诈 ⇒
诈骗 zhàpiàn, [詐騙], to defraud/to swindle/to blackmail
敲诈 qiāozhà, [敲詐], to rip off/to extort (money)/extortion/blackmail
欺诈 qīzhà, [欺詐], to cheat
诈 zhà, [詐], to cheat/to swindle/to pretend/to feign/to draw sb out/to try to extract informa...
狡诈 jiǎozhà, [狡詐], craft/cunning/deceitful
敲诈勒索 qiāozhàlèsuǒ, [敲詐勒索], extortion and blackmail (idiom)
奸诈 jiānzhà, [奸詐], treachery/devious/a rogue
诈骗罪 zhàpiànzuì, [詐騙罪], fraud
讹诈 ézhà, [訛詐], to extort under false pretenses/to blackmail/to bluff/to defraud
诈骗犯 诈死 zhàsǐ, [詐死], to feign death/to fake death
诈欺 zhàqī, [詐欺], fraud/deception
诡诈 guǐzhà, [詭詐], sly/treacherous
诈取 zhàqǔ, [詐取], to swindle/to defraud
尔虞我诈 ěryúwǒzhà, [爾虞我詐], lit. you hoodwink me and I cheat you (idiom); fig. mutual deception/each tries t...
诈唬 zhàhu, [詐唬], to bluff/to bluster/to intimidate
欺诈性 诈降 zhàxiáng, [詐降], feigned surrender
欺 ⇒
欺骗 qīpiàn, [欺騙], to deceive/to cheat
欺负 qīfu, [欺負], to bully
欺诈 qīzhà, [欺詐], to cheat
自欺欺人 zìqīqīrén, to deceive others and to deceive oneself/to believe one's own lies
欺 qī, to take unfair advantage of/to deceive/to cheat
欺凌 qīlíng, to bully and humiliate
欺压 qīyā, [欺壓], to bully/to push around
欺瞒 qīmán, [欺瞞], to fool/to hoodwink/to dupe
仗势欺人 zhàngshìqīrén, [仗勢欺人], to take advantage of one's position to bully people (idiom)/to kick people aroun...
欺侮 qīwǔ, to bully
诈欺 zhàqī, [詐欺], fraud/deception
可欺 kěqī, gullible/easily bullied/weak
欺人太甚 qīréntàishèn, to bully intolerably (idiom)
欺世盗名 qīshìdàomíng, [欺世盜名], to fool the world and usurp a good name (idiom)
欺行霸市 欺诈性 童叟无欺 tóngsǒuwúqī, [童叟無欺], cheating neither old nor young (idiom); treating youngsters and old folk equally...
欺上瞒下 欺生 qīshēng, to cheat strangers/to bully strangers/(of domesticated animals) to be rebellious...