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[解毒劑] jiědújì an antidote

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Word Compounds

        liǎojiě, [瞭解], to understand/to realize/to find out, to understand/to realize/to find out
        jiěshì, [解釋], explanation/to explain/to interpret/to resolve/CL:個|个[gè]
        jiějué, [解決], to settle (a dispute)/to resolve/to solve/to dispose of/to dispatch
        lǐjiě, to comprehend/to understand/comprehension/understanding
        jiěgù, [解僱], to fire/to sack/to dismiss/to terminate employment
        Xiè/jiě/jiè/xiè, surname Xie, to divide/to break up/to split/to separate/to dissolve/to solve/to ...
        jiěkāi, [解開], to untie/to undo/to solve (a mystery)
        jiěchú, to remove/to sack/to get rid of/to relieve (sb of their duties)/to free/to lift ...
        jiětuō, [解脫], to untie/to free/to absolve of/to get free of/to extirpate oneself/(Buddhism) to...
        wùjiě, [誤解], to misunderstand/to misread/misunderstanding
        jiěfàng, to liberate/to emancipate/liberation/refers to the Communists' victory over the ...
        héjiě, to settle (a dispute out of court)/to reconcile/settlement/conciliation/to becom...
        jiěsàn, to dissolve/to disband
        jiěpōu, to dissect (an animal)/to analyze/anatomy
        jiějiù, to rescue/to help out of difficulties/to save the situation
        biànjiě, [辯解], to explain/to justify/to defend (a point of view etc)/to provide an explanation/...
        huǎnjiě, [緩解], to bring relief/to alleviate (a crisis)/to dull (a pain)
        pòjiě, to break (a bond, constraint etc)/to explain/to unravel/to decipher/to decode/to...
        fēnjiě, to resolve/to decompose/to break down
        jiědú, [解讀], to decipher/to decode/to interpret
        jiànjiě, [見解], opinion/view/understanding
        liàngjiě, [諒解], to understand/to make allowances for/understanding
        jiědá, answer/explanation/solution (to a math equation)
        jiěmì, to declassify/(computing) to decrypt/to decipher
        wǎjiě, to collapse/to disintegrate/to crumble
        zhījiě, to dismember/(fig.) to break into parts
        jiědújì, [解毒劑], an antidote
        xièshù, [解數], talent/ability/capability/martial arts technique/Taiwan pr. [jiě shù]
        tiáojiě, [調解], to mediate/to bring parties to an agreement
        jiědòng, [解凍], to melt/to thaw/to defrost/fig. to relax (repression, enmity etc)
        róngjiě, to dissolve
        qūjiě, to misrepresent/to misinterpret
        jiǎngjiě, [講解], to explain
        shànjiěrényì, to be good at understanding others (idiom)
        jiětǐ, [解體], to break up into components/to disintegrate/to collapse/to crumble
        jiěmǎ, [解碼], to decode/to decipher
        huàjiě, to dissolve/to resolve (contradictions)/to dispel (doubts)/to iron out (difficul...
        jiěshuō, [解說], to explain/to comment
        fèijiě, [費解], to be puzzled/hard to understand/unintelligible/incomprehensible
        jiěpōuxué, [解剖學], anatomy
        jiěwéi, [解圍], to lift a siege/to help sb out of trouble or embarrassment
        jiěmǎqì, [解碼器], decoder
        diànjiězhì, [電解質], electrolyte
        yíngrènérjiě, lit. (bamboo) splits when it meets the knife's edge (idiom)/fig. easily solved
        jiězhí, [解職], to dismiss from office/to discharge/to sack
        jiědú, to detoxify/to relieve fever (in Chinese medicine)
        jiàngjiě, (chemistry) degradation/to degrade
        jiěxī, to analyze/to resolve/(math.) analysis/analytic
        Jiěfàngjūn, [解放軍], People's Liberation Army (PRC armed forces)
        zhùjiě, [註解], to annotate/annotation/comment/interpretation/to explain with notes/explanatory ...
        bùjiě, to not understand/to be puzzled by/indissoluble
        jiěmèn, [解悶], to relieve boredom or melancholy/a diversion
        tǔbēngwǎjiě, to collapse/to fall apart
        tújiě, [圖解], illustration/diagram/graphical representation/to explain with the aid of a diagr...
        jiěpìn, to dismiss an employee/to sack
        kāngkǎijiěnáng, to contribute generously (idiom); help sb generously with money/to give generous...
        jiěyuē, [解約], to terminate an agreement/to cancel a contract
        yājiè, to send away under escort (criminals, goods etc)
        jiěkě, to quench
        jiěshuōyuán, [解說員], commentator
        páijiě, to mediate/to reconcile/to make peace/to intervene
        yīzhībànjiě, lit. to know one and understand half (idiom); a smattering of knowledge/dilettan...
        róngjiě, fusion
        xiǎojiě, to urinate/to empty one's bladder
        lǐjiělì, ability to grasp ideas/understanding
        tiáozhìjiětiáoqì, [調制解調器], modem
        jiějìn, to lift a prohibition
        jiěshǒu, to relieve oneself (i.e. use the toilet)/to solve
        míhuòbùjiě, to feel puzzled
        diànjiě, [電解], electrolysis
        jiǎngjiěyuán, [講解員], guide
        chāijiě, to disassemble
        qiújiě, to require a solution/to seek to solve (an equation)
        bǎisībùdéqíjiě, see 百思不解[bǎi sī bù jiě]
        jiěhuò, to dispel doubts/to clear up confusion
        jiěchán, [解饞], to satisfy one's craving
        tíjiě, [題解], notes/key (to exercises)
        jiěfǎ, solution (to a math problem)/method of solving
        róngjiě, to melt/molten/fig. to understand thoroughly
        JiěfàngZhànzhēng, [解放戰爭], War of Liberation (1945-49), after which the Communists 共產黨武裝|共产党武装 under Mao Ze...
        shuǐjiě, hydrolysis (chemical reaction with water)
        BājiěZǔzhī, [巴解組織], Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)/abbr. for 巴勒斯坦解放組織|巴勒斯坦解放组织[Bā lè sī tǎn...
        páiyōujiěnàn, [排憂解難], to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind (idiom)
        jiětí, [解題], to solve problems/to explicate
        jiěcháo, to try to cover up in an embarrassing situation/to justify oneself/to find excus...
        Jiěfàngqū, [解放區], Liberation city district/Jiefang district of Jiaozuo city 焦作市[Jiāo zuò shì], Hen...
        jiěrè, [解熱], to relieve fever
        zhījiě, variant of 肢解[zhī jiě]
        quànjiě, [勸解], conciliation/mediation/to mollify/to propitiate/to reconcile
        shūjiě, to mediate/to mitigate/to ease/to relieve
        xiāojiě, to eliminate/to dispel/resolution
        jiětiáo, [解調], demodulation/to demodulate
        jiěfànghòu, [解放後], after liberation (i.e. after the Communist's victory)/after the establishment of...
        jiěshuōcí, [解說詞], a commentary
        yīnshìfēnjiě, factorization
        jiěnáng, lit. to loosen one's purse/fig. to give generously to help others
        xiángjiě, [詳解], to explain in detail/detailed answer/full solution (to a math problem)
        jiěfá, to relieve tiredness/to freshen up
        ZhōngguóRénmínJiěfàngjūn, [中國人民解放軍], Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)
        dàjiě, to defecate/to empty one's bowels
        nánjiěnánfēn, [難解難分], hard to untie, hard to separate (idiom); inextricably involved/locked in battle

        dúpǐn, drugs/narcotics/poison
        dú, poison/to poison/poisonous/malicious/cruel/fierce/narcotics
        bìngdú, virus
        xīdú, to take drugs
        dúqì, [毒氣], poison gas/toxic gas/manifestation of passion, anger etc (Buddhism)
        dúfàn, [毒販], drug dealer/drug trafficker
        dúyào, [毒藥], poison
        zhòngdú, to be poisoned/poisoning
        fàndú, [販毒], to traffic narcotics/drugs trade/opium trade
        yǒudú, poisonous
        jièdú, to kick a drug habit/to abstain from drugs
        dúsù, poison
        dúyǐn, [毒癮], drug addiction
        dúshé, viper
        èdú, [惡毒], malicious
        xiàdú, to put poison in sth/to poison
        jīdú, [緝毒], to counter narcotics trafficking/drug enforcement
        dúxìng, toxicity
        xiāodú, to disinfect/to sterilize
        méidú, syphilis
        dúwù, poisonous substance/poison/toxin/venom
        jièdúsuǒ, drug rehabilitation center
        dúhài, to poison (harm with a toxic substance)/to poison (people's minds)/poisoning
        dúyè, venom/poisonous fluid
        dúxiāo, [毒梟], drug pusher
        jiědújì, [解毒劑], an antidote
        shíwùzhòngdú, food poisoning
        jùdú, [劇毒], highly toxic/extremely poisonous
        fángdúmiànjù, gas mask
        dúshǒu, deadly blow/vicious attack/treacherous assault
        àizībìngdú, human immune deficiency virus (HIV)/the AIDS virus
        dúdǎ, beat up/CL:頓|顿[dùn]
        dúliú, malignant tumor
        dújì, [毒劑], a poison/a toxic agent/poison gas/a chemical weapon
        hěndú, vicious/malicious/savage
        jiědú, to detoxify/to relieve fever (in Chinese medicine)
        wúdú, [無毒], harmless/innocuous/lit. not poisonous
        xiāodújì, [消毒劑], disinfectant
        xiàdúshǒu, to attack murderously/to strike treacherously
        dúchóng, [毒蟲], poisonous insect (or spider etc)/(slang) junkie
        shédú, snake venom
        fúdú, to take poison
        jìndú, drug prohibition
        dúshā, [毒殺], to kill by poisoning
        dúlà, cruel/sinister/vicious
        dúlǐxué, [毒理學], toxicology
        yǐdúgōngdú, to cure ills with poison (TCM)/to fight evil with evil/set a thief to catch a th...
        túdú, torment/cruelty/great suffering
        dúqìdàn, [毒氣彈], poison gas shell/poison gas grenade
        fàngdú, to poison/fig. to spread vicious rumors
        dǎidú, vicious/ruthless/malevolent
        dúcì, venomous sting
        fángdú, defense against poison/defense against poison gas/anti-narcotics measures/defens...
        bìngdúxué, [病毒學], virology (study of viruses)
        yīnxiǎndúlà, [陰險毒辣], treacherous and murderous
        dúhuà, to poison/to infect
        lèidúsù, [類毒素], toxoid
        liúdú, to spread poison/pernicious influence
        yīndú, [陰毒], sinister/insidious
        dúxiàn, poison gland
        kèdú, spiteful/venomous
        kàngdúsù, antitoxins
        cándú, [殘毒], cruelty
        rǎndú, contamination

        jì, [劑], dose (medicine)
        zhènjìngjì, [鎮靜劑], tranquilizer
        jìliàng, [劑量], dosage/prescribed dose of medicine
        yàojì, [藥劑], medicine/medicament/drug/chemical compound
        mázuìjì, [麻醉劑], narcotic/anesthetic
        xīngfènjì, [興奮劑], stimulant/doping (in athletics)
        yàojìshī, [藥劑師], drugstore/chemist/pharmacist
        shāchóngjì, [殺蟲劑], insecticide/pesticide
        jiědújì, [解毒劑], an antidote
        qīngjiéjì, [清潔劑], detergent/cleaning solution
        cuīhuàjì, [催化劑], catalyst
        rùnhuájì, [潤滑劑], lubricant
        piǎobáijì, [漂白劑], bleach
        chúchòujì, [除臭劑], deodorant
        zhìjì, [製劑], (chemical or pharmaceutical) preparation
        dújì, [毒劑], a poison/a toxic agent/poison gas/a chemical weapon
        shìjì, [試劑], reagent
        róngjì, [溶劑], solvent
        fángfǔjì, [防腐劑], preservative/antiseptic
        xiāodújì, [消毒劑], disinfectant
        zhǐtòngjì, [止痛劑], an analgesic/pain killer
        zhēnjì, [針劑], fluid loaded into a syringe for a hypodermic injection
        chúcǎojì, [除草劑], weed killer/herbicide
        tiānjiājì, [添加劑], additive/food additive
        tiáojì, [調劑], to adjust/to balance/to make up a medical prescription
        xǐdíjì, [洗滌劑], cleaning agent/detergent
        zhèntòngjì, [鎮痛劑], painkiller/analgesic/anodyne
        yǎnghuàjì, [氧化劑], oxidant/oxidizing agent
        qiángxīnjì, [強心劑], cardiac stimulant
        lěngquèjì, [冷卻劑], coolant
        shuānjì, [栓劑], suppository
        rǎnfàjì, [染髮劑], hair dye/rinse/tint
尿         lìniàojì, [利尿劑], diuretic
        tiánwèijì, [甜味劑], sweetener (food additive)
        niánhéjì, [黏合劑], glue
        chōngjì, [沖劑], medicine to be taken after being mixed with water (or other liquid)
        rǔjì, [乳劑], emulsion
        tāngjì, [湯劑], decoction/potion
        wánjì, [丸劑], pill
        huányuánjì, [還原劑], reducing agent
        tuījìnjì, [推進劑], propellant/rocket fuel
        gānzàojì, [乾燥劑], desiccant
        qìwùjì, [氣霧劑], aerosol
        piānjì, [片劑], tablet
        fǔshíjì, [腐蝕劑], a corrosive (chemical)
        zhǐshìjì, [指示劑], indicator
        cuītùjì, [催吐劑], an emetic
        jìxíng, [劑型], delivery mechanism of a medicine (e.g. pill, powder etc)

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