轮 ⇒
轮 lún, [輪], wheel/disk/ring/steamship/to take turns/to rotate/by turn/classifier for big rou...
轮胎 lúntāi, [輪胎], tire/pneumatic tire
轮椅 lúnyǐ, [輪椅], wheelchair
轮子 lúnzi, [輪子], wheel/CL:個|个[gè]
轮流 lúnliú, [輪流], to alternate/to take turns
车轮 chēlún, [車輪], wheel
轮廓 lúnkuò, [輪廓], an outline/silhouette
齿轮 chǐlún, [齒輪], (machine) gear/pinion (gear wheel)
渡轮 dùlún, [渡輪], ferry boat
左轮手枪 zuǒlúnshǒuqiāng, [左輪手槍], revolver
轮班 lúnbān, [輪班], shift working
轮回 lúnhuí, [輪回]/[輪迴], variant of 輪迴|轮回[lún huí], to reincarnate/reincarnation (Buddhism)/(of the seaso...
油轮 yóulún, [油輪], tanker (ship)/CL:艘[sōu]
轮船 lúnchuán, [輪船], steamship/steamer/ocean liner/ship/CL:艘[sōu]
游轮 yóulún, [遊輪], cruise ship
滑轮 huálún, [滑輪], block and tackle
涡轮 wōlún, [渦輪], turbine
左轮 转轮 zhuànlún, [轉輪], rotating disk/wheel/rotor/cycle of reincarnation in Buddhism
邮轮 yóulún, [郵輪], ocean liner/cruise liner
三轮车 sānlúnchē, [三輪車], pedicab/tricycle
轮奸 lúnjiān, [輪姦], to gang rape
美轮美奂 měilúnměihuàn, [美輪美奐], (of houses, scenery etc) magnificent (idiom)
轮渡 lúndù, [輪渡], ferry
轮换 lúnhuàn, [輪換], to rotate/to take turns/to switch
货轮 huòlún, [貨輪], freighter/cargo ship/CL:艘[sōu]
轮转 lúnzhuàn, [輪轉], to rotate
前轮 qiánlún, [前輪], front wheel
轮机长 棘轮 jílún, [棘輪], ratchet
轮轴 lúnzhóu, [輪軸], wheel and axle (mechanism)/axle
轮值 lúnzhí, [輪值], to take turns on duty
后轮 hòulún, [後輪], rear wheel
轮辐 lúnfú, [輪輻], wheel spoke
水轮 shuǐlún, [水輪], waterwheel/millwheel
轮机 lúnjī, [輪機], turbine
轮番 lúnfān, [輪番], in turn/one after another
滚轮 年轮 niánlún, [年輪], annual ring/growth ring
舵轮 轮岗 飞轮 fēilún, [飛輪], flywheel/sprocket wheel
巨轮 jùlún, [巨輪], large ship/large wheel
扶轮 本轮 风火轮 fēnghuǒlún, [風火輪], (martial arts) wind-and-fire wheel, weapon used in hand-to-hand fighting/(Daoism...
轮带 独轮车 dúlúnchē, [獨輪車], wheelbarrow/unicycle
涡轮机 客轮 kèlún, [客輪], passenger ship
凸轮 tūlún, [凸輪], cam
首轮 shǒulún, [首輪], first round (of a competition etc)
汽轮机 qìlúnjī, [汽輪機], steam turbine
一轮轮 海轮 轮休 lúnxiū, [輪休], holiday roster
耳轮 燃气轮机 ránqìlúnjī, [燃氣輪機], gas turbine
轮空 轮种 lúnzhòng, [輪種], rotation of crops
轮舱 轮辋 凸轮轴 tūlúnzhóu, [凸輪軸], camshaft
摆轮 bǎilún, [擺輪], balance (of a watch or clock)/balance wheel
动轮 班轮 bānlún, [班輪], regular passenger or cargo ship/regular steamship service
渔轮 yúlún, [漁輪], fishing vessel
轮作 lúnzuò, [輪作], rotation of crops (to preserve fertility of soil)
车轮战 美轮 远洋轮 三轮
回 ⇒
回 huí, [迴]/[逥], to circle/to go back/to turn around/to answer/to return/to revolve/Hui ethnic gr...
回来 huílai, [回來], to return/to come back
回家 huíjiā, to return home
回去 huíqu, to return/to go back
回到 huídào, to return to
回答 huídá, to reply/to answer/the answer/CL:個|个[gè]
回头 huítóu, [回頭], to turn round/to turn one's head/later/by and by
回忆 huíyì, [回憶], to recall/memories/CL:個|个[gè]
回报 huíbào, [回報], (in) return/reciprocation/payback/retaliation/to report back/to reciprocate
找回 zhǎohuí, to retrieve
收回 shōuhuí, to regain/to retake/to take back/to withdraw/to revoke
回顾 huígù, [回顧], to look back/to review
返回 fǎnhuí, to return to/to come (or go) back
回归 huíguī, [回歸], to return to/to retreat/regression (statistics)
回复 huífù, [回復], to reply/to recover/to return (to a previous condition)/Re: in reply to (email)
回应 huíyìng, [回應], to respond/response
回见 huíjiàn, [回見], See you later!
回合 huíhé, one of a sequence of contests (or subdivisions of a contest) between the same tw...
回想 huíxiǎng, to recall/to recollect/to think back
回避 huíbì, [迴避], variant of 迴避|回避[huí bì], to shun/to avoid (sb)/to skirt/to evade (an issue)/to ...
赶回 挽回 wǎnhuí, to retrieve/to redeem
来回 láihuí, [來回], to make a round trip/return journey/back and forth/to and fro/repeatedly
回收 huíshōu, to recycle/to reclaim/to retrieve/to recover/to recall (a defective product)
巡回 xúnhuí, [巡迴], to go around/to roam/to tour
驳回 bóhuí, [駁回], to reject/to turn down/to overrule
回电 huídiàn, [回電], to reply to a telegram/to wire back
取回 qǔhuí, to retrieve
撤回 chèhuí, to recall/to revoke/to retract
回信 huíxìn, to reply/to write back/letter written in reply/CL:封[fēng]
回过 巡回演出 xúnhuíyǎnchū, [巡迴演出], (theater etc) to tour/to be on tour/to give itinerant performances
回话 huíhuà, [回話], to reply
起死回生 qǐsǐhuíshēng, to rise from the dead (idiom); fig. an unexpected recovery
退回 tuìhuí, to return (an item)/to send back/to go back
召回 zhàohuí, to recall (a product, an ambassador etc)
回车 huíchē, [回車], enter (computer key)
回国 huíguó, [回國], to return to one's home country
回音 huíyīn, echo/reply/turn (ornament in music)
赎回 shúhuí, [贖回], to redeem
带回 dàihuí, [帶回], to bring back
轮回 lúnhuí, [輪回]/[輪迴], variant of 輪迴|轮回[lún huí], to reincarnate/reincarnation (Buddhism)/(of the seaso...
回声 huíshēng, [回聲], echo
回首 huíshǒu, to turn around/to look back/to recollect
下回 xiàhuí, next chapter/next time
回旋 huíxuán, [迴旋], to cycle around/cyclotron/slalom, to turn around/maneuvering room/leeway
回忆录 huíyìlù, [回憶錄], memoir
回击 huíjī, [回擊], to fight back/to return fire/to counterattack
夺回 duóhuí, [奪回], to take back (forcibly)/to recapture/to win back
回程 huíchéng, return trip
回绝 huíjué, [回絕], to rebuff/to refuse/to turn down
回敬 huíjìng, to return a compliment/to give sth in return
回城 巡回赛 回味 huíwèi, to reflect on/to ponder over/aftertaste
回响 huíxiǎng, [回響]/[迴響], variant of 迴響|回响[huí xiǎng], to echo/to reverberate/to respond/echo/response/rea...
迂回 yūhuí, [迂迴], roundabout route/circuitous/tortuous/to outflank/indirect/roundabout
回溯 huísù, to recall/to look back upon
回头路 huítóulù, [回頭路], the road back to where one came from
传回 chuánhuí, [傳回], to send back
回路 huílù, to return/circuit (e.g. electric)/loop
两回事 liǎnghuíshì, [兩回事], two quite different things/two unrelated matters
回扣 huíkòu, brokerage/a commission paid to a middleman/euphemism for a bribe/a kickback
回转 huízhuǎn, [回轉]/[迴轉], to rotate/to turn round/slalom, to revolve/to rotate/rotation
不堪回首 回荡 huídàng, [迴盪], to resound/to reverberate/to echo
回礼 huílǐ, [回禮], to return a greeting/to send a gift in return
上回 shànghuí, last time/the previous time
折回 zhéhuí, to turn back/to retrace one's steps
缩回 回嘴 回乡 回老家 huílǎojiā, to go back to one's roots/to return to one's native place/by ext. to join one's ...
无可挽回 wúkěwǎnhuí, [無可挽回], irrevocable/the die is cast
回形针 huíxíngzhēn, [回形針], paper clip
回升 huíshēng, to rise again after a fall/to pick up/rally (stock market etc)
回教 Huíjiào, Islam
回教徒 弹回 tánhuí, [彈回], to rebound
扳回 bānhuí, to pull back/to regain (one's dignity etc)/to recover from (an adverse situation...
无力回天 峰回路转 fēnghuílùzhuǎn, [峰回路轉], the mountain road twists around each new peak (idiom)/(of a mountain road) twist...
回收站 唤回 有去无回 yǒuqùwúhuí, [有去無回], gone forever (idiom)
走回头路 zǒuhuítóulù, [走回頭路], to turn back/to backtrack/(fig.) to revert to the former way of doing things
回暖 huínuǎn, (of the weather) to warm up again
回春 huíchūn, return of spring
妙手回春 miàoshǒuhuíchūn, magical hands bring the dying back to life (idiom); miracle cure/brilliant docto...
回头客 huítóukè, [回頭客], repeat customer
回望 回流 huíliú, to flow back/reflux/circumfluence/refluence/backward flow/returning flow (e.g. o...
回味无穷 huíwèiwúqióng, [回味無窮], leaving a rich aftertaste/(fig.) memorable/lingering in memory
回游 huíyóu, variant of 洄游[huí yóu]
回眸 huímóu, to glance back/to look back/retrospective
回笼 huílóng, [回籠], to steam again/to rewarm food in a bamboo steamer/to withdraw currency from circ...
回顾展 huígùzhǎn, [回顧展], retrospective (exhibition)
回廊 huíláng, [迴廊], winding corridor/cloister/ambulatory (covered walkway around a cloister)
回报率 回赠 回天乏术 huítiānfáshù, [回天乏術], unable to turn around a hopeless situation (idiom)/to fail to save the situation
回家来 回条 huítiáo, [回條], receipt/note acknowledging receipt
回执 huízhí, [回執], receipt (written acknowledgement of receipt of an item)
回马枪 huímǎqiāng, [回馬槍], sudden thrust (that catches the opponent off guard)
追回 zhuīhuí, to recover (sth lost or stolen)/to get back
回函 huíhán, a reply (in writing)
回文 huíwén, palindrome
回火 huíhuǒ, to temper (iron)/to flare back/flareback (in a gas burner)/(of an engine) to bac...
回身 回转仪 回天无力 huítiānwúlì, [回天無力], unable to turn around a hopeless situation (idiom)/to fail to save the situation
潜回 回请 huíqǐng, [回請], to return an invitation
大回转 北回归线 Běihuíguīxiàn, [北回歸線], Tropic of Cancer
回音壁 回帖 huítiě, to reply to an invitation/(Internet) to post a comment on a forum topic
南回归线 Nánhuíguīxiàn, [南回歸線], Tropic of Capricorn
回访 huífǎng, [回訪], (pay a) return visit
荡气回肠 dàngqìhuícháng, [蕩氣回腸], heart-rending (drama, music, poem etc)/deeply moving
回生 回单 huídān, [回單], receipt
回手 回潮 huícháo, to become moist again/to revive (usually of sth bad)/resurgence
回归线 huíguīxiàn, [回歸線], tropic/one of the two latitude lines, Tropic of Capricorn or Tropic of Cancer
回落 huíluò, to fall back/to return to low level after a rise (in water level, price etc)
回返 huífǎn, to return/to go back/to come back
吃回扣 收回成命 回炉 huílú, [回爐], to melt down/to remelt (metals)/fig. to acquire new education/to bake again
止回阀 回传 回车键 huíchējiàn, [回車鍵], carriage return
回肠荡气 huíchángdàngqì, [回腸盪氣], soul-stirring (of drama, poem or artwork)/heart-rending/deeply moving
回基 回水 回波 huíbō, echo (e.g. radar)/returning wave
回绕 huírào, [回繞], winding
回芝城 回天特 回泽西 递回 dìhuí, [遞迴], see 遞歸|递归[dì guī]
回正途 低回 回传乔 回锡安 回力球 huílìqiú, jai alai/cesta punta (sports)/ball used in this sport
隆回 Lónghuí, Longhui county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shào yáng], Hunan
回祖儿 回春佛 回文诗 回高中