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[語言] yǔyán language

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Word Compounds

        yǔ/yù, [語], dialect/language/speech, to tell to
        Yīngyǔ, [英語], English (language)
        yǔyán, [語言], language/CL:門|门[mén],種|种[zhǒng]
        Fǎyǔ, [法語], French (language)
西         Xībānyáyǔ, [西班牙語], Spanish language
        zhòuyǔ, [咒語], incantation/spell/enchantment/curse
        yǔqì, [語氣], tone/manner of speaking/mood/CL:個|个[gè]
        yǔyīn, [語音], speech sounds/pronunciation/colloquial (rather than literary) pronunciation of a...
        Déyǔ, [德語], German (language)
        yányǔ/yányu, [言語], words/speech/(spoken) language, to speak/to tell
        Éyǔ, [俄語], Russian (language)
        shùyǔ, [術語], term/terminology
        húyánluànyǔ, [胡言亂語], babbling nonsense (idiom); crazy and unfounded ravings/double Dutch
        Pútáoyáyǔ, [葡萄牙語], Portuguese (language)
        cíyǔ, [詞語], word (general term including monosyllables through to short phrases)/term (e.g. ...
        huàyǔ, [話語], words/speech/utterance/discourse
        Rìyǔ, [日語], Japanese language
        Lādīngyǔ, [拉丁語], Latin (language)
        biāoyǔ, [標語], written slogan/placard/CL:幅[fú],張|张[zhāng],條|条[tiáo]
        zìyánzìyǔ, [自言自語], to talk to oneself/to think aloud/to soliloquize
        ànyǔ, [暗語], code word
        yànyǔ, [諺語], proverb
        míyǔ, [謎語], riddle/conundrum/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        tiányánmìyǔ, [甜言蜜語], (idiom) sweet words/sweet talk/cajolery
        yòngyǔ, [用語], choice of words/wording/phraseology/term
        liúyánfēiyǔ, [流言蜚語], rumors and slanders (idiom); gossip/lies and slanders
        lǐyǔ, [俚語], slang
        yǔfǎ, [語法], grammar
        yǔdiào, [語調], intonation/CL:個|个[gè]
        shuāngguānyǔ, [雙關語], pun/play on words/a phrase with a double meaning
        ěryǔ, [耳語], to whisper in sb's ear/a whisper
        wàiyǔ, [外語], foreign language/CL:門|门[mén]
        shǒuyǔ, [手語], sign language
        Ālābóyǔ, [阿拉伯語], Arabic (language)
        sīyǔ, [私語], to discuss in whispered tones/whispered conversation
        píngyǔ, [評語], comment/evaluation
        dīyǔ, [低語], mutter
        Hélányǔ, [荷蘭語], Dutch (language)
        duǎnyǔ, [短語], phrase (grammar)
        Hànyǔ, [漢語], Chinese language/CL:門|门[mén]
        mǔyǔ, [母語], native language/mother tongue/(linguistics) parent language
        súyǔ, [俗語], common saying/proverb/colloquial speech
        yǔyánxué, [語言學], linguistics
        wàiláiyǔ, [外來語], loanword
        qiānyánwànyǔ, [千言萬語], thousands of words (idiom); having a lot of things to say/talking nonstop
        xìyǔ, [細語], to chat with a low voice
        yǔjù, [語句], sentence
        yǔwén, [語文], literature and language/(PRC) Chinese (as a school subject)
        xiányánsuìyǔ, [閑言碎語], idle gossip/irrelevant nonsense/slanderous rumor
西         xīyǔ, [西語], western language/Spanish (language)
        Ruìdiǎnyǔ, [瑞典語], Swedish (language)
        jiéshùyǔ, [結束語], concluding remarks
        wūyánhuìyǔ, [污言穢語], filthy speech/obscenities
        liúxíngyǔ, [流行語], popular jargon/catchword
        kǒuyǔ, [口語], colloquial speech/spoken language/vernacular language/slander/gossip/CL:門|门[mén]
        yǔcí, [語詞], word/significative/predicate
        yǔlù, [語錄], quotation (from a book or existing source)
        zìyǔ, [自語], to talk to oneself
        chéngyǔ, [成語], Chinese set expression, typically of 4 characters, often alluding to a story or ...
        èyǔ, [惡語], evil words/malicious talk
        shīyǔzhèng, [失語症], aphasia or aphemia (loss of language)
        gǔyǔ, [古語], ancient language/old expression
        miàoyǔ, [妙語], witticism
        sānyánliǎngyǔ, [三言兩語], in a few words (idiom); expressed succinctly
        bùkětóngrìéryǔ, [不可同日而語], lit. mustn't speak of two things on the same day (idiom); not to be mentioned in...
        zhǐyánpiànyǔ, [只言片語], just a word or two (idiom); a few isolated phrases
        zhǔyǔ, [主語], subject (in grammar)
        wèiyǔ, [謂語], (grammatical) predicate
        huìyǔ, [穢語], obscene language
        tǔyǔ, [土語], dialect/patois
        yǔxì, [語系], language family
        qíyǔ, [旗語], flag signals (for communicating between ships or army units)/semaphore
        xiányánxiányǔ, [閒言閒語], idle gossip
        miàoyǔliánzhū, [妙語連珠], sparkling with wit (idiom)
        jiéyǔ, [結語], concluding remarks
        Tàiyǔ, [泰語], Thai (language)
        Yuèyǔ, [粵語], Cantonese language
        yǐnyǔ, [引語], quotation
        yìyǔ, [囈語], to talk in one's sleep/crazy talk
        yǔyì, [語義], meaning of words/semantic
        jìngyǔ, [敬語], honorific (e.g. in grammar of oriental languages)
        yǔyìxué, [語義學], semantics
        huāyánqiǎoyǔ, [花言巧語], graceful words, flowery speech (idiom); elegant but insincere words/cheating whe...
        yǔjìng, [語境], context
        kǒutóuyǔ, [口頭語], pet phrase/regularly used expression/manner of speaking
        duànyǔ, [斷語], conclusion/judgment/verdict
        Guóyǔ, [國語], Chinese language (Mandarin), emphasizing its national nature/Chinese as a primar...
        lěngyánlěngyǔ, [冷言冷語], sarcastic comments (idiom)/to make sarcastic comments
        yǔyì, [語意], meaning/content of speech or writing/semantic
        Gāolúyǔ, [高盧語], Gaulish or Gallic (language)
        yǔxù, [語序], word order
        fǎnyǔ, [反語], irony
        yǎyǔ, [啞語], sign language
        háoyánzhuàngyǔ, [豪言壯語], bold, visionary words
        bùyánbùyǔ, [不言不語], to not say a word (idiom)/to keep silent
        yǔzhǒng, [語種], language type (in a classification)
        yǔyīnxué, [語音學], phonetics
        xiēhòuyǔ, [歇後語], saying in which the second part, uttered after a pause or totally left out, is t...
        yǐnyǔ, [隱語], secret language/codeword
        yǔsè, [語塞], to be at a loss for words/speechless
        yǔgǎn, [語感], a feel for language/instinctive understanding
        YìnŌuyǔ, [印歐語], Indo-European (language)
        biǎoyǔ, [表語], predicative
        wàiguóyǔ, [外國語], foreign language
        Zàngyǔ, [藏語], Tibetan language
        yǔyānbùxiáng, [語焉不詳], to mention sth without elaborating (idiom); not giving details
        yīyǔdàopò, [一語道破], one word says it all (idiom)/to hit the nail on the head/to be pithy and correct
        Lúnyǔ, [論語], The Analects of Confucius 孔子[Kǒng zǐ]
        lüèyǔ, [略語], abbreviation
        yǔzhùcí, [語助詞], auxiliary word
        biāozhǔnyǔ, [標準語], standard language
        Hányǔ, [韓語], Korean language (esp. in context of South Korea)
        biāoyǔpái, [標語牌], placard
        yǔqìcí, [語氣詞], modal particle
        lěngyǔ, [冷語], sarcasm/sneering talk
        bīnyǔ, [賓語], object (grammar)
        shūmiànyǔ, [書面語], written language
        wàngyǔ, [妄語], to tell lies/to talk nonsense
        yǔqìzhùcí, [語氣助詞], modal particle
        bǔyǔ, [補語], complement (grammar)

        liúyán, to leave a message/to leave one's comments/message
        éryán, with regard to (preceding phrase)
        huǎngyán, [謊言], lie
        yǔyán, [語言], language/CL:門|门[mén],種|种[zhǒng]
        yán, words/speech/to say/to talk
        yùyán, [預言], to predict/prophecy
        yáoyán, [謠言], rumor
        fāyán, [發言], to make a speech/statement/utterance/CL:個|个[gè]
        shìyán, to pledge/to promise/oath/vow
        nuòyán, [諾言], promise
        chuányán, [傳言], rumor/hearsay
        yánlùn, [言論], expression of opinion/views/remarks/arguments
        yányǔ/yányu, [言語], words/speech/(spoken) language, to speak/to tell
        zhíyán, to speak forthrightly/to talk bluntly
        kěyán, it may be said
        xuānyán, declaration/manifesto
        húyánluànyǔ, [胡言亂語], babbling nonsense (idiom); crazy and unfounded ravings/double Dutch
        yíyán, [遺言], words of the deceased/last words of the dying/wisdom of past sages
        liúyán, rumor/gossip/to spread rumors
        dàiyánrén, spokesperson
        zìyánzìyǔ, [自言自語], to talk to oneself/to think aloud/to soliloquize
        fāyánrén, [發言人], spokesperson
        yánxíng, words and actions/what one says and what one does
        míngyán, saying/famous remark
        shíyán, lit. to eat one's words/to break a promise/to go back on one's word/to renege/un...
        tiányánmìyǔ, [甜言蜜語], (idiom) sweet words/sweet talk/cajolery
        fāyánquán, [發言權], the right of speech
        yáncí, [言辭], words/expression/what one says
        zǒngéryánzhī, [總而言之], in short/in a word/in brief
        yánguīzhèngzhuàn, [言歸正傳], to return to the topic (idiom)/to get back to the main point
        liúyánfēiyǔ, [流言蜚語], rumors and slanders (idiom); gossip/lies and slanders
        yùyánjiā, [預言家], prophet
        yīyánbùfā, [一言不發], to not say a word (idiom)
        zhèngyán, [證言], testimony
        Fāngyán/fāngyán, the first Chinese dialect dictionary, edited by Yang Xiong 揚雄|扬雄[Yáng Xióng] in ...
        miàobùkěyán, too wonderful for words
        yuànyán, complaint
        jiǎnéryánzhī, [簡而言之], in a nutshell/to put it briefly
        géyán, maxim
        chàngsuǒyùyán, [暢所欲言], lit. fluently saying all one wants (idiom); to preach freely on one's favorite t...
        yīyánnánjìn, [一言難盡], hard to explain in a few words (idiom); complicated and not easy to express succ...
        zhēnyán, admonition/exhortation/dictum/the biblical Book of Proverbs
        chénmòguǎyán, habitually silent (idiom)/reticent/uncommunicative
        yǔyánxué, [語言學], linguistics
        duànyán, [斷言], to assert/assertion
        wúyán, [無言], to remain silent/to have nothing to say
        bùyánéryù, it goes without saying/it is self-evident
        qiānyánwànyǔ, [千言萬語], thousands of words (idiom); having a lot of things to say/talking nonstop
        yùyán, fable/CL:則|则[zé]
        zhēnyán, true statement/incantation (translates Sanskrit: dharani 陀羅尼|陀罗尼)
        xiányánsuìyǔ, [閑言碎語], idle gossip/irrelevant nonsense/slanderous rumor
        zhíyánbùhuì, [直言不諱], to speak bluntly (idiom)/not to mince words
        wūyánhuìyǔ, [污言穢語], filthy speech/obscenities
        yántán, [言談], discourse/words/utterance/what one says/manner of speech
        chūyánbùxùn, [出言不遜], to speak rudely
        yánbùyóuzhōng, to say sth without meaning it (idiom); to speak tongue in cheek/saying one thing...
        yángyán, [揚言], to put about (a story, plan, threat etc)/to let it be known (esp. of threat or m...
        wēiyánsǒngtīng, [危言聳聽], frightening words to scare people (idiom); alarmist talk/reds under the beds
        nányánzhīyǐn, [難言之隱], a hidden trouble hard to mention (idiom)/sth too embarrassing to mention/an emba...
        yánwàizhīyì, unspoken implication (idiom)/the actual meaning of what was said
        bùyánzìmíng, self-evident; needing no explanation (idiom)
        míngzhèngyánshùn, [名正言順], in a way that justifies the use of the term/genuine/proper/in a way that conform...
        zhìlǐmíngyán, wise saying/words of wisdom
        èyán, [惡言], evil tongue/malicious talk
        yáncí, [言詞], variant of 言辭|言辞[yán cí]
        yánguòqíshí, [言過其實], to exaggerate/to overstate the facts
        jiǎnyánzhī, [簡言之], in simple terms/to put things simply/briefly
        chángyán, common saying
        huànyánzhī, [換言之], in other words
        shīyán, slip of the tongue/indiscretion/to blurt out a secret
        yánqíngxiǎoshuō, [言情小說], romantic fiction
        dàyánbùcán, [大言不慚], to boast shamelessly/to talk big
        qiányán, preface/forward/introduction
        sānyánliǎngyǔ, [三言兩語], in a few words (idiom); expressed succinctly
        yánjiǎnyìgāi, [言簡意賅], concise and comprehensive (idiom)
        kǔbùkānyán, to suffer unspeakable misery/indescribably painful/hellish
        yánshuō, [言說], to speak of/to refer to
        wúyányǐduì, [無言以對], to be left speechless/unable to respond
        tǎnyán, to say candidly/to acknowledge frankly
        yībānéryán, generally speaking
        jīnyùliángyán, gems of wisdom (idiom); priceless advice
        néngyánshànbiàn, [能言善辯], glib of tongue (idiom)/eloquent
        zhǐyánpiànyǔ, [只言片語], just a word or two (idiom); a few isolated phrases
        yīyányīxíng, every word and action (idiom)
        yánéryǒuxìn, to speak and keep one's promise (idiom); as good as one's word
        yánchuán, [言傳], to convey in words
        fèifǔzhīyán, words from the bottom of one's heart
        yāoyán, heresy
        chūyán, to speak/words
        xùyán, preface/introductory remarks/preamble/prelude
        xiányánxiányǔ, [閒言閒語], idle gossip
        guǎyán, taciturn/reticent
        yìyúyánbiǎo, [溢於言表], to exhibit one's feelings in one's speech
簿         liúyánbù, visitor's book/CL:本[běn]
        yǐnyán, foreword/introduction
        jìnyán, [進言], to put forward a suggestion (to sb in a senior position)/to offer a word of advi...
        chányán, [讒言], slander/slanderous report/calumny/false charge
        huāyánqiǎoyǔ, [花言巧語], graceful words, flowery speech (idiom); elegant but insincere words/cheating whe...
        xìyán, [戲言], joking matter/to go back on one's words
        yīyánjiǔdǐng, one word worth nine sacred tripods (idiom); words of enormous weight
        yánchuánshēnjiào, [言傳身教], to teach by words and example (idiom)
        zhōngyán, loyal advice/sincere advice
        lěngyánlěngyǔ, [冷言冷語], sarcastic comments (idiom)/to make sarcastic comments
        shēngyán, [聲言], to state/to declare/pronouncement/declaration
        kǒuchūkuángyán, to speak conceited nonsense/to come out with arrogant claptrap
        kuángyán, ravings/delirious utterances/kyōgen (a form of traditional Japanese comic theate...
        zhuìyán, [贅言], superfluous words/unnecessary detail
        yánbùjíyì, [言不及義], to talk nonsense (idiom)/frivolous talk
        háoyánzhuàngyǔ, [豪言壯語], bold, visionary words
        bùyánbùyǔ, [不言不語], to not say a word (idiom)/to keep silent
        shíyánérféi, lit. to grow fat eating one's words (idiom)/fig. not to live up to one's promise...
        yánmíng, to state clearly
        dǎoyán, [導言], introduction/preamble
        zhàngyìzhíyán, [仗義執言], to speak out for justice (idiom); to take a stand on a matter of principle
        tóngyánwújì, [童言無忌], children's words carry no harm (idiom)
        wàngyán, lies/wild talk/to tell lies/to talk nonsense/fantasy (literature)
        yánzhīyǒuwù, (of one's words) to have substance
        yánduōbìshī, if you say too much, you're bound to slip up at some point (idiom)
        yánxíngyīzhì, (idiom) one's actions are in keeping with what one says
        míngyán, [銘言], motto/slogan

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