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chúgēn to root out
to eliminate the roots
to cure once and for all

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        chúle, besides/apart from (... also...)/in addition to/except (for)
        chúfēi, only if (..., or otherwise, ...)/only when/only in the case that/unless
        kāichú, [開除], to expel (a member of an organization)/to fire (an employee)
        páichú, to eliminate/to remove/to exclude/to rule out
        chú, to get rid of/to remove/to exclude/to eliminate/to wipe out/to divide/except/not...
        jiěchú, to remove/to sack/to get rid of/to relieve (sb of their duties)/to free/to lift ...
        chúdiào, to eliminate
        qīngchú, to clear away/to eliminate/to get rid of
        xiāochú, to eliminate/to remove
        qiēchú, to excise/to cut out (a tumor)
        chúcǐzhīwài, apart from this/in addition to this
        shānchú, [刪除], to delete/to cancel
        chúqù, to eliminate/to remove/except for/apart from
        chāichú, to tear down/to demolish/to dismantle/to remove
        fèichú, [廢除], to abolish/to abrogate/to repeal
        chǎnchú, [剷除], to root out/to eradicate/to sweep away/to abolish
        qùchú, to remove/to dislodge
        chúwài, to exclude/not including sth (when counting or listing)/except for
        miǎnchú, to prevent/to avoid/to excuse/to exempt/to relieve/(of a debt) to remit
        zhāichú, to excise/to remove an organ
        Chúxī, lunar New Year's Eve
        kòuchú, to deduct
        chúmíng, to strike off (the rolls)/to remove from a list/to expunge/to expel
        chúchòujì, [除臭劑], deodorant
        pòchú, to eliminate/to do away with/to get rid of
        qūchú, [驅除], to drive off/to dispel/to expel
        sǎochú, [掃除], to sweep/to clean with a brush/to sweep away (often fig.)
        tīchú, to reject/to discard/to get rid of
        zhǎncǎochúgēn, [斬草除根], to cut weeds and eliminate the roots (idiom); to destroy root and branch/to elim...
        jièchú, to quit/to give up (a bad habit)
        chúyǐ, (math.) divided by
        chúcǎo, to weed
        gēnchú, to eradicate
        chúkāi, [除開], besides/except/to get rid of (sb)/(math.) to divide
        chúcǎojì, [除草劑], weed killer/herbicide
        chúfǎ, division (math.)
        chúchén, [除塵], to eliminate dust (i.e. filter out suspended particles)
        chúbàoānliáng, to root out the strong and give people peace (idiom); to rob the rich and give t...
        chèchú, to remove/to dismantle
        bìngchú, to get rid of/to dismiss
        báchú, to pull out/to remove
        géchú, to eliminate/to expel/to abolish
        gēchú, to amputate/to excise (cut out)
        zhěngchú, to divide exactly without remainder (in integer arithmetic)/exact division
        jiǎnchú, to eradicate/to exterminate
        yàodàobìngchú, [藥到病除], lit. the disease is cured the moment the medicine is taken (idiom)/fig. (of a me...
        chúshù, [除數], divisor (math.)
        chúhào, [除號], division sign (math.)
        chéngchú, to multiply and divide
        bèichúshù, [被除數], dividend
        chúgēn, to root out/to eliminate the roots/to cure once and for all
        xīnglìchúbì, [興利除弊], to promote what is useful and get rid of what is harmful (idiom)

        gēnběn, fundamental/basic/root/simply/absolutely (not)/(not) at all/CL:個|个[gè]
        gēn, root/basis/classifier for long slender objects, e.g. cigarettes, guitar strings/...
        gēnjù, [根據], according to/based on/basis/foundation/CL:個|个[gè]
        Mógēn, Morgan (name)
        Āgēntíng, Argentina
        péigēn, bacon (loanword)
        gēnyuán, origin/root (cause)
        Lǐgēn, Reagan (name)/Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), US president (1981-1989)
        Mìxiēgēnzhōu, Michigan, US state
        yàgēnr, [壓根兒], erhua variant of 壓根|压根[yà gēn]
        gēnhào, [根號], radical sign √ (math.)
        Gēběnhāgēn, Copenhagen or København, capital of Denmark
        mìnggēnzi, see 命根[mìng gēn]
        zhāgēn, to take root
        guīgēnjiédǐ, [歸根結底], in the final analysis/ultimately
        shùgēn, [樹根], tree roots
        zhǎncǎochúgēn, [斬草除根], to cut weeds and eliminate the roots (idiom); to destroy root and branch/to elim...
        páogēnwèndǐ, [刨根問底], to dig up roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth
        píngfānggēn, square root
        gēnjī, foundation
        piàogēn, ticket stub
        guīgēndàodǐ, [歸根到底], after all/in the final analysis/ultimately
        gēnshēndìgù, deep-rooted (problem etc)
        gēnchú, to eradicate
        cǎogēn, grass roots (lit. and fig.)
        cúngēn, stub
        gēnzhì, to bring under permanent control/to effect a radical cure
        huògēn, [禍根], root of the trouble/cause of the ruin
        zhuīgēn, to trace sth back to its source/to get to the bottom of sth
        HāgēnDásī, [哈根達斯], Häagen-Dazs
        Bēiěrgēn, [卑爾根], Bergen
        mìnggēn, lifeblood/the thing that one cherishes most in life/(coll.) family jewels (male ...
        gēnjùdì, [根據地], base of operations
        Gēntè, Ghent, city in Belgium
        yágēn, root of tooth
        cígēn, [詞根], radical of a compound word (in European language)
        gēnjīng, [根莖], stolon/runner/rhizome/rhizoma
        Wéitègēnsītǎn, [維特根斯坦], Wittgenstein (name)
        Xiānggēn, Hakone, city on the east coast of Japan southwest of Tokyo
        tǔgēn, ipecac
        Gǔgēnhǎimǔ, Guggenheim (name)
        kuàigēn, [塊根], root tuber/tuberous root
·         Mógēn·Fúlǐmàn, Morgan Freeman, American actor
        shégēn, back of tongue/tongue root/dorsal
        zhígēn, to take root/to establish a base
        Túlíngēn, [圖林根], Thuringia (state in Germany)
        bìnggēn, an incompletely cured illness/an old complaint/the root cause of trouble
        gēndǐ, foundation/grounding/background/what lies at the bottom of sth/root/cause
齿         chǐgēn, [齒根], root of tooth
        gēnxū, [根鬚], roots
        gēnxì, root system
        gēnjué, [根絕], to eradicate
        Gēnhé, Genhe county level city, Mongolian Gegeen-gol xot, in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hū lún...
        yèluòguīgēn, [葉落歸根], a falling leaf returns to the roots (idiom); everything has its ancestral home/I...
        chúgēn, to root out/to eliminate the roots/to cure once and for all
        qiánggēn, [牆根], foot of a wall
        yíngēn, [銀根], money market/money
        zhuīgēnwèndǐ, [追根問底], lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of s...
        ĀnZhònggēn, An Jung-geun or Ahn Joong-keun (1879-1910), Korean independence activist, famous...
        lìfānggēn, cubic root (math.)

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