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[達官] dáguān high-ranking official

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Word Compounds

        Dá/dá, [達], surname Da, to attain/to reach/to amount to/to communicate/eminent
        dàodá, [到達], to reach/to arrive
        biǎodá, [表達], to express/to convey
        dádào, [達到], to reach/to achieve/to attain
        dáchéng, [達成], to reach (an agreement)/to accomplish
        Fúluólǐdá, [佛羅里達], Florida
        dǐdá, [抵達], to arrive/to reach (a destination)
        chuándá, [傳達], to pass on/to convey/to relay/to transmit/transmission
        léidá, [雷達], radar (loanword)
        Dálāsī, [達拉斯], Dallas
        Kēdá, [柯達], Kodak (brand, US film company)/full name Eastman Kodak Company 伊士曼柯達公司|伊士曼柯达公司[Y...
        fādá, [發達], developed (country etc)/flourishing/to develop
        Bāgédá, [巴格達], Baghdad, capital of Iraq
        xiàdá, [下達], to transmit down (a chain of command)/to pass down (to lower level)/to issue/to ...
        Sàdámǔ, [薩達姆], Saddam
        zhuǎndá, [轉達], to pass on/to convey/to communicate
        Sībādá, [斯巴達], Sparta
        Fóluólǐdázhōu, [佛羅里達州], Florida
        Nèihuádá, [內華達], Nevada, US state
        Nèihuádázhōu, [內華達州], Nevada, US state
        Lúwàngdá, [盧旺達], Rwanda
        zhídá, [直達], to go nonstop to/through (as in "through train")/nonstop
        liūda, [溜達], to stroll/to go for a walk
        Dáěrwén, [達爾文], Charles Darwin (1809-1882), British biologist and author of "On the Origin of Sp...
        Míngnísūdá, [明尼蘇達], Minnesota, USA
        Wūgāndá, [烏干達], Uganda
        mǎdá, [馬達], motor (loanword)
        Bùdápèisī, [布達佩斯], Budapest, capital of Hungary
        Míngnísūdázhōu, [明尼蘇達州], Minnesota
        tōngqíngdálǐ, [通情達理], fair and reasonable (idiom); sensible/standing to reason
        GēsīdáLíjiā, [哥斯達黎加], Costa Rica
        Āndá, [安達], Anda county level city in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang
        sòngdá, [送達], to deliver/to serve notice (law)
        Dádélì, [達德利], Dudley (name)
        jíěrdá, [吉爾達], gelada (Theropithecus gelada), Ethiopian herbivorous monkey similar to baboon
        DálàiLǎma, [達賴喇嘛], Dalai Lama
        Dátèmáosī, [達特茅斯], Dartmouth (place name)
        Dákǎ, [達卡], Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh/(Tw) Dakar, capital of Senegal
        Mǎdájiāsījiā, [馬達加斯加], Madagascar
        Àidáhézhōu, [愛達荷州], Idaho, US state
        dábiāo, [達標], to reach a set standard
        Pǔlādá, [普拉達], Prada (brand)
        Fúluólǐdá, [弗羅里達], Florida, US state
        NánDákētāzhōu, [南達科他州], South Dakota, US state
        Nàsīdákè, [納斯達克], NASDAQ (stock exchange)
        Bìdágēlāsī, [畢達哥拉斯], Pythagoras
        HāgēnDásī, [哈根達斯], Häagen-Dazs
        Dázhōu, [達州], Dazhou prefecture-level city in Sichuan
·         Sàdámǔ·Hóusàiyīn, [薩達姆·侯賽因], Saddam Hussein
        dáyì, [達意], to express or convey one's ideas
        Yǎjiādá, [雅加達], Jakarta, capital of Indonesia
        dáfēi, [達菲], oseltamivir/Tamiflu
        biǎodáshì, [表達式], expression (math.)
        fādáguójiā, [發達國家], developed nation
        hǎdá, [哈達], khata (Tibetan or Mongolian ceremonial scarf)
        Gélínnàdá, [格林納達], Grenada
        tōngxiāodádàn, [通宵達旦], overnight until daybreak (idiom); all night long/day and night
        Měisuǒbùdámǐyà, [美索不達米亞], Mesopotamia
        Dáěrfùěr, [達爾富爾], Darfur, region of west Sudan
        ĀndámànQúndǎo, [安達曼群島], Andaman Islands
        Shāndájī, [山達基], Scientology
        tōngdá, [通達], to understand clearly/to be sensible or reasonable/understanding
        dámǔdàn, [達姆彈], dumdum bullet (loanword)/expanding bullet
        yùsùzébùdá, [欲速則不達], lit. to want sth in haste, but cannot get there (idiom, from Analects); more has...
        BěiDákētāzhōu, [北達科他州], North Dakota, US state
        dáguānguìrén, [達官貴人], high official and noble persons (idiom); the great and the good
        fēidá, [菲達], (loanword) feta (cheese)
·         Dá·Fēnqí, [達·芬奇], Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Italian Renaissance painter
        Ādídásī, [阿迪達斯], Adidas (sportswear company)
        Wéidá, [維達], Vidar (Norse deity)
        xīngwàngfādá, [興旺發達], prosperous and developing/flourishing
        Dáěrfúěr, [達爾福爾], Darfur (western province of Sudan)
        Dálài, [達賴], the Dalai Lama/abbr. of 達賴喇嘛|达赖喇嘛[Dá lài Lǎ ma]
        Tèlìnídá, [特立尼達], Trinidad
        Guādálāhālā, [瓜達拉哈拉], Guadalajara
        dáguān, [達官], high-ranking official
        huòdá, [豁達], optimistic/sanguine/generous/magnanimous/open-minded
        Jídá, [吉達], Jeddah (Saudi city, on Red Sea)
        chuándáshì, [傳達室], reception office/janitor's office
        dáguān, [達觀], to take things philosophically
        Fēndá, [芬達], Fanta (soft drink brand)/Fender (guitar brand)
        Mǎzìdá, [馬自達], Mazda, Japanese car make (derived from name Matsuda 松田)/also known as 萬事得|万事得
        BěiDákētā, [北達科他], North Dakota, US state
        sìtōngbādá, [四通八達], roads open in all directions (idiom); accessible from all sides
        huádání, [華達呢], gabardine (loanword)
        duōdá, [多達], up to/no less than/as much as
        Jiédá, [捷達], Jetta (car produced by Volkswagen)
        Nàdámù, [那達慕], Nadam or Games, Mongolian national harvest festival in July-August
        TèlìnídáhéDuōbāgē, [特立尼達和多巴哥], Trinidad and Tobago
        shàngdá, [上達], to reach the higher authorities
        chángdá, [長達], to extend as long as/to lengthen out to
        zhídáchē, [直達車], through train (or bus)
        Sàdátè, [薩達特], Anwar Al Sadat
        Dákāěr, [達喀爾], Dakar, capital of Senegal
        Bǎimùdá, [百慕達], Bermuda (Tw)
        Dáěrmǎtíyà, [達爾馬提亞], Dalmatia, Croatian region on the eastern coast of Adriatic Sea
        Jiāngdá, [江達], Jomdo county, Tibetan: 'Jo mda' rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chāng dū ...
        Dáwòsī, [達沃斯], Davos (Swiss ski resort)/Davos world economic forum (WEF)
        Zhádá, [札達], Zanda county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Rtsa mda' rdzong

        zhǎngguān, [長官], senior official/senior officer/commanding officer/CL:位[wèi]/sir (term of address...
        fǎguān, judge (in court)
        jǐngguān, constable/police officer
        Guān/guān, surname Guan, government official/governmental/official/public/organ of the body...
        jiǎncháguān, [檢察官], public prosecutor/public procurator (judicial officer whose job may involve both...
        zhǐhuīguān, [指揮官], commander
        qìguān, organ (part of body tissue)/apparatus
        guānsi, lawsuit/CL:場|场[cháng]
        guānyuán, [官員], official (in an organization or government)/administrator
        guānfāng, government/official (approved or issued by an authority)
        jūnguān, [軍官], officer (military)
        shìguān, warrant officer/petty officer/noncommissioned officer (NCO)/Japanese military of...
        dǎguānsi, to file a lawsuit/to sue/to dispute
        zhízhèngguān, [執政官], consul (of the Roman Republic)/magistrate (chief administrator)
        jiàoguān, military instructor
        sīlìngguān, commander/officer in charge
        guānliáo, bureaucrat/bureaucracy/bureaucratic
        gǎnguān, sense/sense organ
        fùguān, aide-de-camp
        wàijiāoguān, diplomat
        dàfǎguān, grand justice/high court justice/supreme court justice
        gāoguān, high official
        shēngguān, to get promoted
        guāndǐ, official residence
        fēiguānfāng, unofficial
        guānliáozhǔyì, [官僚主義], bureaucracy
        liánluòguān, [聯絡官], liaison officer
        xìngqìguān, sexual organ
        guānbīng, officers and men
        wǔguān, five sense organs of TCM (nose, eyes, lips, tongue, ears 鼻目口舌耳)/facial features
        dìfāngguān, local official
        guānjiē, [官階], official rank
        pànguān, magistrate (during Tang and Song dynasties)/mythological underworld judge
        guānxián, [官銜], title/official rank
        guānnéng, function/capability/sense (i.e. the five senses of sight 視|视, hearing 聽|听, smell...
        chīguānsī, to face legal action/to get sued
        dǎguānqiāng, to talk officiously/to assume the air of a functionary/to talk in official jargo...
        kèguān, (polite appellation for a guest at a hotel etc)
        tānguān, [貪官], corrupt official/grasping functionary/greedy mandarin
        guānlì, bureaucrat/official
        dáguānguìrén, [達官貴人], high official and noble persons (idiom); the great and the good
        qīngguān, honest and upright official (traditional)
        xīnguānshàngrènsānbǎhuǒ, (of a newly appointed official) to make bold changes on assuming office (idiom)
        dáguān, [達官], high-ranking official
        guānfēi, lawsuit (from Cantonese)
        guānhuà, [官話], "officialese"/bureaucratic language/Mandarin
        guānzhí, [官職], an official position/a job in the bureaucracy
        guānchǎng, [官場], officialdom/bureaucracy
        guānchāi, official business/government workmen/odd-job men
        guānfǔ, authorities/feudal official
        guānhuàn, functionary/official
        guānjiàzi, putting on official airs
        huànguān, court eunuch
        tānguānwūlì, [貪官污吏], grasping officials, corrupt mandarins (idiom); abuse and corruption
        wǔguān, military official/military attaché
        kǎoguān, an examiner/an official conducting an exam
        xiàoguān, military officer/ranked officer in Chinese army, divided into 大校, 上校, 中校, 少校
        jiàngguān, [將官], general
        guānyàngwénzhāng, [官樣文章], officialese/red tape
        guānzǐ, endgame (in go)
        guāndǎo, speculation by officials/profiteering by government employees/bureaucratic turpi...
        guānbàn, [官辦], government run/state enterprise
        guānyìn, official seal
        guānwèi, official post
        guānshǔ, official institution/state bureau
        bàguān, [罷官], to dismiss from office/to resign from office
        shǐguān, scribe/court recorder/historian/historiographer
        Shàngguān/shàngguān, two-character surname Shangguan, high-ranking official/superior

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