隐 ⇒
隐藏 yǐncáng, [隱藏], to hide/to conceal/to mask/to shelter/to harbor (i.e. keep sth hidden)/to hide o...
隐瞒 yǐnmán, [隱瞞], to conceal/to hide (a taboo subject)/to cover up the truth
隐私 yǐnsī, [隱私], secrets/private business/privacy
隐形 yǐnxíng, [隱形], invisible
隐蔽 yǐnbì, [隱蔽], to conceal/to hide/covert/under cover
隐 yǐn/yìn, [隱], secret/hidden/concealed/(prefix) crypto-, to lean upon
隐秘 yǐnmì, [隱秘], secret/hidden
隐身 yǐnshēn, [隱身], to hide oneself/invisible (person or online status)
隐居 yǐnjū, [隱居], to live in seclusion
隐形眼镜 yǐnxíngyǎnjìng, [隱形眼鏡], contact lens/CL:隻|只[zhī],副[fù]
隐喻 yǐnyù, [隱喻], metaphor
隐姓埋名 yǐnxìngmáimíng, [隱姓埋名], to conceal one's identity/living incognito
隐患 yǐnhuàn, [隱患], a danger concealed within sth/hidden damage/misfortune not visible from the surf...
隐情 yǐnqíng, [隱情], sth one wishes to keep secret/ulterior motive/a subject best avoided
隐私权 yǐnsīquán, [隱私權], privacy right
隐约 yǐnyuē, [隱約], vague/faint/indistinct
隐士 yǐnshì, [隱士], hermit
隐匿 yǐnnì, [隱匿], to cover up/to hide/to conceal
隐晦 yǐnhuì, [隱晦], vague/ambiguous/veiled/obscure
隐退 yǐntuì, [隱退], to retire (from society, esp. from politics)/to vanish
隐性 yǐnxìng, [隱性], hidden/crypto-/recessive (gene)
隐隐 yǐnyǐn, [隱隱], faint/indistinct
隐含 yǐnhán, [隱含], to contain in a concealed form/to keep covered up/implicit
难言之隐 nányánzhīyǐn, [難言之隱], a hidden trouble hard to mention (idiom)/sth too embarrassing to mention/an emba...
隐忍 yǐnrěn, [隱忍], to bear patiently/to endure silently/to forbear
若隐若现 ruòyǐnruòxiàn, [若隱若現], faintly discernible (idiom)
退隐 隐没 yǐnmò, [隱沒], to vanish gradually/to disappear/to fade out
时隐时现 shíyǐnshíxiàn, [時隱時現], appearing and disappearing (idiom)/intermittently visible
隐君子 yǐnjūnzi, [隱君子], recluse/hermit/used for homophone 癮君子|瘾君子, opium addict
隐蔽所 恻隐之心 cèyǐnzhīxīn, [惻隱之心], compassion
归隐 guīyǐn, [歸隱], to go back to one's native place and live in seclusion
隐隐约约 yǐnyǐnyuēyuē, [隱隱約約], faint/distant/barely audible
隐睾症 隐讳 yǐnhuì, [隱諱], to hold back from saying precisely what is on one's mind
隐语 yǐnyǔ, [隱語], secret language/codeword
隐蔽性 显隐 隐衷 yǐnzhōng, [隱衷], a secret/sth best not told to anyone/confidential information
隐血 yǐnxuè, [隱血], occult blood (in medicine, fecal blood from internal bleeding)
隐疾 yǐnjí, [隱疾], an unmentionable illness (e.g. venereal disease)
隐现 yǐnxiàn, [隱現], glimpse (of something hidden)
隐伏 yǐnfú, [隱伏], to hide/to lie low
含 ⇒
含 hán, to keep/to contain/to suck (keep in your mouth without chewing)
含义 hányì, [含義], meaning (implicit in a phrase)/implied meaning/hidden meaning/hint/connotation
包含 bāohán, to contain/to embody/to include
含有 hányǒu, to contain/including
含量 hánliàng, content/quantity contained
含糊 hánhu, ambiguous/vague/careless/perfunctory
蕴含 yùnhán, [蘊含], to contain/to accumulate
含蓄 hánxù, to contain/to hold/(of a person or style etc) reserved/restrained/(of words, wri...
富含 含糊其辞 含意 hányì, meaning
隐含 yǐnhán, [隱含], to contain in a concealed form/to keep covered up/implicit
含羞草 hánxiūcǎo, mimosa/sensitive plant (that closes its leaves when touched)
饱含 bǎohán, [飽含], to be full of (emotion)/to brim with (love, tears etc)
含辛茹苦 hánxīnrúkǔ, to suffer every possible torment (idiom); bitter hardship/to bear one's cross
含冤 hányuān, wronged/to suffer false accusations
含泪 hánlèi, [含淚], tearful/tearfully
含混 hánhùn, vague/unclear/ambiguous
含氧量 不含糊 bùhánhu, unambiguous/unequivocal/explicit/prudent/cautious/not negligent/unafraid/unhesit...
含情脉脉 hánqíngmòmò, [含情脈脈], full of tender feelings (idiom); tender-hearted
暗含 ànhán, to imply/to suggest/to connote/implicit
含含糊糊 hánhánhúhú, (of speech) obscure/unclear/(of actions) vague/ineffectual
含羞 含笑九泉 含糊其词 hánhúqící, [含糊其詞], to equivocate/to talk evasively (idiom)
含笑 hánxiào, to have a smile on one's face
含金量 含饴弄孙 hányínòngsūn, [含飴弄孫], lit. to play with one's grandchildren while eating candy (idiom)/fig. to enjoy a...
含片 hánpiàn, lozenge/cough drop
含沙量 hánshāliàng, sand content/quantity of sediment (carried by a river)
含水量 脉脉含情 含油 hányóu, containing oil/oil-bearing