赞 ⇒
赞成 zànchéng, [贊成], to approve/to endorse/(literary) to assist
赞 zàn, [讃]/[讚]/[賛]/[贊], variant of 讚|赞[zàn], variant of 贊|赞[zàn]/to praise, variant of 贊|赞[zàn], to patr...
赞助 zànzhù, [贊助], to support/to assist/to sponsor
赞同 zàntóng, [讚同]/[贊同], to approve of/to endorse/(vote) in favor, to approve of/to endorse/(vote) in fav...
赞美 zànměi, [讚美], to admire/to praise/to eulogize
称赞 chēngzàn, [稱讚], to praise/to acclaim/to commend/to compliment
赞扬 zànyáng, [讚揚], to praise/to approve of/to show approval
赞赏 zànshǎng, [讚賞], to admire/to praise/to appreciate
赞助商 zànzhùshāng, [贊助商], sponsor
赞誉 zànyù, [贊譽], to praise/recognition
赞成票 zànchéngpiào, [贊成票], approval/affirmative vote
赞美诗 赞叹 zàntàn, [讚嘆], to exclaim in admiration
赞颂 zànsòng, [讚頌], to bless/to praise
赞不绝口 zànbùjuékǒu, [讚不絕口]/[贊不絕口], to praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven, to praise without cea...
赞许 zànxǔ, [讚許], to praise/to laud
斯帕拉赞 超赞 赞歌 赞比亚 Zànbǐyà, [贊比亞], Zambia
赞岐 夸赞 kuāzàn, [誇贊], to praise/to speak highly of/to commend
赞恩 盛赞 shèngzàn, [盛讚], to praise highly/an accolade
炳赞 普利莫·斯帕拉赞 赞叹不已 zàntànbùyǐ, [贊嘆不已], to be full of praise (idiom)
赞佩 参赞 cānzàn, [參贊], diplomatic officer/attache
阿拉卡赞 莫赞 礼赞 lǐzàn, [禮讚], to praise/well done, bravo!
赞美歌 交口称赞 赞助费 潘赞斯 艾迪赞恩 让斯帕拉赞 朴赞育 罗尼·凡赞 从赞岐 近赞 查克·赞帕 赞扬声 那超赞 帕拉赞 颂赞 sòngzàn, [頌贊], to praise
叹 ⇒
惊叹 jīngtàn, [驚嘆], to exclaim in admiration/a gasp of surprise
叹息 tànxī, [嘆息], to sigh/to gasp (in admiration)
叹气 tànqì, [嘆氣], to sigh/to heave a sigh
叹为观止 tànwéiguānzhǐ, [嘆為觀止], (idiom) to gasp in amazement/to acclaim as the peak of perfection
赞叹 zàntàn, [讚嘆], to exclaim in admiration
感叹 gǎntàn, [感嘆], to sigh (with feeling)/to lament
叹 tàn, [嘆]/[歎], to sigh/to exclaim, variant of 嘆|叹[tàn]
感叹号 gǎntànhào, [感嘆號], exclamation mark ! (punct.)
悲叹 bēitàn, [悲嘆]/[悲歎], to bewail/to sigh mournfully/to lament, to bewail/to sigh mournfully/to lament
唉声叹气 āishēngtànqì, [唉聲嘆氣], sighing voice, wailing breath (idiom)/to heave deep sighs/to sigh in despair
咏叹调 yǒngtàndiào, [詠嘆調], aria
哀叹 āitàn, [哀嘆], to sigh/to lament/to bewail
感叹词 gǎntàncí, [感嘆詞], interjection (part of speech)/exclamation
惊叹号 jīngtànhào, [驚嘆號], exclamation mark ! (punct.)
叹词 tàncí, [嘆詞], interjection/exclamation
叹服 tànfú, [嘆服], (to gasp) with admiration
慨叹 kǎitàn, [慨嘆], to sigh with regret/lament
赞叹不已 zàntànbùyǐ, [贊嘆不已], to be full of praise (idiom)
长叹 chángtàn, [長嘆], long sigh/deep sigh
令人叹服 长吁短叹 chángxūduǎntàn, [長吁短嘆], long moan and short gasp (idiom); continually moaning and groaning in pain
嗟叹 咏叹 兴叹 仰天长叹