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Word: freq index 59760
fánghánfú overcoat
down jacket
winter wear

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Word Compounds

        fáng, to protect/to defend/to guard against/to prevent
        xiāofáng, firefighting/fire control
        fángshǒu, to defend/to protect (against)
        fángzhǐ, to prevent/to guard against/to take precautions
        yǐfángwànyī, [以防萬一], to guard against the unexpected (idiom); just in case/prepared for any eventuali...
        fángyù, [防禦], defense/to defend
        fánghù, [防護], to defend/to protect
        Guófángbù, [國防部], Defense Department/Ministry of National Defense
        fángwèi, [防衛], to defend/defensive/defense
        yùfáng, [預防], to prevent/to take precautions against/to protect/to guard against/precautionary...
线         fángxiàn, [防線], defensive line or perimeter/CL:道[dào]
        fánghuǒqiáng, [防火牆], firewall/CL:堵[dǔ]
        xiāofángduì, [消防隊], fire brigade/fire department
        guófáng, [國防], national defense
        fángbèi, [防備], to guard against
        fángfàn, [防範], to be on guard/wariness/to guard against/preventive
        dīfáng, to guard against/to be vigilant/watch you don't (slip)/also pr. [tí fáng]
        zhèngdàngfángwèi, [正當防衛], reasonable self-defense/legitimate defense
        fángdànyī, [防彈衣], bulletproof vest
        fángshuǐ, waterproof
        fánghuǒ, to protect against fire
        fángdàn, [防彈], bulletproof
        guófángbùzhǎng, [國防部長], Defense secretary/Defense Minister
        yǐfáng, (so as) to avoid/to prevent/(just) in case
        fángshàishuāng, [防曬霜], suntan lotion/sunscreen cream
        fángkōng, anti-aircraft defense
        fángkōngdòng, air-raid shelter
        fángdúmiànjù, gas mask
        xiāofángchē, [消防車], fire engine/fire truck
        fángfǔ, rotproof/antiseptic/anti-corrosion
        fángdào, [防盜], to guard against theft/anti-theft
        shèfáng, [設防], to set up defenses/to fortify
        yùfángzhēn, [預防針], immunization injection/fig. forewarning/heads-up/preventive measure
        xiāofángshuān, fire hydrant
        fángshēn, self-protection/to defend oneself
        fángfǔjì, [防腐劑], preservative/antiseptic
        biānfáng, [邊防], frontier defense
        bùfáng, to lay out a defense
        fángzhì, to prevent and cure/prevention and cure
        fángbào, to suppress a riot/riot control
        fángdòng, [防凍], antifreeze
        fánghuànyúwèirán, [防患於未然], see 防患未然[fáng huàn wèi rán]
        fángfēng, [防風], to protect from wind/fangfeng (Saposhnikovia divaricata), its root used in TCM
        jǐnfáng, [謹防], to guard against/to beware of
        fángbōdī, breakwater/seawall/fig. defensive buffer zone
        fángyùgōngshì, [防禦工事], fortification/defensive structure
        fángxiù, [防銹], rust prevention/anti-corrosion
        fánghuáliàn, [防滑鏈], snow chain (for a vehicle tire)
        gōngfáng, attack and defense/the midfield (in soccer)
        fángdàomén, [防盜門], security door
        hǎifáng, coastal defense
        fángzhèn, shockproof/to guard against earthquakes
        fángbùshèngfáng, [防不勝防], you can't guard against it (idiom)/impossible to defend effectively/not much one...
        fángdú, defense against poison/defense against poison gas/anti-narcotics measures/defens...
        fánghóng, flood control/flood prevention
        fángzāi, [防災], disaster prevention/to protect against natural disasters
        fángwù, [防務], (pertaining to) defense
        lěngbufáng, unexpectedly/suddenly/at unawares/off guard/against expectations
        kōngfáng, air force/air defense
        dīfáng, dike/embankment/levee
        fángyì, disease prevention/protection against epidemic
        yánfáng, [嚴防], to take strict precautions/on your guard
        cùbùjífáng, to be caught off guard/without warning
        fángwēidùjiàn, [防微杜漸], to nip in the bud (idiom)
        fánghánfú, overcoat/down jacket/winter wear
        wèishēngfángyì, [衛生防疫], epidemic-prevention
        huànfáng, [換防], to relieve a garrison/to change guard complement
        biānfángzhàn, [邊防站], border station/frontier post

        hánlěng, cold (climate)/frigid/very cold
        hán, cold/poor/to tremble
        shānghán, [傷寒], typhoid
        hánxuān, to exchange conventional greetings/to talk about the weather
        hánsuān, wretched/poverty-stricken/unpresentable (for clothing, gifts etc)
        hánshè, my humble home
        hándōng, wintry
        yánhán, [嚴寒], bitter cold/severe winter
        jīhánjiāopò, [飢寒交迫], beset by hunger and cold (idiom)/starving and freezing/in desperate poverty
        xīnhán, bitterly disappointed/frightened
        dǎnhán, [膽寒], to fear/to be terrified
        hánjià, winter vacation
        pínhán, [貧寒], poor/poverty-stricken/impoverished
        hánchen, [寒磣], ugly/shameful/to ridicule
        bùhánérlì, [不寒而慄], shiver all over though not cold/tremble with fear/shudder
        yùhán, [禦寒], to defend against the cold/to keep warm
        hánmáo, fine hair on the human body
        tiānhándìdòng, [天寒地凍], cold weather, frozen ground (idiom); bitterly cold
        hánqì, [寒氣], cold air
        hányì, a nip in the air/chilliness
        hánliú, cold air current/cold ocean current/cold stream
        hánchuāng, a life of strenuous studies (idiom)
        hánzhàn, [寒戰], shiver
        hánxuān, to exchange conventional greetings/to exchange pleasantries
        hánxīn, disillusioned/bitterly disappointed/terrified
        xūhánwènnuǎn, [噓寒問暖], to enquire solicitously about sb's well-being (idiom)/to pamper
        fánghánfú, overcoat/down jacket/winter wear
        hánwēi, of humble origin
        kǔhán, bitter cold
        hándài, [寒帶], polar climate
        fēnghán, [風寒], wind chill/cold weather/common cold (medicine)
        hánchán, [寒蟬], cicada in winter/fig. mournful sound
        Hánwǔjì, [寒武紀], Cambrian geological period (541-485.4 million years ago)
        qūhán, [驅寒], to warm oneself/to expel the cold (TCM)

        yīfu, clothes/CL:件[jiàn],套[tào]
        shūfu, comfortable/feeling well
        fúwù, [服務], to serve/service/CL:項|项[xiàng]
        shuōfú, [說服], to persuade/to convince/to talk sb over/Taiwan pr. [shuì fú]
        fú/fù, clothes/dress/garment/to serve (in the military, a prison sentence etc)/to obey/...
        fúzhuāng, [服裝], dress/clothing/costume/clothes/CL:身[shēn]
        zhìfú, to subdue/to check/to bring under control/(in former times) what one is allowed ...
        lǐfú, [禮服], ceremonial robe/formal attire (dinner suit, evening gown etc)
        zhēngfú, to conquer/to subdue/to vanquish
        kèfú, (try to) overcome (hardships etc)/to conquer/to put up with/to endure
        fúyòng, to take (medicine)
        fúwùyuán, [服務員], waiter/waitress/attendant/customer service personnel/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
        fúcóng, [服從], to obey (an order)/to comply/to defer
        fúwùshēng, [服務生], server (at a restaurant)
        fúwùqì, [服務器], server (computer)/CL:臺|台[tái]
        fúyì, to serve in the army/in active service
        qūfú, to surrender/to succumb/to yield/(as a transitive verb) to defeat/to prevail ove...
        pèifú, to admire
        shuōfúlì, [說服力], persuasiveness
        fúxíng, to serve a prison sentence
西         xīfú, suit/Western-style clothes (historical usage)
        fúyào, [服藥], to take medicine
        fúshì, [服飾], apparel/clothing and personal adornment
        wǎnlǐfú, [晚禮服], evening dress
        xìnfú, to have faith in/to believe in/to have confidence in/to respect
        xiàofú, school uniform
        gōngzuòfú, work clothes
        xùnfú, [馴服], to tame/tame/docile
        duìfú, [隊服], team uniform
        fúshi, to attend to/to care for (patients etc)/to look after/to wait upon/to serve/also...
        héfú, kimono/Japanese: traditional national clothing, as opposed to Western clothing 洋...
        chénfú, to acknowledge allegiance to (some regime)/to serve
        yànwěifú, swallow-tailed coat/tails
        yùndòngfú, [運動服], sportswear
        shūshufufu, comfortable/with ease
        fúbīngyì, to serve in the army
        zhéfú, to convince/to subdue/to be convinced/to be bowled over
        jǐngfú, police uniform
        fúwùtái, [服務台]/[服務臺], service desk/information desk/reception desk, service desk/information desk/rece...
        fúshū, [服輸], to concede/to admit defeat/to admit sth is wrong after insisting it is right
        fúwùfèi, [服務費], service charge/cover charge
便         biànfú, everyday clothes/informal dress/civilian clothes
        fúdú, to take poison
        sāngfú, [喪服], mourning garment
        mícǎifú, camouflage clothing
        yángfú, Western-style clothes
        fúwùyè, [服務業], service industry
        fúqì, [服氣], to be convinced/to accept
        fúsāng, [服喪], in mourning
        yǔhángfú, spacesuit
        tàikōngfú, spacesuit
        qízhuāngyìfú, [奇裝異服], bizarre dress
        fúfutiētiē, submissive/docile/obedient
        shuǐtǔbùfú, not acclimatized
        xīnfúkǒufú, to accept wholeheartedly/to embrace/to be won over
        kǒufú, to take medicine orally/oral (contraceptive etc)/to say that one is convinced
        shōufú, to subdue/to force to capitulate/to reduce to submission/to soothe
        sìfú, servo (small electric motor)/computer server
        xiángfú, to yield/to surrender
        xīnyuèchéngfú, [心悅誠服], to submit cheerfully/to accept willingly (idiom)
        tàofú, a suit (of clothes)
        fúzuì, to admit to a crime/to plead guilty
        zhìfúní, tweed cloth (used for military uniforms etc)
        shùnfú, [順服], to submit to
        shèfú, [懾服], to overawe/to be scared into submission
        bùfú, not to accept sth/to want to have sth overruled or changed/to refuse to obey or ...
        tūnfú, to swallow/to take (medicine)
        tànfú, [嘆服], (to gasp) with admiration
        fútiē, docile/obedient/appropriate/fitting/at ease/comfortable
        fúruǎn, [服軟], to admit defeat/to give in/to acknowledge a mistake/to apologize/to be amenable ...
        shòuhòufúwù, [售後服務], after-sales service
        yǔróngfú, [羽絨服], down-filled garment
        fánghánfú, overcoat/down jacket/winter wear
访         wēifúsīfǎng, [微服私訪], to mingle with the people incognito

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