脱 ⇒
脱 tuō, [脫], to shed/to take off/to escape/to get away from
摆脱 bǎituō, [擺脫], to break away from/to cast off (old ideas etc)/to get rid of/to break away (from...
逃脱 táotuō, [逃脫], to run away/to escape
脱离 tuōlí, [脫離], to separate oneself from/to break away from/diastasis (medicine)/abscission/abju...
脱衣舞 tuōyīwǔ, [脫衣舞], striptease
解脱 jiětuō, [解脫], to untie/to free/to absolve of/to get free of/to extirpate oneself/(Buddhism) to...
脱身 tuōshēn, [脫身], to get away/to escape (from obligations)/to free oneself/to disengage
脱光 tuōguāng, [脫光], to strip naked/to strip nude/(coll.) to find oneself a partner
脱水 tuōshuǐ, [脫水], to dry out/to extract water/dehydration/dehydrated/desiccation
脱颖而出 tuōyǐngérchū, [脫穎而出], to reveal one's talent (idiom)/to rise above others/to distinguish oneself
挣脱 zhèngtuō, [掙脫], to throw off/to struggle free of/Taiwan pr. [zhēng tuō]
开脱 kāituō, [開脫], to exculpate/to absolve/to exonerate
脱落 tuōluò, [脫落], to drop off/to come off/to lose (hair etc)/to omit (a character when writing)
品脱 pǐntuō, [品脫], pint (approx. 0.47 liter) (loanword)
脱脂 tuōzhī, [脫脂], to remove fat/to skim (milk)
脱逃 tuōtáo, [脫逃], to run away/to escape
脱臼 tuōjiù, [脫臼], dislocation (of a joint)
脱口而出 tuōkǒuérchū, [脫口而出], to blurt out/to let slip (an indiscreet remark)
脱胎换骨 tuōtāihuàngǔ, [脫胎換骨], to shed one's mortal body and exchange one's bones (idiom); born again Daoist/to...
脱毛 tuōmáo, [脫毛], to lose hair or feathers/to molt/depilation/to shave
脱手 tuōshǒu, [脫手], (not of regular commerce) to sell or dispose of (goods etc)/to get rid of/to unl...
脱险 tuōxiǎn, [脫險], to escape (danger)/to rescue/to come out alive
脱节 tuōjié, [脫節], to come apart
夸脱 脱帽 脱发 tuōfà, [脫髮], baldness/to lose hair or feathers/to molt/depilation
超脱 chāotuō, [超脫], to stand aloof/to be detached from/to transcend worldliness/untrammeled/unconven...
脱困 超凡脱俗 脱轨 tuōguǐ, [脫軌], to leave the rails/to derail/to jump the track
脱出 tuōchū, [脫出], to break away/to extricate/to escape/to leave the confines of
推脱 tuītuō, [推脫], to evade/to shirk
脱皮 tuōpí, [脫皮], to molt/to peel/fig. seriously hurt
虚脱 xūtuō, [虛脫], to collapse (from dehydration or loss of blood)/heat exhaustion
脱位 脱氧 tuōyǎng, [脫氧], deoxidation
活脱脱 huótuōtuō, [活脫脫], remarkably alike
脱销 tuōxiāo, [脫銷], to sell out/to run out (of supplies)/deficient/lack of supplies
金蝉脱壳 jīnchántuōqiào, [金蟬脫殼], lit. the cicada sheds its carapace (idiom); fig. to vanish leaving an empty shel...
拉脱维亚 Lātuōwéiyà, [拉脫維亞], Latvia
洒脱 sǎtuō, [灑脫], free and at ease/natural/unconstrained
虎口脱险 脱俗 tuōsú, [脫俗], free from vulgarity/refined/outstanding
脱钩 tuōgōu, [脫鉤], to cut ties/to disconnect/out of touch
脱开 tuōkāi, [脫開], to withdraw
脱肛 tuōgāng, [脫肛], rectal prolapse
脱靶 tuōbǎ, [脫靶], to miss/to shoot and miss the target/off the mark
拉脱维亚人 脱敏 tuōmǐn, [脫敏], to desensitize/to remove an allergic susceptibility
脱胎 tuōtāi, [脫胎], to be born/(fig.) to develop out of sth else (of ideas, stories, political syste...
脱色 tuōsè, [脫色], to lose color/to turn pale/to bleach/to fade
脱水机 tuōshuǐjī, [脫水機], a device for extracting water (such as a centrifuge)
脱脂棉 tuōzhīmián, [脫脂棉], absorbent cotton
脱稿 tuōgǎo, [脫稿], to complete a draft/to put out a manuscript
销 ⇒
销售 xiāoshòu, [銷售], to sell/to market/sales (representative, agreement etc)
撤销 chèxiāo, [撤銷], to repeal/to revoke/(computing) to undo
推销 tuīxiāo, [推銷], to market/to sell
销毁 xiāohuǐ, [銷毀], to destroy (by melting or burning)/to obliterate
推销员 tuīxiāoyuán, [推銷員], sales representative/salesperson
销量 xiāoliàng, [銷量], sales volume
销售员 开销 kāixiāo, [開銷], to pay (expenses)/expenses/(old) to dismiss (an employee)
吊销 diàoxiāo, [吊銷], to suspend (an agreement)/to revoke
畅销 chàngxiāo, [暢銷], to sell well/best seller/chart-topping
营销 yíngxiāo, [營銷], marketing
促销 cùxiāo, [促銷], to promote sales
报销 bàoxiāo, [報銷], to submit an expense account/to apply for reimbursement/to write off/to wipe out
畅销书 chàngxiāoshū, [暢銷書], best-seller/best-selling book/blockbuster
经销商 jīngxiāoshāng, [經銷商], dealer/seller/distributor/broker/agency/franchise (i.e. company)/retail outlet
销 xiāo, [銷], to melt (metal)/to cancel or annul/to sell/to spend/to fasten with a bolt/bolt o...
一笔勾销 yībǐgōuxiāo, [一筆勾銷], to write off at one stroke
注销 zhùxiāo, [註銷], to cancel/to write off
销声匿迹 xiāoshēngnìjì, [銷聲匿跡], to vanish without trace (idiom)/to lie low
花销 huāxiāo, [花銷], to spend (money)/expenses
销售额 xiāoshòué, [銷售額], sales figure/total income from sales/turnover
销魂 xiāohún, [銷魂], ecstasy/rapture/to feel overwhelming joy or sorrow
分销 fēnxiāo, [分銷], distribution/retail store
插销 chāxiāo, [插銷], bolt (for locking a window, cabinet etc)/(electrical) plug
销售商 销售量 销赃 xiāozāng, [銷贓], to dispose of stolen goods
传销 chuánxiāo, [傳銷], multi-level marketing
销路 xiāolù, [銷路], sale/market/state of the market/sales event
行销 xíngxiāo, [行銷], to sell/marketing
直销 zhíxiāo, [直銷], to sell directly/direct sale (by a factory)/direct marketing
倾销 qīngxiāo, [傾銷], to dump (goods, products)
热销 rèxiāo, [熱銷], to sell well/hot-selling
销售一空 经销 jīngxiāo, [經銷], to sell/to sell on commission/to distribute
脱销 tuōxiāo, [脫銷], to sell out/to run out (of supplies)/deficient/lack of supplies
销售点 xiāoshòudiǎn, [銷售點], point of sale (POS)/checkout/retail outlet
展销会 zhǎnxiāohuì, [展銷會], trade fair/sales exhibition
勾销 gōuxiāo, [勾銷], to write off/to cancel
展销 zhǎnxiāo, [展銷], to display and sell (e.g. at a fair)/sales exhibition
赊销 shēxiāo, [賒銷], credit transaction/to sell on account
销货 推销商 销子 xiāozi, [銷子], a peg/a pin/dowel
购销 销售网 外销 wàixiāo, [外銷], to export/to sell abroad
经销权 滞销 zhìxiāo, [滯銷], to sell poorly/unmarketable/slow-moving (product, inventory etc)
销售税 经销处 滞销货 自产自销 适销 shìxiāo, [適銷], marketable/saleable/appropriate to the market