蜜 ⇒
蜜蜂 mìfēng, bee/honeybee/CL:隻|只[zhī],群[qún]
甜蜜 tiánmì, sweet/happy
蜜月 mìyuè, honeymoon
蜜 mì, honey
蜂蜜 fēngmì, honey
蜜糖 mìtáng, honey
甜言蜜语 tiányánmìyǔ, [甜言蜜語], (idiom) sweet words/sweet talk/cajolery
蜜桃 mìtáo, honey peach/juicy peach
蜜饯 mìjiàn, [蜜餞], food preserved in sugar or honey
甜蜜蜜 tiánmìmì, very sweet
花蜜 huāmì, nectar
水蜜桃 shuǐmìtáo, honey peach/juicy peach
糖蜜 tángmì, molasses/syrup
酿蜜 蜜罐 mìguàn, honey pot/fig. comfortable living conditions/privileged environment
蜜橘 蜜柑 mìgān, mandarin orange/tangerine
哈蜜瓜 hāmìguā, Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon)/honeydew melon/cantaloupe/also written 哈密瓜
蜜柚 蜜桔
糖 ⇒
糖 táng, [餹], sugar/sweets/candy/CL:顆|颗[kē],塊|块[kuài], old variant of 糖[táng]
糖果 tángguǒ, candy/CL:粒[lì]
口香糖 kǒuxiāngtáng, chewing gum
糖尿病 tángniàobìng, diabetes/diabetes mellitus
糖浆 tángjiāng, [糖漿], syrup
软糖 ruǎntáng, [軟糖], soft candy (gummi candy, gumdrop, jellybean etc)
棒棒糖 bàngbàngtáng, lollipop/sucker/CL:根[gēn]
薄荷糖 蜜糖 mìtáng, honey
泡泡糖 pàopàotáng, bubble gum
血糖 xuètáng, blood sugar
乳糖 rǔtáng, lactose
焦糖 jiāotáng, caramel
糖霜 糖果店 低血糖 dīxuètáng, hypoglycemia (medicine)
糖衣 tángyī, frosting or icing (on cakes etc)/sugarcoating
蔗糖 zhètáng, cane sugar/sucrose
水果糖 葡萄糖 pútaotáng, glucose C6H2O6
橡皮糖 糖块 奶糖 白糖 báitáng, (refined) white sugar
糖分 冰糖 bīngtáng, crystal sugar/rock candy
糖业 花生糖 果糖 guǒtáng, fructose
砂糖 shātáng, granulated sugar
方糖 fāngtáng, sugar cube
糖纸 糖汁 tángzhī, syrup
糖蜜 tángmì, molasses/syrup
糖厂 麦芽糖 màiyátáng, [麥芽糖], maltose (sweet syrup)
核糖核酸 hétánghésuān, ribonucleic acid (RNA)
糖水 tángshuǐ, syrup/sweetened water/tong sui (sweet soup)
红糖 hóngtáng, [紅糖], dark brown sugar/molasses
柠檬糖 多糖 duōtáng, polysaccharide (complex carbohydrate such as starch 澱粉|淀粉 and cellulose 纖維素|纤维素)
糖精 tángjīng, saccharin
饴糖 yítáng, [飴糖], malt sugar/maltose
糖原 tángyuán, glycogen
糖人 糖料 食糖 糖类 tánglèi, [糖類], sugar (chemistry)
糖衣炮弹 tángyīpàodàn, [糖衣炮彈], sugar-coated bullets, term used by Mao (originally in 1949) to refer to corrupti...
糖化 糖商 糖稀 糖瓜 tángguā, malt sugar candy, a traditional offering to the kitchen god Zaoshen 灶神
糖酶 降糖 冰糖葫芦 bīngtánghúlu, [冰糖葫蘆], tanghulu/candied fruits on bamboo skewers dipped in sugar syrup, a common Chines...
糖苷 tánggān, glucoside
糖葫芦 tánghúlu, [糖葫蘆], sugar-coated Chinese hawthorn or other fruit on a stick/tanghulu
双糖 shuāngtáng, [雙糖], disaccharide
白砂糖 báishātáng, white granulated sugar
皮糖 核糖 hétáng, ribose