非 ⇒
非常 fēicháng, very/very much/unusual/extraordinary
除非 chúfēi, only if (..., or otherwise, ...)/only when/only in the case that/unless
非 Fēi/fēi, abbr. for 非洲[Fēi zhōu], Africa, to not be/not/wrong/incorrect/non-/un-/in-/to re...
非法 fēifǎ, illegal
并非 bìngfēi, [並非], really isn't
非洲 Fēizhōu, Africa/abbr. for 阿非利加洲[Ā fēi lì jiā Zhōu]
非得 fēiděi, (followed by a verb phrase, then – optionally – 不可, or 不行 etc) must
非凡 fēifán, out of the ordinary/unusually (good, talented etc)
是非 shìfēi, right and wrong/quarrel
并非如此 南非 Nánfēi, South Africa
非正式 fēizhèngshì, unofficial/informal
莫非 mòfēi, can it be possible that/could it be
绝非 juéfēi, [絕非], absolutely not
非人 fēirén, not the right person (literary)/inhuman
非同寻常 无非 wúfēi, [無非], only/nothing else
我非 而非 安非 面目全非 miànmùquánfēi, nothing remains the same (idiom); change beyond recognition
非官方 fēiguānfāng, unofficial
北非 BěiFēi, North Africa
若非 ruòfēi, were it not for/if not for
死于非命 sǐyúfēimìng, [死於非命], violent death (idiom); to die in a disaster/an unnatural death
非暴力 fēibàolì, nonviolent
非正常 fēizhèngcháng, abnormal/irregular
非礼 fēilǐ, [非禮], rudeness/insolence/impropriety/harassment/molestation/indecent assault
亦非 西非 XīFēi, West Africa
胡作非为 húzuòfēiwéi, [胡作非為], to run amok (idiom); to commit outrages
想入非非 xiǎngrùfēifēi, to indulge in fantasy (idiom); to let one's imagination run wild
非同一般 安非他明 ānfēitāmíng, amphetamine (loanword)
惹是生非 rěshìshēngfēi, to stir up trouble
无可厚非 wúkěhòufēi, [無可厚非], see 未可厚非[wèi kě hòu fēi]
非盈利 fēiyínglì, nonprofit
非卖品 今非昔比 jīnfēixībǐ, things are very different now (idiom)/times have changed
非同小可 fēitóngxiǎokě, extremely important/no small matter
非常规 非议 fēiyì, [非議], to criticize
心非 惹事生非 rěshìshēngfēi, variant of 惹是生非[rě shì shēng fēi]
远非 墨非 非传统 并非易事 非分之想 非线性 fēixiànxìng, [非線性], nonlinear (math.)
为非作歹 wéifēizuòdǎi, [為非作歹], to break the law and commit crimes (idiom); malefactor/evildoer/to perpetrate ou...
物是人非 wùshìrénfēi, things have remained the same, but people have changed
非典 fēidiǎn, atypical pneumonia/Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome/SARS
蔓非 似是而非 sìshìérfēi, apparently right but actually wrong; specious (idiom)
非国大 Fēiguódà, [非國大], African National Congress, ANC/abbr. for 非洲人國民大會|非洲人国民大会[Fēi zhōu rén guó mín dà...
东非 Dōngfēi, [東非], East Africa
中非 ZhōngFēi, China-Africa (relations)/Central Africa/Central African Republic
无事生非 wúshìshēngfēi, [無事生非], to make trouble out of nothing
非但 fēidàn, not only
明辨是非 míngbiànshìfēi, to distinguish right and wrong (idiom)
搬弄是非 bānnòngshìfēi, to incite a quarrel (idiom); to sow discord between people/to tell tales/to make...
非政府 fēizhèngfǔ, non-governmental
言非 答非所问 dáfēisuǒwèn, [答非所問], (idiom) to sidestep the question/to answer evasively
决非 焉知非 非理性 是是非非 痛改前非 tònggǎiqiánfēi, completely correcting one's former misdeeds (idiom); to repent past mistakes and...
非专业 和非 是非题 非此即彼 fēicǐjíbǐ, either this or that/one or the other
颠倒是非 diāndǎoshìfēi, [顛倒是非], to invert right and wrong
无可非议 wúkěfēiyì, [無可非議], irreproachable (idiom)/nothing blameworthy about it at all
非正规 非难 fēinàn, [非難], reproof/blame
是非曲直 shìfēiqūzhí, lit. right and wrong, crooked and straight (idiom); fig. merits and demerits/pro...
非亲非故 fēiqīnfēigù, [非親非故], lit. neither a relative nor a friend (idiom)/fig. unrelated to one another in an...
如非 默非 啼笑皆非 tíxiàojiēfēi, lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom)/between laughter and tears
非法所得 那非 人非 官非 guānfēi, lawsuit (from Cantonese)
索非亚 Suǒfēiyà, [索非亞], Sofia, capital of Bulgaria
非行 在非 非徒 罗非 生非 非一日之寒 非工会 混淆是非 hùnxiáoshìfēi, to confuse right and wrong (idiom)
多非 除非己莫为 非请莫入 一定非 杜非 人非草木 苏非 南非人 谁是谁非 非营利性 向非 物非 阿非 罗非鱼 拉非 丹非 非金属 fēijīnshǔ, [非金屬], nonmetal (chemistry)
非作战 可非 用非 一家非 商非 亚非 真非 白非 其非 苏得非 索非亚·劳伦 圣非 热闹非凡 左非 一方非 索非亚·杰克森 一天非 甲安非 于非 非独 fēidú, [非獨], not only/not merely
雅非 非贸易 苏达非 非分 fēifèn, improper/presumptuous/assuming/overstepping one's bounds/also written 非份[fēi fèn...
斗非 祝非 杰非 实非 爱非 儿非 鲁非 都非 厚非 模非 狗阿非 郎非 何为非 老子非 也非 罗伯特非 塔非 扫黄打非 sǎohuángdǎfēi, [掃黃打非], to eradicate pornography and illegal publications
子非 业非 学非 美非 一非
线 ⇒
线 xiàn, [綫]/[線], variant of 線|线[xiàn], thread/string/wire/line/CL:條|条[tiáo],股[gǔ],根[gēn]/(after a...
线索 xiànsuǒ, [線索], trail/clues/thread (of a story)
路线 lùxiàn, [路線], itinerary/route/political line (e.g. right revisionist road)/CL:條|条[tiáo]
无线电 wúxiàndiàn, [無線電], wireless
热线 rèxiàn, [熱線], hotline (communications link)
线路 xiànlù, [線路], line/circuit/wire/road/railway track/bus route
视线 shìxiàn, [視線], line of sight
底线 dǐxiàn, [底線], to underline/bottom line/base line (in sports)/baseline/minimum/spy/plant
光线 guāngxiàn, [光線], light ray/CL:條|条[tiáo],道[dào]/light/illumination/lighting (for a photograph)
电线 diànxiàn, [電線], wire/power cord/CL:根[gēn]
无线 wúxiàn, [無線], wireless
前线 qiánxiàn, [前線], front line/military front/workface/cutting edge
曲线 qūxiàn, [曲線], curve/curved line/indirect/in a roundabout way
直线 zhíxiàn, [直線], straight line/sharply (rise or fall)
射线 shèxiàn, [射線], ray
航线 hángxiàn, [航線], air or shipping route
电话线 diànhuàxiàn, [電話線], telephone line/telephone wire
天线 tiānxiàn, [天線], antenna/mast/connection with high-ranking officials
线条 xiàntiáo, [線條], line (in drawing, calligraphy etc)/the lines or contours of a three-dimensional ...
防线 fángxiàn, [防線], defensive line or perimeter/CL:道[dào]
内线 有线电视 yǒuxiàndiànshì, [有線電視], cable television
一线 yīxiàn, [一線], front line
战线 zhànxiàn, [戰線], battle line/battlefront/front
有线 yǒuxiàn, [有線], wired/cable (television)
接线员 jiēxiànyuán, [接線員], switchboard operator
眼线 yǎnxiàn, [眼線], informer/snitch/spy/scout/(cosmetics) eye line
海岸线 hǎiànxiàn, [海岸線], coastline/seaboard/shoreline
地平线 dìpíngxiàn, [地平線], horizon
红外线 hóngwàixiàn, [紅外線], infrared ray
警戒线 jǐngjièxiàn, [警戒線], police cordon/alert level
界线 jièxiàn, [界線], limits/bounds/dividing line
在线 zàixiàn, [在線], online
接线 jiēxiàn, [接線], wiring/to connect a wire
阵线 zhènxiàn, [陣線], a front (militant group)/line of battle/alignment (towards a political party etc...
管线 guǎnxiàn, [管線], pipeline/general term for pipes, cables etc
线圈 xiànquān, [線圈], solenoid (electrical engineering)/coil
紫外线 zǐwàixiàn, [紫外線], ultraviolet ray
毛线 máoxiàn, [毛線], knitting wool/wool yarn
电线杆 diànxiàngān/diànxiàngǎn, [電線杆]/[電線桿], electric pole/telephone pole/lamppost/CL:根[gēn], electric pole/telephone pole/la...
无线电话 wúxiàndiànhuà, [無線電話], radio telephony/wireless telephone
生产线 shēngchǎnxiàn, [生產線], assembly line/production line
专线 zhuānxiàn, [專線], special-purpose phone line or communications link/hotline/special rail line (e.g...
长线 chángxiàn, [長線], long term
线路板 路线图 lùxiàntú, [路線圖], route map/roadmap (also fig.)
弧线 húxiàn, [弧線], arc
占线 zhànxiàn, [佔線], busy (telephone line)
封锁线 fēngsuǒxiàn, [封鎖線], blockade line/CL:道[dào]
外线 wàixiàn, [外線], (military) line of troops encircling an enemy position/(telephony) outside line/...
边线 biānxiàn, [邊線], sideline/foul line
起跑线 qǐpǎoxiàn, [起跑線], the starting line (of a race)/scratch line (in a relay race)
分界线 fēnjièxiàn, [分界線], dividing line
单线 火线 Huǒxiàn/huǒxiàn, [火線], FireWire (IEEE 1394 data-transfer interface), firing line (battle)/live electric...
导线 dǎoxiàn, [導線], electrical lead
导火线 dǎohuǒxiàn, [導火線], fuse (for explosives)/(fig.) proximate cause/the last straw
红线 hóngxiàn, [紅線], red line
牵线 qiānxiàn, [牽線], to pull strings/to manipulate (a puppet)/to control from behind the scene/to med...
引线 yǐnxiàn, [引線], fuse (for an explosive device)/electrical lead/intermediary/catalyst/(dialect) s...
流水线 liúshuǐxiàn, [流水線], assembly line/(computing) pipeline
基线 jīxiàn, [基線], base (of a triangle)/base line (in geodetic survey)/horizontal
线性 xiànxìng, [線性], linear/linearity
干线 gànxiàn, [幹線], main line/trunk line
黑线 一线生机 丝线 sīxiàn, [絲線], thread/silk yarn
主线 zhǔxiàn, [主線], main line (of communication)/main thread (of a plotline or concept)/central them...
无线电波 wúxiàndiànbō, [無線電波], radio waves/wireless electric wave
牵线搭桥 针线 zhēnxiàn, [針線], needle and thread/needlework
针线活 zhēnxiànhuó, [針線活], needlework/sewing
统一战线 tǒngyīzhànxiàn, [統一戰線], united front
边境线 支线 zhīxiàn, [支線], branch line/side road/spur/fig. secondary plot (in a story)
放射线 fàngshèxiàn, [放射線], radiation/rays of radiation
拆线 chāixiàn, [拆線], to remove stitches (from a wound)
日界线 线粒体 xiànlìtǐ, [線粒體], mitochondrion
生命线 shēngmìngxiàn, [生命線], lifeline
西线 非线性 fēixiànxìng, [非線性], nonlinear (math.)
斜线 xiéxiàn, [斜線], diagonal line/slanting line/slash (punct.)/forward slash (computing)
出线 chūxiàn, [出線], (sports) to go out of bounds/to go over the line/to qualify for the next round o...
伽马射线 gāmǎshèxiàn, [伽馬射線], gamma rays
线轴 xiànzhóu, [線軸], thread spool
水平线 中线 zhōngxiàn, [中線], half-way line/median line
控制线 线头 抛物线 pāowùxiàn, [拋物線], parabola
铜线 子午线 zǐwǔxiàn, [子午線], meridian
下线 xiàxiàn, [下線], to go offline
第一线 下划线 xiàhuàxiàn, [下劃線], underscore _/underline
膛线 tángxiàn, [膛線], rifling (helical grooves inside the barrel of a gun)
横线 héngxiàn, [橫線], horizontal line/horizontal coordinate line
边界线 biānjièxiàn, [邊界線], boundary line/border line
沿线 yánxiàn, [沿線], along the line (e.g. railway)/the region near the line
纱线 shāxiàn, [紗線], yarn
总线 zǒngxiàn, [總線], computer bus
划线 huàxiàn, [劃線], to delineate/to draw a line/to underline
全线 quánxiàn, [全線], the whole front (in a war)/the whole length (of a road or railway line)
穿针引线 chuānzhēnyǐnxiàn, [穿針引線], lit. to thread a needle (idiom); fig. to act as a go-between
有线电话 轴线 zhóuxiàn, [軸線], central axis (line)
国境线 拉线 风景线 退居二线 tuìjūèrxiàn, [退居二線], to withdraw to the second line of duty/to resign from a leading post (and assume...
电源线 diànyuánxiàn, [電源線], power cable (of an appliance etc)
贫困线 对角线 duìjiǎoxiàn, [對角線], (geometry) a diagonal
无线电报 线路图 搭线 流线型 liúxiànxíng, [流線型], sleek/streamlined
安全线 死亡线 线形 线呢 双曲线 shuāngqūxiàn, [雙曲線], hyperbola
平行线 píngxíngxiàn, [平行線], parallel lines
绒线 róngxiàn, [絨線], wool/woolen thread
铁路线 tiělùxiàn, [鐵路線], railway line
环线 huánxiàn, [環線], ring road/circle line (e.g. rail or subway)
纬线 wěixiàn, [緯線], woof/line of latitude/parallel
线团 xiàntuán, [線團], ball of string
二线 虚线 xūxiàn, [虛線], dotted line/dashed line/(math.) imaginary line
传输线 chuánshūxiàn, [傳輸線], transmission line
输电线 锋线 上纲上线 shànggāngshàngxiàn, [上綱上線], to criticize (as a matter of principle)
线衣 线缆 xiànlǎn, [線纜], cable/wire/cord (computer)
输油管线 新干线 Xīngànxiàn, [新幹線], Shinkansen (Japanese high-speed train)
电力线 侧线 螺线管 luóxiànguǎn, [螺線管], solenoid/coil
北回归线 Běihuíguīxiàn, [北回歸線], Tropic of Cancer
针线包 地线 dìxiàn, [地線], earth (wire)/ground
针头线脑 zhēntóuxiànnǎo, [針頭線腦], needle and thread/sewing implements/needlework/(fig.) unimportant thing
粗线条 高压线 gāoyāxiàn, [高壓線], high tension power line
海平线 来复线 láifùxiàn, [來復線], rifling (spiral lines on inside of gun barrel imparting spin to the bullet)
南回归线 Nánhuíguīxiàn, [南回歸線], Tropic of Capricorn
宇宙射线 yǔzhòushèxiàn, [宇宙射線], cosmic ray
双绞线 shuāngjiǎoxiàn, [雙絞線], unshielded twisted pair/UTP
切线 qiēxiàn, [切線], tangent line (geometry)
线段 xiànduàn, [線段], line segment
银线 曲线图 qūxiàntú, [曲線圖], line graph/line diagram
生死线 无线电台 岸线 斑马线 bānmǎxiàn, [斑馬線], crosswalk/zebra crossing
垂直线 chuízhíxiàn, [垂直線], vertical line
变线 回归线 huíguīxiàn, [回歸線], tropic/one of the two latitude lines, Tropic of Capricorn or Tropic of Cancer
连接线 运输线 分数线 fēnshùxiàn, [分數線], horizontal line (in a fraction)/minimum passing score
主干线 zhǔgànxiàn, [主幹線], trunk line (of road, network etc)/backbone (cable)
垂线 chuíxiàn, [垂線], (math.) perpendicular line/vertical line
线装 线列 毛线针 máoxiànzhēn, [毛線針], knitting needle
棉线 miánxiàn, [棉線], cotton thread/yarn cotton
三线 接地线 羊肠线 五线谱 wǔxiànpǔ, [五線譜], (music) staff/stave
渐近线 绒线帽 线型 绒线衫 水线 麻线 装配线 zhuāngpèixiàn, [裝配線], assembly line/production line
内外线 铁道线 一针一线 前锋线 出线权 散兵线 粉线 旅游线 司线员 sīxiànyuán, [司線員], line judge (tennis etc)
隔离线 等温线 接线箱 法线 fǎxiàn, [法線], normal line to a surface
有线电 经纬线 jīngwěixiàn, [經緯線], lines of latitude and longitude/warp and woof
十字线 经线 jīngxiàn, [經線], warp/line of longitude/meridian (geography)
铁线蕨 母线 mǔxiàn, [母線], generating line/generatrix (in geometry)/bus (in electronics)/bus bar
单行线 dānxíngxiàn, [單行線], one-way road
光谱线 曲线美 准线 zhǔnxiàn, [準線], directrix line of a parabola/guide line
线手套 线板 线绳 xiànshéng, [線繩], string/cotton rope
布线图 专用线 中继线 捻线 裤线 竖线 温饱线 后防线 有线广播 国界线 guójièxiàn, [國界線], border between countries/line forming the border
捻线机 新线
性 ⇒
性 xìng, nature/character/property/quality/attribute/sexuality/sex/gender/suffix forming ...
同性恋 tóngxìngliàn, [同性戀], homosexuality/gay person/gay love
性感 xìnggǎn, sex appeal/eroticism/sexuality/sexy
女性 nǚxìng, woman/the female sex
个性 gèxìng, [個性], individuality/personality
男性 nánxìng, the male sex/a male
可能性 kěnéngxìng, possibility/probability
性爱 xìngài, [性愛], sex/lovemaking
性格 xìnggé, nature/disposition/temperament/character/CL:個|个[gè]
性命 xìngmìng, life
人性 rénxìng, human nature/humanity/human/the totality of human attributes
异性 yìxìng, [異性], the opposite sex/of the opposite sex/heterosexual/different in nature
性骚扰 xìngsāorǎo, [性騷擾], sexual harassment
本性 běnxìng, natural instincts/nature/inherent quality
性生活 xìngshēnghuó, sex life
性关系 xìngguānxi, [性關係], sexual relations/sexual contact/intercourse
性交 xìngjiāo, sexual intercourse
性行为 xìngxíngwéi, [性行為], sexual behavior
性别 xìngbié, [性別], gender/sex
理性 lǐxìng, reason/rationality/rational
阳性 yángxìng, [陽性], positive/masculine
性欲 xìngyù, [性慾], sexual desire/lust
天性 tiānxìng, nature/innate tendency
戏剧性 xìjùxìng, [戲劇性], dramatic
毒性 dúxìng, toxicity
阴性 yīnxìng, [陰性], negative/feminine
变性 biànxìng, [變性], to denature/denaturation/to have a sex change/transsexual
重要性 zhòngyàoxìng, importance
一次性 yīcìxìng, one-off (offer)/one-time/single-use/disposable (goods)
性质 xìngzhì, [性質], nature/characteristic/CL:個|个[gè]
感性 gǎnxìng, perception/perceptual/sensibility/sensitive/emotional/sentimental
同性 tóngxìng, same nature/homosexual
放射性 fàngshèxìng, radioactive
攻击性 创造性 chuàngzàoxìng, [創造性], creativeness/creativity
挑战性 性病 xìngbìng, sexually transmitted disease/venereal disease
记性 jìxing, [記性], memory (ability to retain information)
永久性 yǒngjiǔxìng, permanent
弹性 tánxìng, [彈性], flexibility/elasticity
野性 yěxìng, wild nature/unruliness
任性 rènxìng, willful/headstrong/unruly
历史性 lìshǐxìng, [歷史性], historic
急性 jíxìng, acute
标志性 biāozhìxìng, [標誌性], iconic
决定性 juédìngxìng, [決定性], decisive/conclusive
暂时性 特性 tèxìng, property/characteristic
危险性 慢性 mànxìng, slow and patient/chronic (disease)/slow to take effect (e.g. a slow poison)
雄性 xióngxìng, male
杀伤性 建设性 jiànshèxìng, [建設性], constructive/constructiveness
毁灭性 huǐmièxìng, [毀滅性], destructive/devastating
恶性 èxìng, [惡性], malignant/wicked/vicious (circle)/producing evil/rapid (decline)/runaway (inflat...
性能 xìngnéng, function/performance
娱乐性 真实性 zhēnshíxìng, [真實性], authenticity/truthfulness/veracity/reality/validity
严重性 yánzhòngxìng, [嚴重性], seriousness
性情 xìngqíng, nature/temperament
全国性 quánguóxìng, [全國性], national
耐性 nàixìng, patience/endurance
爆炸性 bàozhàxìng, explosive/fig. shocking
雌性 cíxìng, female
磁性 cíxìng, magnetic/magnetism
真性 zhēnxìng, real/the nature of sth
活性 huóxìng, (chemistry) activity/active/activated
保护性 bǎohùxìng, [保護性], protective
象征性 xiàngzhēngxìng, [象徵性], symbolic/emblem/token
实验性 母性 性子 xìngzi, temper
破坏性 pòhuàixìng, [破壞性], destructive
传染性 chuánrǎnxìng, [傳染性], infectious/epidemic
灵性 língxìng, [靈性], spiritual nature/spirituality/intelligence (esp. in animals)
兽性 shòuxìng, [獸性], brutal
血性 xuèxìng, brave/staunch/unyielding
先天性 xiāntiānxìng, congenital/intrinsic/innateness
神经性 shénjīngxìng, [神經性], neural/mental/neurological
全球性 quánqiúxìng, global/worldwide
性高潮 xìnggāocháo, orgasm/climax
无性 wúxìng, [無性], sexless/asexual (reproduction)
强制性 多样性 duōyàngxìng, [多樣性], variegation/diversity
女性化 nǚxìnghuà, to feminize/feminization
选择性 xuǎnzéxìng, [選擇性], selective/selectiveness/selectivity
安全性 ānquánxìng, security/safety
革命性 gémìngxìng, revolutionary
实质性 shízhìxìng, [實質性], substantive/substantial/material/considerable
可行性 kěxíngxìng, feasibility
两性 liǎngxìng, [兩性], male and female/both types (acid and alkaline, positive and negative etc)/(chemi...
良性 liángxìng, positive (in its effect)/leading to good consequences/virtuous/(medicine) benign...
惯性 guànxìng, [慣性], (physics) inertia/(fig.) force of habit/tendency to do things in the accustomed ...
生性 shēngxìng, natural disposition
完整性 wánzhěngxìng, integrity/completeness
艺术性 确定性 quèdìngxìng, [確定性], determinacy
烈性 lièxìng, strong/intense/spirited/virulent
急性子 jíxìngzi, impetuous person/excitable person
索性 suǒxìng, you might as well (do it)/simply/just
过敏性 guòmǐnxìng, [過敏性], hypersensitive/allergic reaction/anaphylaxis
习惯性 xíguànxìng, [習慣性], customary
争议性 zhēngyìxìng, [爭議性], controversial
水性 shuǐxìng, swimming ability/characteristics of a body of water (depth, currents etc)/aqueou...
男性化 nánxìnghuà, to masculinize/masculinization
煽动性 shāndòngxìng, [煽動性], provocative
定性 dìngxìng, to determine the nature (usually of error or crime)/to determine chemical compos...
代表性 dàibiǎoxìng, representativeness/representative/typical
悲剧性 bēijùxìng, [悲劇性], tragic
柔韧性 合理性 hélǐxìng, reason/rationality/rationale/reasonableness
启发性 隐性 yǐnxìng, [隱性], hidden/crypto-/recessive (gene)
人性化 中性 zhōngxìng, neutral
稳定性 wěndìngxìng, [穩定性], stability
观赏性 习性 xíxìng, [習性], character acquired through long habit/habits and properties
药性 国际性 guójìxìng, [國際性], international/internationalism
线性 xiànxìng, [線性], linear/linearity
酸性 suānxìng, acidity
合法性 héfǎxìng, legitimacy
连续性 liánxùxìng, [連續性], continuity
性器官 xìngqìguān, sexual organ
季节性 jìjiéxìng, [季節性], seasonal
灵活性 línghuóxìng, [靈活性], flexibility
惩罚性 chéngfáxìng, [懲罰性], punitive
功能性 gōngnéngxìng, functionality
性急 xìngjí, impatient
属性 shǔxìng, [屬性], attribute/property
复杂性 fùzáxìng, [複雜性], complexity
恶性肿瘤 èxìngzhǒngliú, [惡性腫瘤], malignant tumor
突破性 自发性 技术性 jìshùxìng, [技術性], technical/technological
组织性 准确性 zhǔnquèxìng, [準確性], accuracy
恶性循环 èxìngxúnhuán, [惡性循環], vicious circle
开放性 kāifàngxìng, [開放性], openness
可塑性 kěsùxìng, plasticity
共性 gòngxìng, overall character
传奇性 性激素 xìngjīsù, sex hormone
专业性 zhuānyèxìng, [專業性], professionalism/expertise
腐蚀性 fǔshíxìng, [腐蝕性], (lit. and fig.) corrosive/corrosiveness
遗传性 yíchuánxìng, [遺傳性], hereditary/inherited/genetic
关键性 品性 pǐnxìng, nature/characteristic/moral character
系统性 xìtǒngxìng, [系統性], systematic
独创性 dúchuàngxìng, [獨創性], innovative/ingenious/originality/ingenuity
适应性 shìyìngxìng, [適應性], adaptability/flexibility
非线性 fēixiànxìng, [非線性], nonlinear (math.)
流行性 liúxíngxìng, (of a disease) epidemic/qualities that make sth popular or fashionable
周期性 zhōuqīxìng, [週期性], periodic/periodicity (math)/cyclicity
两面性 针对性 zhēnduìxìng, [針對性], focus/direction/purpose/relevance
享受性 粘性 礼节性 主动性 战略性 zhànlüèxìng, [戰略性], strategic
可靠性 kěkàoxìng, reliability
韧性 rènxìng, [韌性], toughness
积极性 jījíxìng, [積極性], zeal/initiative/enthusiasm/activity
可信性 经常性 保密性 bǎomìxìng, secrecy
必要性 bìyàoxìng, necessity
战斗性 好性 免疫性 活性炭 huóxìngtàn, activated carbon
可比性 客观性 kèguānxìng, [客觀性], objectivity
预见性 重复性 chóngfùxìng, [重覆性], repetitive
个性化 gèxìnghuà, [個性化], to personalize/to customize/customization
世界性 政治性 zhèngzhìxìng, political
警惕性 jǐngtìxìng, vigilance/alertness
限制性 挥发性 huīfāxìng, [揮發性], volatility
依赖性 逻辑性 一致性 yīzhìxìng, consistency
极性 jíxìng, [極性], chemical polarity
正确性 食性 烈性酒 对抗性 duìkàngxìng, [對抗性], antagonistic
油性 竞争性 jìngzhēngxìng, [競爭性], competitive
前瞻性 qiánzhānxìng, farsightedness/perspicacity/prescience/forward-looking
危害性 wēihàixìng, harmfulness
临时性 两性人 秉性 bǐngxìng, innate character/natural disposition/attitude
刺激性 cìjīxìng, thrilling/exciting/stimulating/irritating/provocative/pungent/spicy
相关性 xiāngguānxìng, [相關性], correlation
学术性 有效性 yǒuxiàoxìng, validity
局限性 júxiànxìng, limitations/(medicine) localized
试探性 非理性 慢性病 mànxìngbìng, chronic disease
职业性 流动性 liúdòngxìng, [流動性], flowing/shifting/fluidity/mobility/liquidity (of funds)
单性 连贯性 突发性 性器 xìngqì, sex organ
高性能 gāoxìngnéng, high performance
持续性 综合性 zōnghéxìng, [綜合性], synthesis
诱导性 公正性 导电性 dǎodiànxìng, [導電性], conductivity (elec.)
惰性 duòxìng, inert (chemistry)/apathy/inertia/laziness
一般性 yībānxìng, general/generality
全身性 热塑性 精确性 碱性 jiǎnxìng, [鹼性], alkaline
服务性 对称性 duìchènxìng, [對稱性], symmetry
相似性 xiāngsìxìng, resemblance/similarity
侮辱性 压缩性 随机性 suíjīxìng, [隨機性], randomness/stochasticity
方向性 fāngxiàngxìng, directionality (molecular biology)
机动性 jīdòngxìng, [機動性], flexibility
性腺 xìngxiàn, gonad/sex gland
精神性 jīngshénxìng, spirituality/mental/nervous/psychogenic
可持续性 科学性 使性子 地区性 dìqūxìng, [地區性], regional/local
物性 特殊性 权威性 quánwēixìng, [權威性], authoritative/(having) authority
活动性 抗药性 kàngyàoxìng, [抗藥性], drug resistance (medicine)
偶然性 ǒuránxìng, chance/fortuity/serendipity
警觉性 性福 素性 趣味性 结构性 jiégòuxìng, [結構性], structural/structured
心性 xīnxìng, one's nature/temperament
装饰性 必然性 硬性 yìngxìng, rigid/inflexible/hard (drug)
柔性 róuxìng, flexibility
商业性 阶段性 jiēduànxìng, [階段性], specific to a particular stage (of a project etc)/interim (policy etc)/occurring...
塑性 sùxìng, plasticity
优越性 词性 cíxìng, [詞性], part of speech (noun, verb, adjective etc)/lexical category
直性子 原则性 yuánzéxìng, [原則性], principled
根本性 时效性 倾向性 qīngxiàngxìng, [傾向性], tendency/inclination/orientation
开创性 kāichuàngxìng, [開創性], innovative
忘性 wàngxìng, forgetfulness
自主性 挑逗性 tiǎodòuxìng, provocative/tantalizing/titillating
窦性 可溶性 kěróngxìng, solubility
排他性 普遍性 pǔbiànxìng, ubiquity/universality
经济性 批判性 集体性 区域性 qūyùxìng, [區域性], regional
显性 xiǎnxìng, [顯性], visible/conspicuous/phanero-/dominant (gene)
修身养性 变异性 可燃性 kěránxìng, flammable/flammability
恢复性 广泛性 灭绝人性 mièjuérénxìng, [滅絕人性], to be devoid of all humanity/inhuman/bestial
边缘性 假性 jiǎxìng, pseudo-
长期性 chángqīxìng, [長期性], long-term
独立性 性气 奴性 通性 老年性 描述性 探索性 tànsuǒxìng, exploratory
性奋 前沿性 唯一性 wéiyīxìng, uniqueness
典型性 风险性 冒险性 获得性 huòdéxìng, [獲得性], acquired (i.e. not inborn)
悟性 wùxìng, perception/wits/power of understanding/comprehension
公共性 延展性 yánzhǎnxìng, ductability
禀性 bǐngxìng, [稟性], natural disposition
掠夺性 歧视性 挑衅性 间断性 技巧性 专一性 刚性 gāngxìng, [剛性], rigidity
顽固性 劣根性 良性肿瘤 liángxìngzhǒngliú, [良性腫瘤], benign tumor
投机性 规律性 guīlǜxìng, [規律性], regular
反抗性 自觉性 脾性 黏性 niánxìng, stickiness/gluing strength/viscosity
非营利性 指导性 语言性 赢利性 文学性 体性 tǐxìng, [體性], disposition
计划性 三性 史诗性 shǐshīxìng, [史詩性], epic
统一性 tǒngyīxìng, [統一性], unity
二重性 èrchóngxìng, dualism/two sided/double nature
能动性 néngdòngxìng, [能動性], initiative/active role
反光性 欺诈性 隐蔽性 严肃性 性来 条理性 性状 xìngzhuàng, [性狀], nature (i.e. properties of sth)/character
爆裂性 吸水性 开拓性 kāituòxìng, [開拓性], pioneering/groundbreaking
性岩 社会性 shèhuìxìng, [社會性], social
情节性 可用性 性行 xìngxíng, sexual activity
可读性 参考性 珍贵性 可操作性 坚定性 jiāndìngxìng, [堅定性], firmness/steadfastness
夸张性 封闭性 fēngbìxìng, [封閉性], encapsulation
偶发性 气性 紧迫性 精密性 阶级性 迁移性 和性 随意性 表现性 鼓励性 良性瘤 功利性 德性真 现实性 操作性 公开性 窦性心 慢性子 mànxìngzi, slow-tempered/phlegmatic/a slowcoach
程序性 chéngxùxìng, program
主体性 片面性 太性 表演性 水溶性 shuǐróngxìng, soluble (in water)/solubility
实效性 或然性 延续性 完全性 威慑性 潜伏性 鼓动性 耐药性 nàiyàoxìng, [耐藥性], drug resistance/drug tolerance (medicine)
通俗性 展性 狗性来 民族性 知识性 评论性