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[賭窩] dǔwō gamblers' den
illegal casino

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        dǔ, [賭], to bet/to gamble
        dǎdǔ, [打賭], to bet/to make a bet/a wager
        dǔbó, [賭博], to gamble
        dǔchǎng, [賭場], casino
        dǔzhù, [賭注], stake (in a gamble)/(what is at) stake
        dǔtú, [賭徒], gambler
        dǔjú, [賭局], game of chance/gambling party/gambling joint
        dǔqián, [賭錢], to gamble
        dǔgùn, [賭棍], hardened gambler/professional gambler
        dǔqì, [賭氣], to act in a fit of pique/to get in a huff/to be peeved
        dǔguǐ, [賭鬼], gambling addict
        dǔkè, [賭客], gambler
        dǔzhòu, [賭咒], to swear to God/to cross one's heart
        jùdǔ, [聚賭], communal gambling
        dǔwō, [賭窩], gamblers' den/illegal casino

        wō, [窩], nest/pit or hollow on the human body/lair/den/place/to harbor or shelter/to hold...
        wōnangfèi, [窩囊廢], (coll.) spineless coward/wimp/a good-for-nothing
        wōnang, [窩囊], to feel vexed/annoyed/good-for-nothing/stupid and cowardly
        yèwō, [腋窩], armpit
        wōcáng, [窩藏], to harbor/to shelter
        fēngwō, [蜂窩], bee's nest/honeycomb/fig. honeycomb figure
        jiǔwō, [酒窩], dimple/also written 酒渦|酒涡[jiǔ wō]
        wōxīn, [窩心], aggrieved/dejected/(Tw, southern China) to be moved by a kind gesture etc/to fee...
        Sàlārèwō, [薩拉熱窩], Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina
        bèiwō, [被窩], quilt wrapped around the body as a tube (traditional bedding)/(contemporary) bed...
        yǎnwō, [眼窩], eye socket
        niǎowō, [鳥窩], bird's nest
        gāzhiwō, [胳肢窩], armpit/also pr. [gē zhi wō]/also written 夾肢窩|夹肢窝[gā zhi wō]
        wōlidòu, [窩裡鬥], internal strife (family, group, etc)
        ānlèwō, [安樂窩], comfortable niche
        zéiwō, [賊窩], thieves' lair
        yīwōfēng, [一窩蜂], like a swarm of bees/everyone swarms around pushing and shouting/a hornet's nest
        yànwō, [燕窩], edible bird's nest
        dǔwō, [賭窩], gamblers' den/illegal casino
        wōcháo, [窩巢], nest
        xiàowō, [笑窩], dimple
        fēngwōméi, [蜂窩煤], hexagonal household coal briquet

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