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[險阻] xiǎnzǔ dangerous and difficult (path)

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        wēixiǎn, [危險], danger/dangerous
        màoxiǎn, [冒險], to take risks/to take chances/foray/adventure
        bǎoxiǎn, [保險], insurance/to insure/safe/secure/be sure/be bound to/CL:份[fèn]
        fēngxiǎn, [風險], risk/hazard
        bǎoxiǎnxiāng, [保險箱], safe deposit box/a safe
        xiǎn, [險], danger/dangerous/rugged
        tànxiǎn, [探險], to explore/to go on an expedition/adventure
        bǎoxiǎnguì, [保險櫃], a safe/strongbox
        xiǎnjìng, [險境], critical circumstances/risky conditions/danger zone
        yīnxiǎn, [陰險], treacherous/sinister
        lìxiǎn, [歷險], to experience adventures
        jīngxiǎn, [驚險], thrilling/a thriller
寿         rénshòubǎoxiǎn, [人壽保險], life insurance
        bǎoxiǎngàng, [保險槓], car bumper
        bǎoxiǎnsī, [保險絲], fuse wire/(electrical) fuse
        xiǎnè, [險惡], dangerous/sinister/vicious
        tànxiǎnjiā, [探險家], explorer
        màoxiǎnjiā, [冒險家], adventurer
        tǐngérzǒuxiǎn, [鋌而走險], to take a risk out of desperation (idiom)
        xiǎnxiē, [險些], narrowly/almost/nearly
        bǎoxiǎndān, [保險單], insurance policy (document)
        tuōxiǎn, [脫險], to escape (danger)/to rescue/to come out alive
        shèhuìbǎoxiǎn, [社會保險], social security/abbr. to 社保
        bǎoxiǎnfèi, [保險費], insurance fee
        yùxiǎn, [遇險], to get into difficulties/to meet with danger
        huàxiǎnwéiyí, [化險為夷], to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert disaster
        jiānxiǎn, [艱險], difficult and dangerous/hardships and perils
        xiōngxiǎn, [兇險], dangerous/ruthless/treacherous
        wēixiǎnpǐn, [危險品], hazardous materials
        shèxiǎn, [涉險], to take risks/involved in adventure
寿         shòuxiǎn, [壽險], life insurance/abbr. for 人壽保險|人寿保险
        xiǎnqíng, [險情], peril/dangerous circumstance
        xiǎnjùn, [險峻], arduous/steep
        xiǎnzǔ, [險阻], dangerous and difficult (path)
        xiǎnshèng, [險勝], to win by a narrow margin/to barely win/narrow victory
        bìxiǎn, [避險], to flee from danger/to avoid danger/to minimize risk/(finance) hedge
        yǒujīngwúxiǎn, [有驚無險], to be more scared than hurt (idiom)/to get through a daunting experience without...
        jiānnánxiǎnzǔ, [艱難險阻], untold dangers and difficulties (idiom)
        yīnxiǎndúlà, [陰險毒辣], treacherous and murderous
        qiǎngxiǎn, [搶險], emergency (measures)/to react to an emergency
        xiǎnxiànghuánshēng, [險象環生], dangers spring up all around (idiom); surrounded by perils
        jiānxiǎn, [奸險], malicious/treacherous/wicked and crafty
        xiǎnyào, [險要], strategically situated and easy to defend/strategic location
        màoxiǎnzhǔyì, [冒險主義], adventurism (a left-wing error against Mao's line during the 1930s)
        xiǎnfēng, [險峰], perilous peak/the lofty heights

        zǔzhǐ, to prevent/to block
        zǔài, [阻礙], to obstruct/to hinder/to block/obstruction/hindrance
        zǔdǎng, [阻擋], to stop/to resist/to obstruct
        zǔ, to hinder/to block/to obstruct
        zǔnáo, [阻撓], to thwart/to obstruct (sth)
        zǔsè, to block/to clog
        zǔlán, [阻攔], to stop/to obstruct
        zǔduàn, [阻斷], to block/to obstruct/to intercept/to interdict
        zǔlì, resistance/drag
        zǔjī, [阻擊], to check/to stop
        shòuzǔ, blocked/obstructed/detained
        zǔgé, to separate/to cut off
        zǔzhì, [阻滯], to clog up/silted up
        zǔjié, to stop/to obstruct/to bar the way
        quànzǔ, [勸阻], to advise against/to dissuade
        xiǎnzǔ, [險阻], dangerous and difficult (path)
        fēngyǔwúzǔ, [風雨無阻], regardless of weather conditions/rain, hail or shine
        gěngzǔ, to hamper/to obstruct
        diànzǔ, [電阻], (electrical) resistance
        jiānnánxiǎnzǔ, [艱難險阻], untold dangers and difficulties (idiom)
        zǔní, damping
        lánzǔ, [攔阻], to block/to obstruct
        zǔrán, fire resistant
        zǔkàng, (electrical) impedance

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