贫 ⇒
贫穷 pínqióng, [貧窮], poor/impoverished
贫困 pínkùn, [貧困], impoverished/poverty
贫民窟 pínmínkū, [貧民窟], slum housing
贫民区 pínmínqū, [貧民區], slum area/ghetto
贫血 pínxuè, [貧血], anemia
贫 pín, [貧], poor/inadequate/deficient/garrulous
贫民 pínmín, [貧民], poor people
一贫如洗 yīpínrúxǐ, [一貧如洗], penniless
贫苦 pínkǔ, [貧苦], poverty-stricken/poor
贫乏 pínfá, [貧乏], impoverished/lacking/deficient/limited/meager/impoverishment/lack/deficiency
贫富 pínfù, [貧富], poor and rich
贫嘴 pínzuǐ, [貧嘴], talkative/garrulous/loquacious/flippant/jocular
贫瘠 pínjí, [貧瘠], barren/infertile/poor
贫寒 pínhán, [貧寒], poor/poverty-stricken/impoverished
劫富济贫 jiéfùjìpín, [劫富濟貧], to rob the rich to help the poor
贫困线 赤贫 chìpín, [赤貧], poverty-stricken
清贫 qīngpín, [清貧], poor but upright/destitute
耍贫嘴 shuǎpínzuǐ, [耍貧嘴], (coll.) to wag one's tongue/to indulge in idle gossip and silly jokes/to chatter...
贫贱 pínjiàn, [貧賤], poor and lowly
贫富悬殊 贫农 pínnóng, [貧農], poor peasant
农 ⇒
农场 nóngchǎng, [農場], farm
农民 nóngmín, [農民], peasant/farmer/CL:個|个[gè]
农夫 nóngfū, [農夫], peasant/farmer
农业 nóngyè, [農業], agriculture/farming
农 Nóng/nóng, [農]/[辳], surname Nong, peasant/to farm/agriculture/diligent (old)/government field offici...
农庄 nóngzhuāng, [農莊], farm/ranch
农村 nóngcūn, [農村], rural area/village/CL:個|个[gè]
农场主 弗农 农作物 nóngzuòwù, [農作物], (farm) crops
农舍 nóngshè, [農舍], farmhouse
农业部 Nóngyèbù, [農業部], Ministry of Agriculture/Department of Agriculture
麦卡农 皮农 加农炮 jiānóngpào, [加農炮], cannon (loanword)
阿伽门农 农田 nóngtián, [農田], farmland/cultivated land
农药 nóngyào, [農藥], agricultural chemical/farm chemical/pesticide
农家 Nóngjiā/nóngjiā, [農家], School of Agriculture, school of thought of the Warring States Period (475-221 B...
农活 nónghuó, [農活], farm work
帕哥农 农产品 nóngchǎnpǐn, [農產品], agricultural produce
大农场 dànóngchǎng, [大農場], ranch
农贸市场 nóngmàoshìchǎng, [農貿市場], farmer's market
佃农 diànnóng, [佃農], tenant farmer/sharecropper
农用 麦克斯·坎皮农 老农 鲍勃·麦卡农 农奴 nóngnú, [農奴], serf
甘农 农具 nóngjù, [農具], farm implements/farm tools
迦百农 农机 nóngjī, [農機], agricultural machinery
务农 wùnóng, [務農], farming/to work the land
甘农镇 弗农·桑杜 列农 农牧 农工 nónggōng, [農工], agricultural worker/abbr. for 農業工人|农业工人/peasant and worker (in Marxism)
农会 nónghuì, [農會], farmer's cooperative/abbr. for 農民協會|农民协会
农业局 约翰列农 香农 果农 guǒnóng, [果農], fruit farmer
农事 nóngshì, [農事], farming task
农户 nónghù, [農戶], peasant household
巴特农 泽农 卡农 kǎnóng, [卡農], canon (music) (loanword)
农学院 鲍伯·卡农 农历 nónglì, [農曆], the traditional Chinese calendar/the lunar calendar
农大 农校 农贸 花农 huānóng, [花農], flower grower
甘农来 农家女 农牧民 农用车 农妇 nóngfù, [農婦], peasant woman (in former times)/female farm worker
农牧业 伽百农 坎皮农 特里亚农 香农河 约瑟夫·卡农 艾米农 科农 农民起义 nóngmínqǐyì, [農民起義], peasant revolt
自耕农 埃尔农 贫农 pínnóng, [貧農], poor peasant
农民工 nóngmíngōng, [農民工], migrant workers
马琳·麦金农 弗农山 弗农多 麦克斯韦·坎皮农 农农 农学 nóngxué, [農學], agricultural science
农忙 nóngmáng, [農忙], busy farming season
农科 希农 工农 Gōngnóng/gōngnóng, [工農], Gongnong district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤岗[Hè gǎng], Heilongjiang, workers and peasa...
威尔农 农畜 农闲 爱卡农 农家肥 阿杰尔农 弗农·沃森 蓝农