话 ⇒
话 huà, [話]/[諙], dialect/language/spoken words/speech/talk/words/conversation/what sb said/CL:種|种...
电话 diànhuà, [電話], telephone/CL:部[bù]/phone call/CL:通[tōng]/phone number
打电话 dǎdiànhuà, [打電話], to make a telephone call
说话 shuōhuà, [說話], to speak/to say/to talk/to gossip/to tell stories/talk/word
谈话 tánhuà, [談話], to talk (with sb)/to have a conversation/talk/conversation/CL:次[cì]
实话 shíhuà, [實話], truth
说实话 shuōshíhuà, [說實話], to speak the truth/truth to tell/frankly
笑话 xiàohuà, [笑話], joke/jest/CL:個|个[gè]/to laugh at/to mock
讲话 jiǎnghuà, [講話], a speech/to speak/to talk/to address/CL:個|个[gè]
废话 fèihuà, [廢話], nonsense/rubbish/superfluous words/You don't say!/No kidding! (gently sarcastic)
的话 dehuà, [的話], if (coming after a conditional clause)
话题 huàtí, [話題], subject (of a talk or conversation)/topic
通话 tōnghuà, [通話], to hold a conversation/to talk over the telephone/phone call
对话 duìhuà, [對話], dialogue/CL:個|个[gè]
听话 tīnghuà, [聽話], to do what one is told/obedient
真话 谎话 huǎnghuà, [謊話], lie
实话实说 shíhuàshíshuō, [實話實說], to tell the truth/to tell it as it is
说来话长 shuōláihuàcháng, [說來話長], start explaining and it's a long story (idiom); complicated and not easy to expr...
神话 shénhuà, [神話], legend/fairy tale/myth/mythology
童话 tónghuà, [童話], children's fairy tales
脏话 zānghuà, [髒話], profanity/obscene language/speaking rudely
话说 huàshuō, [話說], It is said that ... (at the start of a narrative)/to discuss/to recount
鬼话 guǐhuà, [鬼話], lie/false words/nonsense/CL:篇[piān]
坏话 huàihuà, [壞話], unpleasant talk/malicious words
屁话 pìhuà, [屁話], shit/nonsense
问话 wènhuà, [問話], questioning (a suspect)/interrogation
换句话说 huànjùhuàshuō, [換句話說], in other words
长话短说 chánghuàduǎnshuō, [長話短說], to make a long story short (idiom)
真心话 好话 hǎohuà, [好話], friendly advice/words spoken on sb's behalf/a good word/kind words/words that so...
电话线 diànhuàxiàn, [電話線], telephone line/telephone wire
回话 huíhuà, [回話], to reply
话语 huàyǔ, [話語], words/speech/utterance/discourse
胡话 húhuà, [胡話], nonsense/ridiculous talk/hogwash
无话可说 wúhuàkěshuō, [無話可說], to have nothing to say (idiom)
粗话 cūhuà, [粗話], vulgar language (esp. scatological insults)/uncultured speech
电话亭 diànhuàtíng, [電話亭], telephone booth
话筒 huàtǒng, [話筒], microphone/(telephone) receiver/handset
傻话 shǎhuà, [傻話], foolish talk/nonsense
电话簿 diànhuàbù, [電話簿], telephone directory
通电话 tōngdiànhuà, [通電話], to phone sb up
传话 chuánhuà, [傳話], to pass on a story/to communicate a message
心里话 xīnlihuà, [心裡話], (to express one's) true feelings/what is on one's mind/secret mind
闲话 xiánhuà, [閒話], casual conversation/chat/gossip/to talk about (whatever comes to mind)
话剧 huàjù, [話劇], stage play/modern drama/CL:臺|台[tái],部[bù]
公用电话 gōngyòngdiànhuà, [公用電話], public phone/CL:部[bù]
老话 瞎话 错话 大话 疯话 fēnghuà, [瘋話], crazy talk/ravings/nonsense
假话 jiǎhuà, [假話], a lie/untrue statement/misstatement
悄悄话 qiāoqiaohuà, [悄悄話], whisperings/private words/confidences/sweet nothings
不像话 bùxiànghuà, [不像話], unreasonable/shocking/outrageous
像话 xiànghuà, [像話], proper
这话 电话会议 diànhuàhuìyì, [電話會議], (telephone) conference call
无线电话 wúxiàndiànhuà, [無線電話], radio telephony/wireless telephone
电话铃 俗话说 súhuàshuō, [俗話說], as the proverb says/as they say...
说闲话 搭话 dāhuà, [搭話], to talk/to get into conversation with/to send word
行话 hánghuà, [行話], jargon/language of the trade
电话费 普通话 pǔtōnghuà, [普通話], Mandarin (common language)/Putonghua (common speech of the Chinese language)/ord...
训话 xùnhuà, [訓話], to admonish subordinates
俏皮话 qiàopihuà, [俏皮話], witticism/wisecrack/sarcastic remark/double entendre
说大话 反话 fǎnhuà, [反話], irony/ironic remark
象话 xiànghuà, [象話], proper/also written 像話|像话
长途电话 chángtúdiànhuà, [長途電話], long-distance call
发话 话费 huàfèi, [話費], call charge
空话 kōnghuà, [空話], empty talk/bunk/malicious gossip
电话本 直话 zhíhuà, [直話], straight talk/straightforward words
说梦话 不在话下 bùzàihuàxià, [不在話下], to be nothing difficult/to be a cinch
茶话会 cháhuàhuì, [茶話會], tea party
俗话 súhuà, [俗話], common saying/proverb
客套话 kètàohuà, [客套話], conventional greeting/polite formula
插话 chāhuà, [插話], to interrupt (sb speaking)/interruption/digression
话别 huàbié, [話別], to say good-bye/to bid sb farewell
套话 tàohuà, [套話], polite phrase/conventional greetings/cliché/to try to worm facts out of sb
原话 电话机 diànhuàjī, [電話機], telephone set
步话机 bùhuàjī, [步話機], walkie-talkie
丑话 chǒuhuà, [醜話], ugly talk/vulgarity/obscenity
会话 huìhuà, [會話], conversation/CL:個|个[gè],次[cì]
话头 huàtóu, [話頭], subject (under discussion)/thread (of an argument)
白话 báihuà, [白話], spoken language/vernacular
漂亮话 气话 qìhuà, [氣話], angry words/sth said in the moment of anger
二话不说 èrhuàbùshuō, [二話不說], not saying anything further (idiom); not raising any objection/without demur
风凉话 fēngliánghuà, [風涼話], sneering/sarcasm/cynical remarks
恭维话 说话声 此话 下流话 可视电话 kěshìdiànhuà, [可視電話], videophone
话匣子 huàxiázi, [話匣子], phonograph or radio (old term)/chatterbox/talkative person
费话 fèihuà, [費話], to talk at length/to waste one's breath/variant of 廢話|废话[fèi huà]
话音 huàyīn, [話音], one's speaking voice/tone/implication
喊话 古话 留话 liúhuà, [留話], to leave word/to leave a message
话家常 一席话 yīxíhuà, [一席話], the content of a conversation/words/remarks
话不投机 huàbùtóujī, [話不投機], the conversation is disagreeable (idiom)
有线电话 情话 qínghuà, [情話], terms of endearment/words of love
黑话 hēihuà, [黑話], argot/bandits' secret jargon/malicious words
答话 dáhuà, [答話], to reply/to answer
话机 话中有话 huàzhōngyǒuhuà, [話中有話], overtones in conversation/things indirectly implied from what is said
说空话 闹笑话 nàoxiàohuà, [鬧笑話], to make a fool of oneself
客气话 kèqihuà, [客氣話], words of politeness/politesse/decorous talking/talk with propriety
奉承话 梦话 mènghuà, [夢話], talking in one's sleep/words spoken during sleep/fig. speech bearing no relation...
俗话说得好 话柄 huàbǐng, [話柄], a pretext for gossip/a matter for derision
话剧团 土话 tǔhuà, [土話], vernacular/slang/dialect/patois
后话 hòuhuà, [後話], something to be taken up later in speech or writing
家乡话 中国话 Zhōngguóhuà, [中國話], (spoken) Chinese language
电话局 公用电话亭 怪话 guàihuà, [怪話], ridiculous talk/preposterous remark
哪里话 送话器 私房话 官话 guānhuà, [官話], "officialese"/bureaucratic language/Mandarin
对话框 duìhuàkuàng, [對話框], dialog box (computing)
知心话 长话 说怪话 话茬 huàchá, [話茬], tone of voice/topic/subject under discussion
醉话 话把 通话费 佳话 jiāhuà, [佳話], story or deed that captures the imagination and is spread far and wide
泄气话 私话 话外音 二话没说 èrhuàméishuō, [二話沒說], see 二話不說|二话不说[èr huà bù shuō]
大白话 dàbáihuà, [大白話], colloquial speech
电话网 diànhuàwǎng, [電話網], telephone network
话梅 huàméi, [話梅], plum candy/preserved plum
挖苦话 一番话 二话 èrhuà, [二話], objection/differing opinion
话锋 huàfēng, [話鋒], topic under discussion/thread of discussion
话务员 huàwùyuán, [話務員], phone operator
话务台 正经话 市话 前话 电视电话会议 白话文 báihuàwén, [白話文], writings in the vernacular
传为佳话 电话间 车轱辘话 家常话 正话 外行话
中 ⇒
中 Zhōng/zhōng/zhòng, China/Chinese/surname Zhong, within/among/in/middle/center/while (doing sth)/dur...
其中 qízhōng, among/in/included among these
中心 zhōngxīn, center/heart/core/CL:個|个[gè]
高中 gāozhōng/gāozhòng, senior high school/abbr. for 高級中學|高级中学[gāo jí zhōng xué], to pass brilliantly (u...
中国 Zhōngguó, [中國], China
集中 jízhōng, to concentrate/to centralize/to focus/centralized/concentrated/to put together
中间 zhōngjiān, [中間], between/intermediate/mid/middle
之中 zhīzhōng, inside/among/in the midst of (doing sth)/during
当中 dāngzhōng, [當中], among/in the middle/in the center
中尉 zhōngwèi, lieutenant (navy)/first lieutenant (army)/subaltern
心中 xīnzhōng, central point/in one's thoughts/in one's heart
中央 zhōngyāng, central/middle/center/central authorities (of a state)
手中 空中 kōngzhōng, in the sky/in the air
击中 jīzhòng, [擊中], to hit (a target etc)/to strike
中午 zhōngwǔ, noon/midday/CL:個|个[gè]
中士 中学 zhōngxué, [中學], middle school/CL:個|个[gè]
眼中 yǎnzhōng, in one's eyes
市中心 shìzhōngxīn, city center/downtown
中毒 zhòngdú, to be poisoned/poisoning
中校 zhōngxiào, middle ranking officer in Chinese army/lieutenant colonel/commander
选中 xuǎnzhòng, [選中], to choose/to pick/to settle upon/to decide upon a candidate/to be selected for s...
命中 mìngzhòng, to hit (a target)
途中 túzhōng, en route
中断 zhōngduàn, [中斷], to cut short/to break off/to discontinue/to interrupt
从中 cóngzhōng, [從中], from within/therefrom
中弹 zhòngdàn, [中彈], hit by a bullet/shot
家中 中途 zhōngtú, midway
水中 中止 zhōngzhǐ, to cease/to suspend/to break off/to stop/to discontinue
中风 zhòngfēng, [中風], to suffer a paralyzing stroke
中间人 zhōngjiānrén, [中間人], intermediary/mediator
中部 zhōngbù, middle part/central section
打中 dǎzhòng, to hit (a target)
高中生 gāozhōngshēng, senior high school student
中转站 zhōngzhuǎnzhàn, [中轉站], hub (network equipment)
中年 zhōngnián, middle age
中东 Zhōngdōng, [中東], Middle East
集中营 jízhōngyíng, [集中營], concentration camp
暗中 ànzhōng, in the dark/in secret/on the sly/surreptitiously
正中 zhèngzhōng, middle/center/right in the middle or center/nub
中文 Zhōngwén, Chinese language
口中 中世纪 zhōngshìjì, [中世紀], medieval/Middle Ages
中场 zhōngchǎng, [中場], middle period of a tripartite provincial exam (in former times)/midfield/mid-cou...
初中 chūzhōng, junior high school/abbr. for 初級中學|初级中学[chū jí zhōng xué]
剧中 中奖 zhòngjiǎng, [中獎], to win a prize/a successful gamble
中立 zhōnglì, neutral/neutrality
中等 zhōngděng, medium
中餐 Zhōngcān, Chinese meal/Chinese food/CL:份[fèn],頓|顿[dùn]
中介 zhōngjiè, to act as intermediary/to link/intermediate/inter-/agency/agent
中产阶级 zhōngchǎnjiējí, [中產階級], middle class
看中 kànzhòng, to have a preference for/to fancy/to choose after consideration/to settle on
中队 狱中 中西部 zhōngxībù, midwest
食物中毒 shíwùzhòngdú, food poisoning
中意 ZhōngYì/zhòngyì, Sino-Italian, to take one's fancy/to be to one's liking
地中海 DìzhōngHǎi, Mediterranean Sea
中期 zhōngqī, middle (of a period of time)/medium-term (plan, forecast etc)
中饭 zhōngfàn, [中飯], lunch
中村 Zhōngcūn, Nakamura (Japanese surname)
中用 猜中 cāizhòng, to guess correctly/to figure out the right answer
中伤 zhòngshāng, [中傷], to slander/to smear
中枢 zhōngshū, [中樞], center/backbone/hub (e.g. of transport network)/the central administration
期中 qīzhōng, interim/midterm
中学生 zhōngxuéshēng, [中學生], middle-school student/high school student
中指 zhōngzhǐ, middle finger
中村弘 刺中 cìzhòng, to hit with a piercing blow
意料之中 yìliàozhīzhōng, to come as no surprise/as expected
囊中 中继站 zhōngjìzhàn, [中繼站], relay station
片中 piànzhōng, in the movie
无中生有 wúzhōngshēngyǒu, [無中生有], to create something from nothing (idiom)
眼中钉 yǎnzhōngdīng, [眼中釘], a thorn in one's side
怀中 中餐馆 Zhōngcānguǎn, [中餐館], Chinese restaurant
中提琴 zhōngtíqín, viola
个中 gèzhōng, [個中], therein/in this
田中 Tiánzhōng, Tienchung town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhāng huà xiàn], Taiwan/Tanaka (Japane...
林中 军中 折中 zhézhōng, to compromise/to take the middle road/a trade-off/eclectic
中层 zhōngcéng, [中層], middle-ranking
意中人 yìzhōngrén, sweetheart/one's true love/the person of one's thoughts
中锋 zhōngfēng, [中鋒], midfielder/center (basketball)/center forward (hockey, football)
中国政府 中枢神经 中暑 zhòngshǔ, sunstroke/heatstroke
中计 zhòngjì, [中計], to fall into a trap/taken in by a stratagem/cheated/ripped off
中邪 zhòngxié, to be possessed/to be bewitched
中美洲 ZhōngMěizhōu, Central America
中式 Zhōngshì/zhòngshì, Chinese style, to pass an exam (or the imperial exam)/to qualify
中亚 ZhōngYà, [中亞], Central Asia
胸中 xiōngzhōng, one's mind
目中无人 mùzhōngwúrén, [目中無人], to consider everyone else beneath one (idiom); so arrogant that no-one else matt...
中东地区 中性 zhōngxìng, neutral
中转 zhōngzhuǎn, [中轉], to change (train or plane)/transfer/correspondence
中川 Zhōngchuān, Nakagawa (Japanese surname and place name)
中旬 zhōngxún, middle third of a month
中队长 中坚 zhōngjiān, [中堅], core/nucleus/backbone
中子 zhōngzǐ, neutron
中型 zhōngxíng, medium sized
中和 Zhōnghé/zhōnghé, Zhonghe or Chungho city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xīn běi shì], Taiwan, to neutrali...
初中生 chūzhōngshēng, junior high student
中年人 百发百中 bǎifābǎizhòng, [百發百中], lit. one hundred shots, one hundred hits/to carry out a task with great precisio...
发展中国家 fāzhǎnzhōngguójiā, [發展中國家], developing country
中彩 zhòngcǎi, to win a lottery
中流砥柱 zhōngliúdǐzhù, mainstay/cornerstone/tower of strength
空中小姐 kōngzhōngxiǎojiě, stewardess/air hostess
中卫 Zhōngwèi, [中衛], Zhongwei prefecture level city in Ningxia
肉中刺 ròuzhōngcì, a thorn in one's flesh
宫中 海选中 中度 中标 zhòngbiāo, [中標], to win a tender/successful bidder
中级 zhōngjí, [中級], middle level (in a hierarchy)
命中率 mìngzhònglǜ, hit rate/scoring rate
重中之重 zhòngzhōngzhīzhòng, of the utmost importance/of highest priority
相中 xiāngzhòng, to find to one's taste/to pick (after looking at)/Taiwan pr. [xiàng zhòng]
神经中枢 中人 zhōngrén, go-between/mediator/intermediary
中庸 Zhōngyōng/zhōngyōng, the Doctrine of the Mean, one of the Four Books 四書|四书[Sì shū], golden mean (Conf...
丛中 中岛 Zhōngdǎo, [中島], Nakajima or Nakashima (Japanese surname and place name)
中外 zhōngwài, Sino-foreign/Chinese-foreign/home and abroad
中医 Zhōngyī, [中醫], traditional Chinese medical science/a doctor trained in Chinese medicine
中游 zhōngyóu, the middle stretches of a river/middle level/middle echelon/midstream
中空 zhōngkōng, hollow/empty interior
中子星 zhōngzǐxīng, neutron star
美中不足 měizhōngbùzú, everything is fine except for one small defect (idiom); the fly in the ointment
中饱私囊 zhōngbǎosīnáng, [中飽私囊], to stuff one's pockets/to take bribes
中线 zhōngxiàn, [中線], half-way line/median line
中肯 zhòngkěn, pertinent/apropos
适中 shìzhōng, [適中], moderate/reasonable/conveniently situated
南中国海 郎中 lángzhōng, doctor (Chinese medicine)/ancient official title/companions (respectful)
如日中天 rúrìzhōngtiān, lit. like the sun at noon (idiom)/fig. to be at the peak of one's power, career ...
心中有数 xīnzhōngyǒushù, [心中有數], to know what's going on
切中 qièzhòng, to hit the target (esp. in argument)/to strike home
中南部 zhōngnánbù, south central region
酸中毒 中将 zhōngjiàng, [中將], lieutenant general/vice admiral/air marshal
中非 ZhōngFēi, China-Africa (relations)/Central Africa/Central African Republic
中音 雪中送炭 xuězhōngsòngtàn, lit. to send charcoal in snowy weather (idiom)/fig. to provide help in sb's hour...
瓮中之鳖 wèngzhōngzhībiē, [甕中之鱉], lit. like a turtle in a jar/to be trapped (idiom)
中号 zhōnghào, [中號], medium-sized
中选 zhòngxuǎn, [中選], to win an election/to get a position by passing the imperial exam
中村幸 中间商 zhōngjiānshāng, [中間商], middleman/broker
王中之 中下 中华 Zhōnghuá, [中華], China (alternate formal name)
中古 ZhōngGǔ/zhōnggǔ, Sino-Cuban/China-Cuba, medieval/Middle Ages/Chinese middle antiquity, 3rd to 9th...
中继 zhōngjì, [中繼], to relay/to repeat
中介费 中考 文中 人中 rénzhōng, philtrum/infranasal depression/the "human center" acupuncture point
中城 铅中毒 男中音 nánzhōngyīn, baritone
中路 zhōnglù, midway/mediocre (quality)/midfield (soccer)
居中 jūzhōng, positioned between (two parties)/to mediate between
话中有话 huàzhōngyǒuhuà, [話中有話], overtones in conversation/things indirectly implied from what is said
真中 中介人 中土 zhōngtǔ, Sino-Turkish
中培 中叶 zhōngyè, [中葉], mid- (e.g. mid-century)/middle period
中原 Zhōngyuán, Central Plain, the middle and lower regions of the Yellow river, including Henan...
情理之中 市中区 shìzhōngqū, [市中區], central city district
城中 中国式 Zhōngguóshì, [中國式], Chinese style/à la chinoise
台中 Táizhōng, [臺中], Taizhong or Taichung city and county in central Taiwan, Taizhong or Taichung cit...
投中 tóuzhòng, to hit the target with one's throw/(basketball) to score
中药 Zhōngyào, [中藥], (traditional) Chinese medicine/CL:服[fù],種|种[zhǒng]
李中培 中听 zhōngtīng, [中聽], pleasant to hear (i.e. agreeable news)/to one's liking/music to one's ears/Taiwa...
中演 中森 中班 李宝中 西中佐 内德·中森 中华人民共和国 ZhōnghuáRénmínGònghéguó, [中華人民共和國], People's Republic of China
震中 zhènzhōng, earthquake epicenter
画中画 中山 Zhōngshān, refers to Dr Sun Yat-sen/Zhongshan, prefecture-level city in Guangdong, close to...
中小 囊中羞涩 nángzhōngxiūsè, [囊中羞澀], to be embarrassingly short of money
中大 中天 zhōngtiān, culmination (astronomy)
中段 zhōngduàn, middle section/middle period/middle area/mid-
中档 中放 中看 zhōngkàn, pleasant to the eye/Taiwan pr. [zhòng kàn]
中田 造谣中伤 空中楼阁 kōngzhōnglóugé, [空中樓閣], pavilion in the air (idiom); unrealistic Utopian construction/castles in Spain/i...
中国话 Zhōngguóhuà, [中國話], (spoken) Chinese language
中国队 外强中干 wàiqiángzhōnggān, [外強中乾], strong in appearance but weak in reality (idiom)
急中生智 jízhōngshēngzhì, quick witted in an emergency/able to react resourcefully
中草药 zhōngcǎoyào, [中草藥], Chinese herbal medicine
中小学 zhōngxiǎoxué, [中小學], middle and elementary school
中加 中共 ZhōngGòng, abbr. for 中國共產黨|中国共产党[Zhōng guó Gòng chǎn dǎng], Chinese Communist Party
中流 zhōngliú, midstream
中松 栗林中 中耳 zhōngěr, middle ear
待字闺中 囊中物 中后期 中间派 zhōngjiānpài, [中間派], moderate faction/party of compromise/middle ground
中国货 中心词 冷云中 秀中 海中 中立国 zhōnglìguó, [中立國], neutral country
中继器 zhōngjìqì, [中繼器], repeater
金大中 JīnDàzhōng, Kim Dae-jung (1926-2009), South Korea politician, president 1998-2003, Nobel pea...
一中 中亚地区 中子弹 zhōngzǐdàn, [中子彈], neutron bomb
院中 中唱 永中 中旅 中方 Zhōngfāng, the Chinese side (in an international venture)
中报 中央集权 zhōngyāngjíquán, [中央集權], centralized state power
中秋 Zhōngqiū, the Mid-autumn festival, the traditional moon-viewing festival on the 15th of th...
北谷高中 骆中洋 石中剑 高级中学 gāojízhōngxué, [高級中學], senior high school/abbr. to 高中[gāo zhōng]
中老年 zhōnglǎonián, middle and old age
中老年人 zhōnglǎoniánrén, middle-aged and elderly people
月中 yuèzhōng, middle of month
赵中强 中篇小说 zhōngpiānxiǎoshuō, [中篇小說], novella
中国人 Zhōngguórén, [中國人], Chinese person
田中君 中长期 你中有我 中长跑 zhōngchángpǎo, [中長跑], middle distance race
崔斯中 狗狗高中 击中要害 丛山中 中发 罐中 无形中 wúxíngzhōng, [無形中], imperceptibly/virtually
纪尚高中 中华街 梦中 mèngzhōng, [夢中], in a dream
中点 zhōngdiǎn, [中點], midpoint/half-way point
热中 rèzhōng, [熱中], variant of 熱衷|热衷[rè zhōng]
三中 中耳炎 zhōngěryán, inflammation of middle ear/otitis media
正当中 zhèngdāngzhōng, [正當中], right in the midpoint/a bull's eye/to hit the nail on the head
风中之烛 fēngzhōngzhīzhú, [風中之燭], lit. candle in the wind (idiom)/fig. (of sb's life) feeble/hanging on a thread
中培来 佐智中 中专 zhōngzhuān, [中專], vocational secondary school/technical secondary school/trade school/abbr. for 中等...
中庭 zhōngtíng, courtyard
琼中 Qióngzhōng, [瓊中], Qiongzhong Li and Miao autonomous county, Hainan
中军 镇中 中服 中华民国 ZhōnghuáMínguó, [中華民國], Republic of China
中排 中统 中缝 zhōngfèng, [中縫], vertical space in a newspaper between two attached pages/vertical line on the ba...
中程 zhōngchéng, medium-range
中盘 zhōngpán, [中盤], middle game (in go or chess)/(share trading) mid-session/(abbr. for 中盤商|中盘商[zhōn...
中谷 中表 中装 zhōngzhuāng, [中裝], Chinese dress
中高档 中脑 中国人民解放军 ZhōngguóRénmínJiěfàngjūn, [中國人民解放軍], Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)
产中 胡帝中 解梦中 金中喜 中宫直进 中唯二 凤中凤 从殿中 时世中 重启中 屠龙中 中根君 中心组 宝中 中村直树 女中音 大中小学 中村拓 中行 Zhōngháng, abbr. for 中國銀行|中国银行[Zhōng guó Yín háng]
田中春 从光中 闻名中外 李海中 田中角荣 TiánzhōngJiǎoróng, [田中角榮], Tanaka Kakuei (1918-1993), Japanese politician, prime minister 1972-1974
山中浩 中村健 城中区 Chéngzhōngqū, [城中區], city central district/Chengzhong district of Liuzhou city 柳州市[Liǔ zhōu shì], Gua...
中直 中医药 信中 管中窥豹 guǎnzhōngkuībào, [管中窺豹], lit. to see a leopard through a narrow tube (idiom); fig. to miss the big pictur...
查中基 春醒中 韩语中 鹿中央 尹如中 中央委员会 ZhōngyāngWěiyuánhuì, [中央委員會], Central Committee
中英文 武学中 中山门 从梦中 立中 王中王 战中 路道中 传中球 礼中 中堂 潘高中 罗林中 星战中 中医师 原诗中 西中佐中佐 金曲中 中原区 ZhōngyuánQū, [中原區], Zhongyuan District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zhèng zhōu Shì], Henan
李梦中 初高中 明信中 香吻中 镜中 廷中 中篇 中继线 中资企业 别传中 党中央 dǎngzhōngyāng, [黨中央], party central committee
李炳中 中环 Zhōnghuán, [中環], Central, Hong Kong Island
媛中 金浩中 中山市 Zhōngshānshì, Zhongshan prefecture-level city in Guangdong province 廣東省|广东省[Guǎng dōng shěng] ...
中西 ZhōngXī, China and the West/Chinese-Western
超模中 中控室 回高中 四中 传中 马中 中秋节 Zhōngqiūjié, [中秋節], the Mid-Autumn Festival on 15th of 8th lunar month
中腹 龙中龙 徐泰中 美梦中 初级中学 chūjízhōngxué, [初級中學], junior high school/junior middle school
中途岛 ZhōngtúDǎo, [中途島], Midway Islands
新中野 中野薰 中文版 亚海中 康山中 中国字 中路传 中上层 李中浩
有 ⇒
有 yǒu, to have/there is/there are/to exist/to be
没有 méiyǒu, [沒有], haven't/hasn't/doesn't exist/to not have/to not be
还有 háiyǒu, [還有], furthermore/in addition/still/also
所有 suǒyǒu, all/to have/to possess/to own
有人 yǒurén, someone/people/anyone/there is someone there/occupied (as in restroom)
有些 yǒuxiē, some/somewhat
只有 有点 yǒudiǎn, [有點], a little
有趣 yǒuqù, interesting/fascinating/amusing
拥有 yōngyǒu, [擁有], to have/to possess
有关 yǒuguān, [有關], to have sth to do with/to relate to/related to/to concern/concerning
有意思 yǒuyìsi, interesting/meaningful/enjoyable/fun
有时 yǒushí, [有時], sometimes/now and then
有时候 yǒushíhou, [有時候], sometimes
有的 yǒude, (there are) some (who are...)/some (exist)
有所 yǒusuǒ, somewhat/to some extent
有效 yǒuxiào, effective/in effect/valid
有空 yǒukòng, to have time (to do sth)
有着 yǒuzhe, [有著], to have/to possess
具有 jùyǒu, to have/to possess
富有 fùyǒu, rich/full of
有意 yǒuyì, to intend/intentionally/interested in
有用 yǒuyòng, useful
有利 yǒulì, advantageous/to have advantages/favorable
有史以来 yǒushǐyǐlái, [有史以來], since the beginning of history
有名 yǒumíng, famous/well-known
一无所有 yīwúsuǒyǒu, [一無所有], not having anything at all (idiom); utterly lacking/without two sticks to rub to...
有力 yǒulì, powerful/forceful/vigorous
带有 dàiyǒu, [帶有], to have/to involve
持有 chíyǒu, to hold (passport, views etc)
有毒 yǒudú, poisonous
有限 yǒuxiàn, limited/finite
有请 yǒuqǐng, [有請], to request the pleasure of seeing sb/to ask sb in/to ask sb to do sth (e.g. make...
占有 zhànyǒu, [佔有], to have/to own/to hold/to occupy/to possess/to account for (a high proportion et...
含有 hányǒu, to contain/including
有幸 yǒuxìng, fortunately
应有 yīngyǒu, [應有], proper
有助于 yǒuzhùyú, [有助於], to contribute to/to promote
有事 yǒushì, to be occupied with sth/to have sth on one's mind/there is something the matter
有益 yǒuyì, useful/beneficial/profitable
前所未有 qiánsuǒwèiyǒu, unprecedented
有机 yǒujī, [有機], organic
现有 xiànyǒu, [現有], currently existing/currently available
有害 yǒuhài, destructive/harmful/damaging
共有 gòngyǒu, to have altogether/in all
稀有 xīyǒu, uncommon
有线电视 yǒuxiàndiànshì, [有線電視], cable television
享有 xiǎngyǒu, to enjoy (rights, privileges etc)
训练有素 患有 huànyǒu, to contract (an illness)/to be afflicted with/to suffer from
强有力 qiángyǒulì, [強有力], strong/forceful
有鬼 从未有过 装有 zhuāngyǒu, [裝有], fitted with
特有 tèyǒu, specific (to)/characteristic (of)/distinctive
有线 yǒuxiàn, [有線], wired/cable (television)
有钱 yǒuqián, [有錢], well-off/wealthy
有所不同 yǒusuǒbùtóng, to differ to some extent (idiom)
所有权 suǒyǒuquán, [所有權], ownership/possession/property rights/title (to property)
有色 yǒusè, colored/non-white/non-ferrous (metals)
有鉴于此 yǒujiànyúcǐ, [有鑒於此], in view of this/to this end
有把握 有待 yǒudài, not yet (done)/pending
有利于 负有 fùyǒu, [負有], to be responsible for
唯有 wéiyǒu, only
有生以来 yǒushēngyǐlái, [有生以來], since birth/for one's whole life
有种 yǒuzhǒng, [有種], to have guts/to have courage/to be brave
应有尽有 yīngyǒujìnyǒu, [應有盡有], everything that should be here is here (idiom); all one can think of is on hand/...
有朝一日 yǒuzhāoyīrì, one day/sometime in the future
有如 yǒurú, to be like sth/similar to/alike
井井有条 jǐngjǐngyǒutiáo, [井井有條], everything clear and orderly (idiom); neat and tidy
有心 yǒuxīn, to have a mind to/to intend to/deliberately/considerate
有生之年 有限公司 yǒuxiàngōngsī, limited company/corporation
莫须有 mòxūyǒu, [莫須有], groundless/baseless
有所作为 怀有 huáiyǒu, [懷有], to have in one's person (feelings, talent etc)
后会有期 hòuhuìyǒuqī, [後會有期], I'm sure we'll meet again some day. (idiom)/Hope to see you again.
时有发生 原有 yuányǒu, original/former
事出有因 所有者 suǒyǒuzhě, proprietor/owner
有效率 有加 yǒujiā, extremely (placed after verb or adjective)
私有 sīyǒu, private/privately-owned
握有 wòyǒu, to grasp and own/to hold (power)
据为己有 jùwéijǐyǒu, [據為己有], to take for one's own/to expropriate
自有 zìyǒu, to possess/to own/to have
无中生有 wúzhōngshēngyǒu, [無中生有], to create something from nothing (idiom)
有望 yǒuwàng, hopeful/promising
有救 少有 shǎoyǒu, rare/infrequent
有条不紊 yǒutiáobùwěn, [有條不紊], regular and thorough (idiom); methodically arranged
有的是 yǒudeshì, have plenty of/there's no lack of
有序 yǒuxù, regular/orderly/successive/in order
彬彬有礼 bīnbīnyǒulǐ, [彬彬有禮], refined and courteous/urbane
有血有肉 情有独钟 qíngyǒudúzhōng, [情有獨鍾], to have a special fondness (for sth)
绝无仅有 juéwújǐnyǒu, [絕無僅有], one and only (idiom); rarely seen/unique of its kind
子虚乌有 有劲 有助 yǒuzhù, helpful/beneficial/to help/conducive to
胸有成竹 xiōngyǒuchéngzhú, to plan in advance (idiom)/a card up one's sleeve/forewarned is forearmed
独有 dúyǒu, [獨有], to own exclusively/unique to/specific/there is only
绰绰有余 chuòchuòyǒuyú, [綽綽有餘], enough and to spare (idiom)
事业有成 shìyèyǒuchéng, [事業有成], to be successful in business/professional success
游刃有余 yóurènyǒuyú, [遊刃有餘], handling a butcher's cleaver with ease (idiom); to do sth skillfully and easily
心里有数 xīnlǐyǒushù, [心裡有數], to know the score (idiom)/to be well aware of the situation
有形 yǒuxíng, material/tangible/visible/shapely
有机体 yǒujītǐ, [有機體], organism
惟有 wéiyǒu, variant of 唯有[wéi yǒu]
有利可图 yǒulìkětú, [有利可圖], profitable
有期徒刑 yǒuqītúxíng, limited term of imprisonment (i.e. anything less than life imprisonment)
有备无患 yǒubèiwúhuàn, [有備無患], Preparedness averts peril./to be prepared, just in case (idiom)
有愧 化为乌有 huàwéiwūyǒu, [化為烏有], to go up in smoke/to vanish
固有 gùyǒu, intrinsic to sth/inherent/native
可有可无 kěyǒukěwú, [可有可無], not essential/dispensable
情有可原 qíngyǒukěyuán, pardonable (of interruption, misunderstanding etc)
有情人 yǒuqíngrén, lovers
有分寸 载有 有神 有机物 yǒujīwù, [有機物], organic substance/organic matter
有始有终 yǒushǐyǒuzhōng, [有始有終], where there's a start, there's a finish (idiom); to finish once one starts sth/t...
国有 guóyǒu, [國有], nationalized/public/government owned/state-owned
十有八九 shíyǒubājiǔ, most likely/mostly (in 8 or 9 cases out of 10)/vast majority
年轻有为 niánqīngyǒuwéi, [年輕有為], young and promising
别有用心 biéyǒuyòngxīn, [別有用心], to have an ulterior motive (idiom)
无奇不有 wúqíbùyǒu, [無奇不有], nothing is too bizarre/full of extraordinary things
有效期 yǒuxiàoqī, period of validity/sell-by date
有损 yǒusǔn, [有損], to be harmful (to)
抱有 bàoyǒu, have/possess
设有 shèyǒu, [設有], to have/to incorporate/to feature
有机可乘 yǒujīkěchéng, [有機可乘], to have an opportunity that one can exploit (idiom)
行之有效 xíngzhīyǒuxiào, to be effective (idiom)
专有 zhuānyǒu, [專有], exclusive/proprietary
有失 yǒushī, to fail or lose (used in fixed expressions)
有意识 yǒuyìshí, [有意識], conscious
有偿 yǒucháng, [有償], paying/paid (not free)
死有余辜 sǐyǒuyúgū, [死有餘辜], death cannot wipe out the crimes (idiom); dreadful crimes that rankled even afte...
井然有序 jǐngrányǒuxù, everything clear and in good order (idiom); neat and tidy
常有 有目共睹 yǒumùgòngdǔ, anyone with eyes can see it (idiom); obvious to all/sth speaks for itself/is the...
公有 gōngyǒu, publicly owned/communal/held in common
有伤 有瘾 有方 yǒufāng, to do things right/to use the correct method
有约在先 yǒuyuēzàixiān, [有約在先], to have a prior engagement
兼有 jiānyǒu, to combine/to have both
有劳 yǒuláo, [有勞], (polite) thank you for your trouble (used when asking a favor or after having re...
有别 yǒubié, [有別], different/distinct/unequal/variable
有志者事竟成 yǒuzhìzhěshìjìngchéng, a really determined person will find a solution (idiom); where there's a will, t...
保有 bǎoyǒu, to keep/to retain
心有余悸 xīnyǒuyújì, [心有餘悸], to have lingering fears/trepidation remaining after a trauma (idiom)
私有化 sīyǒuhuà, privatization/to privatize
有去无回 yǒuqùwúhuí, [有去無回], gone forever (idiom)
有过之而无不及 yǒuguòzhīérwúbùjí, [有過之而無不及], not to be inferior in any aspects (idiom)/to surpass/to outdo/(derog.) to be eve...
有起色 大有人在 dàyǒurénzài, there are plenty of such people
赫赫有名 有伤风化 大有可为 dàyǒukěwéi, [大有可為], with great prospects for the future (idiom); well worth doing
有悖于 yǒubèiyú, [有悖於], to go against
有求必应 yǒuqiúbìyìng, [有求必應], to grant whatever is asked for/to accede to every plea
伴有 bànyǒu, to be accompanied by
存有 cúnyǒu, to hold in storage/to retain/to harbor (feelings)/to entertain (sentiments)/(of ...
心中有数 xīnzhōngyǒushù, [心中有數], to know what's going on
有理 yǒulǐ, reasonable/justified/right/(math.) rational
有贞 再有 车到山前必有路 chēdàoshānqiánbìyǒulù, [車到山前必有路], lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through. (idiom)/fig. Everyt...
我有 大有作为 dàyǒuzuòwéi, [大有作為], to accomplish much/to have good prospects/to have a promising future
有声 兼而有之 jiānéryǒuzhī, to have both (at the same time)
有福 yǒufú, to be blessed
三生有幸 sānshēngyǒuxìng, the blessing of three lifetimes (idiom)/(courteous language) it's my good fortun...
有言在先 既有 jìyǒu, existing
炯炯有神 jiǒngjiǒngyǒushén, eyes bright and full of expression
素有 sùyǒu, to have/to have always had
深有感触 有赖于 yǒulàiyú, [有賴於], to rely on/to depend on
榜上有名 有说有笑 yǒushuōyǒuxiào, [有說有笑], talking and laughing/to jest/cheerful and lively
附有 有机化学 yǒujīhuàxué, [有機化學], organic chemistry
徒有虚名 túyǒuxūmíng, [徒有虛名], with an undeserved reputation (idiom); unwarranted fame/nowhere near as good as ...
有效性 yǒuxiàoxìng, validity
有滋有味 yǒuzīyǒuwèi, flavorsome/(fig.) delightful/full of interest
有线电话 有轨 yǒuguǐ, [有軌], tracked (tramcar)
天有不测风云 言而有信 yánéryǒuxìn, to speak and keep one's promise (idiom); as good as one's word
旧有 小有名气 配有 有别于 各有所长 无所不有 有名无实 yǒumíngwúshí, [有名無實], lit. has a name but no reality (idiom); exists only in name/nominal
钱有权 有喜 yǒuxǐ, to be expecting/to be with child
有余 yǒuyú, [有餘], to have an abundance
有来有往 更有甚者 gèngyǒushènzhě, furthermore (idiom)
话中有话 huàzhōngyǒuhuà, [話中有話], overtones in conversation/things indirectly implied from what is said
鲜有 有气无力 yǒuqìwúlì, [有氣無力], weakly and without strength (idiom); dispirited
所有权证 有惊无险 yǒujīngwúxiǎn, [有驚無險], to be more scared than hurt (idiom)/to get through a daunting experience without...
有意无意 yǒuyìwúyì, [有意無意], intentionally or otherwise
有功 万有引力 wànyǒuyǐnlì, [萬有引力], gravity
有理有据 各有千秋 gèyǒuqiānqiū, each has its own merits (idiom)
学有所成 若有所思 ruòyǒusuǒsī, looking pensive/thoughtfully
有板有眼 yǒubǎnyǒuyǎn, orderly/methodical/rhythmical
心有余而力不足 xīnyǒuyúérlìbùzú, [心有餘而力不足], the will is there, but not the strength (idiom)/the spirit is willing but the fl...
市场占有率 shìchǎngzhànyǒulǜ, [市場佔有率], market share
享有盛誉 大有文章 dàyǒuwénzhāng, some deeper meaning in this/more to it than meets the eye/there's sth behind all...
大有益处 从无到有 李有真 卓有成效 zhuóyǒuchéngxiào, highly effective/fruitful
大有裨益 dàyǒubìyì, bringing great benefits (idiom); very useful/of great service/to help greatly/to...
有生 有感 有悖 铿锵有力 津津有味 jīnjīnyǒuwèi, with keen interest (idiom)/with great pleasure/with gusto/eagerly
有用之才 有机肥料 稀有元素 xīyǒuyuánsù, trace element (nutrition)
有益于 有所为 赋有 有增无减 yǒuzēngwújiǎn, [有增無減], to increase without letup/to get worse and worse (idiom)
有声有色 yǒushēngyǒusè, [有聲有色], having sound and color (idiom); vivid/dazzling
有条有理 yǒutiáoyǒulǐ, [有條有理], everything clear and orderly (idiom); neat and tidy
有识之士 yǒushízhīshì, [有識之士], a person with knowledge and experience (idiom)
别有风味 有心人 yǒuxīnrén, resolute person/person with aspirations/people who feel/people who use their hea...
有理数 yǒulǐshù, [有理數], rational number (i.e. fraction of two integers, math.)
有为 yǒuwéi, [有為], promising/to show promise
有期 有法 四有 有机磷 yǒujīlín, [有機磷], organic phosphate
后继有人 hòujìyǒurén, [後繼有人], to have qualified successors to carry on one's undertaking
有所不为 稀有金属 掷地有声 zhìdìyǒushēng, [擲地有聲], lit. if thrown on the floor, it will make a sound (idiom)/fig. (of one's words) ...
互通有无 hùtōngyǒuwú, [互通有無], mutual exchange of assistance (idiom)/to benefit from each other's strengths and...
有根有据 有口皆碑 yǒukǒujiēbēi, every voice gives praise (idiom); with an extensive public reputation
所有格 suǒyǒugé, possessive case (grammar)
有生力量 有始无终 yǒushǐwúzhōng, [有始無終], to start but not finish (idiom); to fail to carry things through/lack of stickin...
念念有词 niànniànyǒucí, [唸唸有詞]/[念念有詞], variant of 念念有詞|念念有词[niàn niàn yǒu cí], to mumble/to mutter to oneself
你中有我 有恃无恐 yǒushìwúkǒng, [有恃無恐], secure in the knowledge that one has backing
占有权 占有率 有头有尾 yǒutóuyǒuwěi, [有頭有尾], where there's a start, there's a finish (idiom); to finish once one starts sth/t...
天生我材必有用 希有 长幼有序 有张有弛 集体所有 错落有致 cuòluòyǒuzhì, [錯落有致], in picturesque disorder (idiom); irregular arrangement with charming effect
留有余地 liúyǒuyúdì, [留有餘地], to leave some leeway/to allow for the unpredictable
有夫 有数 有权 yǒuquán, [有權], to have the right to/to be entitled to/to have authority/powerful
有价证券 yǒujiàzhèngquàn, [有價證券], securities/collateral (for loan)
无独有偶 wúdúyǒuǒu, [無獨有偶], not alone but in pairs (idiom, usually derog.); not a unique occurrence/it's not...
有志者 言之有物 yánzhīyǒuwù, (of one's words) to have substance
有损于 有过之无不及 饶有兴趣 ráoyǒuxìngqù, [饒有興趣], engrossing
领有 lǐngyǒu, [領有], to possess/to own
郭东有 振振有词 zhènzhènyǒucí, [振振有詞], to speak forcefully and with justice (idiom); to argue with the courage of one's...
饶有兴致 古已有之 国家所有 果必有 雷伊有 国有化 guóyǒuhuà, [國有化], nationalization
各有所好 gèyǒusuǒhào, everyone has their likes and dislikes (idiom)
唐娜有 匹夫有责 有道是 yǒudàoshì, as they say, .../as the saying goes, ...
有日子 寸有所长 何锡有 有线电 罗伯有 丝卡有锁 饶有 ráoyǒu, [饒有], full of (interest, humor, sentiment etc)
有口难言 有的放矢 池锡有 真有才 英君有同 马有权 佳善有 乔有染 心有志 有雄 张有桥 别有洞天 biéyǒudòngtiān, [別有洞天], place of charm and beauty/scenery of exceptional charm/completely different worl...
有碍于 方有权 有机玻璃 yǒujībōli, [有機玻璃], plexiglass
有孝 有志 yǒuzhì, to be ambitious
巫尔有 有神论 yǒushénlùn, [有神論], theism (the belief in the existence of God)
有机酸 功夫不负有心人 私有制 sīyǒuzhì, private ownership of property
专有权 有苦难言 有鉴于 有勇有谋 有门道 有线广播 康有达 有龙 哪有 解有理 文有贞 人有旦夕祸福 卓有