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[超負荷] chāofùhè excess load
an overload

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Word Compounds

        chāo, to exceed/to overtake/to surpass/to transcend/to pass/to cross/ultra-/super-
        chāojí, [超級], super-/ultra-/hyper-
        chāoguò, [超過], to surpass/to exceed/to outstrip
        Chāorén/chāorén, Superman, comic book superhero, superhuman/exceptional
        chāoshì, supermarket/abbr. for 超級市場|超级市场/CL:家[jiā]
        chāoyuè, to surpass/to exceed/to transcend
        chāochū, to exceed/to overstep/to go too far/to encroach
        chāosù, to exceed the speed limit/to speed/high-speed
        chāomó, supermodel
        chāodù, to surpass/to transcend/to perform religious ceremonies to help the soul find pe...
        chāoshēngbō, [超聲波], ultrasound (scan)
        gāochāo, excellent/superlative
        chāofán, out of the ordinary/exceedingly (good)
        chāozhòng, overweight (baggage, freight)
        chāoshēng, [超聲], ultrasonic/ultrasound
        chāofùhè, [超負荷], excess load/an overload/overloaded
        chāoqián, to be ahead of one's time/to surpass or outdo one's predecessors/to be ahead of ...
        chāobiāo, [超標], to cross the limit/to be over the accepted norm/excessive
        chāoshí, [超時], to exceed the time limit/(to work) overtime/(computing) timeout
        chāoqún, surpassing/preeminent/outstanding
        chāoxīnxīng, supernova
        chāozài, [超載], to overload
        chāotuō, [超脫], to stand aloof/to be detached from/to transcend worldliness/untrammeled/unconven...
        chāochē, [超車], to overtake (another car)
        chāoyīnsù, supersonic
        gǎnchāo, [趕超], to overtake
        chāojíshìchǎng, [超級市場], supermarket
        chūchāo, trade surplus/favorable balance of trade
        chāojídàguó, [超級大國], superpower
        chāoxiànshízhǔyì, [超現實主義], surrealism
        chāozhī, to overspend
        chāoduǎnqún, miniskirt
        chāoshēng, to exceed the stipulated limit of a birth-control policy/to be reincarnated/to b...
        chāoduǎnbō, ultra short wave (radio)/UHF
        chāoé, [超額], above quota
        rùchāo, trade deficit/import surplus
        chāodǎotǐ, [超導體], superconductor
        chāodǎo, [超導], superconductor/superconductivity (physics)
        chāolíng, [超齡], too old/overage/(of a young person's behavior or attributes) beyond one's years/...
        chāojué, [超絕], surpassing/excelling/preeminent/unique
        YīngChāo, Premier League/England Premier Soccer League
        chāoélìrùn, [超額利潤], superprofit/excess profit

        fùzé, [負責], to be in charge of/to take responsibility for/to be to blame/conscientious
        fù, [負], to bear/to carry (on one's back)/to turn one's back on/to be defeated/negative (...
        fùdān, [負擔], burden/to bear a burden
        qīfu, [欺負], to bully
        fùzérén, [負責人], person in charge
        zìfù, [自負], conceited/to take responsibility
        fùmiàn, [負面], negative/the negative side
        gūfù, [辜負], to fail to live up (to expectations)/unworthy (of trust)/to let down/to betray (...
        shèngfù, [勝負], victory or defeat/the outcome of a battle
        bēifù, [背負], to bear/to carry on one's back/to shoulder
        wàngēnfùyì, [忘恩負義], to forget favors and violate justice (idiom); ingratitude to a friend/to kick a ...
        fùyǒu, [負有], to be responsible for
        bàofù, [抱負], aspiration/ambition
        jiānfù, [肩負], to shoulder (a burden)/to bear/to suffer (a disadvantage)
        rúshìzhòngfù, [如釋重負], as if relieved from a burden (idiom)/to have a weight off one's mind
        fùshāng, [負傷], to be wounded/to sustain an injury
        fùhè, [負荷], load/burden/charge
        chāofùhè, [超負荷], excess load/an overload/overloaded
        fùzhài, [負債], to be in debt/to incur debts/liability (finance)
        dānfù, [擔負], to shoulder/to bear/to undertake
        fùzhàilěilěi, [負債累累], deep in debt
        fùjiù, [負疚], (literary) to feel apologetic/to feel guilty
        fùzài, [負載], to carry/to support/load
        zhòngfù, [重負], heavy load/heavy burden (also fig. of tax)
        fùxīn, [負心], ungrateful/heartless/to fail to be loyal to one's love
        rěnrǔfùzhòng, [忍辱負重], to endure humiliation as part of an important mission (idiom); to suffer in sile...
        jiǔfùshèngmíng, [久負盛名], seasoned/honed to perfection over centuries/special reserve
        fùjí, [負極], negative pole/cathode
        fùshù, [負數], negative number
        jiǎnfù, [減負], to alleviate a burden on sb
        zhèngfù, [正負], positive and negative
        fùdiàn, [負電], negative electric charge
        fùjīngqǐngzuì, [負荊請罪], lit. to bring a bramble and ask for punishment (idiom)/fig. to offer sb a humble...
        fùpiàn, [負片], negative (in photography)
        fùzhí, [負值], negative value (math.)
        fùhào, [負號], negative value sign - (math.)/minus sign
        zìfùyíngkuī, [自負盈虧], responsible for its profit and losses (of organization)/financially autonomous/p...
        fùlízǐ, [負離子], negative ion/anion (physics)

        Hélán, [荷蘭], Holland/the Netherlands
        Hé/hé/hè, Holland/the Netherlands/abbr. for 荷蘭|荷兰[Hé lán], lotus, to carry on one's should...
        bòhe, field mint/peppermint
        héěrméng, [荷爾蒙], hormone (loanword)/see 激素[jī sù]
        Hémǎ, [荷馬], Homer
        Hélányǔ, [荷蘭語], Dutch (language)
        fùhè, [負荷], load/burden/charge
        chāofùhè, [超負荷], excess load/an overload/overloaded
        hébāo, embroidered pouch for carrying loose change etc/purse/pocket (in clothing)
        Àidáhézhōu, [愛達荷州], Idaho, US state
        Àihéhuá, [愛荷華], Iowa, US state (Tw)
        hèqiāngshídàn, [荷槍實彈], (idiom) armed/carrying a loaded firearm
        hébāodàn, poached egg/egg fried on both sides
        diànhè, [電荷], electric charge
        Àokèlāhémǎ, [奧克拉荷馬], Oklahoma, US state (Tw)
        bòheyóu, peppermint oil
        zàihè, [載荷], load/lading (weight)
        héhuā, lotus
        Hélánzhū, [荷蘭豬], guinea pig
        Hélándùn, [荷蘭盾], Dutch gulden

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