除 ⇒
除了 chúle, besides/apart from (... also...)/in addition to/except (for)
除非 chúfēi, only if (..., or otherwise, ...)/only when/only in the case that/unless
开除 kāichú, [開除], to expel (a member of an organization)/to fire (an employee)
排除 páichú, to eliminate/to remove/to exclude/to rule out
除 chú, to get rid of/to remove/to exclude/to eliminate/to wipe out/to divide/except/not...
解除 jiěchú, to remove/to sack/to get rid of/to relieve (sb of their duties)/to free/to lift ...
除掉 chúdiào, to eliminate
清除 qīngchú, to clear away/to eliminate/to get rid of
消除 xiāochú, to eliminate/to remove
切除 qiēchú, to excise/to cut out (a tumor)
除此之外 chúcǐzhīwài, apart from this/in addition to this
删除 shānchú, [刪除], to delete/to cancel
除去 chúqù, to eliminate/to remove/except for/apart from
拆除 chāichú, to tear down/to demolish/to dismantle/to remove
废除 fèichú, [廢除], to abolish/to abrogate/to repeal
铲除 chǎnchú, [剷除], to root out/to eradicate/to sweep away/to abolish
去除 qùchú, to remove/to dislodge
除外 chúwài, to exclude/not including sth (when counting or listing)/except for
免除 miǎnchú, to prevent/to avoid/to excuse/to exempt/to relieve/(of a debt) to remit
除此以外 摘除 zhāichú, to excise/to remove an organ
除夕 Chúxī, lunar New Year's Eve
扣除 kòuchú, to deduct
大扫除 除名 chúmíng, to strike off (the rolls)/to remove from a list/to expunge/to expel
除臭剂 chúchòujì, [除臭劑], deodorant
破除 pòchú, to eliminate/to do away with/to get rid of
驱除 qūchú, [驅除], to drive off/to dispel/to expel
扫除 sǎochú, [掃除], to sweep/to clean with a brush/to sweep away (often fig.)
除夕夜 剔除 tīchú, to reject/to discard/to get rid of
斩草除根 zhǎncǎochúgēn, [斬草除根], to cut weeds and eliminate the roots (idiom); to destroy root and branch/to elim...
戒除 jièchú, to quit/to give up (a bad habit)
除以 chúyǐ, (math.) divided by
除草 chúcǎo, to weed
根除 gēnchú, to eradicate
除开 chúkāi, [除開], besides/except/to get rid of (sb)/(math.) to divide
除草剂 chúcǎojì, [除草劑], weed killer/herbicide
除法 chúfǎ, division (math.)
除草机 除尘 chúchén, [除塵], to eliminate dust (i.e. filter out suspended particles)
除暴安良 chúbàoānliáng, to root out the strong and give people peace (idiom); to rob the rich and give t...
撤除 chèchú, to remove/to dismantle
摒除 bìngchú, to get rid of/to dismiss
除恶 排除法 排除万难 拔除 báchú, to pull out/to remove
除却 为民除害 革除 géchú, to eliminate/to expel/to abolish
割除 gēchú, to amputate/to excise (cut out)
整除 zhěngchú, to divide exactly without remainder (in integer arithmetic)/exact division
除雪 剪除 jiǎnchú, to eradicate/to exterminate
药到病除 yàodàobìngchú, [藥到病除], lit. the disease is cured the moment the medicine is taken (idiom)/fig. (of a me...
除尘器 除数 chúshù, [除數], divisor (math.)
除非己莫为 除号 chúhào, [除號], division sign (math.)
除害 乘除 chéngchú, to multiply and divide
被除数 bèichúshù, [被除數], dividend
除根 chúgēn, to root out/to eliminate the roots/to cure once and for all
手到病除 兴利除弊 xīnglìchúbì, [興利除弊], to promote what is useful and get rid of what is harmful (idiom)
除虫菊 除锈剂
草 ⇒
草 cǎo/cào, [艸], variant of 草[cǎo], grass/straw/manuscript/draft (of a document)/careless/rough/C...
草莓 cǎoméi, strawberry/CL:顆|颗[kē]/(Tw) hickey/love bite
草坪 cǎopíng, lawn
烟草 yāncǎo, [煙草], tobacco
香草 xiāngcǎo, aromatic herb/vanilla/alternative name for Eupatorium fortunei/(fig.) loyal and ...
草地 cǎodì, lawn/meadow/sod/turf/CL:片[piàn]
草率 cǎoshuài, careless/negligent/sloppy/not serious
起草 qǐcǎo, to make a draft/to draw up (plans)
草原 cǎoyuán, grassland/prairie/CL:片[piàn]
草图 cǎotú, [草圖], a sketch/rough drawing
稻草 dàocǎo, rice straw
草药 cǎoyào, [草藥], herbal medicine
草稿 cǎogǎo, draft/outline/sketch
稻草人 dàocǎorén, scarecrow
割草机 gēcǎojī, [割草機], lawn mower (machine)
干草 gāncǎo, [乾草], hay
打草惊蛇 dǎcǎojīngshé, [打草驚蛇], lit. beat the grass to scare the snake (idiom)/fig. to inadvertently alert an en...
杂草 zácǎo, [雜草], weeds
草丛 cǎocóng, [草叢], underbrush
甘草 gāncǎo, licorice root
草包 cǎobāo, idiot/straw bag
草皮 cǎopí, turf/sward/sod
草草 cǎocǎo, carelessly/hastily
草案 cǎoàn, draft (legislation, proposal etc)
草拟 cǎonǐ, [草擬], first draft/to draw up (a first version)
野草 yěcǎo, weeds/mistress or prostitute (old)
三叶草 sānyècǎo, [三葉草], clover/trefoil
斩草除根 zhǎncǎochúgēn, [斬草除根], to cut weeds and eliminate the roots (idiom); to destroy root and branch/to elim...
麦草 药草 yàocǎo, [藥草], medicinal herb
草场 cǎochǎng, [草場], pastureland
风吹草动 花草 huācǎo, flowers and plants
除草 chúcǎo, to weed
草根 cǎogēn, grass roots (lit. and fig.)
青草 qīngcǎo, grass
除草剂 chúcǎojì, [除草劑], weed killer/herbicide
草木 cǎomù, vegetation/plants
草堆 墙头草 qiángtóucǎo, [牆頭草], sb who goes whichever way the wind blows/sb with no mind of one's own/easily swa...
嫩草 含羞草 hánxiūcǎo, mimosa/sensitive plant (that closes its leaves when touched)
除草机 食草动物 shícǎodòngwù, [食草動物], herbivore
芳草 寸草不生 cùncǎobùshēng, lit. not even a blade of grass grows (idiom)/fig. barren
草帽 cǎomào, straw hat
牧草 mùcǎo, pasture/forage grass/pasturage
烟草业 青草地 草菅人命 cǎojiānrénmìng, to have disregard for human life (idiom)
粮草 liángcǎo, [糧草], army provisions/rations and fodder
剪草机 jiǎncǎojī, [剪草機], lawnmower
草本 cǎoběn, grass/herb
草叶 草窝 草纸 cǎozhǐ, [草紙], rough straw paper/toilet paper/brown paper
草果 cǎoguǒ, black cardamom/(dialect) strawberry
草鞋 cǎoxié, straw sandals
潦草 liáocǎo, careless/slovenly/illegible (of handwriting)
草籽 水草 shuǐcǎo, water plants/habitat with water source and grass
锄草 chúcǎo, [鋤草], to hoe/to weed
草料 cǎoliào, fodder
草体 cǎotǐ, [草體], see 草書|草书[cǎo shū]
莎草 suōcǎo, coco-grass or nut sedge (Cyperus rotundus)
谷草 gǔcǎo, [穀草], straw
拔草 中草药 zhōngcǎoyào, [中草藥], Chinese herbal medicine
草屋 cǎowū, thatched hut
杂草丛生 草书 cǎoshū, [草書], grass script/cursive script (Chinese calligraphic style)
草食 草芥 草本植物 cǎoběnzhíwù, herbaceous plant
金冬草 草履虫 草草收场 cǎocǎoshōuchǎng, [草草收場], to rush to conclude a matter/to end up abruptly
鹿蹄草 草绳 草浆 草垛 草字头 人非草木 茅草屋 茅草 máocǎo, sogon grass
灯心草 dēngxīncǎo, [燈心草], rush (botany)/Juncaceae
草编 cǎobiān, [草編], straw weaving
狂草 莽草 mǎngcǎo, Chinese anise (Ilicium anisatum, a shrub with poisonous leaves)
草鸡 cǎojī, [草雞], free-range chicken/(dialect) hen/cowardly
草雏菊 野牛草 牛至草 樱草 一草一木 草棚 草海 Cǎohǎi, Caohai Lake, Guizhou
草字 草丘 草野 草酸 cǎosuān, oxalic acid CHÒ
草之海 草绿色 蛇根草 海草 hǎicǎo, seagrass
草开花 草种 芳草地