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[陣痛] zhèntòng labor pains

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        yīzhènzi, [一陣子], a while/a spell/a short time/a burst
        yīzhèn, [一陣], a burst/a fit/a peal/a spell (period of time)
        zhèn, [陣], disposition of troops/wave/spate/burst/spell/short period of time/classifier for...
        zhènyíng, [陣營], group of people/camp/faction/sides in a dispute
        zhèndì, [陣地], position/front
        zhènzi, [陣子], period of time
        zhènwáng, [陣亡], to die in battle
        shàngzhèn, [上陣], to go into battle
        duìzhèn, [對陣], poised for battle/to square up for a fight
线         zhènxiàn, [陣線], a front (militant group)/line of battle/alignment (towards a political party etc...
        zhènróng, [陣容], troop arrangement/battle formation/lineup (of a sports team etc)
        jǔzhèn, [矩陣], array/matrix (math.)
        zhèntòng, [陣痛], labor pains
        zhènfēng, [陣風], gust
        zhùzhèn, [助陣], to cheer/to root for
        zhènyǔ, [陣雨], shower
        zhènliè, [陣列], (computing) array (data structure)/(hardware) array (photovoltaic cells, radio t...
        fāngzhèn, [方陣], square-shaped formation (military)/phalanx/(math.) matrix
        chōngfēngxiànzhèn, [衝鋒陷陣], to charge and break through enemy lines
        zhènshì, [陣勢], battle array/disposition of forces/situation/circumstance
        nàzhènzi, [那陣子], at that time/then
        jùshízhèn, [巨石陣], giant stone arrangement/Stonehenge
        bàizhèn, [敗陣], to be defeated on the battlefield/to be beaten in a contest
        chìbóshàngzhèn, [赤膊上陣], lit. to go into battle bare-breasted (idiom)/fig. to go all out/to come out in t...
        léizhènyǔ, [雷陣雨], thunder shower
        dízhèn, [敵陣], the enemy ranks
        diǎnzhèn, [點陣], lattice/dot matrix/bitmap
        míhúnzhèn, [迷魂陣], stratagem to trap sb/to bewitch and trap
        yāzhèn, [壓陣], to bring up the rear/to provide support/to hold the lines
        yízhèn, [疑陣], a diversion/a feint attack to mislead the enemy

        tòngkǔ, pain/suffering/painful/CL:個|个[gè]
        tòng, ache/pain/sorrow/deeply/thoroughly
        téngtòng, pain/ache/sore
        tóutòng, [頭痛], to have a headache
        bēitòng, grieved/sorrowful
        tònghèn, to detest/to loathe/to abhor
        tòngkuài, delighted/to one's heart's content/straightforward/also pr. [tòng kuai]
        zhǐtòngyào, [止痛藥], painkiller/analgesic/anodyne
        shāngtòng, [傷痛], pain (from wound)/sorrow
        tòngchǔ, pain/anguish/suffering
        tòngbùyùshēng, to be so in pain as to not want to live/to be so grieved as to wish one were dea...
        tòngdǎ, to beat sb soundly
        bìngtòng, slight illness/indisposition/ailment
        tòngkū, to cry bitterly
        tòngxīn, grieved/pained
        cǎntòng, [慘痛], bitter/painful/deeply distressed
        zhǐtòng, to relieve pain/to stop pain/analgesic
        tòngchù, [痛處], sore spot/place that hurts
        kǔtòng, pain/suffering
        zhǐtòngpiàn, painkiller
        zhèntòng, [鎮痛], analgesic/pain killer
        jùtòng, [劇痛], acute pain/sharp pain/twinge/stab/pang
        tòngshī, to suffer the painful loss of (a loved one etc)/to miss out on (an opportunity)/...
        fùtòng, bellyache/stomach pain
        suāntòng, to ache
        tòngjī, [痛擊], to deliver a punishing attack/to deal a heavy blow
        zhèntòng, [陣痛], labor pains
        chéntòng, grief/remorse/deep in sorrow/bitter (anguish)/profound (condolences)
        tòngyǐn, [痛飲], to drink one's fill
        wúguāntòngyǎng, [無關痛癢], not to affect sb/irrelevant/of no importance/insignificant
        tònggǎn, to feel deeply/acute suffering
        zhǐtòngjì, [止痛劑], an analgesic/pain killer
        tòngfēng, [痛風], gout
        xīnjiǎotòng, [心絞痛], angina
        tòngkūliútì, weeping bitter tears
        tòngjīng, [痛經], menstrual pain/dysmenorrhea
        rěntòng, to suffer/fig. reluctantly
        shénjīngtòng, [神經痛], neuralgia (medicine)
        zhèntòngjì, [鎮痛劑], painkiller/analgesic/anodyne
        tòngtongkuàikuài, immediately/without a moment's hesitation/with alacrity/firing from the hip
        shēnwùtòngjué, [深惡痛絕], to detest bitterly (idiom)/implacable hatred/to abhor/anathema
        jiǎotòng, [絞痛], sharp pain/cramp/griping pain/colic/angina, cf 心絞痛|心绞痛
        tòngmà, [痛罵], to bawl out/to reprimand severely
        yátòng, toothache
        tònggǎiqiánfēi, completely correcting one's former misdeeds (idiom); to repent past mistakes and...
        tòngxīnjíshǒu, bitter and hateful (idiom)/to grieve and lament (over sth)
        tòngxī, to lament
        bùtòngbùyǎng, [不痛不癢], lit. doesn't hurt, doesn't tickle (idiom); sth is wrong, but not quite sure what...
        āitòng, to grieve/to mourn/deep sorrow/grief
        bàotóutòngkū, [抱頭痛哭], to weep disconsolately/to cry on each other's shoulder
        yíngtóutòngjī, [迎頭痛擊], to deliver a frontal assault/to meet head-on (idiom)
        qièfūzhītòng, [切膚之痛], keenly felt pain/bitter anguish
        tòngchì, to criticize harshly/to denounce/to attack viciously
        tòngdìngsītòng, to think of the pain when the pain is gone (idiom)/to ponder about a painful exp...
        tòngkuàilínlí, joyous/hearty/spirited/incisive
        rěntònggēài, [忍痛割愛], to resign oneself to part with what one treasures
        tòngyǎng, [痛癢], pain and itch/sufferings/importance/consequence

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