酒 ⇒
酒 jiǔ, wine (esp. rice wine)/liquor/spirits/alcoholic beverage/CL:杯[bēi],瓶[píng],罐[guàn...
酒吧 jiǔbā, bar/pub/saloon/CL:家[jiā]
啤酒 píjiǔ, beer (loanword)/CL:杯[bēi],瓶[píng],罐[guàn],桶[tǒng],缸[gāng]
喝酒 hējiǔ, to drink (alcohol)
酒店 jiǔdiàn, wine shop/pub (public house)/hotel/restaurant/(Tw) hostess club
酒精 jiǔjīng, alcohol/ethanol CHCHOH/ethyl alcohol/also written 乙醇/grain alcohol
酗酒 xùjiǔ, heavy drinking/to get drunk/to drink to excess
鸡尾酒 jīwěijiǔ, [雞尾酒], cocktail (loanword)
酒鬼 jiǔguǐ, drunkard
葡萄酒 pútaojiǔ, (grape) wine
酒后 jiǔhòu, [酒後], after drinking/under the influence of alcohol
戒酒 jièjiǔ, to give up drinking/to abstain from drinking
酒馆 jiǔguǎn, [酒館], tavern/pub/wine shop
酒瓶 酿酒 niàngjiǔ, [釀酒], to brew wine
酒会 jiǔhuì, [酒會], drinking party/wine reception
饮酒 yǐnjiǔ, [飲酒], to drink wine
美酒 měijiǔ, good wine/fine liquor
烈酒 lièjiǔ, strong alcoholic drink
酒杯 jiǔbēi, wine cup
酒水 jiǔshuǐ, beverage/a drink
香槟酒 xiāngbīnjiǔ, [香檳酒], champagne (loanword)/CL:瓶[píng],杯[bēi]
白葡萄酒 祝酒词 zhùjiǔcí, [祝酒詞], short speech given in proposing a toast
烧酒 shāojiǔ, [燒酒], name of a famous Tang dynasty wine/same as 白酒[bái jiǔ]
大酒店 祝酒 zhùjiǔ, to drink a toast
敬酒 jìngjiǔ, to toast/to propose a toast
鸡尾酒会 禁酒 jìnjiǔ, prohibition/ban on alcohol/dry law
品酒 pǐnjiǔ, to taste wine/to sip wine
白酒 báijiǔ, baijiu, a spirit usually distilled from sorghum
酒量 jiǔliàng, capacity for liquor/how much one can drink
清酒 qīngjiǔ, sake (Japanese rice wine)
酒窖 jiǔjiào, wine cellar
酒味 jiǔwèi, smell of alcohol/flavoring of rum or other liquor in food/aroma or nose (of wine...
酒窝 jiǔwō, [酒窩], dimple/also written 酒渦|酒涡[jiǔ wō]
甜酒 tiánjiǔ, sweet liquor
威士忌酒 wēishìjìjiǔ, whiskey (loanword)
啤酒瓶 酒厂 jiǔchǎng, [酒廠], wine factory/distillery
醒酒 xǐngjiǔ, to dissipate the effects of alcohol/to sober up
啤酒节 píjiǔjié, [啤酒節], Beer Festival
米酒 酒类 祝酒辞 zhùjiǔcí, [祝酒辭], short speech given in proposing a toast
酒钱 jiǔqián, [酒錢], tip
把酒 bǎjiǔ, to raise one's wine cup
酒桶 烟酒 yānjiǔ, [煙酒], tobacco and alcohol
雪利酒 xuělìjiǔ, sherry (loanword)
酒瘾 酒宴 jiǔyàn, feast/repose
发酒疯 fājiǔfēng, [發酒瘋], to get wildly drunk
碘酒 酒席 jiǔxí, feast/banquet
汽酒 qìjiǔ, sparkling wine
酒吧间 酒器 jiǔqì, drinking vessel/wine cup
果酒 guǒjiǔ, fruit wine
酒菜 jiǔcài, food and drink/food to accompany wine
酒色 jiǔsè, wine and women/color of wine/drunken expression
啤酒花 píjiǔhuā, hops
花天酒地 huātiānjiǔdì, to spend one's time in drinking and pleasure (idiom); to indulge in sensual plea...
烈性酒 酒壶 jiǔhú, [酒壺], wine pot/wine cup
下酒 xiàjiǔ, to be appropriate to have with alcohol/to down one's drink
啤酒杯 老酒 lǎojiǔ, wine, esp. Shaoxing wine
名酒 míngjiǔ, a famous wine
毒酒 灯红酒绿 dēnghóngjiǔlǜ, [燈紅酒綠], lanterns red, wine green (idiom); feasting and pleasure-seeking/debauched and co...
酒商 酒徒 jiǔtú, drunkard
斟酒 zhēnjiǔ, to pour wine or liquor
酒楼 jiǔlóu, [酒樓], restaurant
酒家 jiǔjiā, restaurant/bartender/(old) wineshop/tavern
酒铺 jiǔpù, [酒鋪], tavern/wine shop
白兰地酒 洋酒 陈酒 chénjiǔ, [陳酒], old wine
露酒 淡酒 苦酒 打酒 dǎjiǔ, to have a drink
酒令 jiǔlìng, wine-drinking game
陪酒 péijiǔ, to drink along (with sb)
黑啤酒 酿酒业 niàngjiǔyè, [釀酒業], brewing industry/wine industry
生啤酒 shēngpíjiǔ, draft beer/unpasteurized beer
醇酒 酒香 果子酒 酒花 jiǔhuā, hops
药酒 酒店业 jiǔdiànyè, [酒店業], the catering industry/the hotel and restaurant business
喜酒 xǐjiǔ, wedding feast/liquor drunk at a wedding feast
酒意 jiǔyì, tipsy feeling
酒具 jiǔjù, wine vessel/wine cup
原酒 交杯酒 jiāobēijiǔ, formal exchange of cups of wine between bride and groom as traditional wedding c...
青稞酒 水酒 黄酒 huángjiǔ, [黃酒], "yellow wine" (mulled rice wine, usually served warm)
啤酒馆 酒饭 jiǔfàn, [酒飯], food and drink
啤酒沫 祝酒歌 酒酿 jiǔniàng, [酒釀], sweet fermented rice/glutinous rice wine
行酒令 xíngjiǔlìng, to play a drinking game
酒药 jiǔyào, [酒藥], brewer's yeast/yeast for fermenting rice wine
酒精灯 jiǔjīngdēng, [酒精燈], spirit lamp
酒糟 jiǔzāo, distiller's grain/wine lees
酒泉 Jiǔquán, Jiuquan prefecture-level city in Gansu
酒足饭饱 jiǔzúfànbǎo, [酒足飯飽], to have eaten and drunk to one's heart's content
店 ⇒
店 diàn, inn/shop/store/CL:家[jiā]
酒店 jiǔdiàn, wine shop/pub (public house)/hotel/restaurant/(Tw) hostess club
商店 shāngdiàn, store/shop/CL:家[jiā],個|个[gè]
饭店 fàndiàn, [飯店], restaurant/hotel/CL:家[jiā],個|个[gè]
咖啡店 kāfēidiàn, café/coffee shop
书店 shūdiàn, [書店], bookstore/CL:家[jiā]
旅店 lǚdiàn, inn/small hotel
杂货店 záhuòdiàn, [雜貨店], grocery store/emporium
店主 diànzhǔ, shop owner
药店 yàodiàn, [藥店], pharmacy
店铺 diànpù, [店鋪], store/shop
店员 diànyuán, [店員], shop assistant/salesclerk/salesperson
干洗店 理发店 lǐfàdiàn, [理髮店], barbershop/hairdresser's/CL:家[jiā]
洗衣店 xǐyīdiàn, laundry (commercial establishment)
连锁店 liánsuǒdiàn, [連鎖店], chain store
面包店 玩具店 花店 huādiàn, flower shop
快餐店 kuàicāndiàn, fast food shop
五金店 wǔjīndiàn, hardware store/ironmonger's store
大酒店 礼品店 专卖店 zhuānmàidiàn, [專賣店], specialty store
珠宝店 服装店 分店 fēndiàn, branch (of a chain store)/annex
百货商店 bǎihuòshāngdiàn, [百貨商店], department store
糖果店 店面 diànmiàn, shop front
食品店 店名 百货店 bǎihuòdiàn, [百貨店], bazaar/department store/general store
精品店 jīngpǐndiàn, boutique
修理店 小吃店 xiǎochīdiàn, snack bar/lunch room/CL:家[jiā]
时装店 零售店 língshòudiàn, shop/retail store
裁缝店 cáiféngdiàn, [裁縫店], tailor's shop
住店 店家 diànjiā, proprietor of a shop or restaurant/landlord/shop
门店 méndiàn, [門店], (retail) store
文具店 wénjùdiàn, stationery store
饮食店 茶店 食杂店 专营店 zhuānyíngdiàn, [專營店], exclusive agency/franchised shop/authorized store
加盟店 速食店 sùshídiàn, fast food shop
黑店 hēidiàn, lit. inn that kills and robs guests (esp. in traditional fiction)/fig. a scam/pr...
酒店业 jiǔdiànyè, [酒店業], the catering industry/the hotel and restaurant business
布店 店小二 diànxiǎoèr, (old) (in a tavern or inn etc) waiter/attendant
修鞋店 支店 zhīdiàn, branch store
店客 店址 便民店 免税店 餐饮店 cānyǐndiàn, [餐飲店], dining room/restaurant