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Word: freq index 54108
[落戶] luòhù to settle
to set up home

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        bùluò, tribe
        là/lào/luò, to leave out/to be missing/to leave behind or forget to bring/to lag or fall beh...
        jiàngluò, to descend/to land
        jiǎoluò, nook/corner
        duòluò, [墮落], to degrade/to degenerate/to become depraved/corrupt/a fall from grace
        xiàluò, whereabouts/to drop/to fall
        luòhòu, [落後], to fall behind/to lag (in technology etc)/backward/to retrogress
        rìluò, sundown/sunset
        shīluò, to lose (sth)/to drop (sth)/to feel a sense of loss/frustrated/disappointment/lo...
        zhuìluò, [墜落], to fall/to drop
        luòrù, to fall into
        jiàngluòsǎn, [降落傘], parachute
        dīluò, downcast/gloomy/to decline
        luòdì, to fall to the ground/to be set on the ground/to reach to the ground/to be born/...
        jīluò, [擊落], to shoot down (a plane)
        shuǐluòshíchū, as the water recedes, the rocks appear (idiom)/the truth comes to light
        tuōluò, [脫落], to drop off/to come off/to lose (hair etc)/to omit (a character when writing)
        lúnluò, [淪落], to degenerate/impoverished/to fall (into poverty)/to be reduced (to begging)
        luòwǔ, to fall behind the ranks/to be outdated
        gānjìnglìluo, [乾淨利落], squeaky clean/neat and tidy/efficient
        xiàluòbùmíng, unaccounted/unknown whereabouts
        làokōng/luòkōng/luòkòng, to fail to achieve something/to be fruitless, to fail/to fall through/to come to...
        cūnluò, village
        diàoluò, to fall down
        luòjiǎo, [落腳], to stay for a time/to stop over/to lodge/to sink down (into soft ground)/leftove...
        gàoyīduànluò, to come to the end of a phase (idiom)
        xīluò, to taunt/to ridicule/to jeer at/to treat coldly/to abandon
        luòshuǐ, to fall into water/to sink/overboard/fig. to degenerate/to sink (into depravity)...
        luòlèi, [落淚], to shed tears/to weep
        liúluò, to wander about destitute/to be stranded
        luòmù, the curtain drops/the end of the show
        lìluo, agile/nimble/all settled/in order
        sànluò, to disperse/to fall scattered/to sprinkle
        luòyè, [落葉], dead leaves/to lose leaves (of plants)/deciduous
        luòxuǎn, [落選], to fail to be chosen (or elected)/to lose an election
        diēluò, to fall/to drop
        lěngluò, desolate/unfrequented/to treat sb coldly/to snub/to cold shoulder
        luòwǎng, [落網], (of a bird, fish etc) to be caught in a net/(of a tennis ball) to hit the net/(o...
        xiànluò, to surrender (of a fortress)/to fall (to the enemy)/subsidence (of land)
        luòxià, to fall/to drop/to land (of projectile)
        mòluò, [沒落], to decline/to wane
        shuāiluò, to fall/to drop/to decline/to deteriorate/to go downhill
        luòrì, setting sun
        zuòluò, to be situated/to be located (of a building)
        luòjǐngxiàshí, to throw stones at sb who fell down a well (idiom); to hit a person who is down
        Chénāiluòdìng/chénāiluòdìng, [塵埃落定], "Red Poppies", novel by 阿來|阿来[Ā lái], lit. the dust has settled (idiom)/fig. to ...
        zhuóluò, [著落], whereabouts/place to settle/reliable source (of funds etc)/(of responsibility fo...
        fāluò, [發落], to deal with (an offender)
        yīluòqiānzhàng, lit. to drop a thousand zhang in one fall (idiom)/fig. (of business, popularity ...
        qǐluò, to rise and fall/takeoff and landing/ups and downs
        duànluò, phase/time interval/paragraph/(written) passage
        luòchéng, to complete a construction project
        qǐluòjià, undercarriage
        shǔluo, [數落], to enumerate sb's shortcomings/to criticize/to scold/to talk on and on
        yǔnluò, [隕落], to fall down/to decay/to fall from the sky/to die
        luòtāngjī, [落湯雞], a person who looks drenched and bedraggled/like a drowned rat/deep distress
        huáluò, to slide/to roll
        luòbài, [落敗], to suffer a defeat/to fail/to fall behind
        luònàn, [落難], to meet with misfortune/to fall into dire straits
        piāoluò, [飄落], to float down/to fall gently (snowflakes, leaves etc)
        bōluò, [剝落], to peel off
        luòshí, [落實], practical/workable/to implement/to carry out/to decide
        guāngmínglěiluò, open and candid (idiom); straightforward and upright
        luòmǎ, [落馬], (lit.) to fall from a horse/(fig.) to suffer a setback/to come a cropper/to be s...
        qúnluò, community/(science) biocoenosis/ecological community
        gāncuìlìluo, [乾脆利落], (of speech or actions) direct and efficient/without fooling around
        chūluò, to grow (prettier etc)/to mature into/to blossom
        luòhuāngértáo, to flee in defeat/to bolt
        dàqǐdàluò, (of market prices etc) to rapidly fluctuate (idiom)/volatile/significant ups and...
        luòkuǎn, inscription with name, date, or short sentence, on a painting, gift, letter etc
        bàiluò, [敗落], (of status or wealth) to decline/(of buildings etc) to become dilapidated/run-do...
        luòchā, drop in elevation/(fig.) gap (in wages, expectations etc)/disparity
        luòzuò, to sit down/to take a seat
        luòbǎng, to fail the imperial exams/to flunk
        luòcháo, (of a tide) to ebb or go out
        luòmò, lonely/desolate
        yíluò, [遺落], to leave behind (inadvertently)/to forget/to omit/to leave out
        qīlíngbāluò, (idiom) everything broken and in disorder
        zuòluò, to be situated/located at (of building)/also written 坐落[zuò luò]
        luòdìdēng, [落地燈], floor lamp
        luòdìchuāng, French window/CL:扇[shàn]
        guāshúdìluò, when the melon is ripe, it falls (idiom); problems sort themselves out in the fu...
        língluò, withered and fallen/scattered/sporadic
        diāoluò, to wither (and drop off)/to wilt/to pass away
        luòhù, [落戶], to settle/to set up home
        làozhěn, to have a stiff neck after sleeping/(of the head) to touch the pillow
        dǒuluò, to shake out
        ānjiāluòhù, [安家落戶], to make one's home in a place/to settle
        luòluòdàfāng, (of one's conduct, speech etc) natural and unrestrained
        luòbǐ, [落筆], to put pen to paper/pen mark
        huíluò, to fall back/to return to low level after a rise (in water level, price etc)
        yuànluò, court/courtyard
        cuòluòyǒuzhì, [錯落有致], in picturesque disorder (idiom); irregular arrangement with charming effect
        chényúluòyàn, [沉魚落雁], lit. fish sink, goose alights (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); fig. female beauty c...
        cuòluò, [錯落], strewn at random/disorderly/untidy/irregular/uneven
        zhǎngluò, [漲落], (of water, prices etc) to rise and fall
        luòhuāshēng, peanut
        yèluòguīgēn, [葉落歸根], a falling leaf returns to the roots (idiom); everything has its ancestral home/I...
        míngluòSūnShān, [名落孫山], lit. to fall behind Sun Shan 孫山|孙山[Sūn Shān] (who came last in the imperial exam...
        luòyèsōng, [落葉松], larch tree (Pinus larix)/deciduous pine tree
        jūnluò, bacterial colony/microbial colony
        lěiluò, big and stout/big-hearted/open and honest/continuous/repeated
        shūluò, sparse/scattered

        kèhù, [客戶], client/customer
        chuānghu, [窗戶], window/CL:個|个[gè],扇[shàn]
        hù, [戶], a household/door/family
        zhànghù, [賬戶], bank account/online account
        yònghù, [用戶], user/consumer/subscriber/customer
        hùwài, [戶外], outdoor
        Lièhùzuò, [獵戶座], Orion (constellation)
        hùtóu, [戶頭], bank account/CL:個|个[gè]
        Jiānghù, [江戶], Edo (old name of Tokyo)
        zhùhù, [住戶], household/inhabitant/householder
        ménhù, [門戶], door/strategic gateway/portal/faction/sect/family status/family/web portal/(old)...
        āijiāāihù, [挨家挨戶], to go from house to house
        jiāyùhùxiǎo, [家喻戶曉], understood by everyone (idiom); well known/a household name
        hùkǒu, [戶口], population (counted as number of households for census or taxation)/registered r...
        bàofāhù, [暴發戶], newly rich/parvenu/upstart
        Shénhù, [神戶], Kōbe, major Japanese port near Ōsaka
        yīnhù, [陰戶], vulva
        kāihù, [開戶], to open an account (bank etc)
        zūhù, [租戶], tenant/person who leases
        zúbùchūhù, [足不出戶], lit. not putting a foot outside/to stay at home
        yònghùmíng, [用戶名], username/user ID
        zhuānyèhù, [專業戶], family firm producing a special product/cottage industry
        hùzhǔ, [戶主], head of the household
        hēihù, [黑戶], unregistered resident or household/unlicensed shop
        guòhù, [過戶], to transfer ownership (of a vehicle, securities etc)/(real estate) conveyancing
        hùjí, [戶籍], census register/household register
        dīngzihù, [釘子戶], householder who refuses to vacate his home despite pressure from property develo...
        méndānghùduì, [門當戶對], the families are well-matched in terms of social status (idiom)/(of a prospectiv...
        jiājiāhùhù, [家家戶戶], each and every family (idiom)/every household
        dàhù, [大戶], great family/rich family/large landlord/conspicuous spender or consumer
        qiānjiāwànhù, [千家萬戶], every family (idiom)
        pénghùqū, [棚戶區], shantytown
        dìnghù, [訂戶], subscriber (to a newspaper or periodical)
        luòhù, [落戶], to settle/to set up home
        ānjiāluòhù, [安家落戶], to make one's home in a place/to settle
        nónghù, [農戶], peasant household
        gètǐhù, [個體戶], self-employed/a private firm (PRC usage)
        túhù, [屠戶], butcher
        yèbùbìhù, [夜不閉戶], lit. doors not locked at night (idiom); fig. stable society
        hùkǒuběn, [戶口本], household register/household registration booklet/residence certificate
        āiménāihù, [挨門挨戶], see 挨家挨戶|挨家挨户[āi jiā āi hù]
        diànhù, [佃戶], tenant farmer
        ménhùzhījiàn, [門戶之見], sectarian bias/parochialism
        rùhù, [入戶], to obtain a residence permit
簿         hùkǒubù, [戶口簿], household register
        chǔhù, [儲戶], (bank) depositor

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