酸 ⇒
酸 suān, sour/tart/sick at heart/grieved/sore/aching/pedantic/impractical/to make sarcast...
酸奶 suānnǎi, yogurt
硫酸 liúsuān, sulfuric acid HSÒ/sulfate
尖酸 jiānsuān, harsh/scathing/acid (remarks)
盐酸 yánsuān, [鹽酸], hydrochloric acid HCl
碳酸 tànsuān, carbonic acid/carbonate
寒酸 hánsuān, wretched/poverty-stricken/unpresentable (for clothing, gifts etc)
脂肪酸 zhīfángsuān, fatty acid
酸痛 suāntòng, to ache
胃酸 wèisuān, gastric acid
磷酸 línsuān, phosphoric acid
乳酸 rǔsuān, lactic acid
丙烯酸 bǐngxīsuān, acrylic acid CHÓ
酸性 suānxìng, acidity
酸黄瓜 硝酸铵 xiāosuānǎn, [硝酸銨], ammonium nitrate
氢氟酸 qīngfúsuān, [氫氟酸], hydrofluoric acid HF
心酸 xīnsuān, to feel sad
硝酸盐 xiāosuānyán, [硝酸鹽], nitrate
穷酸 酸梅 suānméi, pickled plum/Japanese umeboshi
油酸 氨基酸 ānjīsuān, amino acid
硝酸 xiāosuān, nitric acid
辛酸 xīnsuān, pungent (taste)/bitter/fig. sad/miserable
尿酸 碳酸钙 tànsuāngài, [碳酸鈣], calcium carbonate
酸中毒 酸雨 suānyǔ, acid rain
酸菜 suāncài, pickled vegetables, especially Chinese cabbage
乙酸 yǐsuān, acetic acid (CHCOOH)/ethanoic acid
酸甜苦辣 suāntiánkǔlà, sour, sweet, bitter and spicy hot/fig. the joys and sorrows of life
酸味 硝酸甘油 xiāosuāngānyóu, nitroglycerine
柠檬酸 níngméngsuān, [檸檬酸], citric acid
核酸 hésuān, nucleic acid/RNA or DNA
强酸 酸度 酸溜溜 suānliūliū, sour/acid
硅酸盐 guīsuānyán, [硅酸鹽], silicate
硫酸盐 liúsuānyán, [硫酸鹽], sulfate
发酸 醋酸 cùsuān, acetic acid (CHCOOH)/acetate
氰酸 qíngsuān, cyanic acid HCN
核糖核酸 hétánghésuān, ribonucleic acid (RNA)
叶酸 yèsuān, [葉酸], folic acid
聚碳酸酯 jùtànsuānzhǐ, polycarbonate
谷氨酸 gǔānsuān, [穀氨酸], glutamic acid (Glu), an amino acid
硬脂酸 yìngzhīsuān, stearic acid/stearate
硼酸 péngsuān, boric acid HBǑ
苯甲酸 běnjiǎsuān, benzoic acid C6HCOOH
酸乳 suānrǔ, yogurt
硝酸银 xiāosuānyín, [硝酸銀], silver nitrate
亚硝酸盐 yàxiāosuānyán, [亞硝酸鹽], nitrite
酸疼 suānténg, (of muscles) to ache/sore
碳酸钠 tànsuānnà, [碳酸鈉], soda/sodium carbonate (chemistry)
水杨酸 shuǐyángsuān, [水楊酸], salicylic acid
次氯酸 cìlǜsuān, hypochlorous acid HOCl (bleach)
亚硫酸 yàliúsuān, [亞硫酸], sulfurous acid HSǑ
甲酸 jiǎsuān, formylic acid (HCOOH)/formic acid/methanoic acid
硝酸钠 xiāosuānnà, [硝酸鈉], sodium nitrate
酸牛奶 亚硝酸 yàxiāosuān, [亞硝酸], nitrous acid
碳酸盐 tànsuānyán, [碳酸鹽], carbonate salt (chemistry)
抗坏血酸 kànghuàixuèsuān, [抗壞血酸], vitamin C/ascorbic acid
果酸 烟酸 yānsuān, [煙酸], niacin (vitamin B)/3-Pyridinecarboxylic acid C6HNÓ/nicotinic acid
氢氰酸 磷酸钙 línsuāngài, [磷酸鈣], calcium phosphate (chemistry)
酸楚 suānchǔ, disconsolate/forlorn/grievance
硝酸钾 xiāosuānjiǎ, [硝酸鉀], potassium nitrate
硅酸 guīsuān, silicic acid/silicate
酸臭 磷酸盐 línsuānyán, [磷酸鹽], phosphate
软脂酸 ruǎnzhīsuān, [軟脂酸], palmitic acid (chemistry)
高锰酸钾 gāoměngsuānjiǎ, [高錳酸鉀], potassium permanganate
硫酸亚铁 草酸 cǎosuān, oxalic acid CHÒ
单宁酸 dānníngsuān, [單寧酸], tannic acid (loanword)
酸碱度 酸辣汤 suānlàtāng, [酸辣湯], hot and sour soup/sour and spicy soup
胆酸 次氯酸钠 有机酸 石炭酸 shítànsuān, phenol C6HOH/same as 苯酚
乳酸菌 rǔsuānjūn, lactic acid bacteria
酸值 酸雾
菜 ⇒
菜 cài, dish (type of food)/vegetable/cuisine/CL:盤|盘[pán],道[dào]/(coll.) (one's) type/(o...
蔬菜 shūcài, vegetables/CL:種|种[zhǒng]
菜单 càidān, [菜單], menu/CL:份[fèn],張|张[zhāng]
泡菜 pàocài, pickled cabbage
小菜 xiǎocài, appetizer/small side dish/easy job/piece of cake/see also 小菜一碟[xiǎo cài yī dié]
饭菜 fàncài, [飯菜], food
点菜 diǎncài, [點菜], to order dishes (in a restaurant)
卷心菜 juǎnxīncài, [捲心菜], cabbage/CL:棵[kē], variant of 卷心菜[juǎn xīn cài]
菠菜 bōcài, spinach/CL:棵[kē]
菜谱 càipǔ, [菜譜], menu (in restaurant)/recipe/cookbook
生菜 shēngcài, lettuce/raw fresh vegetables/greens
主菜 zhǔcài, main course
做菜 zuòcài, to cook/cooking
剩菜 shèngcài, leftovers (food)
甜菜 tiáncài, beet/beetroot
花椰菜 huāyēcài, cauliflower
芹菜 qíncài, celery (Apium graveolens)
白菜 báicài, Chinese cabbage/pak choi/CL:棵[kē], 個|个[gè]
菜饭 家常菜 jiāchángcài, home cooking
青菜 qīngcài, green vegetables/Chinese cabbage
菜刀 càidāo, vegetable knife/kitchen knife/cleaver/CL:把[bǎ]
菜肴 càiyáo, [菜餚], vegetable and meat dishes/dish
种菜 菜园 càiyuán, [菜園], vegetable garden
咸菜 xiáncài, [鹹菜], salted vegetables/pickles
菜市场 càishìchǎng, [菜市場], food market
香菜 xiāngcài, coriander/cilantro/Coriandrum sativum
菜汤 酒菜 jiǔcài, food and drink/food to accompany wine
菜豆 càidòu, kidney bean
菜花 càihuā, cauliflower/gonorrhea
菜色 càisè, dish/lean and hungry look (resulting from vegetarian diet)/emaciated look (from ...
菜馆 càiguǎn, [菜館], (dialect) restaurant
素菜 sùcài, vegetable dish
菜叶 芥菜 jiècài, leaf mustard (Brassica juncea)/also pr. [gài cài]
酸菜 suāncài, pickled vegetables, especially Chinese cabbage
炒菜 chǎocài, to stir-fry/to do the cooking/stir-fried dish
凉菜 菜名 大头菜 名菜 míngcài, famous dishes/specialty dishes
花菜 huācài, cauliflower
紫菜 zǐcài, flavored roasted seaweed/generic term for edible seaweed/Japanese: nori
菜根 菜地 càidì, vegetable field
朝鲜泡菜 野菜 yěcài, wild herb/potherb
川菜 Chuāncài, Sichuan or Szechuan cuisine
冷菜 lěngcài, cold dish/cold food
酱菜 大菜 荠菜 jìcài, [薺菜], shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)
韭菜 jiǔcài, garlic chives (Allium tuberosum), aka Chinese chives/(fig.) retail investors who...
菜市 càishì, food market
菜板 càibǎn, chopping board/cutting board/CL:張|张[zhāng]
圆白菜 yuánbáicài, [圓白菜], round white cabbage (i.e. Western cabbage)
油菜 yóucài, oilseed rape (Brassica napus)/flowering edible rape (Brassica chinensis var. ole...
荤菜 hūncài, [葷菜], non-vegetarian dish (including meat, fish, garlic, onion etc)
炒菜锅 菜场 càichǎng, [菜場], food market
黄花菜 huánghuācài, [黃花菜], citron daylily (Hemerocallis citrina Baroni)/golden needles (edible flower)
菜油 càiyóu, rapeseed oil/canola oil
包心菜 bāoxīncài, cabbage
菜籽油 叫菜 八宝菜 牛皮菜 niúpícài, chard (Beta vulgaris), a foliage beet
大白菜 dàbáicài, bok choy/Chinese cabbage/Brassica pekinensis/CL:棵[kē]
菜苗 菜鹅 小白菜 xiǎobáicài, bok choy/Chinese cabbage/Brassica chinensis/CL:棵[kē]
粤菜 Yuècài, [粵菜], Cantonese cuisine
菜摊 菜田 豆芽菜 dòuyácài, bean sprouts
洋白菜 yángbáicài, cabbage (round cabbage most commonly found in Western countries)
龙须菜 lóngxūcài, [龍鬚菜], asparagus/(Tw) young shoots of the chayote vine 佛手瓜[fó shǒu guā]