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HSK 6 word: freq index 1764
[釋放] shìfàng to release
to set free
to liberate (a prisoner)
to discharge

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        jiěshì, [解釋], explanation/to explain/to interpret/to resolve/CL:個|个[gè]
        shìfàng, [釋放], to release/to set free/to liberate (a prisoner)/to discharge
        jiǎshì, [假釋], parole
        bǎoshì, [保釋], to release on bail/to bail
        quánshì, [詮釋], to interpret/to comment and explain/to annotate/to perform (i.e. interpret a the...
怀         shìhuái, [釋懷], to release (tension)/relief (from suspense)/to dispel (usu. with negative, unabl...
        shì, [釋], to explain/to release/Buddha (abbr. for 釋迦牟尼|释迦牟尼[Shì jiā móu ní])/Buddhism
        rúshìzhòngfù, [如釋重負], as if relieved from a burden (idiom)/to have a weight off one's mind
        huòshì, [獲釋], freed (from prison)/to obtain release
        zhùshì, [注釋], marginal notes/annotation/to annotate/to add comments to text
        xīshì, [稀釋], to dilute
        kāishì, [開釋], to release (a prisoner)
        shìrán, [釋然], relieved/at ease/feel relieved
        àibùshìshǒu, [愛不釋手], to love sth too much to part with it (idiom); to fondle admiringly
        chǎnshì, [闡釋], to explain/to expound/to interpret/elucidation
        shìyì, [釋義], the meaning of sth/an explanation of the meaning of words or phrases/definition/...
        shǒubùshìjuàn, [手不釋卷], lit. always with a book in hand (idiom)/fig. (of a student or scholar) diligent ...
        Shìjiāmóuní, [釋迦牟尼], Siddhartha Gautama (563-485 BC), the historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism/S...
        shìyí, [釋疑], to dispel doubts/to clear up difficulties

        fàng, to put/to place/to release/to free/to let go/to let out/to set off (fireworks)
        fàngqì, [放棄], to renounce/to abandon/to give up
        fàngsōng, [放鬆], to loosen/to relax
        fàngxià, to lay down/to put down/to let go of/to relinquish/to set aside/to lower (the bl...
        fàngkāi, [放開], to let go/to release
        shìfàng, [釋放], to release/to set free/to liberate (a prisoner)/to discharge
        fàngxīn, to feel relieved/to feel reassured/to be at ease
        fàngshǒu, to let go one's hold/to give up/to have a free hand
        fàngpì, to fart/to break wind/to talk nonsense/Utter rubbish!
        bōfàng, to broadcast/to transmit
        fàngxué, [放學], to dismiss students at the end of the school day
        kāifàng, [開放], to bloom/to open/to be open (to the public)/to open up (to the outside)/to be op...
        jiěfàng, to liberate/to emancipate/liberation/refers to the Communists' victory over the ...
        liúfàng, to exile/to banish/to deport/to float (logs) downstream
        fàngdà, to enlarge/to magnify
        fàngguò, [放過], to let off/to let slip by/to let sb get away with sth
        fàngzhú, to banish/to deport/to send into exile/to be marooned
        fàngchū, to let off/to give out
        fàngjià, to have a holiday or vacation
        fàngzòng, [放縱], to indulge/to pamper/to connive at/permissive/indulgent/self-indulgent/unrestrai...
        fàngshè, to radiate/radioactive
        fànghuǒ, to set on fire/to commit arson/to create a disturbance
        fàngshèxìng, radioactive
        fàngdàng, [放蕩], licentious/wanton/morally unrestrained
        cúnfàng, to deposit/to store/to leave in sb's care
        fàngzhì, to put
        fàngrèn, to ignore/to let alone/to indulge
        fàngzǒu, to release/to set free/to allow (a person or an animal) to go/to liberate
        fāfàng, [發放], to provide/to give/to grant
        fàngyìng, to show (a movie)/to screen
        tóufàng, to input/to throw in/to unload/to put into circulation
        bǎifàng, [擺放], to set up/to arrange/to lay out
        zhànfàng, [綻放], to blossom
        fàngfēng, [放風], to allow in fresh air/to allow a prisoner out for exercise/to give out informati...
        fàngsì, wanton/unbridled/presumptuous/impudent
        ānfàng, to lay/to place/to put in a certain place
        fàngshuǐ, to turn on the water/to let water out/to throw a game (sports)
        páifàng, emission/discharge/exhaust (gas etc)
        fàngshēng, [放聲], very loudly/at the top of one's voice
        fàngdiàn, [放電], electrical discharge/(coll.) to lure/to entice
        fàngshào, to keep watch/to do sentry duty/to be on patrol
        fàngkuān, [放寬], to relax restrictions
        bēnfàng, bold and unrestrained/untrammeled
        fàngdàjìng, [放大鏡], magnifying glass
        dàfàngyìcǎi, [大放異彩], to shine (of talents, skills, accomplishment)/to demonstrate extraordinary talen...
        fàngfēi, [放飛], to allow to fly
        fàngzàiyǎnlǐ, [放在眼裡], to pay attention to/to care about/to attach importance to
        fàngxíng, to let pass
        fàngxuè, to let blood (Chinese medicine)/to bleed/to stab sb (slang)
        fàngyǎn, to survey/to view broadly
        xiàfàng, to delegate/to decentralize/to demote a party cadre to work on the shop floor or...
        Jiěfàngjūn, [解放軍], People's Liberation Army (PRC armed forces)
        fàngyìngshì, cinema room/viewing room
        shīfàng, to fire/to discharge/to release (fireworks, smokescreen, poison gas, virus etc)
        fàngrènzìliú, to let sb do whatever they want/to indulge/to give free reins to/to let things s...
        tíngfàng, to park (a car etc)/to moor (a boat etc)/to leave sth (in a place)
        fàngzhài, [放債], to lend money (for interest)/to give credit
        fàngdàngbùjī, [放蕩不羈], wanton and unrestrained (idiom); dissolute
        fànglàng, unrestrained/dissolute/dissipated/unconventional/immoral/to debauch/to dissipate
        kāifàngxìng, [開放性], openness
线         fàngshèxiàn, [放射線], radiation/rays of radiation
        fàngmù, to graze (livestock)/to herd (livestock)
        ránfàng, to light/to set off (firecrackers etc)
        kuángfàng, wild/unrestrained
        fàngyáng, to tend a flock of sheep/to let sheep out to pasture/fig. to throw off the reins...
        duīfàng, to pile up/to stack
        fàngdài, [放貸], to provide loans
        fàngqíng, (of weather) to clear up
        háofàng, bold and unconstrained/powerful and free
        fànghuǎn, [放緩], to slow/to slow down (the pace of)
        fàngdàqì, amplifier
        jìfàng, to leave sth with sb
        fàngkōng, to relax completely/to empty one's mind/(finance) to sell short/(of a commercial...
        xīnhuānùfàng, to burst with joy (idiom)/to be over the moon/to be elated
        fàngdú, to poison/fig. to spread vicious rumors
        fànglàngxínghái, to abandon all restraint (idiom)
        fàngyǎng, [放養], to breed (livestock, fish, crops etc)/to grow/to raise
        fàngdǎn, [放膽], to act boldly
        JiěfàngZhànzhēng, [解放戰爭], War of Liberation (1945-49), after which the Communists 共產黨武裝|共产党武装 under Mao Ze...
        nùfàng, in full bloom
        fàngshèyuán, radiation source
        Jiěfàngqū, [解放區], Liberation city district/Jiefang district of Jiaozuo city 焦作市[Jiāo zuò shì], Hen...
        fàngquán, [放權], to delegate power/to decentralize
        fàngkuǎn, to lend money (as a commercial loan)
        fàngkōngpào, (lit.) to fire blank shots/(fig.) to be all talk and no action/to shoot one's mo...
        jiěfànghòu, [解放後], after liberation (i.e. after the Communist's victory)/after the establishment of...
        lùfàng, [錄放], to record and play (audio, video)
        ZhōngguóRénmínJiěfàngjūn, [中國人民解放軍], Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)
        fàngzhīsìhǎiérjiēzhǔn, [放之四海而皆準], appropriate to any place and any time (idiom); universally applicable/a panacea,...
        bǎihuāqífàng, [百花齊放], a hundred flowers bloom (idiom); let the arts have free expression
        zìyóufàngrèn, laissez-faire

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