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HSK 5 word: freq index 1143
[遺憾] yíhàn regret
to regret
to be sorry that

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Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        yíhàn, [遺憾], regret/to regret/to be sorry that
        yízhǔ, [遺囑], testament/will
        yíchuán, [遺傳], heredity/to inherit (a trait)/to pass on (to one's offspring)
        yíchǎn, [遺產], heritage/legacy/inheritance/bequest/CL:筆|笔[bǐ]
        yíwàng, [遺忘], to become forgotten/to forget
        yíqì, [遺棄], to leave/to abandon
        yítǐ, [遺體], remains (of a dead person)
        yíyán, [遺言], words of the deceased/last words of the dying/wisdom of past sages
        yílòu, [遺漏], to overlook/to miss/to omit
        yíshū, [遺書], posthumous writing/testament/suicide note/ancient literature
        yíshī, [遺失], to lose/lost
        yíwù, [遺物], remnant
        yíshuāng, [遺孀], widow
        yíliú, [遺留], to leave behind/to hand down
        yíyuàn, [遺願], final wishes of the departed
        yíjì, [遺跡], trace/vestige/historical remains/remnant
        yí, [遺], to lose/to leave behind/to omit/to bequeath/sth lost/involuntary discharge (of u...
        hòuyízhèng, [後遺症], (medicine) sequelae/residual effects/(fig.) repercussions/aftermath
        yíhái, [遺骸], (dead) human remains
        yíchuánxué, [遺傳學], genetics
        bùyíyúlì, [不遺餘力], to spare no pains or effort (idiom); to do one's utmost
        yízhǐ, [遺址], ruins/historic relics
        yígǔ, [遺骨], (dead) human remains
        yíchuánxìng, [遺傳性], hereditary/inherited/genetic
        yízhì, [遺志], the mission in life of a deceased person, left to others to carry on
        bàolùwúyí, [暴露無遺], to lay bare/to come to light
        yíchòuwànnián, [遺臭萬年], to have one's name go down in history as a byword for infamy (idiom)
        yíwàngzhèng, [遺忘症], amnesia
        yíróng, [遺容], body of the deceased (esp. in the context of paying one's respects)/picture of t...
        yīlǎnwúyí, [一覽無遺], be plainly visible
        yíchuánwùzhì, [遺傳物質], genetic material
        yígū, [遺孤], orphan
        yíluò, [遺落], to leave behind (inadvertently)/to forget/to omit/to leave out
        yíhèn, [遺恨], eternal regret
        yíxiàng, [遺像], portrait of the deceased
        mèngyí, [夢遺], wet dream/nocturnal emission (ejaculation)
        yíchǎnshuì, [遺產稅], inheritance tax/estate tax
        yífēng, [遺風], tradition or style from the past/old ways/surviving tradition/relic
        yífùzǐ, [遺腹子], posthumous child
        yíjīng, [遺精], nocturnal emission/wet dream
        yízhào, [遺照], picture of the deceased
        yízú, [遺族], the bereaved/family of the deceased
        yíchuángōngchéng, [遺傳工程], genetic engineering
        shíyí, [拾遺], to pocket a lost article/(fig.) to correct others' errors/to remedy omissions (i...
        yíjiào, [遺教], work or plans left as a legacy/the views of the departed/posthumous orders or te...
        yíxùn, [遺訓], wishes of the deceased

        yíhàn, [遺憾], regret/to regret/to be sorry that
        hàn, regret (sense of loss or dissatisfaction)
        quēhàn, a regret/sth regrettable
        hànshì, a matter for regret/sth that is a (great) pity

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