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bāngjiāo relations between two countries
diplomatic relations

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Word Compounds

        liánbāng, [聯邦], federal/federation/commonwealth/federal union/federal state/union
        Bāngdé, Bond (name)
        bāng, country/nation/state
        wūtuōbāng, [烏托邦], utopia (loanword)
        Xiāobāng, Frederic Chopin or Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin (1810-1849), Polish pianist and co...
        Bāngdí, Bondi (name)/Band-Aid (loanword)
        Dùbāng, DuPont (company)
        bānglián, [邦聯], confederation
        yìngbāngbāng, very hard
        línbāng, [鄰邦], neighboring state/adjacent country
        Xiāobāng, [蕭邦], Frédéric Chopin (Composer)
        Běifāngbāng, Uttar Pradesh (state in India)
        yǒubāng, friendly state/ally
        ÀodàlìyàLiánbāng, [澳大利亞聯邦], Commonwealth of Australia
        Kālālābāng, Kerala (state in India)
        Lājiǎsītǎnbāng, [拉賈斯坦邦], Rajasthan (state in India)
        Gǔěrbāngjié, [古爾邦節], Eid al-Adha or Festival of the Sacrifice (Qurban), celebrated on the 10th day of...
        Gǔjílātèbāng, Gujarat, state in west India
        bāngjiāo, relations between two countries/diplomatic relations
        Mǎhālāshītèlābāng, [馬哈拉施特拉邦], Maharashtra (state in India)

        jiāo, to hand over/to deliver/to pay (money)/to turn over/to make friends/to intersect...
        jiāoyì, (business) transaction/business deal/CL:筆|笔[bǐ]
        jiāogěi, [交給], to give/to deliver/to hand over
        jiāoliú, to exchange/exchange/communication/interaction/to have social contact (with sb)
        jiāohuàn, [交換], to exchange/to swap/to switch (telecom)/commutative (math)/to commute
        jiāotōng, to be connected/traffic/transportation/communications/liaison
        jiāowǎng, to associate (with)/to have contact (with)/to hang out (with)/to date/(interpers...
        jiāotán, [交談], to discuss/to converse/chat/discussion
        chéngjiāo, to complete a contract/to reach a deal
        shèjiāo, interaction/social contact
        dǎjiāodào, to come into contact with/to have dealings
        jiāochā, to cross/to intersect/to overlap
        jiāochū, to hand over
        xìngjiāo, sexual intercourse
        wàijiāo, diplomacy/diplomatic/foreign affairs/CL:個|个[gè]
        gōngjiāo, public transportation/mass transit/abbr. for 公共交通[gōng gòng jiāo tōng]
        jiāodài, to hand over/to explain/to make clear/to brief (sb)/to account for/to justify on...
        tíjiāo, to submit (a report etc)/to refer (a problem) to sb
        jiāodài, variant of 交代[jiāo dài]
        zhuǎnjiāo, [轉交], to pass on to sb/to carry and give to sb else
        yíjiāo, to transfer/to hand over
        jiāopèi, mating/copulation (esp. of animals)
        jiāohuǒ, firefight/shooting
        jiāozhàn, [交戰], to fight/to wage war
        jiāojì, [交際], communication/social intercourse
        shàngjiāo, to hand over to/to give to higher authority/to seek connections in high places
        dìjiāo, [遞交], to present/to give/to hand over/to hand in/to lay before
        jiāojìwǔ, [交際舞], social dance/ballroom dance
        jiāoqing, friendship/friendly relations
        jiāoshè, to negotiate (with)/to have dealings (with)
        jiéjiāo, [結交], to make friends with
        jiāoyǒu, to make friends
        jiāohuò, [交貨], to deliver goods
        jiāohuán, [交還], to return sth/to hand back
        jiāopéngyou, to make friends/(dialect) to start an affair with sb
        jiāojí, intersection (symbol ∩) (set theory)
        bùkěkāijiāo, [不可開交], to be awfully (busy etc)
        wàijiāoguān, diplomat
        jiāoyìwǔ, [交誼舞], social dance/ballroom dancing
        jiāoshǒu, to fight hand to hand
        jiāohù, mutual/interactive/each other/alternately/in turn/interaction
        jiāofù, to hand over/to deliver
        jiāojiē, (of two things) to come into contact/to meet/to hand over to/to take over from/t...
        jiāohuì, [交匯]/[交彙], to flow together/confluence (of rivers, airflow, roads)/(international) cooperat...
        jiāoxiǎngyuè, [交響樂], symphony
        jiāochākǒu, (road) intersection
        jiāoyìsuǒ, exchange/stock exchange
        jiāofēng, [交鋒], to cross swords/to have a confrontation (with sb)
        zájiāo, [雜交], to hybridize/to crossbreed/promiscuity
        jiāojiè, common boundary/common border
        jiāotì, to replace/alternately/in turn
        jiāozhī, [交織], to interweave
        jiāocuò, [交錯], to crisscross/to intertwine
        Wàijiāobù, Ministry of Foreign Affairs/foreign office/Dept. of State
        jiāojǐng, traffic police/abbr. for 交通警察
        shuāijiāo, variant of 摔跤[shuāi jiāo]
        jiāoxiǎngqǔ, [交響曲], symphony
        jiāochādiǎn, [交叉點], junction/crossroads/intersection point
        xiāngjiāo, to cross over (e.g. traffic)/to intersect/to make friends
        gōngpíngjiāoyì, fair dealing
        jiāoyìhuì, [交易會], trade fair
        jiāoxiǎngyuètuán, [交響樂團], symphony orchestra
        shīzhījiāobì, to miss narrowly/to let a great opportunity slip
        jiāojiā, to occur at the same time (of two things)/to be mingled/to accompany each other
        Jiāotōngbù, Ministry of Transport/Transport Department
        juéjiāo, [絕交], to break off relations/to break with sb
        jiāoyìyuán, [交易員], dealer/trader
        duànjiāo, [斷交], to end a relationship/to break off diplomatic ties
        jiāohuì, [交會], to encounter/to rendezvous/to converge/to meet (a payment)
        sījiāo, personal friendship
        jiāoyǐ, old-style wooden folding armchair, typically featuring a footrest/(fig.) positio...
        chéngjiāo, (formal and deferential) to present/to submit
        Jiāokǒu, Jiaokou county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lǚ liáng], Shanxi 山西
        lìjiāoqiáo, [立交橋], overpass/flyover
        xīnlìjiāocuì, to be both mentally and physically exhausted (idiom)
        jiāochāi, to report back after completion of one's mission
        jiāoróng, to blend/to mix
        bǎigǎnjiāojí, all sorts of feelings well up in one's heart
        jīhánjiāopò, [飢寒交迫], beset by hunger and cold (idiom)/starving and freezing/in desperate poverty
        jiāodiǎn, [交點], meeting point/point of intersection
        sòngjiāo, to hand over/to deliver
        jiāotóujiēěr, [交頭接耳], to whisper to one another's ear
        jiāonà, [交納], to pay (taxes or dues)
        jiāotōngfèi, [交通費], transport costs
        jiāoxiǎng, [交響], symphony, symphonic
        wàijiāojiā, diplomat
        jiāoyóu, [交遊], to have friendly relationships/circle of friends
        jiāohuànjī, [交換機], switch (telecommunications)
        shìjiāo, (long time) friend of the family
        jiāobān, to hand over to the next workshift
        jiāogǎnshénjīng, [交感神經], sympathetic nervous system
        wàijiāobùzhǎng, [外交部長], minister of foreign affairs
        jiāoyì, [交誼], association/communion/friendship
        jiāojuàn, to hand in one's examination script
        wàijiāodàchén, Foreign Secretary/(UK) Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
        shēnxīnjiāocuì, worn out in body and soul (idiom)
        jiāogòu, to have sex/to copulate
        jiāoguǎn, traffic control
        jiùjiāo, [舊交], old friend/former acquaintance
        jiāoyìé, [交易額], sum or volume of business transactions/turnover
        jiāoliúdiàn, [交流電], alternating current
        gōngchóujiāocuò, [觥籌交錯], wine goblets and gambling chips lie intertwined/to drink and gamble together in ...
        shénjiāo, soul brothers/friends in spirit who have never met/to commune with
        lǎoshibājiāo, [老實巴交], (coll.) docile/well-behaved/biddable
        zònghéngjiāocuò, [縱橫交錯], criss-crossed (idiom)
        jiāoyìrì, working day (in banking, share trading)
        zhījiāo, intimate friend
        jiāojiēbān, to change shift
        jiāobēijiǔ, formal exchange of cups of wine between bride and groom as traditional wedding c...
        zhèngjiāosuǒ, [證交所], stock exchange
        zhìjiāo, best friend
        jiāogē, delivery (commerce)
        jiànjiāo, to establish diplomatic relations
        jiāohuòqī, [交貨期], delivery time (time between ordering goods and receiving the delivery)/date of d...
        wàngniánjiāo, friends despite the difference in age
        jiāohuànqì, [交換器], (telecom or network) switch
        huànnànzhījiāo, [患難之交], a friend in times of tribulations (idiom); a friend in need is a friend indeed
        miànjiāo, to deliver personally/to hand over face-to-face
        jiāotōngchē, [交通車], shuttle bus
        mònìzhījiāo, intimate friendship/bosom buddies
        gùjiāo, former acquaintance/old friend
        bāngjiāo, relations between two countries/diplomatic relations
        chéngjiāojià, [成交價], sale price/negotiated price/price reached in an auction

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