落 ⇒
部落 bùluò, tribe
落 là/lào/luò, to leave out/to be missing/to leave behind or forget to bring/to lag or fall beh...
降落 jiàngluò, to descend/to land
角落 jiǎoluò, nook/corner
堕落 duòluò, [墮落], to degrade/to degenerate/to become depraved/corrupt/a fall from grace
下落 xiàluò, whereabouts/to drop/to fall
落后 luòhòu, [落後], to fall behind/to lag (in technology etc)/backward/to retrogress
日落 rìluò, sundown/sunset
失落 shīluò, to lose (sth)/to drop (sth)/to feel a sense of loss/frustrated/disappointment/lo...
坠落 zhuìluò, [墜落], to fall/to drop
落入 luòrù, to fall into
降落伞 jiàngluòsǎn, [降落傘], parachute
低落 dīluò, downcast/gloomy/to decline
落地 luòdì, to fall to the ground/to be set on the ground/to reach to the ground/to be born/...
击落 jīluò, [擊落], to shoot down (a plane)
水落石出 shuǐluòshíchū, as the water recedes, the rocks appear (idiom)/the truth comes to light
脱落 tuōluò, [脫落], to drop off/to come off/to lose (hair etc)/to omit (a character when writing)
沦落 lúnluò, [淪落], to degenerate/impoverished/to fall (into poverty)/to be reduced (to begging)
落伍 luòwǔ, to fall behind the ranks/to be outdated
干净利落 gānjìnglìluo, [乾淨利落], squeaky clean/neat and tidy/efficient
落花 下落不明 xiàluòbùmíng, unaccounted/unknown whereabouts
落空 làokōng/luòkōng/luòkòng, to fail to achieve something/to be fruitless, to fail/to fall through/to come to...
落水狗 村落 cūnluò, village
掉落 diàoluò, to fall down
落脚 luòjiǎo, [落腳], to stay for a time/to stop over/to lodge/to sink down (into soft ground)/leftove...
告一段落 gàoyīduànluò, to come to the end of a phase (idiom)
奚落 xīluò, to taunt/to ridicule/to jeer at/to treat coldly/to abandon
落水 luòshuǐ, to fall into water/to sink/overboard/fig. to degenerate/to sink (into depravity)...
落泪 luòlèi, [落淚], to shed tears/to weep
流落 liúluò, to wander about destitute/to be stranded
落幕 luòmù, the curtain drops/the end of the show
利落 lìluo, agile/nimble/all settled/in order
散落 sànluò, to disperse/to fall scattered/to sprinkle
落叶 luòyè, [落葉], dead leaves/to lose leaves (of plants)/deciduous
落选 luòxuǎn, [落選], to fail to be chosen (or elected)/to lose an election
跌落 diēluò, to fall/to drop
冷落 lěngluò, desolate/unfrequented/to treat sb coldly/to snub/to cold shoulder
落网 luòwǎng, [落網], (of a bird, fish etc) to be caught in a net/(of a tennis ball) to hit the net/(o...
陷落 xiànluò, to surrender (of a fortress)/to fall (to the enemy)/subsidence (of land)
落下 luòxià, to fall/to drop/to land (of projectile)
没落 mòluò, [沒落], to decline/to wane
衰落 shuāiluò, to fall/to drop/to decline/to deteriorate/to go downhill
落日 luòrì, setting sun
坐落 zuòluò, to be situated/to be located (of a building)
落井下石 luòjǐngxiàshí, to throw stones at sb who fell down a well (idiom); to hit a person who is down
尘埃落定 Chénāiluòdìng/chénāiluòdìng, [塵埃落定], "Red Poppies", novel by 阿來|阿来[Ā lái], lit. the dust has settled (idiom)/fig. to ...
着落 zhuóluò, [著落], whereabouts/place to settle/reliable source (of funds etc)/(of responsibility fo...
发落 fāluò, [發落], to deal with (an offender)
一落千丈 yīluòqiānzhàng, lit. to drop a thousand zhang in one fall (idiom)/fig. (of business, popularity ...
起落 qǐluò, to rise and fall/takeoff and landing/ups and downs
段落 duànluò, phase/time interval/paragraph/(written) passage
落成 luòchéng, to complete a construction project
起落架 qǐluòjià, undercarriage
数落 shǔluo, [數落], to enumerate sb's shortcomings/to criticize/to scold/to talk on and on
陨落 yǔnluò, [隕落], to fall down/to decay/to fall from the sky/to die
落汤鸡 luòtāngjī, [落湯雞], a person who looks drenched and bedraggled/like a drowned rat/deep distress
滑落 huáluò, to slide/to roll
落败 luòbài, [落敗], to suffer a defeat/to fail/to fall behind
落难 luònàn, [落難], to meet with misfortune/to fall into dire straits
飘落 piāoluò, [飄落], to float down/to fall gently (snowflakes, leaves etc)
剥落 bōluò, [剝落], to peel off
落脚点 落实 luòshí, [落實], practical/workable/to implement/to carry out/to decide
光明磊落 guāngmínglěiluò, open and candid (idiom); straightforward and upright
落马 luòmǎ, [落馬], (lit.) to fall from a horse/(fig.) to suffer a setback/to come a cropper/to be s...
群落 qúnluò, community/(science) biocoenosis/ecological community
干脆利落 gāncuìlìluo, [乾脆利落], (of speech or actions) direct and efficient/without fooling around
出落 chūluò, to grow (prettier etc)/to mature into/to blossom
落荒而逃 luòhuāngértáo, to flee in defeat/to bolt
落体 破落 大起大落 dàqǐdàluò, (of market prices etc) to rapidly fluctuate (idiom)/volatile/significant ups and...
落款 luòkuǎn, inscription with name, date, or short sentence, on a painting, gift, letter etc
败落 bàiluò, [敗落], (of status or wealth) to decline/(of buildings etc) to become dilapidated/run-do...
落差 luòchā, drop in elevation/(fig.) gap (in wages, expectations etc)/disparity
落座 luòzuò, to sit down/to take a seat
落榜 luòbǎng, to fail the imperial exams/to flunk
落潮 luòcháo, (of a tide) to ebb or go out
打落 落寞 luòmò, lonely/desolate
遗落 yíluò, [遺落], to leave behind (inadvertently)/to forget/to omit/to leave out
七零八落 qīlíngbāluò, (idiom) everything broken and in disorder
座落 zuòluò, to be situated/located at (of building)/also written 坐落[zuò luò]
落地灯 luòdìdēng, [落地燈], floor lamp
落地窗 luòdìchuāng, French window/CL:扇[shàn]
潮涨潮落 瓜熟蒂落 guāshúdìluò, when the melon is ripe, it falls (idiom); problems sort themselves out in the fu...
零落 língluò, withered and fallen/scattered/sporadic
凋落 diāoluò, to wither (and drop off)/to wilt/to pass away
日落而息 落户 luòhù, [落戶], to settle/to set up home
落枕 làozhěn, to have a stiff neck after sleeping/(of the head) to touch the pillow
抖落 dǒuluò, to shake out
安家落户 ānjiāluòhù, [安家落戶], to make one's home in a place/to settle
失落感 落落大方 luòluòdàfāng, (of one's conduct, speech etc) natural and unrestrained
落笔 luòbǐ, [落筆], to put pen to paper/pen mark
回落 huíluò, to fall back/to return to low level after a rise (in water level, price etc)
院落 yuànluò, court/courtyard
错落有致 cuòluòyǒuzhì, [錯落有致], in picturesque disorder (idiom); irregular arrangement with charming effect
沉鱼落雁 chényúluòyàn, [沉魚落雁], lit. fish sink, goose alights (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); fig. female beauty c...
洒落 垂落 错落 cuòluò, [錯落], strewn at random/disorderly/untidy/irregular/uneven
落脚处 涨落 zhǎngluò, [漲落], (of water, prices etc) to rise and fall
落花生 luòhuāshēng, peanut
叶落归根 yèluòguīgēn, [葉落歸根], a falling leaf returns to the roots (idiom); everything has its ancestral home/I...
落地钟 降落场 名落孙山 míngluòSūnShān, [名落孫山], lit. to fall behind Sun Shan 孫山|孙山[Sūn Shān] (who came last in the imperial exam...
破落户 落叶松 luòyèsōng, [落葉松], larch tree (Pinus larix)/deciduous pine tree
旁落 菌落 jūnluò, bacterial colony/microbial colony
磊落 lěiluò, big and stout/big-hearted/open and honest/continuous/repeated
疏落 shūluò, sparse/scattered
笔 ⇒
笔 bǐ, [筆], pen/pencil/writing brush/to write or compose/the strokes of Chinese characters/c...
笔记本 bǐjìběn, [筆記本], notebook (stationery)/CL:本[běn]/notebook (computing)
笔记 bǐjì, [筆記], to take down (in writing)/notes/a type of literature consisting mainly of short ...
铅笔 qiānbǐ, [鉛筆], (lead) pencil/CL:支[zhī],枝[zhī],桿|杆[gǎn]
这笔 笔迹 bǐjì, [筆跡], handwriting
笔录 bǐlù, [筆錄], to put down in writing/to take down notes/transcript/record
钢笔 gāngbǐ, [鋼筆], fountain pen/CL:支[zhī]
亲笔 qīnbǐ, [親筆], in one's own handwriting
大笔 粉笔 fěnbǐ, [粉筆], chalk/CL:支[zhī],段[duàn]
笔直 bǐzhí, [筆直], perfectly straight/straight as a ramrod/bolt upright
蜡笔 làbǐ, [蠟筆], crayon
一笔勾销 yībǐgōuxiāo, [一筆勾銷], to write off at one stroke
笔名 bǐmíng, [筆名], pen name/pseudonym
圆珠笔 yuánzhūbǐ, [圓珠筆], ballpoint pen/CL:支[zhī],枝[zhī]
笔下 bǐxià, [筆下], the wording and purport of what one writes
画笔 huàbǐ, [畫筆], painting brush
大手笔 文笔 wénbǐ, [文筆], writings/writing style
手笔 shǒubǐ, [手筆], sth written or painted in one's own hand/(of a writer, calligrapher or painter) ...
动笔 笔挺 bǐtǐng, [筆挺], (standing) very straight/straight as a ramrod/bolt upright/well-ironed/trim
败笔 bàibǐ, [敗筆], a faulty stroke in calligraphy or painting/a faulty expression in writing
笔头 bǐtóu, [筆頭], ability to write/writing skill/written/in written form
铅笔盒 qiānbǐhé, [鉛筆盒], pencil case
笔试 bǐshì, [筆試], written examination/paper test (for an applicant)
笔误 bǐwù, [筆誤], a slip of a pen/CL:處|处[chù]
笔画 bǐhuà, [筆畫], strokes of a Chinese character
执笔 zhíbǐ, [執筆], to write/to do the actual writing
煞笔 shābǐ, [煞筆], to stop one's pen/to break off writing/final remarks (at the end of a book or ar...
神来之笔 附笔 fùbǐ, [附筆], postscript
蜡笔画 随笔 suíbǐ, [隨筆], essay
笔筒 bǐtǒng, [筆筒], pen container/brush pot
代笔 dàibǐ, [代筆], to write on behalf of sb/to ghostwrite
彩笔 眉笔 méibǐ, [眉筆], eyebrow pencil (cosmetics)
下笔 xiàbǐ, [下筆], to put pen to paper
笔触 bǐchù, [筆觸], brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy/brushwork/style of drawing or w...
笔尖 bǐjiān, [筆尖], nib/pen point/the tip of a writing brush or pencil
笔墨 bǐmò, [筆墨], pen and ink/words/writing
卷笔刀 juǎnbǐdāo, [卷筆刀], pencil sharpener (blade-only type)
毛笔 máobǐ, [毛筆], writing brush/CL:枝[zhī],管[guǎn]
笔端 签字笔 qiānzìbǐ, [簽字筆], felt-tip pen/roller ball pen/gel ink pen
笔帽 bǐmào, [筆帽], the cap of a pen, pencil, or writing brush
笔力 bǐlì, [筆力], vigor of strokes in calligraphy or drawing/vigor of style in literary compositio...
笔杆子 bǐgǎnzi, [筆桿子], pen/an effective writer
着笔 zhuóbǐ, [著筆], to put pen to paper
铁笔 笔锋 bǐfēng, [筆鋒], the tip of a writing brush/vigor of style in writing/stroke/touch
笔耕 bǐgēng, [筆耕], to make a living by writing/to write (as an author)
笔法 bǐfǎ, [筆法], technique of writing/calligraphy/or drawing
光笔 guāngbǐ, [光筆], light pen
水笔 钢笔水 口诛笔伐 kǒuzhūbǐfá, [口誅筆伐], to condemn in speech and in writing (idiom)/to denounce by word and pen
炭笔 原子笔 yuánzǐbǐ, [原子筆], ballpoint pen/also written 圓珠筆|圆珠笔
自来水笔 落笔 luòbǐ, [落筆], to put pen to paper/pen mark
笔者 bǐzhě, [筆者], the author/the writer
绝笔 juébǐ, [絕筆], words written on one’s deathbed/an artist's final work/swansong
笔套 bǐtào, [筆套], the cap of a pen, pencil or writing brush/the sheath of a pen (made of cloth, si...
笔会 Bǐhuì, [筆會], PEN (association of writers)
笔调 bǐdiào, [筆調], (of writing) tone/style
墨笔 mòbǐ, [墨筆], writing brush
挥笔 亲笔信 电笔 笔供 bǐgòng, [筆供], written evidence, as opposed to oral evidence 口供[kǒu gòng]
自动铅笔 zìdòngqiānbǐ, [自動鉛筆], mechanical pencil/propelling pencil
铅笔画 笔记簿 工笔 gōngbǐ, [工筆], gongbi, traditional Chinese painting method characterized by meticulous brush te...
主笔 练笔 笔划 bǐhuà, [筆劃], variant of 筆畫|笔画[bǐ huà]
笔洗 奋笔疾书 fènbǐjíshū, [奮筆疾書], to write at a tremendous speed
台笔 润笔 rùnbǐ, [潤筆], remuneration for literary or artistic work
伏笔 fúbǐ, [伏筆], foreshadowing (literary device)/foretaste of material to come (in essay or story...