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[蟬聯] chánlián to continue in a post
(to hold a post) several times in succession
(to win a title) in successive years
to stay at number one
to defend a championship

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Word Compounds

        chánlián, [蟬聯], to continue in a post/(to hold a post) several times in succession/(to win a tit...
        chán, [蟬], cicada
        jīnchántuōqiào, [金蟬脫殼], lit. the cicada sheds its carapace (idiom); fig. to vanish leaving an empty shel...
        chánmíng, [蟬鳴], song of cicadas/chirping of insects
        chányì, [蟬翼], cicada's wing/fig. diaphanous/delicate texture
        hánchán, [寒蟬], cicada in winter/fig. mournful sound

        liánxì, [聯係]/[聯繫], variant of 聯繫|联系[lián xì], connection/contact/relation/to get in touch with/to i...
        liánbāng, [聯邦], federal/federation/commonwealth/federal union/federal state/union
        liánméng, [聯盟], alliance/union/coalition
        liánluò, [聯絡], to get in touch with/to contact/to stay in contact (with)/liaison/(math.) connec...
        liánhé, [聯合], to combine/to join/unite/alliance
        guānlián, [關聯], related/linked/affiliated
        Sūlián, [蘇聯], Soviet Union, 1922-1991/abbr. for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) 蘇維埃...
        Liánhéguó, [聯合國], United Nations
        lián, [聯], to ally/to unite/to join/(poetry) antithetical couplet
        Hùliánwǎng, [互聯網], Internet
        liánsài, [聯賽], (sports) league/league tournament
        liányìhuì, [聯誼會], association/club/society/party/get-together
        Liánxiǎng/liánxiǎng, [聯想], abbr. for 聯想集團|联想集团[Lián xiǎng Jí tuán], to associate (cognitively)/to make an a...
        liánshǒu, [聯手], lit. to join hands/to act together
        liánhéhuì, [聯合會], federation
        liánxìrén, [聯繫人], contact (person)
        liánbō, [聯播], to broadcast over a network/(radio or TV) hookup/simulcast
        liánduì, [聯隊], wing (of an air force)/sports team representing a combination of entities (e.g. ...
        liánwǎng, [聯網], network/cyber-
        liánjié, [聯結], to bind/to tie/to link
        liánxíhuìyì, [聯席會議], joint conference
        liányì, [聯誼], friendship/fellowship
        liányīn, [聯姻], related by marriage/to connect by marriage (families, work units)
        chánlián, [蟬聯], to continue in a post/(to hold a post) several times in succession/(to win a tit...
        liánjiē, [聯接], variant of 連接|连接[lián jiē]
        liánluòguān, [聯絡官], liaison officer
        liánjūn, [聯軍], allied armies
        liánmíng, [聯名], jointly (signed, declared, sponsored)
        Měiliánchǔ, [美聯儲], US Federal Reserve (Fed), the US central bank
        liánjī, [聯機], online/network/to connect online/to connect an electronic device to another devi...
        bānglián, [邦聯], confederation
        MěiLiánshè, [美聯社], Associated Press (AP)/abbr. for 美國聯合通訊社|美国联合通讯社[Měi guó Lián hé Tōng xùn shè]
        liánhuānhuì, [聯歡會], social gathering/party
        chuànlián, [串聯], to establish ties or contact/in series connection (electricity)
        liánshǔ, [聯署], joint signatures (on a letter or declaration)
        Āliánqiú, [阿聯酋], United Arab Emirates/abbr. for 阿拉伯联合酋长国
        Liántōng/liántōng, [聯通], China United Telecommunications Corporation/aka China Unicom or Unicom/abbr. for...
        MànLián, [曼聯], Manchester United Football Club
        liánmèi, [聯袂], jointly/as a group/together
        fúxiǎngliánpiān, [浮想聯翩], to let one's imagination roam
        fùlián, [婦聯], women's league/women's association
        xiānglián, [相聯], to interact/interrelated
        liányíng, [聯營], joint venture/under joint management
        liányùn, [聯運], through transport/through traffic jointly organized by different enterprises
        Liánhéwángguó, [聯合王國], United Kingdom
        liánhuān, [聯歡], to have a get-together/celebration/party
        GuóLián, [國聯], abbr. for 國際聯盟|国际联盟[Guó jì Lián méng], League of Nations (1920-1946), based in G...
        zhūliánbìhé, [珠聯璧合], string of pearl and jade (idiom); ideal combination/perfect pair
        hùlián, [互聯], interconnected
        ÀodàlìyàLiánbāng, [澳大利亞聯邦], Commonwealth of Australia
        BāguóLiánjūn, [八國聯軍], Eight-Nation Alliance, involved in a military intervention in northern China in ...
        duìlián, [對聯], rhyming couplet/pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a do...
        bìnglián, [並聯], parallel connection

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