逐 ⇒
逐渐 zhújiàn, [逐漸], gradually
驱逐 qūzhú, [驅逐], to expel/to deport/banishment
追逐 zhuīzhú, to chase/to pursue vigorously
放逐 fàngzhú, to banish/to deport/to send into exile/to be marooned
角逐 juézhú, to tussle/to contend/to contest
逐出 zhúchū, to expel/to evict/to drive out
逐 zhú, to pursue/to chase/individually/one by one
逐步 zhúbù, progressively/step by step
逐个 zhúgè, [逐個], one by one/one after another
逐一 zhúyī, one by one
驱逐舰 qūzhújiàn, [驅逐艦], destroyer (warship)
随波逐流 suíbōzhúliú, [隨波逐流], to drift with the waves and go with the flow (idiom); to follow the crowd blindl...
竞逐 jìngzhú, [競逐], competition/to compete/to pursue
逐年 zhúnián, year after year/with each passing year/over the years
逐客令 zhúkèlìng, the First Emperor's order to expel foreigners/(fig.) notice to leave/words or be...
逐字逐句 zhúzìzhújù, literal/word by word and phrase by phrase
追逐赛 zhuīzhúsài, [追逐賽], pursuit race/chase
笑逐颜开 xiàozhúyánkāi, [笑逐顏開], smile spread across the face (idiom); beaming with pleasure/all smiles/joy writt...
逐条 驱逐机 逐户 追名逐利 逐级 群雄逐鹿 qúnxióngzhúlù, great heroes pursue deer in the central plains (idiom); fig. many vie for suprem...
逐日 zhúrì, day-by-day/daily/on a daily basis
个 ⇒
个 gè, [個]/[箇], individual/this/that/size/classifier for people or objects in general, variant o...
一个 这个 zhège, [這個], this/this one
那个 nàge, [那個], that one/that thing/that (as opposed to this)/(used before a verb or adjective f...
每个 整个 zhěnggè, [整個], whole/entire/total
个人 gèrén, [個人], individual/personal/oneself
哪个 nǎge, [哪個], which/who
某个 个性 gèxìng, [個性], individuality/personality
同一个 各个 gègè, [各個], every/various/separately, one by one
上个月 shànggèyuè, [上個月], last month
个子 gèzi, [個子], height/stature/build/size
大个子 个头 gètóu/getóu, [個頭], size/height, (coll.) (suffix) my ass!/yeah, right!
个别 gèbié, [個別], individual/specific/respective/just one or two
小个子 个个 gègè, [個個], each one individually/each and every
个体 gètǐ, [個體], individual
高个子 一个个 yīgègè, [一個個], each and every one
自个儿 zìgěr, [自個兒], (dialect) oneself/by oneself
大个 一个样 yīgeyàng, [一個樣], same as 一樣|一样[yī yàng]/the same
逐个 zhúgè, [逐個], one by one/one after another
大个儿 dàgèr, [大個兒], tall person
个旧 Gèjiù, [個舊], Gejiu, county level city in Yunnan, capital of Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous cou...
提个醒 挨个 āigè, [挨個], one by one/in turn
个中 gèzhōng, [個中], therein/in this
个把 gèbǎ, [個把], one or two/a couple of
单个 dānge, [單個], single/alone/individually/an odd one
个儿 gèr, [個兒], size/height/stature
个案 gèàn, [個案], a case/an individual case/case-by-case
一个劲 yīgèjìn, [一個勁], continuously/persistently/incessantly
矮个子 个数 gèshù, [個數], number of items or individuals
高个 个人主义 gèrénzhǔyì, [個人主義], individualism
高个儿 个人化 个性化 gèxìnghuà, [個性化], to personalize/to customize/customization
小个 真个 zhēngè, [真個], really/truly/indeed
各个击破 个人赛 gèrénsài, [個人賽], individual competition/individual race
个协 今儿个 jīnrge, [今兒個], (coll.) today
个展 gèzhǎn, [個展], a one-person exhibition
矮个儿 ǎigèr, [矮個兒], a person of short stature/a short person
个私 挨个儿 āigèr, [挨個兒], erhua variant of 挨個|挨个[āi gè]
独个儿 个人崇拜 gèrénchóngbài, [個人崇拜], personality cult
个体户 gètǐhù, [個體戶], self-employed/a private firm (PRC usage)
小个儿 个位 gèwèi, [個位], the units place (or column) in the decimal system
谁个 个人所得税 个人所得