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[講座] jiǎngzuò a course of lectures

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Word Compounds

        jiǎng, [講], to speak/to explain/to negotiate/to emphasise/to be particular about/as far as s...
        jiǎnghuà, [講話], a speech/to speak/to talk/to address/CL:個|个[gè]
        yǎnjiǎng, [演講], lecture/to make a speech
        láijiǎng, [來講], as to/considering/for
        jiǎngshù, [講述], to talk about/to narrate/to give an account
        duìjiǎngjī, [對講機], intercom/walkie-talkie
        jiǎngzuò, [講座], a course of lectures/CL:個|个[gè]
        jiǎngjiu, [講究], to pay particular attention to/carefully selected for quality/tastefully chosen
        jiǎngjiě, [講解], to explain
        jiǎngtái, [講臺], platform/rostrum/lectern/(teacher's) desk
        jiǎnglǐ, [講理], to argue/to reason with sb/to talk sense/to be reasonable
        jiǎngkè, [講課], teach/lecture
        jiǎngyǎn, [講演], to lecture/to speak publicly
        jiǎngshī, [講師], instructor/lecturer
        xuānjiǎng, [宣講], to preach/to explain publicly
        tīngjiǎng, [聽講], to attend a lecture/to listen to a talk
        jiǎngqiú, [講求], to stress/to emphasize/particular about sth/to strive for
        jiǎngmíng, [講明], to explain
        jiǎngshòu, [講授], to lecture/to teach (a college course)
        jiǎngjià, [講價], to bargain (over price)/to haggle
        jiǎnghé, [講和], to make peace/to reconcile
        jiǎngyì, [講義], teaching materials
        mánbùjiǎnglǐ, [蠻不講理], completely unreasonable
        zhǔjiǎng, [主講], to give a lecture/to lecture on
        jiǎngjiěyuán, [講解員], guide
        jiǎngpíng, [講評], to criticize/to evaluate
        jiǎngxué, [講學], to lecture (on branch of learning)
        jiǎngtán, [講壇], a platform (to speak)
        kāijiǎng, [開講], to begin a lecture/to start on a story
        jiǎngxíbān, [講習班], instructional workshop
        jiǎngtáng, [講堂], lecture hall/CL:家[jiā],間|间[jiān]
        jiǎnglùn, [講論], to discuss
        jiǎngxí, [講習], to lecture/to instruct

        zuò, seat/base/stand/CL:個|个[gè]/classifier for buildings, mountains and similar immov...
        zuòwèi, seat/CL:個|个[gè]
        hòuzuò, [後座], empress's throne/(fig.) first place in a feminine competition, back seat/pillion
        zàizuò, to be present
        xīngzuò, constellation/astrological sign/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        Lièhùzuò, [獵戶座], Orion (constellation)
        jiǎngzuò, [講座], a course of lectures/CL:個|个[gè]
        zuòyǐ, seat
        zuòyòumíng, [座右銘], motto/maxim
        bǎozuò, [寶座], throne
        chāzuò, socket/outlet
        zuòjī, [座機], fixed phone/private plane
        rùzuò, to seat (sb in a restaurant etc)/to take one's seat
        zuòbiāo, [座標], see 坐標|坐标[zuò biāo]
        zuòtánhuì, [座談會], conference/symposium/rap session
        màizuò, [賣座], (of a movie, show etc) to attract large audiences
        dǐzuò, base/pedestal/foundation
        Yínzuò, [銀座], Ginza (district in Tokyo)
        Shīzizuò, [獅子座], Leo (constellation and sign of the zodiac)
        zuòtán, [座談], to have an informal discussion/CL:次[cì],個|个[gè]
        Shuāngzǐzuò, [雙子座], Gemini (constellation and sign of the zodiac)
        Tiānxiēzuò, [天蠍座], Scorpio or Scorpius (constellation and sign of the zodiac)
        mǎnzuò, [滿座], fully booked/every seat taken
        Tiānchèngzuò, Libra (constellation and sign of the zodiac)
        Jīnniúzuò, Taurus (constellation and sign of the zodiac)
        zuòwúxūxí, [座無虛席], lit. a banquet with no empty seats/full house/capacity crowd/standing room only
        jīzuò, underlay/foundation/pedestal
        ràngzuò, [讓座], to give up one's seat for sb
        luòzuò, to sit down/to take a seat
        Xiānhòuzuò, Cassiopeia (constellation)
        kèzuòjiàoshòu, visiting professor/guest professor
        yǎzuò, (restaurant etc) private room/booth/comfortable seating
        zuòcāng, [座艙], cockpit/cabin
        Dàxióngzuò, Ursa Major, the Great Bear (constellation)
        zuòluò, to be situated/located at (of building)/also written 坐落[zuò luò]
        línzuò, [鄰座], person in next seat/adjacent seat/neighbor
        yìngzuò, hard seat (on trains or boats)
        zuòshàngkè, guest of honor
        gāopéngmǎnzuò, [高朋滿座], surrounded by distinguished friends (idiom); in company
        shàngzuò, seat of honor
        Xiǎoxióngzuò, Ursa Minor (constellation)
        zuòzi, pedestal/plinth/saddle
        zuòzhōng, [座鐘], desk clock
        zuòhào, [座號], seat number
        Tiānyīngzuò, [天鷹座], Aquila (constellation)
        táizuò, pedestal

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