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[連軸轉] liánzhóuzhuàn lit. to continuously revolve
to work non-stop
to work around the clock (idiom)

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        Lián/lián, [連], surname Lian, to link/to join/to connect/continuously/in succession/including/(u...
        liánjiē, [連接], to link/to join/to attach/connection/a link (on web page)
        liánxù, [連續], continuous/in a row/serial/consecutive
        liánhuán, [連環], chain
        qiānlián, [牽連], to implicate/implicated/to link together
        liánsuǒ, [連鎖], to interlock/to be linked/chain (store etc)
        xiānglián, [相連], to link/to join/link/connection
        yīliánchuàn, [一連串], a succession of/a series of
        liánlěi, [連累], to involve/to implicate sb/to spread to others (harm, trouble, damage etc)
        liánsuǒdiàn, [連鎖店], chain store
        liántǐ, [連體], conjoined (twins)
        liántóng, [連同], together with/along with
        liánxùjù, [連續劇], serialized drama/dramatic series/show in parts
        liánrèn, [連任], to continue in (a political) office/to serve for another term of office
        liánlián, [連連], repeatedly/again and again
        jiàzhíliánchéng, [價值連城], invaluable/priceless
        liányīqún, [連衣裙], woman's dress/frock/gown
        liánguàn, [連貫], to link up (disparate elements)/coherent (narrative, argument etc)
        jiēlián, [接連], on end/in a row/in succession
        liánhuánhuà, [連環畫], lianhuanhua (graphic novel)
        liánduì, [連隊], company (of troops)
        liánsuǒfǎnyìng, [連鎖反應], chain reaction
        liányè, [連夜], that very night/through the night/for several nights in a row
        liánjié, [連結], variant of 聯結|联结[lián jié]
        liántōng, [連通], to connect/to communicate/to relate/(math.) connected
        jiēèrliánsān, [接二連三], one after another (idiom)/in quick succession
        liándài, [連帶], to be related/to entail/to involve/joint (liability etc)
        yīlián, [一連], in a row/in succession/running
        liúlián, [流連], to loiter (i.e. reluctant to leave)/to linger on
        liánzhǎng, [連長], company commander
        liánxùxìng, [連續性], continuity
        liánlǐ, [連理], two trees that grow together as one/fig. conjugal union
        liánkùwà, [連褲襪], panty hose/tights/CL:雙|双[shuāng]
        liánmián, [連綿], continuous/unbroken/uninterrupted/extending forever into the distance (of mounta...
        liánzǎi, [連載], serialized/published as a serial (in a newspaper)
        niánlián/zhānlián, [粘連], to adhere/to stick together, adhesion/to adhere/to cohere/to stick
        liánshēng, [連聲], repeatedly (say something)
        liánjiēqì, [連接器], connector
        guānlián, [關連], variant of 關聯|关联[guān lián]
        jiēliánbùduàn, [接連不斷], in unbroken succession (idiom)
        liánzhóuzhuàn, [連軸轉], lit. to continuously revolve/to work non-stop/to work around the clock (idiom)
        miàoyǔliánzhū, [妙語連珠], sparkling with wit (idiom)
        liánqiáo, [連翹], Forsythia
        liántiān, [連天], reaching the sky/for days on end/incessantly
        hùlián, [互連], interconnection
        xuèròuxiānglián, [血肉相連], one's own flesh and blood (idiom); closely related
        liúliánwàngfǎn, [流連忘返], to linger/to remain enjoying oneself and forget to go home
        liánnián, [連年], successive years/over many years
        LǐLiánjié, [李連杰], Li Lianjie or Jet Li (1963-), martial arts sportsman, subsequently film star and...
        liánxùbùduàn, [連續不斷], continuous/unceasing
        liúlián, [留連], variant of 流連|流连[liú lián]
        sānliánshèng, [三連勝], hat-trick (sports)
        liánjiā, [連枷], flail
        liánzìhào, [連字號], hyphen (punct.)
        liánzhūpào, [連珠砲], barrage of gunfire (often used as a metaphor for rapid speech)
        Dàlián, [大連], Dalian subprovincial city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China
        liánguōduān, [連鍋端], to take even the cooking pots (idiom)/to clean out/to wipe out
        zhūlián, [株連], to involve others (in a crime)/guilt by association
        liáncí, [連詞], conjunction
        liánrì, [連日], day after day/for several days running
        liánpiānlěidú, [連篇累牘], (of a piece of writing) long and tedious (idiom)/verbose
        liánzhū, [連珠], joined as a string of pearls/in rapid succession/alignment/Renju, a Japanese gam...
        liánmáng, [連忙], promptly/at once
        gǔròuxiānglián, [骨肉相連], lit. interrelated as bones and flesh (idiom); inseparably related/closely intert...
        liánjīn, [連襟], husbands of sisters/brothers-in-law/extremely close (of a relationship)
        liánpiàn, [連片], forming a continuous sheet/continuous/contiguous/closely grouped
        LiánZhàn, [連戰], Lien Chan (1936-), Taiwanese politician, former vice-president and chairman of G...
        liányòng, [連用], to use (two words etc) together/to use (sth) continuously
        pílián, [毗連], to adjoin
        huánglián, [黃連], Chinese goldthread (Coptis chinensis), rhizome used in medicine

        zhóu/zhòu, [軸], axis/axle/spool (for thread)/roller (for scrolls)/classifier for calligraphy rol...
        juànzhóu, [卷軸], scroll (book or painting)
        zhóuchéng, [軸承], (mechanical) bearing
        chēzhóu, [車軸], axle/CL:根[gēn]
        lúnzhóu, [輪軸], wheel and axle (mechanism)/axle
线         xiànzhóu, [線軸], thread spool
        yāzhòuxì, [壓軸戲], next-to-last item on a program (theater)/climax
        zhóuxīn, [軸心], axle/(fig.) central element/key element/axis (alliance of nations)
线         zhóuxiàn, [軸線], central axis (line)
        liánzhóuzhuàn, [連軸轉], lit. to continuously revolve/to work non-stop/to work around the clock (idiom)
        zhuànzhóu, [轉軸], axis of rotation
        Zhóuxīnguó, [軸心國], Axis powers (World War II)
        qūzhóu, [曲軸], crankshaft
        zhóujù, [軸距], wheelbase
        zhǔzhóu, [主軸], axis/principal axis (in mechanics, optics, botany etc)/main axle (of engine)
        chuándòngzhóu, [傳動軸], drive shaft
        tūlúnzhóu, [凸輪軸], camshaft
        guàzhóu, [掛軸], hanging scroll (calligraphy or painting)

        zhuǎi/zhuǎn/zhuàn, [轉], see 轉文|转文[zhuǎi wén], to turn/to change direction/to transfer/to forward (mail),...
        zhuǎnyí, [轉移], to shift/to divert or distract (attention etc)/to change/to transform/metastasis...
        xuánzhuǎn, [旋轉], to rotate/to revolve/to spin/to whirl
        zhuǎnshēn, [轉身], (of a person) to turn round/to face about/(of a widow) to remarry (archaic)
        zhuǎnbiàn, [轉變], to change/to transform/shift/transformation/CL:個|个[gè]
        hǎozhuǎn, [好轉], to improve/to take a turn for the better/improvement
        zhuànzhuan, [轉轉], to stroll
        zhuǎnhuàn, [轉換], to change/to switch/to convert/to transform
        yùnzhuǎn, [運轉], to work/to operate/to revolve/to turn around
        zhuǎnxiàng/zhuànxiàng, [轉向], to change direction/fig. to change one's stance, to get lost/to lose one's way
        zhuǎngào, [轉告], to pass on/to communicate/to transmit
        zhuǎnwān, [轉彎], to turn/to go around a corner
        zhuǎndòng/zhuàndòng, [轉動], to turn sth around/to swivel, to rotate (about an axis)/to revolve/to turn/to mo...
        zhōngzhuǎnzhàn, [中轉站], hub (network equipment)
        niǔzhuǎn, [扭轉], to reverse/to turn around (an undesirable situation)/(mechanics) torsion
        zhuànyou, [轉悠], to roll/to wander around/to appear repeatedly
        zhuǎnjī, [轉機], (to take) a turn for the better/to change planes
        zhuǎnbō, [轉播], relay/broadcast (on radio or TV)
        zhuǎnjiāo, [轉交], to pass on to sb/to carry and give to sb else
        tuántuánzhuàn, [團團轉], to go round and round/running around in circles/fig. frantically busy
        zhuǎndá, [轉達], to pass on/to convey/to communicate
        zhuànquān, [轉圈], to rotate/to twirl/to run around/to encircle/rotation/(coll.) to speak indirectl...
        nìzhuǎn, [逆轉], to turn back/to reverse
        zhuǎnhuà, [轉化], to change/to transform/isomerization (chemistry)
        zhuǎnjiǎo, [轉角], bend in a street/corner/to turn a corner
        zhuǎngěi, [轉給], to pass on to
        zhuǎnjiē, [轉接], switch/connection/to put through (to telephone extension)
        zhuǎnxué, [轉學], to change schools/to transfer to another college
        yūntóuzhuànxiàng, [暈頭轉向], confused and disoriented
        zhuǎnzhédiǎn, [轉折點], turning point/breaking point
        zhuǎnshì, [轉世], reincarnation or transmigration (Buddhism)
        fānzhuǎn, [翻轉], to roll/to turn over/to invert/to flip
        zhuǎnyùn, [轉運], to forward goods/to ship/to distribute/transshipment/a lucky break/change of for...
        zhuǎnshǒu, [轉手], to pass on/to resell/to change hands
        zhuǎntái/zhuàntái, [轉台], to change the channel (TV), rotating stage/swivel table
        dǎzhuàn, [打轉], to spin/to rotate/to revolve
        zhuǎnzhé, [轉折], shift in the trend of events/turnaround/plot shift in a book/turn in the convers...
        zhuǎnzhàng, [轉賬], to transfer (money to a bank account)
        zhuǎnrù, [轉入], change over to/shift to/switch to
        zhuǎnràng, [轉讓], to transfer (ownership, rights etc)
        zhǎnzhuǎn, [輾轉], to toss about in bed/from person to person/indirectly/to wander
        zhuǎntóu/zhuàntóu, [轉頭], to turn one's head/to change direction/U-turn/volte face/to repent, nutation (pl...
        dàozhuǎn, [倒轉], to make an about-turn/to reverse one's direction, policy, sequence etc/to turn t...
        jízhuǎnwān, [急轉彎], to make a sudden turn
        zhuǎnsòng, [轉送], to pass (sth) on (to sb else)/to transfer sb (to another hospital etc)
        zhuǎnxíng, [轉型], transformation/to transform
        zhuànpán, [轉盤], turntable/rotary (traffic)
        zhuǎnhuànqì, [轉換器], converter/transducer
        zhuànláizhuànqù, [轉來轉去], to rove around/to run around in circles/to walk back and forth
        wǎnzhuǎn, [婉轉], (voice, music) suave/mellow/(speech) indirect/tactful
        huízhuǎn, [回轉]/[迴轉], to rotate/to turn round/slalom, to revolve/to rotate/rotation
        zhuǎnfā, [轉發], to transmit/to forward (mail, SMS, packets of data)/to pass on/to republish (an ...
        zhuǎnyuàn, [轉院], to transfer (a patient) to a different hospital/to transfer to hospital (e.g. a ...
        zhuǎnyǎn, [轉眼], in a flash/in the blink of an eye/to glance
        zhuǎntǐ, [轉體], to roll over/to turn over (one's body)
        diàozhuǎn, [調轉], to reassign sb to a different job/to turn around/to change direction/to make a U...
        mùbùzhuǎnjīng, [目不轉睛], unable to take one's eyes off (idiom); to gaze steadily/to stare
        zhuǎnér, [轉而], to turn to (sth else)/to switch to
        shíláiyùnzhuǎn, [時來運轉], the time comes, fortune turns (idiom); to have a lucky break/things change for t...
        zhuànlún, [轉輪], rotating disk/wheel/rotor/cycle of reincarnation in Buddhism
        zhōuzhuǎn, [周轉], to rotate/to circulate (cash, stock etc)/turnover/circulation/cash flow
        jízhuǎnzhíxià, [急轉直下], to develop rapidly after abrupt turn (idiom); dramatic change
        zhuǎnháng, [轉行], to change profession
        zhuǎnzū, [轉租], to sublet/to sublease
        zhōngzhuǎn, [中轉], to change (train or plane)/transfer/correspondence
        yīzhuǎnyǎn, [一轉眼], in a wink
        niǔzhuǎnqiánkūn, [扭轉乾坤], lit. to upend heaven and earth (idiom)/fig. to change the course of events/to tu...
        zhuànsù, [轉速], angular velocity/number of revolutions per minute
        zhuǎnjià, [轉嫁], to remarry (of widow)/to pass on (blame, cost, obligation, unpleasant consequenc...
        liúzhuǎn, [流轉], to be on the move/to roam or wander/to circulate (of goods or capital)
        zìzhuàn, [自轉], rotation
        zhuǎnniàn, [轉念], to have second thoughts about sth/to think better of
        zhuǎnlù, [轉錄], transcription/to make a copy of a recording
        zhuǎnhuì, [轉會], to transfer to another club (professional sports)
        lúnzhuàn, [輪轉], to rotate
        zhuǎnxiàngdēng, [轉向燈], vehicle turn indicator light
        fēnghuílùzhuǎn, [峰回路轉], the mountain road twists around each new peak (idiom)/(of a mountain road) twist...
        zhuǎnshù, [轉述], to pass on (stories)/to relate
        diàozhuǎn, [掉轉], to turn around
        piānzhuǎn, [偏轉], deflection (physics)/deviation (away from a straight line)
        bùkěnìzhuǎn, [不可逆轉], irreversible
        zhuǎnzhàn, [轉戰], to fight in one place after another
        zhuànmén, [轉門], revolving door/turnstile
        zhuǎnzǎi, [轉載], to forward (a shipment)/to reprint sth published elsewhere/Taiwan pr. [zhuǎn zài...
        zhuǎnānméi, [轉氨酶], transferase (enzyme)
        zhuǎnmài, [轉賣], to resell
        zhuǎnwēiwéiān, [轉危為安], to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert a danger (esp. political or medical)
        liánzhóuzhuàn, [連軸轉], lit. to continuously revolve/to work non-stop/to work around the clock (idiom)
        zhuǎnchē/zhuànchē, [轉車], to transfer/to change trains, buses etc, a turntable
        zhuǎndiào, [轉調], (music) to change key/modulation/(of an employee) to be transferred to another p...
        gōngzhuàn, [公轉], orbital revolution
        zhuǎnshùn, [轉瞬], in the twinkling of an eye/in a flash/to turn one's eyes
        zhuǎnjīyīn, [轉基因], genetic modification
        zhuànzhóu, [轉軸], axis of rotation
        zhuǎnzhèng, [轉正], to transfer to full membership/to obtain tenure
        zhuànyǐ, [轉椅], swivel chair/children's roundabout
        zhuànzǐ, [轉子], rotor (electricity)
        zhuǎnyè, [轉業], to change one's profession/to transfer to civilian work
        zhuǎndào, [轉道], to make a detour/to go by way of
        zhuǎnzèng, [轉贈], to pass on a present
        zhuǎnyòng, [轉用], to adapt for use for another purpose
        zhuǎnlièdiǎn, [轉捩點], turning point
        jiànfēngzhuǎnduò, [見風轉舵], lit. see the wind and set the helm (idiom); fig. to act pragmatically/to be flex...
        zhuǎnyì, [轉譯], to translate (to another language)/to convert
        zhuǎnliǎn, [轉臉], to turn one's head/in no time/in the twinkling of an eye
        zhuànyou, [轉遊], variant of 轉悠|转悠[zhuàn you]
        èrrénzhuàn, [二人轉], genre of song-and-dance duet popular in northeast China
        zhuǎnyì, [轉義], transferred meaning

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