辞 ⇒
辞职 cízhí, [辭職], to resign
辞 cí, [辤]/[辭], old variant of 辭|辞[cí], to resign/to dismiss/to decline/to take leave/ballad (ar...
说辞 shuōcí, [說辭], excuse/pretext/entreaties/arguments
措辞 cuòcí, [措辭], wording/way of expressing something/turn of phrase/diction
言辞 yáncí, [言辭], words/expression/what one says
告辞 gàocí, [告辭], to say goodbye/to take one's leave
辞掉 cídiào, [辭掉], to quit (one's job)/to dismiss (an employee)
辞去 cíqù, [辭去], to resign/to quit
辞呈 cíchéng, [辭呈], (written) resignation
辞退 cítuì, [辭退], to dismiss/to discharge/to fire
辞职信 致辞 zhìcí, [致辭], to express in words or writing/to make a speech (esp. short introduction, vote o...
辞典 cídiǎn, [辭典], dictionary/also written 詞典|词典[cí diǎn]/CL:本[běn],部[bù]
不辞而别 bùcíérbié, [不辭而別], to leave without saying good-bye
修辞 xiūcí, [修辭], rhetoric
祝酒辞 zhùjiǔcí, [祝酒辭], short speech given in proposing a toast
托辞 tuōcí, [托辭]/[託辭], see 託詞|托词[tuō cí], see 託詞|托词[tuō cí]
含糊其辞 辞世 císhì, [辭世], to die/to depart this life (euphemism)/same as 去世
义不容辞 yìbùróngcí, [義不容辭], not to be shirked without dishonor (idiom)/incumbent/bounden (duty)
推辞 tuīcí, [推辭], to decline (an appointment, invitation etc)
不善言辞 在所不辞 zàisuǒbùcí, [在所不辭], not to refuse to (idiom)/not to hesitate to
夸大其辞 不辞劳苦 bùcíláokǔ, [不辭勞苦], to spare no effort
外交辞令 辞藻 cízǎo, [辭藻], rhetoric
不辞辛劳 不辞辛苦 bùcíxīnkǔ, [不辭辛苦], to make nothing of hardships
辞行 cíxíng, [辭行], to say goodbye/leave-taking/farewells
引咎辞职 yǐnjiùcízhí, [引咎辭職], to admit responsibility and resign
祝辞 微辞 悼辞 dàocí, [悼辭], variant of 悼詞|悼词[dào cí]
辞令 cílìng, [辭令], polite speech/diplomatic terms/rhetoric
与世长辞 yǔshìchángcí, [與世長辭], to die/to depart from the world forever
欢迎辞 辞别 cíbié, [辭別], to take leave
辞海 Cíhǎi, [辭海], Cihai, an encyclopedic dictionary first published in 1915, and frequently revise...
辞让 贺辞 文辞 wéncí, [文辭], language/words
慷慨陈辞 献辞 辞旧迎新
掉 ⇒
掉 diào, to fall/to drop/to lag behind/to lose/to go missing/to reduce/fall (in prices)/t...
干掉 gàndiào, [幹掉], to get rid of
关掉 guāndiào, [關掉], to switch off/to shut off
忘掉 wàngdiào, to forget
扔掉 rēngdiào, to throw away/to throw out
丢掉 diūdiào, [丟掉], to lose/to throw away/to discard/to cast away
除掉 chúdiào, to eliminate
甩掉 shuǎidiào, to throw off/to abandon/to cast off/to get rid of/to dump
去掉 qùdiào, to get rid of/to exclude/to eliminate/to remove/to delete/to strip out/to extrac...
掉头 diàotóu, [掉頭], to turn one's head/to turn round/to turn about
炸掉 zhàdiào, to bomb
漏掉 lòudiào, to miss/to leave out/to omit/to be omitted/to be missing/to slip through/to leak...
毁掉 huǐdiào, [毀掉], to destroy
拔掉 bádiào, to pluck/to pull off/to pull out/to unplug
擦掉 cādiào, to wipe
摘掉 抹掉 老掉牙 lǎodiàoyá, very old/obsolete/out of date
减掉 jiǎndiào, [減掉], to subtract/to lose (weight)
改掉 gǎidiào, to drop a bad habit
辞掉 cídiào, [辭掉], to quit (one's job)/to dismiss (an employee)
卖掉 màidiào, [賣掉], to sell off/to get rid of in a sale
掉落 diàoluò, to fall down
失掉 shīdiào, to lose/to miss
溜掉 撤掉 chèdiào, to cut/to throw out/to depose (from office)/to tear off
废掉 fèidiào, [廢掉], to depose (a king)
掉队 diàoduì, [掉隊], to fall behind/to drop out
掉以轻心 diàoyǐqīngxīn, [掉以輕心], treat sth lightly/to lower one's guard
掉包 diàobāo, to steal sb's valuable item and substitute a similar-looking but worthless item/...
掉转 diàozhuǎn, [掉轉], to turn around
省掉 卸掉 挤掉 免掉 miǎndiào, to eliminate/to scrap
掉泪 diàolèi, [掉淚], to shed tears
掉价 diàojià, [掉價], drop in price/devalued/to have one's status lowered
倒掉 掉色 diàosè, to lose color/to fade/also pr. [diào shǎi]
掉换 diàohuàn, [掉換], to swap/to replace/to exchange/to change