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[置若罔聞] zhìruòwǎngwén to turn a deaf ear to (idiom); to pretend not to hear

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Word Compounds

        wèizhi, position/place/seat/CL:個|个[gè]
        nányǐzhìxìn, [難以置信], hard to believe/incredible
        zhuāngzhì, [裝置], to install/installation/equipment/system/unit/device
        bùzhì, [佈置], to put in order/to arrange/to decorate/to fix up/to deploy
        shèzhì, [設置], to set up/to install
        zhì, to install/to place/to put/to buy
        chǔzhì, [處置], to handle/to take care of/to punish
        ānzhì, to find a place for/to help settle down/to arrange for/to get into bed/placement
        zhìyú, to place/to put (at or in a position)/to be located
        zhìshēn, to place oneself/to stay
        fàngzhì, to put
        zhìzhībùlǐ, to pay no heed to (idiom)/to ignore/to brush aside
        zhìshēnshìwài, not to get involved/to stay out of it
        gēzhì, [擱置], to shelve/to set aside
        zhìxìn, to believe (what sb claims) (usually used in the negative)/(math.) confidence (i...
        pèizhì, to deploy/to allocate/configuration/allocation
        zhìhuàn, [置換], to permute/permutation (math.)/to displace/displacement/to replace/replacement
        xiánzhì, [閒置], to leave sth unused/to lie idle
        kōngzhì, to set sth aside/to let sth lie idle/idle/unused
        zhìruòwǎngwén, [置若罔聞], to turn a deaf ear to (idiom); to pretend not to hear
        qìzhì, [棄置], to throw away/to discard
        hézhuāngzhì, [核裝置], nuclear device
        bùróngzhìyí, unquestionable
        gòuzhì, [購置], to purchase
        zhìbàn, [置辦], to purchase/to buy
        zhìzhīnǎohòu, [置之腦後], to banish from one's thoughts/to ignore/to take no notice
        zhìpíng, [置評], comment/statement
        tiānzhì, to buy/to acquire/to add to one's possessions
        zhìzhīdùwài, to give no thought to/to have no regard for/to disregard
        tuīxīnzhìfù, to give one's bare heart into sb else's keeping (idiom); sb has one's absolute c...
        běnmòdàozhì, lit. to invert root and branch (idiom); fig. confusing cause and effect/to stres...
        wúkězhìyí, [無可置疑], cannot be doubted (idiom)
        yīxiàozhìzhī, to dismiss with a laugh/to make light of
        bùzhìkěfǒu, decline to comment/not express an opinion/be noncommittal/hedge
        dàozhì, to invert
        zhìyè, [置業], to buy real estate
        fèizhì, [廢置], to discard/to shelve as useless
        zhìzhīsǐdìérhòushēng, [置之死地而後生], place sb on a field of death and he will fight to live (idiom based on Sunzi's "...
        mòránzhìzhī, to set to one side and ignore (idiom); quite indifferent/cold and uncaring

        ruò, to seem/like/as/if
        shòuchǒngruòjīng, [受寵若驚], overwhelmed by favor from superior (humble expr.)
        ruòwúqíshì, [若無其事], as if nothing had happened (idiom); calmly/nonchalantly
        xīnxǐruòkuáng, to be wild with joy (idiom)
        ruògān, a certain number or amount/how many?/how much?
        ruòfēi, were it not for/if not for
        tǎngruò, provided that/supposing that/if
        ruòshì, if
        Ōuruòlā, [歐若拉], Aurora, Roman goddess of dawn
        zhìruòwǎngwén, [置若罔聞], to turn a deaf ear to (idiom); to pretend not to hear
        gùruòjīntāng, [固若金湯], secure as a city protected by a wall of metal and a moat of boiling water (idiom...
        shìruòwúdǔ, [視若無睹], to turn a blind eye to
        wǎnruò, to be just like
        rúruò, if
        lěngruòbīngshuāng, as cold as ice and frost (idiom, usually of woman); icy manner/frigid
        tàiránzìruò, cool and collected (idiom); showing no sign of nerves/perfectly composed
        ruòyǐnruòxiàn, [若隱若現], faintly discernible (idiom)
        pànruòliǎngrén, [判若兩人], to be a different person/not to be one's usual self
        kǒuruòxuánhé, [口若懸河], mouth like a torrent (idiom)/eloquent/glib/voluble/have the gift of the gab
        pángruòwúrén, [旁若無人], to act as though there were nobody else present/unselfconscious/fig. without reg...
        jiǎruò, if/supposing/in case
        qūzhīruòwù, [趨之若鶩], to rush like ducks (idiom); the mob scrabbles madly for sth unobtainable/an unru...
        huǎngruò, as if/as though/rather like
        ruòyǒusuǒsī, looking pensive/thoughtfully
        ānzhīruòsù, bear hardship with equanimity/regard wrongdoing with equanimity
        zhāoránruòjiē, abundantly clear
        ruòjíruòlí, [若即若離], lit. seeming neither close nor distant (idiom)/fig. to keep one's distance/(of a...
        fèngruòshénmíng, to honor sb as a God (idiom); to revere/to worship/to deify/to make a holy cow o...
        méntíngruòshì, [門庭若市], front yard as busy as a marketplace (idiom)/a place with many visitors

        zhìruòwǎngwén, [置若罔聞], to turn a deaf ear to (idiom); to pretend not to hear
        wǎng, [㒺], old variant of 罔[wǎng], to deceive/there is none/old variant of 網|网[wǎng]

        xīnwén, [新聞], news/CL:條|条[tiáo],個|个[gè]
        Wén/wén, [聞], surname Wen, to hear/news/well-known/famous/reputation/fame/to smell/to sniff at
        chǒuwén, [醜聞], scandal
        chuánwén, [傳聞], rumor
        wéndào, [聞到], to smell/to sniff sth out/to perceive by smelling
        fēiwén, [緋聞], sex scandal
        wénmíng, [聞名], well-known/famous/renowned/eminent
        nánwén, [難聞], unpleasant smell/stink
        xīnwénjiè, [新聞界], the press/the media
        xīnwénjìzhě, [新聞記者], journalist
        ěrwén, [耳聞], to hear of/to hear about
        mòmòwúwén, [默默無聞], obscure and unknown (idiom); an outsider without any reputation/a nobody/an unkn...
        bùwénbùwèn, [不聞不問], not to hear, not to question (idiom)/to show no interest in sth/uncritical/not i...
        hàiréntīngwén, [駭人聽聞], shocking/horrifying/atrocious/terrible
        xīnwénwǎng, [新聞網], news agency
        wénsuǒwèiwén, [聞所未聞], unheard of/an extremely rare and unprecedented event
        sǒngréntīngwén, [聳人聽聞], to sensationalize (idiom); deliberate exaggeration to scare people
        yàowén, [要聞], important news story/headline
        suǒjiànsuǒwén, [所見所聞], what one hears and sees (idiom)
        qíwén, [奇聞], anecdote/fantastic story
        qùwén, [趣聞], funny news item/interesting anecdote
稿         xīnwéngǎo, [新聞稿], press release
        chōngěrbùwén, [充耳不聞], to block one's ears and not listen (idiom); to turn a deaf ear
        zhìruòwǎngwén, [置若罔聞], to turn a deaf ear to (idiom); to pretend not to hear
        wénmíngyúshì, [聞名於世], world-famous
        jǔshìwénmíng, [舉世聞名], world-famous (idiom)
        huābiānxīnwén, [花邊新聞], media gossip/sensational news
        wénfēngsàngdǎn, [聞風喪膽], hear the wind and lose gall (idiom); terror-stricken at the news
        xīnwénxué, [新聞學], journalism
        jiǔwéndàmíng, [久聞大名], your name has been known to me for a long time (polite)
        jiùwén, [舊聞], old anecdote/stories passed on from former times
        gūlòuguǎwén, [孤陋寡聞], ignorant and inexperienced/ill-informed and narrow-minded
        wénmíngxiáěr, [聞名遐邇], to be famous far and wide (idiom)
        jiànwén, [見聞], what one has seen and heard/knowledge/one's experience
        qiánsuǒwèiwén, [前所未聞], unheard-of/unprecedented
        fēngwén, [風聞], to learn sth through hearsay/to get wind of sth
        wénxùn, [聞訊], to receive news (of)
        yìwén, [軼聞], anecdote/apocryphal story
        yìwén, [逸聞], variant of 軼聞|轶闻[yì wén]
        fùwén, [訃聞], obituary
        tīngérbùwén, [聽而不聞], to hear but not react (idiom); to turn a deaf ear/to ignore deliberately
        wénfēngérdòng, [聞風而動], to respond instantly/to act at once on hearing the news
        bǎiwénbùrúyījiàn, [百聞不如一見], seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times (idiom); seeing for oneself i...
        xǐwénlèjiàn, [喜聞樂見], to love to hear and see (idiom)/well received/to one's liking
        ěrwénmùdǔ, [耳聞目睹], to witness personally
        zhēnwén, [珍聞], oddity/news tidbits/strange and interesting item

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