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[鑽井] zuānjǐng to drill (e.g. for oil)
a borehole

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Word Compounds

        zuànshí, [鑽石], diamond/CL:顆|颗[kē]
        zuàn/zuān, [鑚]/[鑽], variant of 鑽|钻[zuàn], to drill/to bore/to get into/to make one's way into/to ent...
        zuàntóu, [鑽頭], drill bit
        zuānjìn, [鑽進], to get into/to dig into (studies, job etc)/to squeeze into
        zuànjiè, [鑽戒], diamond ring/CL:隻|只[zhī]
        zuānkǒng, [鑽孔], to bore a hole/to drill/drilled hole
        zuāntàn, [鑽探], drilling
        zuānjǐng, [鑽井], to drill (e.g. for oil)/a borehole
        zuānyán, [鑽研], to study meticulously/to delve into
        diànzuàn, [電鑽], electric drill
        zuānniújiǎojiān, [鑽牛角尖], lit. to penetrate into a bull's horn (idiom); fig. to waste time on an insoluble...
        zuānxīn, [鑽心], to sneak in/to infiltrate/to be piercingly painful/to be unbearable (of pain, it...
        zuānkòngzi, [鑽空子], lit. to drill a hole/to take advantage of a loophole/to exploit an advantage/to ...
        diāozuān, [刁鑽], crafty/tricky
        shǒuzuàn, [手鑽], gimlet/hand drill
        zuāntànjī, [鑽探機], drilling machine

        Jǐng/jǐng, Jing, one of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy/surname Jing, a well/CL:...
        yóujǐng, oil well
        kuàngjǐng, [礦井], a mine/a mine shaft
        jǐngjǐngyǒutiáo, [井井有條], everything clear and orderly (idiom); neat and tidy
        zuānjǐng, [鑽井], to drill (e.g. for oil)/a borehole
        luòjǐngxiàshí, to throw stones at sb who fell down a well (idiom); to hit a person who is down
        Jǐngshàng, Inoue (Japanese surname, pr. "ee-no-oo-ay")
        Sōngjǐng, Matsui (Japanese surname)
        shìjǐng, marketplace/town/the street (urban milieu)/the haunts of the common people
        bèijǐnglíxiāng, [背井離鄉], to leave one's native place, esp. against one's will (idiom)
        jǐngrányǒuxù, everything clear and in good order (idiom); neat and tidy
        tiānjǐng, courtyard/patio/veranda/atrium/acupuncture point TB0
        shuǐjǐng, (water) well
        jǐngdǐzhīwā, the frog at the bottom of the well (idiom)/fig. a person of limited outlook and ...
        dǎjǐng, to dig a well
        jǐngkǒu, entrance to mine
        zhìxùjǐngrán, in perfect order
        shùjǐng, [豎井], vertical shaft (for mining, ventilation systems etc)
        ShēnJǐng, Sham Tseng (area in Hong Kong)
        zuòjǐngguāntiān, [坐井觀天], lit. to view the sky from the bottom of a well (idiom); ignorant and narrow-mind...
        Téngjǐng, Fujii (Japanese surname)
        líxiāngbèijǐng, [離鄉背井], to leave one's homeplace (to find work, flee disaster etc)
        Xīnjǐng, Arai (Japanese surname)
        tànjǐng, test pit/exploratory shaft/test well (mineralogy)
        Shíjǐng, Ishii (Japanese surname)
        Zìliújǐng, Ziliujing district of Zigong city 自貢市|自贡市[Zì gòng shì], Sichuan

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