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[蟲災] chóngzāi insect damage
destruction of crops by pest insects

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Word Compounds

        chóng, [蟲], lower form of animal life, including insects, insect larvae, worms and similar c...
        chóngzi, [蟲子], insect/bug/worm/CL:條|条[tiáo],隻|只[zhī]
        kūnchóng, [昆蟲], insect/CL:隻|只[zhī],群[qún],堆[duī]
        jìshēngchóng, [寄生蟲], parasite (biology)/(fig.) freeloader
        kěliánchóng, [可憐蟲], pitiful creature/wretch
        chòuchóng, [臭蟲], bedbug (Cimex lectularius)/tick
        hàichóng, [害蟲], injurious insect/pest
        shāchóngjì, [殺蟲劑], insecticide/pesticide
        yínghuǒchóng, [螢火蟲], firefly/glowworm/lightning bug
        jiǎchóng, [甲蟲], beetle
        lǎnchóng, [懶蟲], (coll.) lazybones
        yòuchóng, [幼蟲], larva
        máomaochóng, [毛毛蟲], caterpillar
        rúchóng, [蠕蟲], worm
        páchóng, [爬蟲], reptile/(Internet) web crawler
        piáochóng, [瓢蟲], ladybug/ladybird
        huángchóng, [蝗蟲], locust
        qūchóng, [蛆蟲], maggot
        máochóng, [毛蟲], caterpillar
        yáchóng, [蚜蟲], greenfly (Aphis spp.)/aphid
        dúchóng, [毒蟲], poisonous insect (or spider etc)/(slang) junkie
        zhùchóng, [蛀蟲], insect that eats into wood, books, clothes etc/fig. vermin
        huíchóng, [蛔蟲], roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides), a human parasite
        diāochóngxiǎojì, [雕蟲小技], insignificant talent/skill of no high order/minor accomplishment
        fēichóng, [飛蟲], flying insect/winged insect
        tāochóng, [絛蟲], tapeworm
        kūnchóngxué, [昆蟲學], entomology
        xiàngbíchóng, [象鼻蟲], weevil/snout beetle
        chónghài, [蟲害], insect pest/damage from insects
        wénchóng, [蚊蟲], mosquito
        hútuchóng, [糊塗蟲], blunderer/bungler
        biànxíngchóng, [變形蟲], amoeba
        dàchóng, [大蟲], tiger
        jīngchóng, [精蟲], spermatozoon/spermatozoa
        chóngzāi, [蟲災], insect damage/destruction of crops by pest insects
        chéngchóng, [成蟲], imago (adult, sexually mature insect, the final stage of its development)
        sānyèchóng, [三葉蟲], trilobite
        xuèxīchóng, [血吸蟲], schistosoma
        náochóng, [蟯蟲], parasitic worm/human pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)
        yúchóng, [魚蟲], water flea (small crustacean of genus Daphnia)
        chóngyá, [蟲牙], caries/rotten tooth (colloquial)/see also 齲齒|龋齿[qǔ chǐ]
        shāchóng, [沙蟲], sandworm
        nüèyuánchóng, [瘧原蟲], plasmodium (malaria parasite)
        shāchóngyào, [殺蟲藥], insecticide
        chángchong, [長蟲], (coll.) snake
        dùchóng, [蠹蟲], moth/harmful person/vermin
        yīngshēngchóng, [應聲蟲], yes-man/opinionless person
        hàirénchóng, [害人蟲], pest/evildoer
        yìchóng, [益蟲], beneficial insect
        dǎchóng, [打蟲], to swat an insect/to get rid of intestinal parasite with drugs

        zāinàn, [災難], disaster/catastrophe
        huǒzāi, [火災], fire (that burns buildings etc)
        zāi, [災]/[烖]/[菑], disaster/calamity, variant of 災|灾[zāi], old variant of 災|灾[zāi]
        xìngzāilèhuò, [幸災樂禍], lit. to take joy in calamity and delight in disaster (idiom); fig. to rejoice in...
        zìránzāihài, [自然災害], natural disaster
        zāihài, [災害], calamity/disaster/CL:個|个[gè]
        zāihuò, [災禍], disaster
        zāiqū, [災區], disaster area/stricken region
        shuǐzāi, [水災], flood/flood damage
        shòuzāi, [受災], disaster-stricken/to be hit by a natural calamity
        tiānzāi, [天災], natural disaster
        zāixīng, [災星], comet or supernova viewed as evil portent
        hànzāi, [旱災], drought
        jiùzāi, [救災], to relieve disaster/to help disaster victims
        fángzāi, [防災], disaster prevention/to protect against natural disasters
        chóngzāi, [蟲災], insect damage/destruction of crops by pest insects
        duōzāiduōnàn, [多災多難], to be plagued with misfortunes/precarious
        chéngzāi, [成災], disastrous/to turn into a disaster
        fànlànchéngzāi, [泛濫成災], lit. to flood (idiom)/fig. rampant/in plague proportions
        zāimín, [災民], victim (of a disaster)
        hóngzāi, [洪災], flood
        huángzāi, [蝗災], plague of locusts
        tiānzāirénhuò, [天災人禍], natural calamities and man-made disasters (idiom)
        zhòngzāiqū, [重災區], area particularly hard-hit by a disaster/disaster area
        zāihuāng, [災荒], natural disaster/famine
        báozāi, [雹災], disaster caused by hail
        kàngzāi, [抗災], defense against natural disasters

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