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[補丁] bǔding patch (for mending clothes, tires etc)
(software) patch

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Word Compounds

        bǔcháng, [補償], to compensate/to make up
        míbǔ, [彌補], to complement/to make up for a deficiency
        bǔ, [補], to repair/to patch/to mend/to make up for/to fill (a vacancy)/to supplement
        bǔchōng, [補充], to replenish/to supplement/to complement/additional/supplementary/CL:個|个[gè]
        bǔjǐ, [補給], supply/replenishment/to replenish
        bǔjiù, [補救], to remedy
        xiūbǔ, [修補], to mend
        tiánbǔ, [填補], to fill a gap/to fill in a blank (on a form)/to overcome a deficiency
        tìbǔ, [替補], to replace (a damaged component with a new one, an injured player with a substit...
        hòubǔ, [候補], to wait to fill a vacancy/reserve (candidate)/alternate/substitute
        bǔtiē, [補貼], to subsidize/subsidy/allowance/to supplement (one's salary etc)/benefit
        yúshìwúbǔ, [於事無補], unhelpful/useless
        bǔzhù, [補助], to subsidize/subsidy/allowance
        bǔxí, [補習], to take extra lessons in a cram school or with a private tutor
        bǔding, [補丁], patch (for mending clothes, tires etc)/(software) patch
        wángyángbǔláo, [亡羊補牢], lit. to mend the pen after sheep are lost (idiom)/fig. to act belatedly/better l...
        bǔxíbān, [補習班], cram class/cram school/evening classes
        hùbǔ, [互補], complementary/to complement each other
        bǔkǎo, [補考], to sit for a makeup exam/to resit an exam/makeup exam/resit
        bǔjǐpǐn, [補給品], supplies/stores
        bǔkè, [補課], to make up missed lesson/to reschedule a class
        bǔguò, [補過], to make up for an earlier mistake/to make amends
        féngbǔ, [縫補], to darn (clothing)/to sew and mend
        bǔyá, [補牙], to fill a tooth (cavity)/to have a tooth filled/a dental filling
        zībǔ, [滋補], nourishing/nutritious
        bǔpǐn, [補品], tonic
        bǔyào, [補藥], tonic
        dìbǔ, [遞補], to substitute/to complement in the proper order/to fill vacancies progressively
        bǔchángfèi, [補償費], compensation
        qǔchángbǔduǎn, [取長補短], lit. use others' strengths to make up for one's weak points (idiom from Mencius)...
        zhībǔ, [織補], darning/to darn
        bǔzú, [補足], to bring up to full strength/to make up a deficiency/to fill (a vacancy, gap etc...
        zībǔpǐn, [滋補品], tonic/invigorant
        bǔjǐzhàn, [補給站], depot/supply station/supply point/staging post
        bǔquē, [補缺], to fill a vacancy/to make up for a shortage/to supply a deficiency
        bǔpiào, [補票], to buy or upgrade a ticket after boarding a train, boat etc/to buy a ticket for ...
        bǔsè, [補色], complementary color
        tiānbu, [添補], to fill (up)/to replenish
        zēngbǔ, [增補], to augment/to supplement/to add
        bǔyǔ, [補語], complement (grammar)
        bǔfā, [補發], to supply again (sth lost)/to reissue/to pay retroactively

        Dīng/dīng, surname Ding, fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shí tiān gān]/fourth in order...
        Mǎdīng, [馬丁], Martin (name)
        lādīng, Latin/(in former times) to press-gang/to kidnap and force people into service
        bùdīng, pudding (loanword)
        yuándīng, [園丁], gardener
        Lādīngyǔ, [拉丁語], Latin (language)
        Lādīngwén, Latin (language)
        LādīngMěizhōu, Latin America
        Lādīngwǔ, Latin dance
        Àosīdīng, [奧斯丁], Austin or Austen (name)/Austin, Texas/also written 奧斯汀
        Àidīngbǎo, [愛丁堡], Edinburgh, capital of Scotland
        nígǔdīng, nicotine (loanword)
        Nuòdīnghàn, [諾丁漢], Nottingham (city in England)
        shādīngyú, [沙丁魚], sardine (loanword)
        bǔding, [補丁], patch (for mending clothes, tires etc)/(software) patch
        dīngxiāng, lilac (Syringia vulgaris)/clove (Eugenia aromatica)
··         Mǎdīng·Lùdé·Jīn, [馬丁·路德·金], Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), American clergyman and civil rights activis...
        dùlěngdīng, (medicine) dolantin (loanword)/pethidine
        Dīngdīng/zhēngzhēng, Tintin, cartoon character, sound of chopping wood, chess pieces hitting the boar...
        Àodīng, [奧丁], Odin (god in Norse mythology)
        Jūnshìtǎndīngbǎo, Constantinople, capital of Byzantium
        dīngwán, butane
        zǐdīngxiāng, lilac
        zhuàngdīng, [壯丁], able-bodied man (capable of fighting in a war)
        mǎdīngní, [馬丁尼], martini (loanword)
        lěngbudīng, suddenly/by surprise
        Ābódīng, Aberdeen (city on east coast of Scotland)
        Yàdīng, [亞丁], Aden
        dīngkè, Dual Income, No Kids (DINK) (loanword)
·         Mǎdīng·Lùdé, [馬丁·路德], Martin Luther (1483-1546), key figure of the Protestant Reformation
        nándīng, adult male
        dīngdōng, (onom.) ding dong/jingling of bells/clanking sound
        ShèngÀogǔsīdīng, [聖奧古斯丁], St Augustine/Aurelius Augustinus (354-430), theologian and Christian philosopher...
        Ālādīng, Aladdin, character in one of the tales in the The Book of One Thousand and One N...
        Lādīngzìmǔ, Latin alphabet
        dīngèrxī, butadiene CH6/biethylene
·         Āsīdùn·Mǎdīng, [阿斯頓·馬丁], Aston Martin
        lǜdīngxiàngjiāo, [氯丁橡膠], neoprene
        ròudīng, diced meat
        yīdīngdiǎn, [一丁點], a tiny bit/a wee bit
        tiāndīng, to add a son to the family
        dīngzìgǎo, [丁字鎬], hammer pick
        dīngzìchǐ, T-square/set square (carpenter's tool)
        dīngzìliáng, T-girder
        jiādīng, (old) servant hired to keep guard, run errands etc

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