躲 ⇒
躲 duǒ, to hide/to dodge/to avoid
躲避 duǒbì, to hide/to evade/to dodge/to take shelter/to avoid (difficulties)
躲开 duǒkāi, [躲開], to stay out of (hot water, trouble, awkward situation etc)/to avoid (sb)
躲藏 duǒcáng, to conceal oneself/to go into hiding/to take cover
东躲西藏 躲闪 duǒshǎn, [躲閃], to evade/to dodge (out of the way)
躲雨 duǒyǔ, to take shelter from the rain
躲债 duǒzhài, [躲債], to dodge a creditor
躲懒 duǒlǎn, [躲懶], to shy away from work/to get by without attending duty
避 ⇒
避免 bìmiǎn, to avert/to prevent/to avoid/to refrain from
逃避 táobì, to escape/to evade/to avoid/to shirk
躲避 duǒbì, to hide/to evade/to dodge/to take shelter/to avoid (difficulties)
避开 bìkāi, [避開], to avoid/to evade/to keep away from
回避 huíbì, [迴避], variant of 迴避|回避[huí bì], to shun/to avoid (sb)/to skirt/to evade (an issue)/to ...
避 bì, to avoid/to shun/to flee/to escape/to keep away from/to leave/to hide from
避孕套 bìyùntào, condom/CL:隻|只[zhī]
避难所 bìnànsuǒ, [避難所], refuge/asylum
不可避免 bùkěbìmiǎn, unavoidably
避难 bìnàn, [避難], refuge/to take refuge/to seek asylum (political etc)
避孕药 bìyùnyào, [避孕藥], oral contraceptive
避孕 bìyùn, contraception
避暑 bìshǔ, to be away for the summer holidays/to spend a holiday at a summer resort/to prev...
避风 bìfēng, [避風], to take shelter from the wind/to lie low/to stay out of trouble
避风港 bìfēnggǎng, [避風港], haven/refuge/harbor/CL:座[zuò],個|个[gè]
规避 guībì, [規避], to evade/to dodge
避而不谈 避雷针 bìléizhēn, [避雷針], lightning rod
避讳 bìhuì/bìhui, [避諱], to avoid a taboo word or topic, to avoid a taboo word or topic/to refrain from/t...
退避三舍 tuìbìsānshè, [退避三捨], lit. to retreat three day's march (idiom); fig. to give way in the face of super...
闪避 shǎnbì, [閃避], to dodge/to sidestep
避邪 bìxié, to avoid evil spirits
避险 bìxiǎn, [避險], to flee from danger/to avoid danger/to minimize risk/(finance) hedge
退避 tuìbì, to withdraw
避重就轻 bìzhòngjiùqīng, [避重就輕], to avoid the important and dwell on the trivial/to keep silent about major charg...
扬长避短 yángchángbìduǎn, [揚長避短], to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses (idiom)/to play to one's strengths
避让 bìràng, [避讓], to avoid/to yield (in traffic)/to get out of the way
避嫌 bìxián, to avoid arousing suspicion
避难权 避孕片 畏避