肥 ⇒
肥 féi, fat/fertile/loose-fitting or large/to fertilize/to become rich by illegal means/...
减肥 jiǎnféi, [減肥], to lose weight
肥皂 féizào, soap/CL:塊|块[kuài],條|条[tiáo]
肥胖 féipàng, fat/obese
肥猪 肥料 féiliào, fertilizer/manure
肥肉 féiròu, fat (e.g. pork fat)/fatty meat/(fig.) a gold mine/cash cow
肥大 féidà, loose fitting clothes/fat/stout/swelling (of internal organ)/hypertrophy
肥沃 féiwò, fertile
化肥 huàféi, fertilizer
肥厚 féihòu, plump/fleshy/fertile
肥水 堆肥 duīféi, compost
肥皂泡 féizàopào, soap bubble
粪肥 fènféi, [糞肥], manure/dung
脑满肠肥 肥硕 féishuò, [肥碩], fleshy (fruit)/plump/large and firm-fleshed (limbs, body)/stout
施肥 shīféi, to spread manure/to apply fertilizer
肥美 féiměi, fertile/luxuriant/plump/rounded
肥胖症 féipàngzhèng, obesity
有机肥料 膘肥体壮 biāoféitǐzhuàng, [膘肥體壯], (of a livestock animal) plump and strong/well-fed
食言而肥 shíyánérféi, lit. to grow fat eating one's words (idiom)/fig. not to live up to one's promise...
肥肠 féicháng, [肥腸], pig-gut (large intestine used as foodstuff)
肥皂粉 肥皂沫 féizàomò, soapy lather/foam
钾肥 肥瘦 催肥 cuīféi, to fatten (animal before slaughter)
肥胖病 肥壮 féizhuàng, [肥壯], stout and strong
肥缺 féiquē, lucrative post
肥牛 磷肥 línféi, phosphate fertilizer
农家肥 挑肥拣瘦
皂 ⇒
肥皂 féizào, soap/CL:塊|块[kuài],條|条[tiáo]
香皂 xiāngzào, perfumed soap/toilet soap/CL:塊|块[kuài]
皂 zào, soap/black
肥皂泡 féizàopào, soap bubble
青红皂白 qīnghóngzàobái, [青紅皂白], the rights and wrongs of a matter (idiom)
肥皂粉 肥皂沫 féizàomò, soapy lather/foam
泡 ⇒
泡 pāo/pào, puffed/swollen/spongy/small lake (esp. in place names)/classifier for urine or f...
泡泡 pàopao, bubbles
泡菜 pàocài, pickled cabbage
灯泡 dēngpào, [燈泡], light bulb/see also 電燈泡|电灯泡[diàn dēng pào]/third-wheel or unwanted third party s...
泡沫 pàomò, foam/(soap) bubble/(economic) bubble
泡汤 pàotāng, [泡湯], to dawdle/to go slow deliberately/to fizzle out/to have all one's hopes dashed/(...
气泡 qìpào, [氣泡], bubble/blister (in metal)/(of beverages) sparkling/carbonated
泡泡糖 pàopàotáng, bubble gum
电灯泡 diàndēngpào, [電燈泡], light bulb/(slang) unwanted third guest
水泡 shuǐpào, bubble/blister
冒泡 浸泡 jìnpào, to steep/to soak/to immerse
泡影 pàoyǐng, lit. froth and shadows/fig. illusion/mirage
泡沫塑料 pàomòsùliào, styrofoam
泡茶 pàochá, to make tea
起泡 qǐpào, to bubble/to foam/to blister/to sprout boils (on one's body)/sparkling (wine etc...
肥皂泡 féizàopào, soap bubble
泡泡纱 pàopàoshā, [泡泡紗], seersucker (cotton cloth with pattern of dimples)
卵泡 luǎnpào, follicle
血泡 朝鲜泡菜 肺泡 fèipào, pulmonary alveolus
海泡石 泡饭 pàofàn, [泡飯], to soak cooked rice in soup or water/cooked rice reheated in boiling water
眼泡 液泡 泡沫剂 袋泡茶 茶泡饭 泡桐树