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[身為] shēnwéi in the capacity of

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        shēnshang, on the body/at hand/among
        shēntǐ, [身體], the body/one's health/CL:具[jù],個|个[gè]/in person
        shēn, body/life/oneself/personally/one's morality and conduct/the main part of a struc...
        shēnbiān, [身邊], at one's side/on hand
        shēnfèn, identity/status/capacity/dignity/position/rank
        dānshēn, [單身], unmarried/single
        quánshēn, whole body/em (typography)
        shēncái, stature/build (height and weight)/figure
        běnshēn, itself/in itself/per se
        shēnhòu, [身後], posthumous/one's social background/behind the body
        zhuǎnshēn, [轉身], (of a person) to turn round/to face about/(of a widow) to remarry (archaic)
        shēnfènzhèng, [身份證], identity card/ID
        jiànshēn, to exercise/to keep fit/to work out/physical exercise
        húnshēn, [渾身], all over/from head to foot
        zhōngshēn, [終身], lifelong/all one's life/marriage
        zìshēn, itself/oneself/one's own
        tuōshēn, [脫身], to get away/to escape (from obligations)/to free oneself/to disengage
        shēnzi, body/pregnancy/health
        suíshēn, [隨身], to (carry) on one's person/to (take) with one
        jiànshēnfáng, gym/gymnasium
        shēngāo, (a person's) height
        cángshēn, to hide/to go into hiding/to take refuge
        xiànshēn, [現身], to show oneself/to appear/(of a deity) to appear in the flesh
        shēnwáng, to die
        rèshēn, [熱身], to warm up (sports)/(fig.) to prepare/to get in condition
        rénshēn, person/personal/human body
        héshēn, well-fitting (of clothes)
        chūshēn, to be born of/to come from/family background/class origin
        shēnshǒu, skill/talent/agility
        dòngshēn, [動身], to go on a journey/to leave
        shàngshēn, upper part of the body
        quánshēnxīn, wholeheartedly/(to devote oneself) heart and soul
        jǐnshēn, [緊身], skintight
        tìshēn, stand-in/substitute/body double/stuntman/scapegoat/fall guy/to stand in for sb e...
        huàshēn, incarnation/reincarnation/embodiment (of abstract idea)/personification
        dānshēnhàn, [單身漢], bachelor/unmarried man
        qīnshēn, [親身], personal/oneself
        xiànshēn, [獻身], to commit one's energy to/to devote oneself to/to sacrifice one's life for/(coll...
        shēnchǔ, [身處], in (some place)/to be in (adversity, a difficult situation, danger, turmoil etc)...
        zhìshēn, to place oneself/to stay
        shēnxīn, body and mind/mental and physical
        shēnwéi, [身為], in the capacity of/as
        shēnwúfēnwén, [身無分文], penniless (idiom)
        fānshēn, to turn over (when lying)/(fig.) to free oneself/to emancipate oneself/to bring ...
        chánshēn, [纏身], (of an illness, debt etc) to plague sb/to preoccupy sb/difficult to get rid of
        hùshēnfú, [護身符], amulet/protective talisman/charm
        mǎnshēn, [滿身], covered all over
        yǐnshēn, [隱身], to hide oneself/invisible (person or online status)
        qǐshēn, to get up/to leave/to set forth
        tǐngshēnérchū, to step forward bravely
        tiēshēn, [貼身], worn next to the skin/close-fitting/personal (servant etc)
        shēnyǐng, silhouette/figure
        chōushēn, to get away from/to withdraw/to free oneself
        dúshēn, [獨身], unmarried/single
        yīshēn, whole body/from head to toe/single person/a suit of clothes
        shēnfèn, variant of 身份/identity/status/capacity/dignity/position/rank
        shēnjià, [身價], social status/price of a slave/price of a person (a sportsman etc)/worth/value (...
        tóushēn, to throw oneself into sth
        zhìshēnshìwài, not to get involved/to stay out of it
        xiàshēn, lower part of the body/genitalia/trousers
        shēnzhuó, [身著], to wear
        shēnqū, [身軀], body
        sōushēn, to do a body search/to frisk
        shēnshì, one's life experience/one's lot/one's past history
        zàngshēn, to bury a corpse/to be buried/(fig.) to die (at sea, in a fire etc)
        gǎntóngshēnshòu, to feel as if it had happened to oneself/to sympathize/(polite expression of gra...
        shēnbùyóujǐ, without the freedom to act independently (idiom); involuntary/not of one's own v...
        shēnyùn, pregnancy/pregnant
        jīshēn, [機身], body of a vehicle or machine/fuselage of a plane
        qīshēn, [棲身], to stay at/to live in (temporarily)
        màishēn, [賣身], to prostitute oneself/to sell oneself into slavery
        chēshēn, [車身], body of automobile
        fěnshēnsuìgǔ, lit. torn body and crushed bones (idiom)/fig. to die horribly/to sacrifice one's...
        ròushēn, corporeal body
        shēnxíng, figure (esp. a woman's)
        fēnshēn, to spare time for a separate task/doppelgänger/sockpuppet (Internet slang)
        bànshēnxiàng, half-length photo or portrait/bust
        tǐngshēn, to straighten one's back
        shēnduàn, a woman's physique/figure/posture on stage
        chuánshēn, hull/body of a ship
        fǔshēn, to lean over/to bend over/to stoop/to bow
        shèshēnchǔdì, [設身處地], to put oneself in sb else's shoes
        jīshēn, [躋身], to rise (in society)
        gūshēn, alone/lonely
        shēnlínqíjìng, [身臨其境], (idiom) to experience it for oneself/to actually *be* there (as opposed to readi...
        zhīshēn, [隻身], alone/by oneself
        fángshēn, self-protection/to defend oneself
        róngshēn, to find a place where one can fit in/to make one's home/to seek shelter
        shēnbàimíngliè, [身敗名裂], to lose one's standing/to have one's reputation swept away/a complete defeat and...
        yáoshēnyībiàn, [搖身一變], to change shape in a single shake/fig. to take on a new lease of life
        dàxiǎnshēnshǒu, [大顯身手], (idiom) fully displaying one's capabilities
        shuǎngshēnfěn, baby powder/talcum powder
穿         shēnchuān, to wear (a garment)
        ānshēn, to make one's home/to take shelter
        qièshēn, direct/concerning oneself/personal
        zòngshēn, [縱身], to leap/to spring/to throw oneself
        cèshēn, [側身], (to stand or move) sideways
        yǐshēnzuòzé, [以身作則], to set an example (idiom); to serve as a model
        shēnqiánglìzhuàng, [身強力壯], strong and vigorous/sturdy/robust
        shīshēn, to lose one's virginity/to lose one's chastity
        shēnxiànlíngyǔ, thrown into prison/behind bars
        zhēnshēn, the real body (of Buddha or a God)/true effigy
        xiànshēnshuōfǎ, [現身說法], to talk from one's personal experience/to use oneself as an example
        fènbùgùshēn, [奮不顧身], to dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety (idiom); undaunted by dang...
        yǐnhuǒshāoshēn, [引火燒身], to invite trouble
        shēncháng, [身長], height (of person)/length of clothing from shoulders to bottom (tailor or dressm...
        qiánshēn, forerunner/predecessor/precursor/previous incarnation (Buddhism)/jacket front
        shēnbǎn, body/physique/physical condition
        rèshēnsài, [熱身賽], exhibition game
        zhōushēn, whole body
        yǐshēnshìfǎ, [以身試法], to challenge the law (idiom)/to knowingly violate the law
        jiéshēnzìhào, [潔身自好], clean-living and honest (idiom); to avoid immorality/to shun evil influence/to m...
        bànshēnbùsuì, paralysis of one side of the body/hemiplegia
        shēnjīngbǎizhàn, [身經百戰], lit. veteran of a hundred battles (idiom)/fig. experienced/seasoned
        xiūshēn, to cultivate one's moral character/(fashion) slim-fit/body-hugging
        shēntǐlìxíng, [身體力行], to practice what one preaches (idiom)
        shěshēn, [捨身], to give one's life
        míngzhébǎoshēn, a wise man looks after his own hide (idiom)/to put one's own safety before matte...
        shīshēnrénmiànxiàng, [獅身人面像], sphinx
        qiángshēn, [強身], to strengthen one's body/to keep fit/to build up one's health (through exercise,...
        shēnxīnjiāocuì, worn out in body and soul (idiom)
        shēnxiānshìzú, to fight at the head of one's troops/(fig.) to take the lead
        yánchuánshēnjiào, [言傳身教], to teach by words and example (idiom)
        shēnliang, height (of a person)/stature/fig. reputation/standing
        ānshēnlìmìng, settle down and get on with one's pursuit
        shǒushēn, to keep oneself pure/to preserve one's integrity/to remain chaste
        shēnwàizhīwù, mere worldly possessions
        gōngshēn, to bow
        shùshēn, [樹身], tree trunk
        zhōngshēndàshì, [終身大事], major turning point of lifelong import (esp. marriage)
        chìshēn, naked
        shòushēn, to lose weight (intentionally)/to slim down/(Tw) to downsize (a business)
        shēnwúchángwù, [身無長物], to possess nothing except bare necessities/to live a poor or frugal life
        lìshēn, to stand up/to conduct oneself
        wénshēn, to tattoo
        jiànshēn, [劍身], sword blade
        bāoshēngōng, indentured laborer

        yīnwèi, [因為], because/owing to/on account of
        wèishénme, [為什麼], why?/for what reason?
        wéi/wèi, [為]/[爲], as (in the capacity of)/to take sth as/to act as/to serve as/to behave as/to bec...
        rènwéi, [認為], to believe/to think/to consider/to feel
        wèile, [為了], in order to/for the purpose of/so as to
        yǐwéi, [以為], to think (i.e. to take it to be true that ...) (Usually there is an implication ...
        chéngwéi, [成為], to become/to turn into
        zuòwéi, [作為], one's conduct/deed/activity/accomplishment/achievement/to act as/as (in the capa...
        xíngwéi, [行為], action/conduct/behavior/activity
        wèihé, [為何], why
        wéizhǐ, [為止], until/(used in combination with words like 到[dào] or 至[zhì] in constructs of the...
        chēngwéi, [稱為], called/to call sth (by a name)/to name
        dàocǐwéizhǐ, [到此為止], to stop at this point/to end here/to call it a day
        wèicǐ, [為此], for this reason/with regards to this/in this respect/in order to do this/to this...
        suǒzuòsuǒwéi, [所作所為], one's conduct and deeds
        wúnéngwéilì, [無能為力], impotent (idiom)/powerless/helpless
        chēngzhīwéi, [稱之為], to call it.../known as...
        wéinán, [為難], to feel embarrassed or awkward/to make things difficult (for someone)/to find th...
        zìyǐwéishì, [自以為是], to believe oneself infallible (idiom)/to be opinionated
        xìngxíngwéi, [性行為], sexual behavior
        gèngwéi, [更為], even more
        jìnlìérwéi, [盡力而為], to try one's utmost/to strive
        zuìwéi, [最為], the most
        shìwéi, [視為], to view as/to see as/to consider to be/to deem
        wéishēng, [為生], to make a living
        wéirén/wèirén, [為人], to conduct oneself/behavior/conduct/personal character, for sb/for others' inter...
        wéisuǒyùwéi, [為所欲為], to do whatever one pleases
        qìjīnwéizhǐ, [迄今為止], so far/up to now/still (not)
        nánwéiqíng, [難為情], embarrassed
        jíwéi, [極為], extremely/exceedingly
        shēnwéi, [身為], in the capacity of/as
        biànwéi, [變為], to change into
        lièwéi, [列為], to be classified as
        bùwéirénzhī, [不為人知], not known to anyone/secret/unknown
        rénwéi, [人為], artificial/man-made/having human cause or origin/human attempt or effort
        fēnwéi, [分為], to divide sth into (parts)/to subdivide
        wéishíyǐwǎn, [為時已晚], already too late
        pōwéi, [頗為], rather/quite
        xiàbùwéilì, [下不為例], not to be repeated/not to be taken as a precedent/just this once
        wéizhǔ, [為主], to rely mainly on/to attach most importance to
        wéiwǔ, [為伍], to associate with/to keep company with
        yíwéipíngdì, [夷為平地], to level/to raze to the ground
        xíyǐwéicháng, [習以為常], accustomed to/used to
        míngwéi, [名為], to be called/to be known as
        róngwéiyītǐ, [融為一體], to fuse together (idiom)/hypostatic union (religion)
        wéishíguòzǎo, [為時過早], premature/too soon
        hùnwéiyītán, [混為一談], to confuse one thing with another (idiom); to muddle
        dàwéi, [大為], very/greatly
        wéiqī, [為期], (to be done) by (a certain date)/lasting (a certain time)
        jùwéijǐyǒu, [據為己有], to take for one's own/to expropriate
        tànwéiguānzhǐ, [嘆為觀止], (idiom) to gasp in amazement/to acclaim as the peak of perfection
        lúnwéi, [淪為], to sink down to/to be reduced to (sth inferior)
        wéizhòng, [為重], to attach most importance to
        xiānxiàshǒuwéiqiáng, [先下手為強], strike first and gain the upper hand (idiom, martial arts term); Making the firs...
        bùzúwéiqí, [不足為奇], not at all surprising (idiom)
        xiāngyīwéimìng, [相依為命], mutually dependent for life (idiom); to rely upon one another for survival/inter...
        rénmǎnwéihuàn, [人滿為患], packed with people/overcrowded/overpopulation
        yǎnjiànwéishí, [眼見為實], seeing is believing
        píngwéi, [評為], to elect as/to choose as/to consider as
        húzuòfēiwéi, [胡作非為], to run amok (idiom); to commit outrages
        xiānrùwéizhǔ, [先入為主], lit. first impression is strongest
        huàwéiwūyǒu, [化為烏有], to go up in smoke/to vanish
        yóuwéi, [尤為], especially
        héérwéiyī, [合而為一], to merge together (idiom); to unify disparate elements into one whole
        jiàowéi, [較為], comparatively/relatively/fairly
        wéishǒu, [為首], head/be headed by
        zhùrénwéilè, [助人為樂], pleasure from helping others (idiom)
        yǐnyǐwéiróng, [引以為榮], to regard it as an honor (idiom)
        huàxiǎnwéiyí, [化險為夷], to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert disaster
        wúsuǒzuòwéi, [無所作為], attempting nothing and accomplishing nothing (idiom); without any initiative or ...
        fǎnbàiwéishèng, [反敗為勝], to turn defeat into victory (idiom); to turn the tide
        niánqīngyǒuwéi, [年輕有為], young and promising
        jiànyìyǒngwéi, [見義勇為], to see what is right and act courageously (idiom, from Analects); to stand up br...
        xiǎnwéirénzhī, [鮮為人知], rarely known to anyone (idiom); almost unknown/secret to all but a few
        bùwéisuǒdòng, [不為所動], to remain unmoved
        bùyǐwéirán, [不以為然], not to accept as correct (idiom); to object/to disapprove/to take exception to
        lángbèiwéijiān, [狼狽為奸], villains collude together (idiom); to work hand in glove with sb (to nefarious e...
        wéifēizuòdǎi, [為非作歹], to break the law and commit crimes (idiom); malefactor/evildoer/to perpetrate ou...
        gǎiwéi, [改為], to change into
        yǔrénwéishàn, [與人為善], to be of service to others/to help others/benevolent
        dàyǒukěwéi, [大有可為], with great prospects for the future (idiom); well worth doing
        bùdéyǐérwéizhī, [不得已而為之], to have no other choice/to be the last resort
        bùshīwéi, [不失為], can still be considered (to be...)/may after all be accepted as
        hélèérbùwéi, [何樂而不為], What can you have against it? (idiom)/We should do this./Go for it!
        zhuǎnwēiwéiān, [轉危為安], to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert a danger (esp. political or medical)
        dàyǒuzuòwéi, [大有作為], to accomplish much/to have good prospects/to have a promising future
        wúsuǒbùwéi, [無所不為], not stopping at anything/all manner of evil
        yītǔwéikuài, [一吐為快], to get sth off one's chest
        miǎnwéiqínán, [勉為其難], to tackle a difficult job (idiom)/to do sth reluctantly
        dǎndàwàngwéi, [膽大妄為], daring/presumptuous/daredevil
        wéishí, [為時], timewise/pertaining to time
        xiāndǔwéikuài, [先睹為快], joy of first experience (idiom)/the pleasure of reading sth for the first time
        zìyìwàngwéi, [恣意妄為], to behave unscrupulously
        shějǐwèirén, [捨己為人], to abandon self for others (idiom, from Analects); to sacrifice one's own intere...
        wèizhe, [為著], in order to/because of/for the sake of
        zhùZhòuwéinüè, [助紂為虐], lit. helping tyrant Zhou 商紂王|商纣王[Shāng Zhòu wáng] in his oppression (idiom)/fig....
        shàxuèwéiméng, [歃血為盟], to smear the lips with blood when taking an oath (idiom)/to swear a sacred oath
        bùzúwéiguài, [不足為怪], not at all surprising (idiom)
        nánwei, [難為], to bother/to press sb, usu. to do sth/it's a tough job/sorry to bother you (poli...
        wéirénshībiǎo, [為人師表], to serve as a model for others (idiom)/to be a worthy teacher
        shìzàirénwéi, [事在人為], the matter depends on the individual (idiom); it is a matter for your own effort...
        tèwèi, [特為], for a specific purpose/specially
        yǒuwéi, [有為], promising/to show promise
        huàzhěngwéilíng, [化整為零], to break up the whole into pieces (idiom); dealing with things one by one/divide...
        gǎnzuògǎnwéi, [敢作敢為], to stop at nothing (idiom)/to dare to do anything
        mínyǐshíwéitiān, [民以食為天], Food is the God of the people. (idiom); People view food as the primary need./Fo...
        wèihǔzuòchāng, [為虎作倀], to act as accomplice to the tiger/to help a villain do evil (idiom)
        wéizhǔn, [為準], to serve as the norm/...shall prevail (as standard for rules, regulations, price...
        gèzìwéizhèng, [各自為政], to do things each in one's own way
        bùbùwéiyíng, [步步為營], to advance gradually and entrench oneself at every step/to consolidate at every ...
        huàdìwéiláo, [畫地為牢], lit. to be confined within a circle drawn on the ground (idiom)/fig. to confine ...
        gǎnwéirénxiān, [敢為人先], to dare to be first/to pioneer (idiom)
        yǐshǐwéijiàn, [以史為鑒], to learn from history (idiom)
        wéifùbùrén, [為富不仁], the benevolent man cannot be rich (idiom, from Mencius). It is easier for a came...
        bīliángwéichāng, [逼良為娼], to force an honest girl into prostitution (idiom)/to debauch

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