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[這種] zhèzhǒng this
this kind of
this sort of
this type of

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Word Compounds

        zhè, [這], this/these/(commonly pr. [zhèi] before a classifier, esp. in Beijing)
        zhège, [這個], this/this one
        zhèyàng, [這樣], this kind of/so/this way/like this/such
        zhèlǐ, [這裏]/[這裡], variant of 這裡|这里[zhè lǐ], here
        zhème, [這麼], so much/this much/how much?/this way/like this
        zhèxiē, [這些], these
        zhèr, [這兒], here
        zhèzhǒng, [這種], this/this kind of/this sort of/this type of
        zhèbiān, [這邊], this side/here
        zhèshí, [這時], at this time/at this moment
        zhèhuìr, [這會兒], (coll.) now/this moment/also pr. [zhè huǐ r]
        zhètiān, [這天], today/this day
        zhèmezhe, [這麼著], thus/in this way/like this
        zhèbān, [這般], like this/this way
        zhèmeyàng, [這麼樣], thus/in this way
        rúcǐzhèbān, [如此這般], thus and so/such and such
        zhèyàngyīlái, [這樣一來], thus/if this happens then

        zhǒng/zhòng, [種], seed/species/kind/type/classifier for types, kinds, sorts, to plant/to grow/to c...
        zhèzhǒng, [這種], this/this kind of/this sort of/this type of
        nàzhǒng, [那種], that/that kind of/that sort of/that type of
        mǒuzhǒng, [某種], some kind (of)
        zázhǒng, [雜種], hybrid/mixed breed/bastard/son of a bitch
        gèzhǒng, [各種], every kind of/all kinds of/various kinds
        zhǒngzú, [種族], race/ethnicity
        gèzhǒnggèyàng, [各種各樣], various kinds/all sorts
        zhǒngzi, [種子], seed/CL:顆|颗[kē],粒[lì]
        tèzhǒngbùduì, [特種部隊], (military) special forces
        zhǒngzúzhǔyì, [種族主義], racism
        wùzhǒng, [物種], species
        zhǒngzhǒng, [種種], all kinds of
        biànzhǒng, [變種], mutation/variety/variant
        zhǒnglèi, [種類], kind/genus/type/category/variety/species/sort/class
        nāozhǒng, [孬種], coward/useless scoundrel
        pǐnzhǒng, [品種], breed/variety/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhòngzhí, [種植], to plant/to grow
        zhǒngmǎ, [種馬], stallion/stud horse
        zhǒngzúqíshì, [種族歧視], racial discrimination/racism
        duōzhǒng, [多種], many kinds of/multiple/diverse/multi-
        rénzhǒng, [人種], race (of people)
        yǒuzhǒng, [有種], to have guts/to have courage/to be brave
        jiēzhòng, [接種], to vaccinate/to inoculate
        huǒzhǒng, [火種], tinder/source of a fire/inflammable material/(fig.) spark (of a revolution etc)
        juézhǒng, [絕種], extinct (species)/extinction
        chúnzhǒng, [純種], purebred
        tèzhǒng, [特種], particular kind/special type
        zhòngzhíyuán, [種植園], plantation
        tèzhǒngbīng, [特種兵], commando/special forces soldier
        bōzhǒng, [播種], to sow seeds/sowing/seed
        yězhǒng, [野種], (derog.) illegitimate child/bastard
        gēngzhòng, [耕種], to till/to cultivate
        zhǒngqún, [種群], population (of a species)/community (of animals or plants)
        duōzhǒngduōyàng, [多種多樣], manifold/all sorts/many and varied
        zhòngtián, [種田], to farm/farming
        zhòngdì, [種地], to farm/to work the land
        pèizhǒng, [配種], to breed/mating
        mièzhǒng, [滅種], to commit genocide/to become extinct/extinction of a race
        nièzhǒng, [孽種], bane of one's existence/vile spawn
        zāizhòng, [栽種], to plant/to grow
        huángzhǒng, [黃種], yellow race
        zhǒngzixuǎnshǒu, [種子選手], seeded player
        liángzhǒng, [良種], improved type/good breed/pedigree
        zhònghuā, [種花], to grow flowers/floriculture
        gōngzhǒng, [工種], kind of work in production (e.g. benchwork, foundry work etc)
        yàzhǒng, [亞種], subspecies (taxonomy)
        yúzhǒng, [魚種], fingerling
        chuánzhǒng, [傳種], to reproduce/to propagate
        zhòngshù, [種樹], to plant trees
        shùzhǒng, [樹種], tree species
        yǔzhǒng, [語種], language type (in a classification)
        zhòngzhíyè, [種植業], plantation
        sǎzhǒng, [撒種], to sow seeds
        lúnzhòng, [輪種], rotation of crops
        zhǒngmá, [種麻], distinctively female hemp plant (Cannabis sativa)
        zhǒngrén, [種仁], seed kernel
        jūnzhǒng, [菌種], (microorganism) species/strain/(fungus and mushroom) spore/spawn
        bīngzhǒng, [兵種], (military) branch of the armed forces
        dāogēnghuǒzhòng, [刀耕火種], slash and burn (agriculture)

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