ruler
统计学 tǒngjìxué, [統計學], statistics
统 tǒng, [統], to gather/to unite/to unify/whole
统帅 tǒngshuài, [統帥], command/commander-in-chief
正统 Zhèngtǒng/zhèngtǒng, [正統], Zhengtong Emperor, reign name of sixth Ming Emperor Zhu Qizhen 朱祁鎮|朱祁镇[Zhū Qí zh...
统领 tǒnglǐng, [統領], to lead/to command/commander/officer
神经系统 shénjīngxìtǒng, [神經系統], nervous system
操作系统 cāozuòxìtǒng, [操作系統], operating system
总统府 zǒngtǒngfǔ, [總統府], presidential palace
体统 tǐtǒng, [體統], decorum/propriety/arrangement or form (of piece of writing)
循环系统 xúnhuánxìtǒng, [循環系統], circulatory system
统治权 tǒngzhìquán, [統治權], sovereignty/dominion/dominance
消化系统 xiāohuàxìtǒng, [消化系統], digestive system/gastrointestinal tract
统一战线 tǒngyīzhànxiàn, [統一戰線], united front
非传统 系统性 xìtǒngxìng, [系統性], systematic
笼统 lǒngtǒng, [籠統], general/broad/sweeping/lacking in detail/vague
呼吸系统 hūxīxìtǒng, [呼吸系統], respiratory system
总统令 正统派 统制 tǒngzhì, [統制], to control
统筹 tǒngchóu, [統籌], an overall plan/to plan an entire project as a whole
子系统 zǐxìtǒng, [子系統], subsystem
供电系统 统帅部 传统型 统称 tǒngchēng, [統稱], to be collectively called/collective term/general designation
统治阶级 统计局 一统天下 大一统 dàyītǒng, [大一統], unification (of the nation)/large scale unification
统计表 tǒngjìbiǎo, [統計表], statistical table/chart
统御 tǒngyù, [統御], control
统一体 tǒngyītǐ, [統一體], whole/single entity
统计员 tǒngjìyuán, [統計員], statistician
司统 统率 tǒngshuài, [統率], to command/to direct
统管 tǒngguǎn, [統管], unified administration
传统式 大总统 dàzǒngtǒng, [大總統], president (of a country)/same as 總統|总统
统一性 tǒngyīxìng, [統一性], unity
中统 系统工程 统辖 tǒngxiá, [統轄], to govern/to have complete control over/to be in command of
统揽全局 统共 tǒnggòng, [統共], altogether/in total
军统 短统袜 系统化 代总统 王统
御 ⇒
防御 fángyù, [防禦], defense/to defend
御 yù, [禦], to resist/imperial/(classical) to drive (a chariot)/to manage/to govern, to defe...
抵御 dǐyù, [抵禦], to resist/to withstand
御医 yùyī, [御醫], imperial physician
御用 yùyòng, for use by the emperor/imperial/(derog.) in the pay of the ruler
驾御 jiàyù, [駕御], variant of 駕馭|驾驭[jià yù]
防御工事 fángyùgōngshì, [防禦工事], fortification/defensive structure
御寒 yùhán, [禦寒], to defend against the cold/to keep warm
御旗 统御 tǒngyù, [統御], control
鬼御 防御区 御花园 御子 御赐 yùcì, [御賜], to be bestowed, conferred, or granted by the emperor
防御战 御茶