若 ⇒
若 ruò, to seem/like/as/if
受宠若惊 shòuchǒngruòjīng, [受寵若驚], overwhelmed by favor from superior (humble expr.)
若无其事 ruòwúqíshì, [若無其事], as if nothing had happened (idiom); calmly/nonchalantly
欣喜若狂 xīnxǐruòkuáng, to be wild with joy (idiom)
若福 若干 ruògān, a certain number or amount/how many?/how much?
若非 ruòfēi, were it not for/if not for
倘若 tǎngruò, provided that/supposing that/if
若是 ruòshì, if
欧若拉 Ōuruòlā, [歐若拉], Aurora, Roman goddess of dawn
米若贝拉 置若罔闻 zhìruòwǎngwén, [置若罔聞], to turn a deaf ear to (idiom); to pretend not to hear
固若金汤 gùruòjīntāng, [固若金湯], secure as a city protected by a wall of metal and a moat of boiling water (idiom...
若林 镇定自若 视若无睹 shìruòwúdǔ, [視若無睹], to turn a blind eye to
宛若 wǎnruò, to be just like
如若 rúruò, if
美若天仙 冷若冰霜 lěngruòbīngshuāng, as cold as ice and frost (idiom, usually of woman); icy manner/frigid
萨瓦若夫 泰然自若 tàiránzìruò, cool and collected (idiom); showing no sign of nerves/perfectly composed
若隐若现 ruòyǐnruòxiàn, [若隱若現], faintly discernible (idiom)
德菲若 判若两人 pànruòliǎngrén, [判若兩人], to be a different person/not to be one's usual self
口若悬河 kǒuruòxuánhé, [口若懸河], mouth like a torrent (idiom)/eloquent/glib/voluble/have the gift of the gab
莫若 旁若无人 pángruòwúrén, [旁若無人], to act as though there were nobody else present/unselfconscious/fig. without reg...
假若 jiǎruò, if/supposing/in case
若果 举重若轻 趋之若鹜 qūzhīruòwù, [趨之若鶩], to rush like ducks (idiom); the mob scrabbles madly for sth unobtainable/an unru...
若尼 若真 若诺密阿玛斯 恍若 huǎngruò, as if/as though/rather like
若有所思 ruòyǒusuǒsī, looking pensive/thoughtfully
若木 约瑟夫·塞西尔·沃若 安之若素 ānzhīruòsù, bear hardship with equanimity/regard wrongdoing with equanimity
若热·索图斯 昭然若揭 zhāoránruòjiē, abundantly clear
尤里·萨瓦若夫 若根 克若 梅若荻 贝隆若 凯若琳 米若贝拉·巴特斯菲尔德 薛若夫 若即若离 ruòjíruòlí, [若即若離], lit. seeming neither close nor distant (idiom)/fig. to keep one's distance/(of a...
怅然若失 门若派 若肯 若虫 若连 若雷 梅若宾基恩 若克劳福 若乔 若叶 汤米若 埃若·弗林 若布 若帕 若斯 若珍 若留 若莱达 查理拉泽若 若唐纳德 若加 若汉默顿 兹巴若 奉若神明 fèngruòshénmíng, to honor sb as a God (idiom); to revere/to worship/to deify/to make a holy cow o...
圣若拉 若龙帝 若田部 冷若冰 静若处子 摩若卡 若范妮莎 杰若琳 托希若 奥拉若 神态自若 若大伟 约瑟夫沃若 陈若杉 若热·马提 即若 若不马 伯若莱 若汉德森 若福刚 若比尔 若杰克 拉若斯 若阿尔梅达 若山姆 若愚 若·弗林 若罗勃 若雷恩 波若波罗密 德怀恩·莫格若夫 若汤尼 门庭若市 méntíngruòshì, [門庭若市], front yard as busy as a marketplace (idiom)/a place with many visitors
即 ⇒
即使 jíshǐ, even if/even though
即将 jíjiāng, [即將], on the eve of/to be about to/to be on the verge of
即 jí, namely/that is/i.e./prompt/at once/at present/even if/prompted (by the occasion)...
立即 lìjí, immediately
即便 jíbiàn, even if/even though/right away/immediately
即兴 jíxìng, [即興], improvisation (in the arts)/impromptu/extemporaneous
即时 jíshí, [即時], immediate
即刻 jíkè, immediately/instant/instantly
即可 jíkě, equivalent to 就可以/can then (do sth)/can immediately (do sth)/(do sth) and that w...
一触即发 yīchùjífā, [一觸即發], could happen at any moment/on the verge
转瞬即逝 随即 suíjí, [隨即], immediately/presently/following which
即使如此 即席 jíxí, impromptu/improvised/to take one's seat (at a banquet etc)
稍纵即逝 shāozòngjíshì, [稍縱即逝], transient/fleeting
在即 zàijí, near at hand/imminent/within sight
当即 dāngjí, [當即], at once/on the spot
即日 jírì, this or that very day/in the next few days
一拍即合 yīpāijíhé, lit. to be together from the first beat (idiom)/to hit it off/to click together/...
挥之即去 非此即彼 fēicǐjíbǐ, either this or that/one or the other
即位 jíwèi, to succeed to the throne/accession
旋即 xuánjí, soon after/shortly
迅即 xùnjí, immediately/promptly/quickly
若即若离 ruòjíruòlí, [若即若離], lit. seeming neither close nor distant (idiom)/fig. to keep one's distance/(of a...
瞬即 即或 jíhuò, even if/even though
即兴曲 即若
离 ⇒
离开 líkāi, [離開], to depart/to leave
离 chī/Lí/lí, [離], mythical beast (archaic), surname Li, to leave/to part from/to be away from/(in ...
离婚 líhūn, [離婚], to divorce/divorced from (one's spouse)
距离 jùlí, [距離], distance/CL:個|个[gè]/to be apart from
远离 yuǎnlí, [遠離], to be far from/to keep away from
隔离 gélí, [隔離], to separate/to isolate
脱离 tuōlí, [脫離], to separate oneself from/to break away from/diastasis (medicine)/abscission/abju...
分离 fēnlí, [分離], to separate
逃离 táolí, [逃離], to run out/to escape
离家 撤离 chèlí, [撤離], to withdraw from/to evacuate
离去 líqù, [離去], to leave/to exit
离谱 lípǔ, [離譜], excessive/beyond reasonable limits/irregular
偏离 piānlí, [偏離], to deviate/to diverge/to wander
离奇 líqí, [離奇], odd/bizarre
离职 lízhí, [離職], to retire/to leave office/to quit a job
离不开 líbukāi, [離不開], inseparable/inevitably linked to
等离子 形影不离 xíngyǐngbùlí, [形影不離], inseparable (as form and shadow)
支离破碎 zhīlípòsuì, [支離破碎], scattered and smashed (idiom)
离子 lízǐ, [離子], ion
离别 líbié, [離別], to leave (on a long journey)/to part from sb
离异 líyì, [離異], to divorce
调离 离岸 líàn, [離岸], offshore
迷离 mílí, [迷離], blurred/hard to make out distinctly
背离 bèilí, [背離], to depart from/to deviate from/deviation
寸步不离 cùnbùbùlí, [寸步不離], to follow sb closely (idiom)/to keep close to
隔离室 离合器 líhéqì, [離合器], clutch (mechanics)
剥离 bōlí, [剝離], to peel/to strip/to peel off/to come off (of tissue, skin, covering etc)
驶离 shǐlí, [駛離], to steer (the plane) away from/to drive away (from a place)/to leave
别离 biélí, [別離], to take leave of/to leave/separation
游离 yóulí, [遊離], to disassociate/to drift away/to leave (a collective)/free (component)
背井离乡 bèijǐnglíxiāng, [背井離鄉], to leave one's native place, esp. against one's will (idiom)
离间 líjiàn, [離間], to drive a wedge between (allies, partners etc)
离队 líduì, [離隊], to leave one's post
离经叛道 líjīngpàndào, [離經叛道], to rebel against orthodoxy/to depart from established practices
离题 lítí, [離題], to digress/to stray from the subject
离境 挑拨离间 tiǎobōlíjiàn, [挑撥離間], to sow dissension (idiom); to drive a wedge between
短距离 duǎnjùlí, [短距離], short distance/a stone's throw away
流离失所 liúlíshīsuǒ, [流離失所], destitute and homeless (idiom); forced from one's home and wandering about/displ...
扑朔迷离 pūshuòmílí, [撲朔迷離], impossible to unravel/confusing
长距离 chángjùlí, [長距離], long distance
离心 líxīn, [離心], to be at odds with/centrifugal (force)
八九不离十 bājiǔbùlíshí, [八九不離十], pretty close/very near/about right
离群索居 叛离 pànlí, [叛離], to betray/to desert/to defect from/to turn renegade
等离子体 děnglízǐtǐ, [等離子體], plasma (physics)
差不离 chàbùlí, [差不離], not much different/similar/ordinary/nearly
光怪陆离 guāngguàilùlí, [光怪陸離], monstrous and multicolored/grotesque and variegated
隔离带 生离死别 shēnglísǐbié, [生離死別], separated in life and death/to part for ever
离岗 离散 lísàn, [離散], (of family members) separated from one another/scattered about/dispersed/(math.)...
距离感 离心力 líxīnlì, [離心力], centrifugal force
电离 diànlí, [電離], ion/ionized (e.g. gas)
电离层 diànlícéng, [電離層], ionosphere
离任 lírèn, [離任], to leave office/to leave one's post
离心机 líxīnjī, [離心機], centrifuge
分离器 颠沛流离 diānpèiliúlí, [顛沛流離], homeless and miserable (idiom); to wander about in a desperate plight/to drift
隔离舱 离乡背井 líxiāngbèijǐng, [離鄉背井], to leave one's homeplace (to find work, flee disaster etc)
离间计 离休 líxiū, [離休], to retire/to leave work and rest (euphemism for compulsory retirement of old cad...
离退休 貌合神离 màohéshénlí, [貌合神離], the appearance of unity, but divided at heart (idiom); seeming harmony belies un...
隔离法 离乡 若即若离 ruòjíruòlí, [若即若離], lit. seeming neither close nor distant (idiom)/fig. to keep one's distance/(of a...
间离 离心离德 分离舱 隔离线 离愁别绪 万变不离其宗 wànbiànbùlíqízōng, [萬變不離其宗], many superficial changes but no departure from the original stand (idiom); plus ...
悲欢离合 bēihuānlíhé, [悲歡離合], joys and sorrows/partings and reunions/the vicissitudes of life
阳离子 yánglízǐ, [陽離子], positive ion/cation (physics)
阴离子 yīnlízǐ, [陰離子], negative ion/anion (physics)
难舍难离 nánshěnánlí, [難捨難離], loath to part (idiom); emotionally close and unwilling to separate
负离子 fùlízǐ, [負離子], negative ion/anion (physics)
正离子 zhènglízǐ, [正離子], positive ion/cation (physics)