评 ⇒
评委 píngwěi, [評委], evaluation committee/judging panel/judging panel member/adjudicator/abbr. for 評選...
评价 píngjià, [評價], to evaluate/to assess
评论 pínglùn, [評論], to comment on/to discuss/comment/commentary/CL:篇[piān]
评估 pínggū, [評估], to evaluate/to assess/assessment/evaluation
评审 píngshěn, [評審], to appraise/to evaluate/to judge
批评 pīpíng, [批評], to criticize/criticism/CL:個|个[gè]
评判 píngpàn, [評判], to judge (a competition)/to appraise
评 píng, [評], to discuss/to comment/to criticize/to judge/to choose (by public appraisal)
点评 diǎnpíng, [點評], to comment/a point by point commentary
评论家 pínglùnjiā, [評論家], critic/reviewer
评分 píngfēn, [評分], to grade/to mark (student's work)/grade/score (of student's work)
好评 hǎopíng, [好評], favorable criticism/positive evaluation
批评家 pīpíngjiā, [批評家], critic
评语 píngyǔ, [評語], comment/evaluation
评选 píngxuǎn, [評選], to select on the basis of a vote or consensus
评头论足 píngtóulùnzú, [評頭論足], lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet (idiom); minute criticism of a woma...
评委会 评定 píngdìng, [評定], to evaluate/to make one's judgment
评为 píngwéi, [評為], to elect as/to choose as/to consider as
影评 yǐngpíng, [影評], film review
书评 shūpíng, [書評], book review/book notice
评断 píngduàn, [評斷], to judge
测评 cèpíng, [測評], to test and evaluate
评论员 置评 zhìpíng, [置評], comment/statement
评理 pínglǐ, [評理], to judge between right and wrong/to reason things out
评级 píngjí, [評級], rating
评述 píngshù, [評述], to comment on/commentary
评测 讲评 jiǎngpíng, [講評], to criticize/to evaluate
评说 píngshuō, [評說], to comment/to evaluate
剧评 考评 kǎopíng, [考評], evaluation/to investigate and evaluate
品评 pǐnpíng, [品評], to judge/to assess
评议 píngyì, [評議], to appraise through discussion
评奖 píngjiǎng, [評獎], to determine the recipient of an award through discussion
评比 píngbǐ, [評比], to evaluate (by comparison)
自我批评 zìwǒpīpíng, [自我批評], self-criticism
评头品足 píngtóupǐnzú, [評頭品足], to make idle remarks about a woman's appearance (idiom)
短评 评论界 乐评 评出 评析 评阅 píngyuè, [評閱], to read and appraise
时评 初评 评点 píngdiǎn, [評點], to comment/a point by point commentary
选 ⇒
选择 xuǎnzé, [選擇], to select/to pick/choice/option/alternative
选 xuǎn, [選], to choose/to pick/to select/to elect
选手 xuǎnshǒu, [選手], athlete/contestant
竞选 jìngxuǎn, [競選], to take part in an election/to run for office
别无选择 biéwúxuǎnzé, [別無選擇], to have no other choice
人选 rénxuǎn, [人選], choice of person/candidate
选举 xuǎnjǔ, [選舉], to elect/election/CL:次[cì],個|个[gè]
挑选 tiāoxuǎn, [挑選], to choose/to select
候选人 hòuxuǎnrén, [候選人], candidate/CL:名[míng]
选票 xuǎnpiào, [選票], a vote/ballot/CL:張|张[zhāng]
选中 xuǎnzhòng, [選中], to choose/to pick/to settle upon/to decide upon a candidate/to be selected for s...
海选 hǎixuǎn, [海選], direct, winner-takes-all system of election in use for village committees/presel...
选出 xuǎnchū, [選出], to pick out/to select/to elect
选美 xuǎnměi, [選美], beauty contest
当选 dāngxuǎn, [當選], to be elected/to be selected
选民 xuǎnmín, [選民], voter/constituency/electorate
入选 rùxuǎn, [入選], to be chosen/to be elected as
选拔 xuǎnbá, [選拔], to select the best
大选 dàxuǎn, [大選], general election
选项 xuǎnxiàng, [選項], to make a choice (between several alternatives)/a choice/an option/an alternativ...
筛选 shāixuǎn, [篩選], to filter
参选 cānxuǎn, [參選], to be a candidate in an election or other selection process/to run for office/to...
候选 hòuxuǎn, [候選], candidate (attributive)
首选 shǒuxuǎn, [首選], first choice/premium/to come first in the imperial examinations
选定 xuǎndìng, [選定], to select/to choose/to settle on
选区 xuǎnqū, [選區], electoral district/constituency
精选 jīngxuǎn, [精選], carefully chosen/handpicked/best of the bunch/choice (product)/concentration (mi...
评选 píngxuǎn, [評選], to select on the basis of a vote or consensus
落选 luòxuǎn, [落選], to fail to be chosen (or elected)/to lose an election
选拔赛 选曲 甄选 zhēnxuǎn, [甄選], to select/to pick
初选 chūxuǎn, [初選], primary election
预选 yùxuǎn, [預選], preselection/short-listing/primary election
选择性 xuǎnzéxìng, [選擇性], selective/selectiveness/selectivity
选举权 xuǎnjǔquán, [選舉權], suffrage
推选 tuīxuǎn, [推選], to elect/to choose/to nominate
选人 选用 xuǎnyòng, [選用], to choose for some purpose/to select and use
民选 mínxuǎn, [民選], democratically elected
选修 xuǎnxiū, [選修], optional course (in school)/to take an optional course
选取 xuǎnqǔ, [選取], to choose
海选中 选购 xuǎngòu, [選購], to select and purchase/to buy
选秀 xuǎnxiù, [選秀], to select talented individuals/(sports) draft
改选 gǎixuǎn, [改選], reelection/to reelect
另选 自选 zìxuǎn, [自選], to choose by oneself/free to choose/optional/self-service
选段 选择题 xuǎnzétí, [選擇題], multiple-choice question
选集 xuǎnjí, [選集], anthology
选址 xuǎnzhǐ, [選址], to select a suitable site/site/location
任选 rènxuǎn, [任選], to choose arbitrarily/to take whichever one fancies
种子选手 zhǒngzixuǎnshǒu, [種子選手], seeded player
中选 zhòngxuǎn, [中選], to win an election/to get a position by passing the imperial exam
选修课 xuǎnxiūkè, [選修課], optional course (in school)
节选 jiéxuǎn, [節選], excerpt/selection (from a book)/to select/to choose an extract
选题 狗选秀 遴选 línxuǎn, [遴選], to pick/to choose/to select
选读 选派 xuǎnpài, [選派], to select/to detail/to set apart/to appoint
选案 选材 优选 yōuxuǎn, [優選], to optimize/preferred
选课 xuǎnkè, [選課], to select courses
海选真 海选之 选种 选学 慎选 我选 普选 pǔxuǎn, [普選], universal suffrage
诗选 选举法 重选 必选 要选 周选歌 海选日 海选时 海选前 自然选择 zìránxuǎnzé, [自然選擇], natural selection
艾玛选 选第 文选 wénxuǎn, [文選], compilation/selected works
海选起 万选之 连海选 海选正 自选市场 选辑 海选里 选龙 选道 选配 选样 选歌 选登 选矿 选任 选录 xuǎnlù, [選錄], an excerpt/a digest