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[陰冷] yīnlěng gloomy and cold

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Word Compounds

        yīnmóu, [陰謀], plot/conspiracy
        yīnyǐng, [陰影], (lit. and fig.) shadow
        Yīn/yīn, [陰]/[隂], surname Yin, overcast (weather)/cloudy/shady/Yin (the negative principle of Yin ...
        yīndào, [陰道], vagina
        yīnjīng, [陰莖], penis
        yīnàn, [陰暗], dim/dark/overcast/darkness/shadow/(fig.) dismal/gloomy/somber/murky/shadowy (sid...
        yīnxìng, [陰性], negative/feminine
        yīnxiǎn, [陰險], treacherous/sinister
        yīnyù, [陰鬱], gloomy
        guāngyīn, [光陰], time available
        yīnchén, [陰沉], gloomy
        yīnjiān, [陰間], the nether world/Hades
        yīnbù, [陰部], genitalia
        yīnyáng, [陰陽], yin and yang
        yīnànmiàn, [陰暗面], the dark side (of society etc)
        yīnmóujiā, [陰謀家], schemer/conspirator
        yīnhún, [陰魂], ghost/spirit
        yīnmái, [陰霾], haze
        yīndì, [陰蒂], clitoris
        yīnnáng, [陰囊], scrotum
        yīnsēn, [陰森], gloomy/sinister/eerie
        yīnlěng, [陰冷], gloomy and cold
        yīnhù, [陰戶], vulva
        yīnyún, [陰雲], dark cloud
        yīnróu, [陰柔], gentle and reserved/soft/feminine
        yīnliáng, [陰涼], shady
        yīntiān, [陰天], cloudy day/overcast sky
        yīnchénchén, [陰沉沉], dark (weather, mood)
        yīnlì, [陰曆], lunar calendar
        yīnyángguàiqì, [陰陽怪氣], eccentric/peculiar/mystifying
        yīnchāyángcuò, [陰差陽錯], (idiom) due to an unexpected turn of events
        shùyīn, [樹陰], shade (of a tree)
        yīnjí, [陰極], cathode/negative electrode (i.e. emitting electrons)
        huìyīn, [會陰], perineum
        yīnxiǎndúlà, [陰險毒辣], treacherous and murderous
湿         yīnshī, [陰濕], dark and moist
        yīngōng, [陰功], hidden merits
        yīnfēng, [陰風], chill wind/(fig.) evil wind
        yīnmáo, [陰毛], pubic hair
        yīncáo, [陰曹], hell/the inferno
        yángfèngyīnwéi, [陽奉陰違], outward devotion but inner opposition (idiom); to pay lip service/to agree overt...
        yīndú, [陰毒], sinister/insidious
        Yīnshān, [陰山], Yin mountains in Inner Mongolia
        yīndé, [陰德], secret virtue
        yīnlízǐ, [陰離子], negative ion/anion (physics)

        lěngjìng, [冷靜], calm/cool-headed
        Lěng/lěng, surname Leng, cold
        lěngkù, grim/unfeeling/callous
        lěngdòng, [冷凍], to freeze/to deep-freeze
        bīnglěng, ice-cold
        hánlěng, cold (climate)/frigid/very cold
        lěngmò, cold and detached towards sb/lack of regard/indifference/neglect
        Yēlùsālěng, Jerusalem
        lěngquè, [冷卻], to cool off/cooling
        Lěngzhàn/lěngzhàn/lěngzhan, [冷戰], (US-Soviet) Cold War, cold war/(fig.) strained relationship/to be barely on spea...
        lěngdàn, cold/indifferent
        lěngshuǐ, cold water/unboiled water/fig. not yet ready (of plans)
        lěngcáng, refrigeration/cold storage/to keep (food, medicine) in cold environment
        lěngxiào, to sneer/to laugh grimly/grin of dissatisfaction (bitterness, helplessness, indi...
        lěngcháorèfěng, [冷嘲熱諷], frigid irony and scorching satire (idiom); to mock and ridicule
        lěngluò, desolate/unfrequented/to treat sb coldly/to snub/to cold shoulder
        lěngqīng, cold and cheerless/fig. lonely/unfrequented
        lěngyǐn, [冷飲], cold drink
        zuòlěngbǎndèng, to hold an inconsequential job/to receive a cold reception/to be kept waiting fo...
        lěnghàn, cold sweat
        lěngqì, [冷氣], air conditioning (Tw)
        lěngcángchē, [冷藏車], refrigerated truck or wagon
        lěngmén, [冷門], a neglected branch (of arts, science, sports etc)/fig. a complete unknown who wi...
        lěngmiàn, [冷麵], grim/stern/harsh, naengmyeon (Korean dish based on cold noodles in soup)
        pōlěngshuǐ, [潑冷水], lit. to pour cold water on/fig. to dampen one's enthusiasm
        yīnlěng, [陰冷], gloomy and cold
        fālěng, [發冷], to feel a chill (as an emotional response)/to feel cold (as a clinical symptom)
        zhìlěng, refrigeration
        lěngxuèdòngwù, [冷血動物], cold-blooded animal/fig. cold-hearted person
        lěngyǎnpángguān, [冷眼旁觀], the cool eye of a bystander/a detached point of view
        xīnhuīyìlěng, discouraged/downhearted
        dùlěngdīng, (medicine) dolantin (loanword)/pethidine
        lěngpán, [冷盤], cold plate/cold meats
        lěngchǎng, [冷場], stage wait/(fig.) awkward silence
        lěngruòbīngshuāng, as cold as ice and frost (idiom, usually of woman); icy manner/frigid
        lěngquèjì, [冷卻劑], coolant
        lěngdòngkù, [冷凍庫], freezer compartment
        lěngtiān, cold weather/cold season
        lěngcángxiāng, cooler/ice chest/reefer container
        lěngqiāng, [冷槍], sniper's shot
        lěngbudīng, suddenly/by surprise
        dǎrùlěnggōng, [打入冷宮], to snub/to consign to the trash heap of history
        lěngcān, cold meal/cold food
        lěngsōusōu, [冷颼颼], chilled to the bone/(of the wind) chilly
        lěngyǎn, cool eye/fig. detached/(treating) with indifference
        lěngjùn, grave and stern
        lěngquètǎ, [冷卻塔], cooling tower
        lěngfū, to apply a cold compress
        lěngbufáng, unexpectedly/suddenly/at unawares/off guard/against expectations
        lěngcài, cold dish/cold food
        lěngyàn, [冷艷], (of a woman) beautiful but aloof
        lěngfēng, [冷鋒], cold front (meteorology)
        lěngyánlěngyǔ, [冷言冷語], sarcastic comments (idiom)/to make sarcastic comments
        lěngnuǎn, lit. daily changes of temperature/fig. well-being/sb's comfort, health, prosperi...
        chǎolěngfàn, [炒冷飯], to stir-fry leftover rice/fig. to rehash the same story/to serve up the same old...
        bàolěng, an upset (esp. in sports)/unexpected turn of events/to pull off a coup/a breakth...
        lěngyù, a cold reception/to cold-shoulder sb
        lěnglěngqīngqīng, deserted/desolate/unfrequented/cold and cheerless/lonely/in quiet isolation
        bàolěngmén, [爆冷門], an upset (esp. in sports)/unexpected turn of events/to pull off a coup/a breakth...
        lěngào, icily arrogant
        lěngjì, cold and desolate/lonely
        lěnggōng, [冷宮], (in literature and opera) a place to which a monarch banishes a wife or concubin...
        lěngyǔ, [冷語], sarcasm/sneering talk

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