轻 ⇒
年轻 niánqīng, [年輕], young
轻松 qīngsōng, [輕鬆], light/gentle/relaxed/effortless/uncomplicated/to relax/to take things less serio...
年轻人 niánqīngrén, [年輕人], young people/youngster
轻 qīng, [輕], light/easy/gentle/soft/reckless/unimportant/frivolous/small in number/unstressed...
轻易 qīngyì, [輕易], easily/lightly/rashly
轻轻 qīngqīng, [輕輕], lightly/softly
减轻 jiǎnqīng, [減輕], to lighten/to ease/to alleviate
轻微 qīngwēi, [輕微], slight/light/trivial/to a small extent
轻而易举 qīngéryìjǔ, [輕而易舉], easy/with no difficulty
轻举妄动 qīngjǔwàngdòng, [輕舉妄動], to act blindly without thinking (idiom)
轻率 qīngshuài, [輕率], cavalier/offhand/reckless
无足轻重 wúzúqīngzhòng, [無足輕重], insignificant
轻柔 qīngróu, [輕柔], soft/gentle/pliable
轻视 qīngshì, [輕視], contempt/contemptuous/to despise/to scorn/scornful
轻巧 qīngqiǎo, [輕巧], dexterous/deft/easy/light and easy to use/nimble/agile/lithe/graceful
轻声 qīngshēng, [輕聲], quietly/softly/neutral tone/light stress
轻信 qīngxìn, [輕信], to easily trust/gullible/naïve
轻蔑 qīngmiè, [輕蔑], to contempt/to disdain/pejorative
轻度 qīngdù, [輕度], mild (symptoms etc)
轻浮 qīngfú, [輕浮], frivolous/careless/giddy
轻盈 qīngyíng, [輕盈], graceful/lithe/light and graceful/lighthearted/relaxed
轻轨 qīngguǐ, [輕軌], light rail/transit system (underground, at street level or elevated)/streetcar/m...
举足轻重 jǔzúqīngzhòng, [舉足輕重], to play a critical role (idiom)/influential
轻装 轻伤 qīngshāng, [輕傷], lightly wounded/minor injuries
掉以轻心 diàoyǐqīngxīn, [掉以輕心], treat sth lightly/to lower one's guard
轻快 qīngkuài, [輕快], light and quick/brisk/spry/lively/effortless/relaxed/agile/blithe
轻描淡写 qīngmiáodànxiě, [輕描淡寫], to sketch in light shades/to play down/to deemphasize (idiom)
轻型 qīngxíng, [輕型], light (machinery, aircraft etc)
轻佻 qīngtiāo, [輕佻], frivolous/coquettish
驾轻就熟 jiàqīngjiùshú, [駕輕就熟], lit. an easy drive on a familiar path (idiom); fig. experience makes progress ea...
轻飘飘 qīngpiāopiāo, [輕飄飄], light as a feather
轻便 qīngbiàn, [輕便], lightweight and portable/light and convenient
轻量级 qīngliàngjí, [輕量級], lightweight (boxing etc)
轻轻地 轻轻松松 年轻有为 niánqīngyǒuwéi, [年輕有為], young and promising
轻狂 qīngkuáng, [輕狂], frivolous
看轻 kànqīng, [看輕], to belittle/to scorn/to take sth lightly
年轻力壮 niánqīnglìzhuàng, [年輕力壯], young and vigorous (idiom)
轻重缓急 qīngzhònghuǎnjí, [輕重緩急], slight or important, urgent or non-urgent (idiom); to deal with important matter...
轻重 qīngzhòng, [輕重], severity (of the case)/degree of seriousness/whether sth is slight or serious
轻武器 qīngwǔqì, [輕武器], light weapon
轻薄 qīngbó, [輕薄], light (weight)/frivolous/a philanderer/to scorn/disrespectful
轻敌 qīngdí, [輕敵], to underestimate the enemy
轻风 qīngfēng, [輕風], breeze/light wind
轻骑 qīngqí, [輕騎], light cavalry/light motorcycle/moped
轻手轻脚 qīngshǒuqīngjiǎo, [輕手輕腳], (to move or do sth) softly and quietly (idiom)
轻音乐 qīngyīnyuè, [輕音樂], light music
轻生 qīngshēng, [輕生], a suicide/to commit suicide
举重若轻 轻活 避重就轻 bìzhòngjiùqīng, [避重就輕], to avoid the important and dwell on the trivial/to keep silent about major charg...
轻车熟路 qīngchēshúlù, [輕車熟路], lit. to drive a lightweight chariot on a familiar road (idiom)/fig. to do sth ro...
轻骑兵 年轻化 niánqīnghuà, [年輕化], to make more youthful/to promote younger staff
轻取 qīngqǔ, [輕取], to beat easily/to gain an easy victory
轻便车 轻慢 qīngmàn, [輕慢], irreverent
轻舟 最轻量级 轻金属 轻机枪 qīngjīqiāng, [輕機槍], light machine gun
轻歌曼舞 轻喜剧 轻飘 轻音 轻兵 轻装简从 轻工业部
信 ⇒
相信 xiāngxìn, to be convinced (that sth is true)/to believe/to accept sth as true
信 xìn, letter/mail/CL:封[fēng]/to trust/to believe/to profess faith in/truthful/confiden...
信息 xìnxī, information/news/message
信任 xìnrèn, to trust/to have confidence in
信号 xìnhào, [信號], signal
难以置信 nányǐzhìxìn, [難以置信], hard to believe/incredible
信仰 xìnyǎng, to believe in (a religion)/firm belief/conviction
确信 quèxìn, [確信], to be convinced/to be sure/to firmly believe/to be positive that/definite news
自信 zìxìn, to have confidence in oneself/self-confidence
信心 xìnxīn, confidence/faith (in sb or sth)/CL:個|个[gè]
信用卡 xìnyòngkǎ, credit card
写信 xiěxìn, [寫信], to write a letter
信念 xìnniàn, faith/belief/conviction
坚信 jiānxìn, [堅信], to believe firmly/without any doubt
来信 láixìn, [來信], incoming letter/send a letter here
信封 xìnfēng, envelope/CL:個|个[gè]
通信 tōngxìn, to correspond (by letter etc)/to communicate/communication
信件 xìnjiàn, letter (sent by mail)
信箱 xìnxiāng, mailbox/post office box
口信 kǒuxìn, oral message
可信 kěxìn, trustworthy
信徒 xìntú, believer
信赖 xìnlài, [信賴], to trust/to have confidence in/to have faith in/to rely on
信用 xìnyòng, to trust/credit (commerce)/trustworthiness/creditworthiness
迷信 míxìn, superstition/to have a superstitious belief (in sth)
信托 xìntuō, [信託], to entrust/trust bond (finance)
明信片 míngxìnpiàn, postcard
回信 huíxìn, to reply/to write back/letter written in reply/CL:封[fēng]
信守 xìnshǒu, to abide by/to keep (promises etc)
信奉 xìnfèng, belief/to believe (in sth)
推荐信 tuījiànxìn, [推薦信], recommendation letter
信服 xìnfú, to have faith in/to believe in/to have confidence in/to respect
信誉 xìnyù, [信譽], prestige/distinction/reputation/trust
深信 shēnxìn, to believe firmly
信条 xìntiáo, [信條], creed/article of faith
信使 xìnshǐ, messenger/courier
信教 xìnjiào, religious belief/to practice a faith/to be religious
诚信 chéngxìn, [誠信], genuine/honest/in good faith/honesty/integrity
发信 fāxìn, [發信], to post a letter
恐吓信 信号灯 xìnhàodēng, [信號燈], signal light/car indicator
深信不疑 shēnxìnbùyí, to believe firmly without any doubt (idiom)/absolute certainty about sth
可信度 kěxìndù, degree of credibility/reliability
辞职信 信得过 xìndeguò, [信得過], trustworthy/reliable
信不过 xìnbùguò, [信不過], to distrust/to be suspicious
令人信服 置信 zhìxìn, to believe (what sb claims) (usually used in the negative)/(math.) confidence (i...
听信 tīngxìn, [聽信], to listen to information/to get the news/to believe what one hears
自信心 zìxìnxīn, self-confidence
轻信 qīngxìn, [輕信], to easily trust/gullible/naïve
通风报信 威信 Wēixìn/wēixìn, Weixin county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhāo tōng], Yunnan, prestige/reputation/trust/credi...
电信 diànxìn, [電信], telecommunications
感谢信 信贷 xìndài, [信貸], credit/borrowed money
亲信 qīnxìn, [親信], trusted aide
守信 shǒuxìn, to keep promises
寄信 背信弃义 bèixìnqìyì, [背信棄義], breaking faith and abandoning right (idiom); to betray/treachery/perfidy
信鸽 xìngē, [信鴿], homing pigeon/carrier pigeon
守信用 shǒuxìnyòng, to keep one's word/trustworthy
信口开河 xìnkǒukāihé, [信口開河], to speak without thinking (idiom)/to blurt sth out
信口 xìnkǒu, to blurt sth out/to open one's mouth without thinking
信差 xìnchāi, messenger
信天翁 xìntiānwēng, albatross (family Diomedeidae)
报信 bàoxìn, [報信], to notify/to inform
书信 shūxìn, [書信], letter/epistle
引信 yǐnxìn, a detonator
信物 xìnwù, keepsake/token
伟信 介绍信 电信号 diànxìnhào, [電信號], electrical signal
信号弹 挂号信 guàhàoxìn, [掛號信], registered letter
匿名信 音信 yīnxìn, message
风信子 fēngxìnzǐ, [風信子], hyacinth (flower)
树信 收信人 信道 xìndào, signal path
信纸 xìnzhǐ, [信紙], letter paper/writing paper
信誓旦旦 xìnshìdàndàn, to make a solemn vow
坚信不疑 信号枪 信函 xìnhán, letter/piece of correspondence (incl. email)
取信 qǔxìn, to win the trust of
笃信 dǔxìn, [篤信], to believe firmly/devout in one's faith
信任感 可信性 信笺 xìnjiān, [信箋], letter/letter paper
致信 明信 失信 shīxìn, to break a promise
杳无音信 yǎowúyīnxìn, [杳無音信], to have no news whatever
投诉信 密信 鬼才信 guǐcáixìn, who would believe it!/what rubbish!
寄信人 苏信 电信局 diànxìnjú, [電信局], central office/telecommunications office
满怀信心 信义 Xìnyì/xìnyì, [信義], Xinyi or Hsinyi district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tái běi shì], Taiwan/Xinyi or Hs...
信手拈来 言而有信 yánéryǒuxìn, to speak and keep one's promise (idiom); as good as one's word
闲庭信步 邀请信 封信 半信半疑 bànxìnbànyí, half doubting/dubious/skeptical
家信 jiāxìn, letter (to or from) home
阿信 信息网 谦信 公信力 gōngxìnlì, public trust/credibility
信风 xìnfēng, [信風], trade wind
信用证 xìnyòngzhèng, [信用證], letter of credit
写信人 崔明信 信任投票 通信卫星 tōngxìnwèixīng, [通信衛星], communications satellite
互信 hùxìn, mutual trust
证明信 公开信 gōngkāixìn, [公開信], open letter
信息量 晴信 信用社 xìnyòngshè, credit union
信贷员 信史 信忠 信佛 xìnFó, to believe in Buddhism
表扬信 通信兵 信教者 信心百倍 xìnxīnbǎibèi, brimming with confidence (idiom)
信号旗 慰问信 死信 sǐxìn, lost letter/letter containing news of sb's death
公信度 善男信女 shànnánxìnnǚ, lay practitioners of Buddhism
此信 信子 通信地址 tōngxìndìzhǐ, mail address
信筒 xìntǒng, mailbox/postbox
宠信 chǒngxìn, [寵信], to dote on and trust
信步 xìnbù, to stroll/to saunter
信息员 联名信 通信员 信息流 信息库 武田晴信 不信任感 电信业 普信 贺信 要信 求助信 言必信 赛伦斯·杜古德信 封长信 海迪信 鸡毛信 不信子 和明信 发彩信 重信 凶信 xiōngxìn, fateful news/news of sb's death
一封信 信马由缰 亲笔信 朴慕信 偏听偏信 piāntīngpiānxìn, [偏聽偏信], selective listening/to hear what one wants to hear
信德 举报信 信中 信东 信从 xìncóng, [信從], to trust and obey
信盛 信本 书信体 祝贺信 忠信 zhōngxìn, faithful and honest/loyal and sincere
信春 信手 xìnshǒu, casually/in passing
航空信 hángkōngxìn, airmail letter
明信中 快信 kuàixìn, letter by express mail
田信 信息学 xìnxīxué, [信息學], information science
信夫郡 金孝信 封树信 通信处 通信业 取信于民 通信网 信廷琳 信息台 密码信 景信 传信 久信幸 封信来 复信 fùxìn, [復信], to reply to a letter
子而信 开信器 甲信 哈利·波信