缉 ⇒
通缉 tōngjī, [通緝], to order the arrest of sb as criminal/to list as wanted
缉毒 jīdú, [緝毒], to counter narcotics trafficking/drug enforcement
通缉令 tōngjīlìng, [通緝令], order for arrest/wanted circular/wanted poster
通缉犯 tōngjīfàn, [通緝犯], wanted criminal/fugitive (from the law)
缉 jī/qī, [緝], to seize/to arrest/Taiwan pr. [qì], to stitch finely
缉拿 jīná, [緝拿], to arrest/to seize
缉捕 jībǔ, [緝捕], to seize/to apprehend/an arrest
侦缉 zhēnjī, [偵緝], to track down/to investigate and arrest
缉私 jīsī, [緝私], to suppress smugglers/to search for smuggled goods
查缉 chájī, [查緝], to search for and seize (criminals, smuggled goods etc)
私 ⇒
私人 sīrén, private/personal/interpersonal/sb with whom one has a close personal relationshi...
自私 zìsī, selfish/selfishness
私 sī, personal/private/selfish
隐私 yǐnsī, [隱私], secrets/private business/privacy
私下 sīxià, in private
私家 sījiā, private/privately owned or managed
走私 zǒusī, to smuggle/to have an illicit affair
私事 sīshì, personal matters
私生活 sīshēnghuó, private life
私奔 sībēn, to elope
无私 wúsī, [無私], selfless/unselfish/disinterested/altruistic
私立 sīlì, private (company, school etc)
私生子 sīshēngzǐ, illegitimate child (male)/bastard/love child
私自 sīzì, private/personal/secretly/without explicit approval
私藏 sīcáng, secret store/a stash (of contraband)
私情 sīqíng, personal considerations/love affair
私语 sīyǔ, [私語], to discuss in whispered tones/whispered conversation
走私犯 私有 sīyǒu, private/privately-owned
公私 gōngsī, public and private (interests, initiative etc)
隐私权 yǐnsīquán, [隱私權], privacy right
自私自利 zìsīzìlì, everything for self and selfish profit (idiom); with no regard for others/selfis...
私刑 私了 sīliǎo, to settle privately/to solve behind closed doors/to settle out of court
私营 sīyíng, [私營], privately-owned/private
私利 sīlì, personal gain/(one's own) selfish interest
无私奉献 私通 sītōng, to have secret ties with/to be in covert communication with (the enemy etc)/to e...
私仇 sīchóu, personal grudge
私欲 sīyù, selfish desire
私房 sīfáng/sīfang, privately-owned house/private rooms/private ownings, personal/private/confidenti...
私心 sīxīn, selfishness/selfish motives
私交 sījiāo, personal friendship
私有化 sīyǒuhuà, privatization/to privatize
中饱私囊 zhōngbǎosīnáng, [中飽私囊], to stuff one's pockets/to take bribes
私房钱 sīfángqián, [私房錢], secret purse/secret stash of money
私宅 走私案 走私船 私用 徇私 家私 jiāsī, family property/family wealth
个私 假公济私 jiǎgōngjìsī, [假公濟私], official authority used for private interests (idiom); to attain private ends by...
大公无私 dàgōngwúsī, [大公無私], selfless/impartial
私房话 走私货 zǒusīhuò, [走私貨], smuggled goods
铁面无私 tiěmiànwúsī, [鐵面無私], strictly impartial and incorruptible (idiom)
私话 私商 走私罪 缉私 jīsī, [緝私], to suppress smugglers/to search for smuggled goods
泄私愤 xièsīfèn, [洩私憤], to vent personal spite/to act out of malice (esp. of crime)
公正无私 结党营私 jiédǎngyíngsī, [結黨營私], to gang up for personal interest (idiom)/to form a clique
私念 以权谋私 yǐquánmóusī, [以權謀私], to use one's position for personal gain (idiom)
私逃 私设 私见 私企 sīqǐ, private enterprise/abbr. of 私營企業|私营企业[sī yíng qǐ yè]
缉私艇 打私 徇私枉法 xùnsīwǎngfǎ, to bend the law in order to favor one's relatives or associates (idiom)
无私无畏 私有制 sīyǒuzhì, private ownership of property
微服私访 wēifúsīfǎng, [微服私訪], to mingle with the people incognito
徇私舞弊 xùnsīwǔbì, to abuse one's position for personal gain (idiom)